June 1897

1 June 1897 • Tuesday

This morning I finished copying my poem Ode To The Pioneers, and went up as soon as possible then to the Post Office and mailed it, had it sent by special delivery. I wish with all my heart I had tried during the Winter or as soon as I knew of the prize, then I might have succeeded may be.1 Went direct to the Lion House & found some few had come, but not nearly all. Amelia F. [Folsom] Young was there, she had just returned from the East– she looks much improved and was handsomely dressed. Aunt Zina was there looking well– Lucy B. [Bigelow Young] Emily P. [Partridge Young] Harriet B. [Barney Young] Twiss [Naamah Carter Twiss Young]– Eliza B. [Burgess Young] President Snow Joseph F. Smith Brigham Young the Apostle. The afternoon was interesting with appropriate exercises– came down to Belle’s and brought Emmie a Bohemian vase– then to June [Junius F. Wells]’s to his birthday party– a very elaborate affair, came home in a carriage at 2. A.M. [p. 184] {p. 75}

2 June 1897 • Wednesday

<President Geo. Q. Cannon came home today from the East.> It poured with rain last night when we drove down came on 5th. East St. and the way did seem very long. It was dismal here when I came in but I was soon in bed. This morning I was late going up town went to Annie’s on my way and stayed to lunch– then up to the office and dragged thro’ the day. Good news from Apostle Grant At evening Elise came up to help me– Susa [Young Gates] came to see me and we went out to dinner together. Wrote to Mrs. [Maria Lewis] Manchester of Providence Rhode Island today and to some others. I was not feeling well at all and for a short time felt so much exhausted– I could scarcely keep up– at evening came home late and read in new Magazines. In the “Bookman” June in a letter from N. P. Willis to Edgar A. Poe he says “Private letters are the last ounce [p. 185] {p. 76} that breaks the camel’s back of a literary man.”

3 June 1897 • Thursday

This morning I rose early for me. My roses are lovely and I have some carnations white ones, all my place seems so sweet to me in the morning. I found on my arrival at the office only common place letters Zine [Zina Smoot] Whitney and baby Albert Owen [Whitney] came down to Belles & Annie’s today. I also wrote to Alice [Tyler] Tanner, Beaver, and to Mrs. [Isabella Fisher] Bennett Good news from Br. Grant. and from Mrs. [Teresa Clawson] Wells the Governor’s wife. I saw Martha Wells today and talked with her about Birdie [Teresa Clawson Wells]. John Henry Smith’s son Winslow [F. Smith] was operated on today at the Hospital for Appendicitis. I have felt much better than usual today– and have worked hard Sister B. W. Smith is quite ill– saw Minnie [Ephramina Jensen] Snow– Emmie’s pictures came from Chicago today [p. 186] {p. 77}

4 June 1897 • Friday

Last night Emmie had a very long spell of unconsciousness, and was utterly exhausted and so were those who tried to bring her to herself. This morning the air was invigorating, the roses were beautiful even mine. I took some up to Dr. Pratt. I finished some work which had been pending and worked very hard all day Sister Sarah Puce of Silver Creek was in and paid for her paper. Bishop [Samuel F.] Atwood of Kansas was here & his wife2 and made quite a long call. The Board of Directors of the Utah Kindergarten held a meeting in the office at 4. p.m. Heber Grant is better also Birdie Wells. This evening I went to Annie’s she has been out riding today, a little ways. Baby3 is growing nicely– the wind was blowing hard when I came home but is quiet now. [p. 187] {p. 78}

5 June 1897 • Saturday

This is Daisie’s birthday and I presume she is having a good time at least I hope so. I fear she will not get my letter until afterwards. How well I remember the day she was born. How much has transpired since then, how little we thought so many of our loved ones would be called away that have since departed and of other events that have transpired. Aunt Zina came and we had a little private talk and then we went to Sister [Sarah M.] Kimball’s & to Sister [Bathsheba W.] Smith’s together. telling them of a meeting to be held on Monday at my office. Sister Mary Ann P. Hyde is 81. years old today and very sound in body and mind. Primary meeting today and Program Committee of Press Club and many callers and hindrances. Received pamphlet on minutes of N.A.W.S.A. [p. 188] {p. 79}

6 June 1897 • Sunday

Em. came over with breakfast for me, she was very pale, Will and Lucile came later and Will took a picture of the house and then came in and took the parlor– I finished a letter begun yesterday to Mrs. [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune– and prepared seven pages of editorial matter for my paper. It is the Fast Day, but I could not go to meeting I am so weary, and have got so far behind with my work– Louise & Emmie [Emmeline Cannon] came down a little while and Em– came over with my dinner. Belle has had tooth ache all day and Dot has been sick. Lucile came in this evening. I have not seen a paper today nor have I heard any news. Elise took up my letter and mailed it, I watered all my shrubs and plants this evening. I have read more than usual today– and have tried very hard to rest and recruit. [p. 189] {p. 80}

7 June 1897 • Monday

Went as early as possible and found Sister Smith in waiting and soon after Sister Zina, Sister Horne, Zina Card and then Sister Kimball and Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards and Dr. Pratt Sister Zina presiding.4 some business transacted and then we all had lunch in Dr. Pratts except Sister Kimball who felt too weary and went direct home. The Reaper’s Club met at 2 and Sister [Bathsheba W.] Smith spoke on the early days of the Church and we had a paper by Sister Fox on Egypt. Then Sister [Maria Richards] Wilcox and Kate Wells and Lena [Roxylana Snow] Savage came and wrote a letter to the Semi Centennial Commission about a float for the Kindergarten. Belle & Dot were up town today Belle has a dreadfully swollen face Annie’s nurse went away today. I went to Aunt Zina’s and came home on eleven o’clock car [p. 190] {p. 81}

8 June 1897 • Tuesday

This morning I did not feel very well and after being a little while in the office I went to Sister [Julia Cruse] Howe’s to ask her to go to the R.S.5 Conference at Tooele– I had lunch there and a pleasant call– then read proofs and so on until about four o’clock; went to the President’s office to get transportation rates for the visiting missionary sisters–6 then up to see Sister Horne had several calls today from the sisters and some few subscriptions came in. The wind blew furiously late in the afternoon and dust was very disagreeable. I came down and stopped at Annie’s, had supper there and visited until ten o’clock– the nurse left yesterday. Baby is fine– Annie is not very strong but comparatively well. [p. 191] {p. 82}

9 June 1897 • Wednesday

This morning was delightful but threatened rain, the mountains were magnificent, fleecy clouds sailed high– one could not but feel the inspiration of the hour. Yet one must work– the brain must toil on– ere one can rest and become refreshed. While on my way to town the power gave out on the cars and we must needs wait– I was anxious to reach my office– as I knew that work awaited me there. Lucile & Em came up during the day. Aunt Zina and her daughter Zina came in to see me. Budd [Horace G.] Whitney was in asking about his father7 and uncle Orson [K. Whitney] who were pioneers– The ground is being prepared for the statue of President Young. The exercises of the University and of the L.D.S. College were held today. Tonight is the Alumni banquet– Lucile has gone with John Q. Annie is not yet well enough to attempt a party. I came home early to try and write– wrote to Luna Y. [Eunice Young] Thatcher [p. 192] {p. 83}

10 June 1897 • Thursday

This morning among other letters came one from May Wright Sewall asking for information on the Suffrage Question in Utah– She is to speak in Halifax Nova Scotia. Made up the June paper today– unsatisfactory how ever– then went to Br. Geo. B. Wallace’s to a party– enjoyed it very much indeed– Br. Wallace came to the valley in 1847 and told us many interesting things Sister [Melissa Bigler] Lambson who came in ’47 was also present and related some of her experiences, and Susan Grant of Bountiful too. Ann E. [S. Ann Emmett] Browning of Ogden was present she was a pioneer hand cart girl forty years ago and more and there was some sweet singing and music by Gwendolyn Lewis and Hattie [Harriet] Wallace. The supper was perfect and the enjoyment was as fragrant as the June roses of the decoration. [p. 193] {p. 84}

11 June 1897 • Friday

To day I wrote up the <Wallace> party for the Deseret News. And did many other things, wrote three letters in regard to the Exponent and did much miscellaneous work. It has been a perfect day. Gershom [B.] Wells had a son8 born last night. I am very glad as they buried their last little one9 and had no son. Mrs. Wells the Governor’s wife is seriously ill– suffering extremely– we are all very much wrought up over it. Belle’s girls are all invited to a Lake party by Alice [Young] Clawson– Mrs. N. [Nephi] W. Clayton [Sybella Johnson Clayton] also invited Belle & Septimus and John Q. & Annie but they cannot go– I went to Annie’s for the evening Bobbie (Margaret) came home from Ogden yesterday after being there a week. I stayed until the 1/2 past ten car. After getting home I read awhile was too tired to do much else [p. 194] {p. 85}

12 June 1897 • Saturday

<Irene [Haskell] Pomeroys twins10 born in Provo in a Wickiup– on the bottoms> Today is glorious again the most perfect weather, and the roses and carnations are so sweet and fragrant that Belle’s place looks like fairy land. Went up in good time & set to work immediately, have had letters which were to be answered right away, and had some special work too; prepared copy and wrote letters– one for Wesley K. Walton recommending him etc. and one to the Governor others to agents, one to New England Historical & Genealogical Society about the April Register, sent more money. Have had a visit with Sister E. S. Taylor, L. D. Alder M. [Mary Russell] Grey J. [John W.] Hess, L. Golightly, M. [Mary Walker] Morris, M. Mckay who brought me a bouquet of lovely flowers, have had a tiresome day nvertheless. M. [Margaret] Carruth. It is the Stake Conference and several sisters have been in to see me– Came home at ten went over to see Belle & the girls Father [John] Sears is quite ill– [p. 195] {p. 86}

13 June 1897 • Sunday

Sister Irene Haskell Pomeroy died at my house thirty seven years ago today– she was a schoolmate of mine in New Salem Mass. It has been a most beautiful day, and though I was anxious to go to meeting it being the Stake Conference yet I felt it my duty to write an important letter to May Wright Sewall and answer some of her questions– as she needs the facts for a lecture to be given in Halifax Nova Scotia– and it seemed very important for me to do it. I went over to Belle’s to dinner, Mr. Peabody dined there– he is one of Will’s friends– Belle looked quite serene more so than I have seen her for some time I went up town to mail my letters– had a serious talk with June about Birdie– wrote all the evening on my book matter– [p. 196] {p. 87}

14 June 1897 • Monday

Went to see Aunt Zina almost the first thing after going through my mail, and found she had just come down from Ogden where she attended Ashby Stringam [Stringham]’s funeral. She seemed weary and and bewildered both. I talked with her about the voting of the Society in the National Council of Women, and she tried to find her letter but did not succeed– afterwards I went home and Sister Taylor called and promised to let me have her letter to answer Aunt Zina’s and mine– as we needed both votes. In the evening <after returning from Mary Jane Thompson [Taylor]’s> I worked at my poem for the book and sat up very late– no word has come from my sister Lucy she is possibly staying in the City for the Old Folks and may be for the Jubilee I think she does it to annoy me. [p. 197] {p. 88}

15 June 1897 • Tuesday

<Trustees Meeting Dr. Silver’s office 8 p.m.> Yesterday was a lovely day and was Mary Jane Thompson’s birthday– she was fifty-nine and is a pioneer– her son Robert [B. Taylor] and Sister Sarah M. Kimball an old and dear friend of her mother’s11 gave her a surprise– it was a very nice party– Jos. F. Smith was present & was in a very sociable mood. After a delicious repast remarks were called for and Sarah M. Kimball opened with reminiscences. of Nauvoo and Kirtland encouraging Mary Jane and her son. Sisters B. W. Smith, Z. D. H. Young, Mary Grey, Diana [Davidson] Reid, and others who were present spoke Sister M. J. T. responded then I spoke and last Jos. F.– Today is a party at Br. [John R.] Winder’s on the way down President Geo. Q. Cannon called to see Annie & the children, the day was very disagreeable, the party consisted only of temple workers and the presiding brethren and wives also Bishop [William B.] Preston. [p. 198] {p. 89}

16 June 1897 • Wednesday

This is a much more agreeable day– I had some business to do succeeded in paying the remainder due on my Steel engraving for the book & history. have the note now in my own possession. Elise came up to help mail and we worked hard to get some packages done. I have been much upset with several occurrences. I have received a letter from Verona saying she was at Nina [Selina Clayton Leverich]’s at Georgetown [Idaho] and would be here in four weeks– also one from Mrs. Manchester in Providence [Rhode Island] who will arrive on the 23rd of June– my flowers do not seem to come up I am so sorry After coming home I was obliged to write my paper for tomorrow night at the Municipal League. I stayed up until I was so cold and shivered until I could not work; and was not warm all the night through. [p. 199] {p. 90}

17 June 1897 • Thursday

<Preston [J.] Cannon was taken to the Hospital this morning– John Q. left today for the South on militia business> I worked as long as I could Margaret came to help me. I employed Miss Arthur a typewriter to copy my paper for me, for the meeting in the evening, Sister Maria W. Wilcox’s birthday and the 14th. Ward R.S. made a surprise party to which I was invited. I went home to dress and the car stopped– power was off. I walked a mile and then waited– went to the party which was quite a large gathering and very pleasant many good things were said– I went to the Meeting of the League in the City & County Building– read the paper on Woman as a Factor in Municipal Politics–12 I was warmly applauded although on my own part it was unsatisfactory because I hurried. Emmie had a bad spell tonight– [p. 200] {p. 91}

18 June 1897 • Friday

<Preston J. Cannon was operated on for appendicitis yesterday afternoon> This morning was rather dreary I tried to be expiditious, but so many things hindered me at the last and people coming in I could not do as I wished. Kindergarten meeting and I stayed part of the time. There was a family party of the women-folks of the family at Joseph [S. Wells] and Anna [Sears] Wells and I determined to go, and got off at last, hardly in my senses. The rooms were decorated with roses and white carnations– little tables for refreshments all came that were invited. Elise came again to help me and we stayed late at work. I enjoyed the visit at Joseph’s Martha [Harris Wells] Lydia Ann Susan [Alley Wells] & Hannah [Free Wells] were there as well as myself– All the girls in the family except Mell, and all the son’s wives except Hebe’s and Gershom’s who were both sick. The party was a success in every way [p. 201] {p. 92}

19 June 1897 • Saturday

<This is Brenton’s [E. Brenton Sears] birthday 12 years old I gave him a book> Went up to Aunt Zina’s with Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor’s letter and found Phebe Beatie there and Aunt Zina suffering acute pain with her knee which had been bad since Thursday, she can scarcely move and look very pale and as if she was in agony I had other matters to present but had not the heart to do so when I saw how bad she was. She decided to vote as I had decided and as Sister Taylor and her delegate voted. I came home and tried to work at my mailing and other matters but Sister Lucy A. Clark and other sisters were wanting this and that and I really felt very much upset– Louise was there to help me and I finally decided to go down to Annie’s for the night and not try any more to work at all. Annie and I had quite a visit in the evening. [p. 202] {p. 93}

20 June 1897 • Sunday

Frank [Franklin S.] Richards birthday to day– his mother13 is expected down. Charles [M.] Cannon is very ill with acute rheumatism, suffers extreme pain. Children all went to Sunday School and I stayed with Annie until after lunch, then came home. Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon wrote me last night in regard to Mrs. J. Ellen [Horton] Foster coming to the Jubilee– have not answered yet. I wrote my article for the Club on Shepherd Kings of Egypt, It consisted of nearly 20 pages and was quite an undertaking; for a few hours work. I was here alone Sunday night and many were the thoughts that passed through my mind. I read some little afterwards and then tried to compose my mind to sleep, but really I can never tell how difficult it has been for me to keep up the nervous strain this past winter & spring– [p. 203] {p. 94}

21 June 1897 • Monday

This is my Sister Pallas’ [Pallas Woodward Clark’s] birthday; she is 79– Lucy is a year and a half older– Pallas was one of those placid people, who never offind any one whatever they have to bear. I cannot think how she could so patiently endure many little things although she has not really had any great sorrow. Her life has been sort of even and undisturbed. Living always in one locality ever since her marriage, and her husband always looking up to her with a kind of reverence.

I read my paper at the Reaper’s Club and it was very well received, in fact it was an excellent paper and the ladies so expressed themselves. We adjourned until the first Monday in September, with many regrets. In the evening Elise came up & we worked at the mailing got off some papers. Went up to see Aunt Zina with Annie Hyde [p. 204] {p. 95}

22 June 1897 • Tuesday

Tuesday to day I sort of expected Mrs. Manchester. I have mailed the letter to Mrs. [Louise Barnum] Robbins Secretary of the National Council. I had the authority to write Sister Zina’s vote along with my own and we voted in the same way as the Young Ladies Association did. This has been a beautiful day I have striven with all my might to get on with my work, have had several callers among them Miss Emery of Chicago– a young teacher of kitchen gardening. My book is really near being completed. Sister [Mary Ann Burnham] Freeze came to see after items concerning Victoria as a mother. Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox also to get material of Victoria’s younger life. I was at home alone after leaving the office. I called on Mrs. A. [Alvin] V. Taylor [Blanche Powers Taylor] and she consented to speak at the Mass Meeting also Mrs. Dickinson14 who consented to do so too– [p. 205] {p. 96}

23 June 1897 • Wednesday

<mailed my letter to President Geo. Q. Cannon today in answer to his favor– of Saturday last>15 This is my sister Pallas’ birthday she is 78 today it is a great age– and she is very much bowed over, not so strait as Sister Lucy who is a year and a half older. She thinks it has been super-induced by bending over her work, yet I recall that my grandfather was very much bowed down ever after my remembrance. I spoiled this with turning two leaves over at once– it is too bad. I have written to Verona at Nina’s in Georgetown where she is visiting, with her two boys.16 My work has been very difficult today, trying to do mailing alone. Elise came late in the afternoon and we worked diligently and succeeded in doing considerable, and I was very weary came home on 1/2 past ten car and I was so weary I could scarcely hold up. Read for some hours in magazines. Belle is expecting Miss Seyfried to spend some weeks at the house she is to be Lucile’s guest [p. 206] {p. 97}

24 June 1897 • Thursday

Today I worked much beyond my strength, and did not know whether I really ought to go to the Mass Meeting or not– but after finishing my mailing and securing its carriage to the Post Office I walked down to the Meeting sat on the platform and listened to the speeches of the Ladies– and was much gratified with the dignified way in which they spoke. Scott Anderson however upset me very much indeed. Mr. L. E. Hall17 was quite plain and presented his views in a clear and polite manner. H. [Henry] W. Lawrence ranted & was very much of an agitator. I was not at all satisfied with him– but could not hinder his movements– still I shall not attend if he and Scott Anderson are to run the League– did not reach home until midnight– [p. 207] {p. 98}

25 June 1897 • Friday

<Rec’d the Historical Register with the Woodward article– Had a visit from Jane S. Richards yesterday> This morning found my freight had come and had to get hold of money enough to pay for its being got away from the depot, as well as the freight itself– Succeeded at last and then it was time to go to the University to attend the annual meeting of the State Kindergarten Association– when that had adjourned– we witnessed an illustration of Kitchen gardening which was very attractive– After returning to the office I had only time to do some errands and get down to Annie’s in time for dinner– We spent the evening in talking over local matters, and I told the children about Kitchen Gardening– I went to bed about 1/2 past eleven and read until 2 in the morning– Sister Monk18 & Emma [Leywood Monk] came [p. 208] {p. 99}

26 June 1897 • Saturday

<Miss Seyfred arrived this morning from San Francisco is visiting at Belle’s–> I woke at four this morning and could not fall asleep again: it seemed very strange. I cannot account for it. I woke Q. after Julia the girl went down. Daniel [H. Cannon] was getting up. Annie had been up until one o’clock with baby and must have been very weary. I went off before ten– A.M. I immediately prepared copy and worked hard all day Sister Alder came and invited me to go to dinner at Sister Stevenson’s–19 who had already urged me to be there. However it is quite impossible to do all I would like. Sister Horne has returned and Sister Zina and Sarah M. Kimball attended the Conference in the afternoon and spoke. I was much in hopes of taking in some money for the Exponent but none came except two quarters for postage. I called on Mrs. Salisbury at evening also Mrs. [Julia Ann Jinks] Druce– but did not see Mrs. S. she had gone to Camp– {p. 100}

27 June 1897 • Sunday

This is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Joseph & Hyrum Smith– how well I remember those scenes in Nauvoo Illinois in 1844– the terrible sorrow and the darkness which seemed to cover the city like a funeral pall. It is utterly impossible to describe it to any one who was not there to feel it. Emmie came over this morning and brought me a bouquet of beautiful fresh cut roses. I was delighted with the flowers and with her thought of me. Mr. Sears came and opened the boxes containing the grate and the tiles. I went to the Tabernacle service– sat by Jode [Joseph S. Wells]’s wife Andrew Jensen [Jenson] preached: he has recently returned from a trip around the world. Emmie had a very bad fainting spell this evening. I have been busy writing. John Q. came home to night. [p. 210] {p. 101}

28 June 1897 • Monday

This morning went up early and worked all day like a Trojan– until 1/2 past four then went to Zina Hyde Bull’s old ladies party in honor of her mother’s20 birthday anniversary. She had her mother’s friends that were invited by her mother twelve years ago today; the last birthday she had in this life. Sisters S. M. Kimball, Z. D. H. Young, M. I. Horne, Jane [Ballantyne] Taylor, Mary Ann Hyde, Julia C. Howe, Bathsheba W. Smith, Lydia D. Alder, Maria [Young] Dougall Phebe Beatie Martia Hyde Annie T. Hyde, Ida Felt and myself– the refreshments were very delicious or rather it was a five o’clock tea. Afterwards there was quite a meeting– we all spoke Sister M. A. Hyde spoke in tongues and Aunt Zina interpreted it. Br. [Joseph Bull] & Sister Bull were both very pleased her house is lovely and she seems very happy I hope she may be– [p. 211] {p. 102}

29 June 1897 • Tuesday

I have been working hard to get ready for my paper. and tried to prepare copy etc. Letter from Mrs. Cleophas in French and her photos and several callers. I feel quite uneasy about Birdie my heart aches for her mother and yet a sorrow like ours with Emmie is even worse. I do not know how to account for many of these trials we have to encounter. I am anxious to see Mrs. Salisbury and think of going up this evening a little while and make one or two other calls, but my time is so limited. Went off to do some errands saw Mrs. [Minnie Pegram] Fabian she is going east very soon, went to Mrs. Salisbury’s took her a bouquet of heliotrope and found she was not at home [p. 212] {p. 103}

30 June 1897 • Wednesday

Last night came home late and commenced my paper of Queen Victoria Sat up late writing and felt very uncomfortable could not get along much. Elise could not be spared and I had to do the sweeping and dusting of the office and scarcely had any time to complete my article but persevered. Dr. Pratts is beautifully prepared. Mine will be hap-hazard. Evening came and not so many guests as we had expected– answers to roll call very good– Lizzie Wilcox paper very fine. Victoria as a girl– the Dr. R. B. Pratt– Victoria as a wife– followed by Mary A. Freeze Victoria as a Mother and Last my own Victoria as a queen– more original than any other Lydia D. Alder a poem Victoria [p. 213] {p. 104}

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June 1897, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1897/1897-06


  1. [1]The Pioneer Jubilee poem contest closed on 1 June. The winning poem, “The Pioneers of Utah,” was composed by N. Albert Sherman and read by David McKenzie at a reception on 20 July 1897. In addition, “The Pioneer Ode,” with words by Orson F. Whitney and music by Evan Stephens, was performed in the Salt Lake Tabernacle by a large choir and band. (“The Pioneer Jubilee,” Salt Lake Herald, 30 May 1897, 5; Whitney, “Pioneer Reception,” 267.) EBW published other poems on this theme in her newspaper. “Jubilee Poem” by Emily H. Woodmansee and “Utah’s Golden Day” by Louisa Lula Greene Richards appeared in the jubilee issue. (Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1897, 26:177, 179.) EBW’s own poem, “The Pioneer Jubilee. July 24, 1847–1897,” was printed with her collected verse. (Musings and Memories, 264–269.)

  2. [2]Mary Jane Cornwall Atwood.

  3. [3]Katherine Cannon.

  4. [4]This meeting of the Relief Society general presidency included secretaries, the treasurer, and one visitor (Zina Young Card).

  5. [5]Relief Society.

  6. [6]At this time, Relief Society general board visits to outlying stakes were called “missionary work.” (See EBW, Diary, 17 Nov. 1897.)

  7. [7]Horace K. Whitney.

  8. [8]Benjamin S. Wells.

  9. [9]Robert G. Wells.

  10. [10]Ella A. and Emma A. Pomeroy were born on 16 June 1858.

  11. [11]Mercy Fielding Thompson.

  12. [12]EBW’s paper reportedly included the following statement: “A woman ought to be elected to some office from every precinct in the city. If they had executive ability enough to run their homes, they were fit for politics.” (“League Mass Meeting,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 June 1897, 6.)

  13. [13]Jane Snyder Richards.

  14. [14]The speeches of the two women, Blanche Taylor and L. Syntitha Dickinson, asked the question, “Will the women of Salt Lake City vote for principles and not for party?” (“Municipal League,” Salt Lake Herald, 24 June 1897, 2.)

  15. [15]text: The phrase “of Saturday last” appears on the top of page 207.

  16. [16]Robert C. Hillard and Barrymore Hillard.

  17. [17]Perhaps Lucius Endicott Hall.

  18. [18]Perhaps Sarah Barrett Monk, second wife of Charles Monk of Spanish Fork, Utah.

  19. [19]text: “Stevenson’s” may have been corrected to “Stevensen’s”.

  20. [20]Miranda Johnson Hyde.