September 1917

1 September 1917 • Saturday

Went to office but did not stay long as all the folks left & it’s so lonely in those big rooms. came over to hotel but it was lonely here so went down in lobby and talked to different people. Belle came up but I’d just gone out went to Keeley’s to dinner Belle went all over looking for me when I got back she said she thought I’d run away. we have had quite a pleasant evening. Alice Wells Smith called up to invite me Belle & her family to Mrs. [Elizabeth Snow] Ivins to a reception for Herman & Agusta. they are going south this week he is going to teach [p. 244] {p. 231}

2 September 1917 • Sunday

we were up early and went to Temple fast meeting it was a very nice meeting it lasted until after noon. then I came over to hotel we had lunch I went to 18th ward meeting Belle went to car with me. Daniel came there for me & took me down to my own home to see G. Q. new baby they were going to name her. she is quite small Daniel brought me back here Annie here [p. 245] {p. 232}

3 September 1917 • Monday

This has been quite a full day. Went up to sister Lizzie Felt’s at one. Sister Lilly [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze was to have called for me but we missed each other so I took a taxi & went up there were Mary Joe [Ayers] Young. Allie Decker Pitt Lillie Freeze Dr. Margaret Roberts I thought Ry & Zina were to be there but they were not it was a sort of spiritual meeting & quite Enjoyable in the Evening Annie Cavendish & I went up to Herman & Agusta’s reception at her father’s1 there was a big crowd and everything was very nice we were quite late going so I was late getting home Belle was there when I came in I am very tired almost too tired to rest. Belle says she will read my tired feeling away. [p. 246] {p. 233}

4 September 1917 • Tuesday

Did not get up very early noon before I was ready to go out Cavendish came up & had dinner with me Annie [p. 247] {p. 234}

5 September 1917 • Wednesday

Annie had to go very early this A.M. so I waited here to to see Belle before going to office wanted her to go down town for me. She came in about 10.30 & I went to office. Went to Z.C.M.I for lunch Mrs. Lyda A Williams came & sat with me all the time I was eating at 3 Julina came & took me to a reception at sister Holebrook [Emily Hinckley Holbrook]’s to a reception, after dinner went down in Lobby sat & talked to Mr. & Mrs. Benjiman & their 2 little girls Mrs. B. & Oldest girl came up to room with me they are from Texas. Belle <here> [p. 248] {p. 235}

6 September 1917 • Thursday

After breakfast took my time dressing Belle came over & we went to office together it was raining Board meeting this afternoon So much to do after our long vacation. Before meeting went to Z.C.M.I. with Mrs. [blank] & her little boy had lunch then took her over to the new building2 but they were doing some work so we could only go on first floor. did not come over until six P.M. Ida came with me we had dinner up stairs. then went to Sis. McCune’s had an Auto to take me Winslow [F. Smith] & Emily [Whitney] Smith brought <Ida> & me home to Hotel It was a very nice party or reception. It was for her niece Dorothy Young who was married yesterday in temple to Joseph Alma Dye. <Ida staid at night> [p. 249] {p. 236}

7 September 1917 • Friday

Ida went home at six to be there to open school called Belle but she was too sick to come up Katherine came up & made me a cup of tea. did not feel hungry so did not go to lunch. there was so much going on at office Sister McCune has a desk put in room with Clarissa so had to put big couch in big room. Margaret Caine came & spent an hour or more with me walked over here with me Belle was here. we had dinner & I went down stairs & watched the girl at news stand take money in for cigars & tobaco theres a mint of mone[y] spent for tobacco. it’s quite ammusing to watch such things. Belle here [p. 250] {p. 237}

8 September 1917 • Saturday

Rested this A.M. as Belle did not have to hurry. went to office about eleven. they all leave at noon so I went to lunch soon after then Ann Groesbeck came and to me a long Auto ride it was Tessie [Clawson Groesbeck]’s Auto there was Tessie & Ann Groesbeck Ann’s two girls Lou [A. Louise Groesbeck McCune] & Em. [Emma Groesbeck Nibley] Katie Y. Kroft [Kraft] & Winn [Winnefred] Clawson Ellerbeck they wanted to go for Belle but I knew she would not go as she had so much to do. had a fine time went to Mill Creek poned [pond] the old Neff homes.3 Katherine here [p. 251] {p. 238}

9 September 1917 • Sunday

Katherine had a meeting so had to go home early I went to meeting then went to Em’s staid all night. Tracy C. Cannon took me down [p. 252] {p. 239}

10 September 1917 • Monday

Came up about noon from Em’s. Went to office did some writing went out for lunch had some callers came over here about five sat in Lobby until Belle came then we came up & had dinner B. read until quite late from History of Green Bay Annie McDannold [Anna Stromberg McDonald] came in wants Bell & me to go up to her house soon for the afternoon [p. 253] {p. 240}

11 September 1917 • Tuesday

Just after breakfast Dr. Middleton came in he is going to Cedar City sat & talked for a short time thinks I should take a little wine every night, but I’m not going to do it. after he left I went to office. this afternon Mary S Murdock came & she staid & staid took her in to dinner she staid until Katherine came & I was so tired I could hardly stand. [p. 254] {p. 241}

12 September 1917 • Wednesday

Have been tired and nervous all day this Evening Isabella Millicent [Russell] Johnson and her niece Jennie Grey Tanner came & spent the evening had a very pleasant time had not seen Sister Johnson for such a long time. talked of her sister.4 it was very pleasa[n]t & enjoyable we had refreshments sent up and all seemed to enjoy it. after they left I had some tea & something to eat as I had had neither lunch or dinner. Belle went to Alice Wells Smith’s today. Belle here [p. 255] {p. 242}

13 September 1917 • Thursday

After Belle had gone to Temple I went to office our Board Meeting was quite long but we did not accomplish much. Yesterday Alice K. Smith invited me to go to the Mattinee with her, Tesse <G. [Groesbeck]> Ann <G. [Groesbeck]> & Elizabeth McCune, from there we went Auto riding with Sister McCune Amy was here this Evening we had dinner in the room Kathern here [p. 256] {p. 243}

14 September 1917 • Friday

Went to office quite early as Katherine had to go early, Several people came in to office Mrs. Lyda Williams is here again Lizzie C. Crismon came in & had a chat with me went to Lunch late. Annie came up letter from Mell telling me of the death of Bob [Robert C. Hillard]’s wife5 very sad. he is there in San Diego alone Verona not able to go to him as she has had a bad fall. Mell can’t leave Will [William W. Woods]. Annie & I came over here to hotel together found Belle here have just had something to eat am going down in lobby to see who is there. saw [p. 257] {p. 244}

15 September 1917 • Saturday

Went to office about noon. Belle staid until I was ready to go to lunch it’s so lonely over here when they all go away went to Ems <Will> staid [p. 258] {p. 245}

16 September 1917 • Sunday

Staid at Em’s all night came up to meeting this afternoon Belle came up but did not want to go to meeting with me this evening. it was Ensign Stake conference Susie [Susa Young Gates] came up & sat on the stand Nephi Morris said he did not see how she could he went back & sat down. We have just had supper & Belle is going to read to me. Will & Lucile[,] Richard & Amy called while I was out. Belle here [p. 259] {p. 246}

17 September 1917 • Monday

So many unpleasant things to meet when I got over to the office. they had sent sideboard & cabinet over to R.S. Home & packed the silver linen & dishes away never said a word to me. Belle said they did it as they thought I’d not feel as badly as if it was talked about so much & it had to be done but I told Jennie they might wait until I was dead I thought.6 went up stairs to a committee meeting of the choir Katherin here [p. 260] {p. 247}

18 September 1917 • Tuesday

Did about as usual this fore noon Mrs Beebe gave a party for Mrs. Ballard & daughter from Portland went up there had a very pleasant time met many people who I knew & many I did not Edna & <Joe [Joseph S. Wells]’s> Mamie came in just as I was leaving first time I’ve seen her since Joe died. Belle here when I came in We have had dinner and now we are going to settle down to read. [p. 261] {p. 248}

19 September 1917 • Wednesday

When Belle came out of the temple about eleven she went over to office with me My toe quite painful makes me miserable. Had dinner down stairs then went to Red Cross meeting Prisie Writer [Riter] presided & did fine Katherine here [p. 262] {p. 249}

20 September 1917 • Thursday

Held Board meeting this afternoon they discussed dividing the R.S. dishes & silver Ida did not come up nor did she last week Eva Williams was married at noon to day I went to the reception after. B.M.7 Walter Beatie took me over, then he took me for a ride. he was stopped just as we started down Main St by a police man. Cant understand what for not fast driving [p. 263] {p. 250}

21 September 1917 • Friday

Went over to office they had divided the dishes all the old members of the board were given some Annie Alice & I think every one I was not there told them they might wait for such things until I was gone. it makes me very blue and low spirited to have all the things changed. all my personal things put in that one little room when I’m away & never to say a word about it. it’s a shock to come in and see so many changes as there are all the time K. here <Mrs. Reese did my toe this AM> [p. 264] {p. 251}

22 September 1917 • Saturday

Saturday is always a bad day for me every one leaves the office early and I must stay there alone, or come over here & sit alone, would not look a[t] dishes fearing I’d be disappointed one thing they gave me was a soup tureen. I who have no home. said I could use it for flowers. Belle came up early we have had dinner and she has been reading since Will & Dot left they staid until after ten heavy rain storm thunder lightning & hail [p. 265] {p. 252}

23 September 1917 • Sunday

Belle stayed until quite late in morning. The day was very stormy and a heavy rain all night and most of the morning. Went to the Tabernacle in the Afternoon It was the Conf. of the Salt Lake <Ensign> Stake. Stephen L. Richards & Joseph F. Jr. were the speakers. Went down to a restaurant to din[n]er and Annie came in evening She read three stories from the American magazine. She stayed all night. [p. 266] {p. 253}

24 September 1917 • Monday

Feel pretty well this morning. Did not rise very early. Annie went over to office to get some thing for me and met Mrs Ferry & Clarissa in a meeting. Belle did not get here until near seven. we had dinner and have read the News, and part of [Alfred] Lambourne’s “Play-House”8 which is most interesting it bring in so many men & women that are gone & almost forgotten. I’m very fond of Mr. L. and his writings. raining again tonight. started to read a story “The Isalind of the Moon,” in the Family Herald. [p. 267] {p. 254}

25 September 1917 • Tuesday

Belle left quite early <11 A.M.> and word was sent me from the Bishop’s building not to Come over as there was no heat on. I stayed around the hotel all day and was very lonely Katherine came up to stay with me but was very late having to go to a Mutual meeting. rained off and on all day [p. 268] {p. 255}

26 September 1917 • Wednesday

Went over to office about noon There is no heat in building and my cold is quite bad. Belle came from temple and Annie came up later to look for numbers of Exponent for last volume. She and Jno. Q. went to Orpheum Belle stayed with me. She and I went over to the party given by the M.I.A. in honor of Bro Roberts who is going away with the soldiers. He is Chaplain in the Utah Battery. [p. 269] {p. 256}

27 September 1917 • Thursday

We had a most interesting meeting of the Genl. Board it lasted until six o’clock. We drew for the R.S. cutlery and I received 2 knives & forks two teaspoons and one large table spoon. Annie stayed at night was late in coming. I ordered dinner had tomato soup tea & rolls and it cost 90 cts besides the fee. paid it. Annie read Lambourn’s Play House through, also the evening paper. My cold is very bad mostly in the head. [p. 270] {p. 257}

28 September 1917 • Friday

Feel some better this morning Annie read paper to me and left about ten. Had a fairly good night. Did not go to office until after lunch, went to a Red Cross meeting. came over here before six Belle was here wrote a letter to Bro. Evan Stev [Stephens] put special stamp on so he will get it this A.M. Belle read the News and more of “The Island of the Moon” it’s a queer story. called up to see how J. [John] Q. was. [p. 271] {p. 258}

29 September 1917 • Saturday

Beautiful morning. Am quite tired but my cold is better, had a good night. Katharine came up in the evening and staid with me all night. [p. 272] {p. 259}

30 September 1917 • Sunday

Katharine went over to the temple with me in the morning and after the fast meeting I went down to Em’s in Bro. Galliger’s auto.9 It was Em’s wedding day We had a very nice dinner and afternoon and I staid all night. My cold is quite bad and I had a very uncomfortable night with my throat troubling me. [p. 273] {p. 260}

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September 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 17, 2025


  1. [1]Anthony W. Ivins. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 192A–192B; 1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 273A.)

  2. [2]Probably the Church Administration Building. (See EBW, Diary, 13 Mar. 1917.)

  3. [3]John Neff and his wife Mary Barr Neff settled in the Millcreek area in the Salt Lake Valley in 1848, where he built a gristmill with a pond. His descendants continued farming there and later constructed substantial homes. The Neffs sold the mill and pond by the end of the century. In 1905, the “Silver Queen,” Susanna B. Emery Holmes, built a summer home called “Oakwood” with landscaped grounds in the same area. This residential area with its small farms remained associated with the Neff families and their original mill and pond. (“Evergreen Avenue Historic District,” National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, 4 Jan. 2007, Utah National Register Collection, National Parks Service, available at

  4. [4]Probably Mary Russell Gray. (1850 U.S. Census, District 75, Ray County, Missouri, 301[B]–302[A]; “Mrs. Gray Is Dead,” Salt Lake Herald, 22 Nov. 1905, 5.)

  5. [5]Donna Kyes Hillard. (Robert Cushing Hillard and Donna Muriel Kyes, Marriage Certificate, 3 Mar. 1915.)

  6. [6]To accommodate “some changes. . . to be made at Headquarters,” including expanding office space, Elizabeth Cain Crismon of the finance committee proposed that the board dispose of the dining room set and distribute dishes and silverware to board members. The linens were kept for use at receptions. EBW attended the meetings at which these changes were proposed, but action seemed to have been taken too rapidly for her satisfaction. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 6 and 20 Sept. 1917, 158–159, 173; EBW, Diary, 20, 21, and 27 Sept. 1917.)

  7. [7]Board meeting.

  8. [8]Lambourne, A Play-House.

  9. [9]Perhaps John Gallacher. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 53A.)