June 1892

1 June 1892 • Wednesday

<Barry went with me to the Boat– Newark for Oakland>

Today Sister Kimball is ill, she looks frightfully bad and cannot keep up. The Porter says he can’t make up a berth for her and so she reclines in the seats of the Pullman which is very unpleasant. The car is very full every berth upper and lower are <is> occupied and there are several children, the dust is not so bad however as when going over, so we are blest in that. Brigham Young’s birthday anniversary and the children celebrate it all over Utah with pic’nics and in various ways. It is a pretty custom and serves to keep his honored name in remembrance. Towards evening Sister Kimball feels better. Mr. & Mrs. MacCallum of Montana, are near us and pleasant people– [p. 153] {p. 178}

2 June 1892 • Thursday

This morning had to get up very early to have our berths made up, between 4 & 5 A.M. as we were to reach Ogden at 6–15– arriving there I took a gurney and drove up to Annie’s where I had breakfast and then came down on the train home at 8 o’clock. John Q. came down too; he is quite ill not fit to be out of bed. I found the Illinois Press people with J. M. Page the Cor. Sec’y1 and also some Indiana & Michigan people of the press coming down in the same train of cars, so I had to see some of the Committee and find out what could be done as they were not expected until night– arranged for an organ recital in the Tabernacle & tickets to go on the Temple. After [p. 154] {p. 179} leaving the Temple grounds a party of them called upon me as many as could sit in the Office, and another large party had been in earlier.

3 June 1892 • Friday

Today the 3rd is very cold and unpleasant Aunt Zina and Sister Smith have been in and we have talked over some matters pertaining to the Relief Society, and have decided to put off the book for a time. Sister Horne came to welcome me home and with so many coming and going, with talking and explaining I have not accomplished what I ought to have done with the work in hand. Indeed life seems far too short for what we have to do, and very unsatisfactory. [p. 155] {p. 180}

4 June 1892 • Saturday

Today seems more than full of work, copy to be got ready & papers to mail & people to see and all to be crowded together & my head aching and throbbing fearfully– Belle came in & stayed quite a while– Hannah Wells & Lydia Ann called & several old friends interested in me and the journey I had taken. The day is quite cool almost need a fire, how many dreadful things are happening in the world & how free we are here in Utah from these calamities. Dot is going to represent a Greek girl in the Kirmess2 to be given soon in the Exposition Building in the interest of the Pioneer Library of the Territory. Tonight I have managed to write a birthday letter to Daisie, and I do hope she will be pleased with it [p. 156] {p. 181}

5 June 1892 • Sunday

This is Daisie’s birthday, how strange it seems that she should be 24 years old. So it goes we are growing old– some of us fast indeed. I went off to Ogden to see my dear ones and while there Mr. & Mrs. Barton called. I dined with Annie & the children– fine dinner and ice-cream for desert home-made– Came down on 6 o’clock train and went direct to the Tabernacle. It was the Y.M.M.I.A. Conference and after the usual exercises Apostle F. [Francis] M. Lyman spoke upon the Proprieties of Prayer followed by Mrs. Soloman [Clara Thatcher] Thatcher on the World’s Fair. She is a graceful woman & an eloquent speaker. In the stand were Mrs. [Harriet Thatcher] Preston Miss [Margaret] Keogh Mrs. Luna [Eunice Young] Thatcher, Mrs. Salisbury and one or two more. [p. 157] {p. 182}

6 June 1892 • Monday

This morning Mary A. Freeze came in to speak of her visit to San Juan etc. while here Mr. & Mrs. [Hyrum G. and Lydia Coombs] Penniman of Wisconsin called, and I went with them to the President’s office and introduced them to Pres. Woodruff and to Pres. Cannon– afterwards several sisters from the country came & Sister Howard among the rest she has been to San Juan. About three o’clock I had a telephone message from Mrs. Salisbury saying that Mrs. Solomon Thatcher of Chicago was to be there and asking me to come up– I hurried off but was very late and just in time to be introduced and ride back in the carriage with herself and Mrs. Mc’Cormick [Hannah Keogh McCornick] and Miss Keogh– to the residence on the hill top and get the veiw of the [p. 158] {p. 183} city from that point, then to Bishop Preston’s where Mrs. Thatcher was the guest– then the ladies brought me home.

7 June 1892 • Tuesday

This has been another tiresome day, work and talk. Y.L. Conference, lots of strangers etc. Aunt Zina has been in to talk of a house for the Des. Hospital. Sister Sarah G. Richards3 died about 3 o’clock today in her ninetieth year, she was born Dec. 26. 1802 in Monmouth England a refined and cultured woman; Lucile has been helping me, and Eugene came to take the papers to mail. I wrote to Mrs. [Alice Cary] Waterman4 of San Francisco tonight. The Kirmess begins tonight Dot represents a Greek goddess her costume is exquisite, I ache so it is all I can do to keep up and do my work weather lovely– moonlight nights [p. 159] {p. 184}

8 June 1892 • Wednesday

This morning I was not able to get up but at last I succeeded and commenced my regular routine– Sister Howard came with the account of her journey and kept me busy half the day. Aunt Zina went to Logan this morning and Sterling [Williams] is to go home to Canada, he has graduated from the L.D.S. College and will teach up there. Belle has been in and Ort with the same sort of sentiment in regard to appreciation etc. He is keeping up better with his work however– I went up to Sister Richards at evening saw Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards] & Levi [W. Richards] & the children and heard of her peaceful death. Dot has gone to Capt. Willard Young’s to a party tonight– I came home about ten and here I am alone trying to finish up some of my newspaper work [p. 160] {p. 185}

9 June 1892 • Thursday

Today has been a little disagreeable and I was hindered from going up to see Sister Richards as I had intended but I made ready and went to the funeral at 2 p.m. It was a very nice funeral indeed and very satisfactory– Samuel Richards was the first speaker after him Angus M. Cannon Joseph F. Smith and Joseth [Joseph] E. Taylor. She was a woman of most remarkable mental and spiritual gifts and of faith and attainments and her funeral was in every respect a tribute to her memory– I saw that evey thing was as she would have wished it had she been present– rode up to the grave yard with Chloe Eldrealge [Redfield Eldredge] and felt rather embarrassed [p. 161] {p. 186}

10 June 1892 • Friday

Just one month ago today since May had a son bo[r]n to her Murray Wells Whitney and I have not seen him cannot get up there Belle & I went up to see Helen today. she is very ill and looks awful– I have tried to get my work along so I could go away without hindering my paper but it seems more than I can do– this evening I have written and corrected proofs and tried to get things into shape to leave. The Kirmess this week is keeping Dot busy– Lucile has been helping me, it has been very rainy weather. [p. 162] {p. 187}

11 June 1892 • Saturday

Rose early and had a cup of tea and started off to catch the train, Sister B. W. Smith was my companion, we got on very well reached the half-way house carriage in waiting, drove to Grantsville 12 miles, went direct to the meeting house, where we both spoke went to Br. Charles Anderson’s to dinner, several sisters went with us. Afternoon meeting addressed the people again, a much fuller meeting– went back to Sister [Ellen Akerberg] Anderson’s had a fine supper and some music on the piano, then to the Young Ladies Conference quite a good audience of boys and girls, some of them seemed very intelligent and we enjoyed the preach speaking & programme [p. 163] {p. 188}

12 June 1892 • Sunday

Rose early damp morning went to the Sunday School and addressed the children both Sister Smith and myself– at noon we went to Br. Roett [Aroet L.] Hale’s he is an old Mormon from the days of Jos. Smith, told us many interesting things about his early recollections went back to afternoon meeting– Relief Society Conference renewed, We both had to occupy a part of the time. started for the train when meeting was over drove to Garfield about 16 miles, then home on halting train very damp & cold weather [p. 164] {p. 189}

13 June 1892 • Monday

Rose very late though I had worked until three A.M. before retiring made everything ready corrected proofs etc. so I could go to Brigham City and succeeded in reaching the depot to catch the 1/2 past 3. train had a pleasant ride on the cars. Evan Stephens was going to Willard & we talked of music etc. Ricy [Howell] Jones came to meet me and took me in his buggy to Br. Peter Madsen’s and found Aunt Zina there she had arrived from Logan previously. We had tea and tickets to the Primary Concert in the Opera House a fine performance by the children, slept with Aunt Zina at Br. Madsen’s [p. 165] {p. 190}

14 June 1892 • Tuesday

wea. fine & rainy

This morning we made ready and went to the Tabernacle to the Quarterly Conference of the Relief Society. Lorenzo Snow President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was in the stand before our arrival– he was very cordial and wanted us to feel quite at home Sister Zina and I both spoke in the Vestry at noon time we had refreshments and plenty of strawberries, a great number of the sisters from the settlements in the county were there. In the afternoon Sister S. M. Kimball and Lillie Freeze each spoke also Aunt Zina and myself when Br. Snow was speaking I had to. come away came home very tired indeed [p. 166] {p. 191}

15 June 1892 • Wednesday

wea. rainy

This morning felt so weary as last night after my return home I had to read all my second proofs for the paper– Lucile came and while trying to make me a cup of tea on the alcohol lamp it took fire and I jumped up and thr[e]w a piece of carpet over it and the blaze caught me in the face and burned me a little, it was a sort of nervous shock. I have not been very well all day, and feel more upset tonight here alone. I have written several letters and tried to do some work left over from other days, could not rest in my mind because of my over exertion and worry. Emma was here and coughed fearfully wrote to Mrs. [Harriette R.] Shattuck, [Alice Stone] Blackwell [Jane Cussons] Birkbeck and others. [Clara Bewick] Colby5 for one– [p. 167] {p. 192}

16 June 1892 • Thursday

I rose early though I felt miserable and went over to the Des. News Office to see after corrections on the paper. Had callers early in the day and could not eat my breakfast– Miss Brown came & Dr. Shipp, and Ort– and Susie Gates, who left today for Harvard College to take a summer course in literature and in rhetoric etc.6 Ada Dwyer came to call this evening with her mother7 and Margie [Margaret Dwyer], she looks very charming and has the air of a professional actress– Sep has written an article for the Des. News about advertising our young girls in Syndicate plate matter– the Democrats of Utah left on a special train for Chicago tonight half past six– [Charles W.] Penrose has gone with the party– Alfales Young is one of the crowd– [p. 168] {p. 193}

17 June 1892 • Friday

Today I was not feeling well at all and rose rather late, Ort was here early and Aunt Zina also Tina [Attena] Bates[,] Sterling’s betrothed, There were a number of sisters came in on business– and I had hard work to get to the meeting, but at last succeeded in going, I spoke a short time on our Relief Society work– the advantages the love and charity increasing etc. Brent had a party today for his birthday, which will be on the 19th of June– 32 children. Louise & Margaret came down. Sister [J.] Fewson Smith [Christiana Vernon] had the memorial day for Sister King celebrated at her house. There were present Sisters Horne, Kimball, Howard Mc’Farlane, [Louisa King] Spencer, [Mary Elizabeth] Cook, Howe, [Margaret Anderson] Alford, [Emily Hill] Woodmansee Richards, Wells & herself– each one had a card with a [p. 169] verse of psalm written upon it and a bunch of flowers tied with white ribbon we had a delightful time. [p. 169] {p. 194}

18 June 1892 • Saturday

This morning lay in bed late and tried to get to meeting but so many came in and hindered me, and in the afternoon I went to the Primary Conference, the Assembly Hall was pretty well filled and the children did beautifully in reciting and singing. I spoke about 20 minutes to them. At the close of the meeting Sister [Mary Alice Cannon] Lambert was taken very ill, and while the sisters administered to her I ran after George [C. Lambert] her son to come At evening I wrote to Mell and Sopry [Sophy] Valentine and sat here until very late went up to Belle’s awhile to see her before she left for San Francisco– [p. 170] {p. 195}

19 June 1892 • Sunday

I tried to finish up some work this morning and get a bath and rest myself a little and then go off to Ogden I went on the 5 o’clock train and found all well up there, had a visit with Annie and the children, everything in green and roses blooming children gay and happy– Exhibitions coming off this week, for Louise & Q. and Margaret starting in the kindergarten with May [Mary] Earl as teacher– how strange it seems for three of Annie’s children to be old enough to go to school. Melvin [D.] Wells and Lillie [Ann Elizabeth] Young are to be married this week and Emeline [Young Wells] is going to Logan with them to be married. [p. 171] {p. 196}

20 June 1892 • Monday

Rose early and came away to catch the 8. o’clock train. John Q. with me, came home about nine o’clock. had a letter from Verona in San Francisco at Baldwin Hotel– Went to Hospital meeting and called at Dr. Barney’s on her & Mr. & Mrs. Penniman– Kate has been in and also Edna [Wells], Aunt Zina, Sarah M. Kimball and Sister Cooen [Jane Stoner Cowan] who brought me a lovely lot of flowers–8 news from Chicago of the Democratic convention good in favor of Cleveland, the Tuscaroras9 beaten and our delegates triumphant– I am very weary and can scarcely keep up– Have had many callers and been trying hard to get thro’ my work– [p. 172] {p. 197}

21 June 1892 • Tuesday

Today Aunt Zina is sick and sent word she could not go to Nephi to the Conference so I sent and engaged Sister Smith when she came back from Brighton where she had been with Sister Horne attending a meeting. She is quite willing to go and that is a comfort Have rec’d Verona’s baby’s picture Barrymore Cushing [Robert Cushing Hillard] he is named– such a fine boy. Emmie [Sears] is here helping me with the office work, she is very good help indeed. I am preparing copy for the week so I can go to Payson Nephi to attend Conference, have been invited to Sanpete but could not go to both. Always enjoy seeing Sister Pitchforth and family [p. 173] {p. 198}

22 June 1892 • Wednesday

<Nelvin [Melvin] D. Wells & Lillie Young married today> Have tried to get ready made every effort possible Sisters M. Y. [Maria Young] Dougall & Phebe Beattiee have been to see me Received a dispatch from Nephi saying Aunt Zina was there felt so astonished; could not understand it any way in the world it did seem so ridiculous, but felt Sister Smith should go any way, as she has a brother [Jacob G. Bigler] there. She came over and we went away together, did not tell her about Aunt Zina until we were on the train & then we laughed over it arrived safe just after eight– [p. 174] {p. 199}

23 June 1892 • Thursday

Sister Smith went to her brothers to sleep and I stayed at Sister Pitchforths with Aunt Zina, slept well enjoyed it very much, nice cool room and very quiet. This morning went to the Tabernacle, Spoke each of us, very good meeting, it is not only Relief Society Conference but the anniversary of their organization 24 years ago. Pres. [William] Paxman & Counselor [Charles] Sperry were both present also Patriarch Bigler. We had meeting in the afternoon at which we all spoke again, after meeting there was some company at Sister Pitchforths the rooms full had supper & ice-cream then Aunt Zina and I went to Wm. [A. C.] Bryan’s, saw his new bride10 & the babe11 of his former wife12 [p. 175] {p. 200}

24 June 1892 • Friday

Sister [Eliza May] Udall took us to see an underground woman neither of us knew her at all– This morning the Primary children had their Conference and we enjoyed the exercises of the little folks very much Sister [Sarah Taylor] Easthope formerly of Bountiful who lives at Juab sung for the company she has a fine voice, she sung “My Valley Home” by Evan Stephens. In the Afternoon was the Conference of the Y.L.M.I.A. a very excellent programme. After meeting we went to Sister [Sarah Humphrey] Love’s and dined 13 at table. Mesdames Young, Smith, Bigler, Pitchforth, Wells, Br. Bigler, Neff, Kendall, Adams, Paxman, Jones,13

Suffrage meeting in the evening then went to Sister Nellie [Ellen Firkin] Goldsbrough to stay all night [p. 176] {p. 201}

25 June 1892 • Saturday

Left Nephi at 5 o’clock Br. [Henry] Goldsbrough took us to the train and then Aunt Zina stopped off at Springville, and we came on home. Pres. Angus M. Cannon got on the train at the point of the mountain and he told us Sister [Sarah Gillett] Groo was dead, we were greatly shocked by the news. She died on the 22nd and was buried on the 24th,14 when we got in I went on the Northern train and spoke to Annie who was on her way home from the reception at Dr. [Seymour B.] Young’s, given in honor of the marriage of their daughter Lillie to Melvin Wells. The wives of his father15 presented them with a set of coffee spoons solid silver the girls a china tea set and many other presents were given [p. 177] {p. 202}

26 June 1892 • Sunday

Have been in bed late this morning trying to rest & have written many letters yesterday and today– wrote to Sallie Joy [Douglass] White Minna16 V. Lewis, Eliza D. Keith and some friends in the Territory. Went up to Belle’s to dinner, then came home and wrote again, the day has been quite sultry and almost unbearable. Sister Amelia [Folsom] Young who has recently returned from Europe came to see me and we had quite a visit, she seems in good spirits, and pleased with her continental tour– wrote until quite late– wrote in Sister Fewson Smiths album [p. 178] {p. 203}

27 June 1892 • Monday

This is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Jos. & Hyrum Smith, a day long to be remembered in Israel. Everything is very quiet– [Grover] Cleveland’s nomination has passed off without much eclat. It was quite a positive matter– and all the party seem well suited even better than the Republicans were I have had a number of strangers today and been somewhat interested in them. Miss [Tena] Bates called in the evening and told me that Aunt Zina had come home. Sister Horne called to ascertain if I was going to Mill Creek tomorrow Sister Howard was in and we were writing of her journey I have had some good letters today– [p. 179] {p. 204}

28 June 1892 • Tuesday

Today has been very hot I went to get my photo– in view of a steel engraving for the History of Utah, afterwards called at Mrs. Salisbury’s, found she was out. came home and went to my writing, in view of getting ready to go to the Old Folks Excursion for which I had complimentary ticket on account of the paper. I had several callers and in the evening sat alone here in my own parlor working away with all my might to finish up copy enough and get off some letters and things of that sort so as to get even with my work. There seems no cessation to the strain upon my nervous system– [p. 180] {p. 205}

29 June 1892 • Wednesday

This morning got off early to go to the train and arrived in time, to join with the choir in singing through the cars. It was a larger company than ever before and a longer trip, to Payson, 17 cars and 1,000 old people over 70 years old. We had a pleasant time there, and all passed off agreeably. Gov. [Arthur Lloyd] Thomas was with the crowd and President Angus M. Cannon– We had a fine dinner prepared by the people of Payson etc.17 On the way home the lightning was very strong and a storm seemed to hang over Payson. Elise was here when I came I was so weary I had to go to bed immediately, could not keep up any longer. [p. 181] {p. 206}

30 June 1892 • Thursday

<Septimus & Belle came this morning from San Francisco>

wea. (hot

Today is the last day of June and tonight will be the meeting of the Press Club– I have had so much to do to day and really it seemed not possible to get the room in readiness, the News boys from press room came in and moved out parlor stove, and Belle helped me hang the Chromo18 over the mantel, Mr. [J. H. E.] Webster came in with proofs of my picture and such a confusion, but at last settled down I went out and purchased things for refreshments, and towards the time Sister [Emily Bush] Spencer & daughter Julia [Spencer] Woodruff came in and at last all the others, we expected, had quite a nice evening Elise came to help me and stayed all night. [p. 182] {p. 207}

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June 1892, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1892/1892-06


  1. [1]Mr. J. M. Page of Jerseyville, Illinois, editor of the Democrat, was corresponding secretary of the National Editorial Association, the convention of which EBW had just attended. (“Men and Women We Met,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1892, 20:180.)

  2. [2]The Kermess, Kirmess, or Kermis, literally a church mass, refers to a town festival with feasting, dancing, and parades. (See Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, s.v. “Kermess, Kirmess, Kermis,” 4:3276.)

  3. [3]“Sarah G. Richards,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1892, 21:4; Lula Greene Richards, “Sarah Griffith Richards,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1892, 21:13.

  4. [4]Alice Carey Waterman served on the board of managers for the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association in San Francisco. She was among the women attending the National Editorial Association convention in May 1892. (Thirteenth Annual Report of the Golden Gate Kindergarten Association, 45; “Men and Women We Met,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1892, 20:180.)

  5. [5]Harriette R. Shattuck and Alice Stone Blackwell were women’s rights advocates in Boston. Shattuck was author of the Woman’s Manual of Parliamentary Law (1891). Blackwell helped her parents publish the Woman’s Journal. Clara B. Colby participated in the women’s movement in Washington, DC. Jane Cussons Birkbeck was a longtime friend residing in Cedar City, Utah Territory. (“Shattuck, Harriette R., 1850–1937,” Social Networks and Archival Context; Croly, History of the Woman’s Club Movement, 602; Ryan, Torch Bearer, 10–12, 20; Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Alice Stone Blackwell,” last modified 8 Mar. 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alice-Stone-Blackwell; Brown, Democratic Ideals, 32–33; 1880 U.S. Census, Cedar City, Utah Territory, 374A.)

  6. [6]“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1892, 21:4.

  7. [7]Sarah Ann Hammer Dwyer.

  8. [8]EBW acknowledged the gift of flowers from “Minnie Christenson, Jane Cowen, Betsy Glover, James Dwyer, and some from unknown sources.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1892, 21:4.) Elsewhere in her entries, EBW spells the name “Cowan.” (See EBW, Diary, 15 Apr. and 14 May 1891; 21 Feb. 1894.)

  9. [9]Tuscaroras was a political group within the Democratic Party that competed for the Utah seats at the Democratic convention. (Whitney, History of Utah, 4:540.)

  10. [10]Anna Rolfson Bryan.

  11. [11]Mary B. Bryan.

  12. [12]Elizabeth Parkes Bryan.

  13. [13]Those attending the dinner likely included Zina D. H. Young, Bathsheba W. Smith, Amy Chase Bigler, Mary Mitchell Pitchforth, E. B. Wells, Jacob G. Bigler, Mary Love Neff, Elizabeth Silcox Kendall, Charlotte Evans Adams, Katherine Love Paxman, and Hannah Pendlebury Jones.

  14. [14]“A Good Woman Gone to Rest,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1892, 21:13; Hattie A. Woolley, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Aug. 1892, 21:21.

  15. [15]Daniel H. Wells.

  16. [16]text: The original may say “Mima”.

  17. [17]“Questions of Interest,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1892, 21:4; “Old Folks’ Gala Day,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1892, 21:12–13.

  18. [18]Abbreviation for chromolithograph, a colored print produced by chromolithography.