August 1902

1 August 1902 • Friday

Friday today I have been trying to get my office cleared up. So many books and papers to handle over This evening was the meeting of the General Officers and word had come from Logan that Annie Hyde was sick Br. [Alonzo E.] Hyde went up‒ this afternoon she is better‒ read the letters, walked home with Clarissa & th[e]n to the office and down home alone. [p. 245] {p. 141}

2 August 1902 • Saturday

This is Marian Buchholz birthday she is four years old I gave her a book‒ Everybody’s Fairy Godmother‒ she is to have a party but her Grandpa and all the folks are waiting for little Margaret Roberts to come from the East to be the Guest of Honor‒ her grandpa gave her five dollars and all of the family gave her something‒ she went for a ride in the phaeton‒ [p. 246] {p. 142}

3 August 1902 • Sunday

I went early to the Temple sat in my usual place behind Sister B. W. Smith, Prest. Winder presided‒ the opening hymn was “Now let us rejoice” prayer by C. W. Penrose many sick prayed for‒ sung “O God our help in ages past”‒ Prest Winder made opening remarks, and alluded to the dedicatory prayer in 1893. and read a portion of the prayer. L. L. G. Richards spoke first then Mary A. [Parker] Richards, Amy [Adams] Thomas, Sister [Emilie Damke] Maeser Maude M. Babcock, Mary F. Kelly, E. J. Stevenson, Br. [John T.] McDonald, James Woodruff spoke & prayed. Annie [Davis] Watson L. John Nuttall, Margaret A. Caine, Sister [E. Amelia Crossland] McDonald Elizabeth Langton, Vilate [Douglas] Romney Mae T. [Taylor] Nystrom, Nellie C. [Ellen Colebrook] Taylor Hamilton [G.] Park, singing Zion stands with hills surrounded Persis [Young] Richards spoke & prayed Br. [Amos M.] Musser, Kate Brockbank Br. [Alfred] Solomon, Br. Ure E. B. Wells C. W Penrose John Smith C. C. R. [p. 247] {p. 143} Wells, Br. Winder closing remarks, sung “Praise God from whom” Benediction Br. Madsen

4 August 1902 • Monday

Monday went up to see Mrs. Salisbury with bouquet of nasturtiums, could not see her come away feeling badly. I am very fond of her and I know she is fond of me I am sure of her affection Belle picked me the nasturtiums to give to her out of her own yard. [p. 248] {p. 144}

5 August 1902 • Tuesday

Many Letters the sisters are attending Conference in Coalville‒ Mrs. Hyde is up North‒ [p. 249] {p. 145}

6 August 1902 • Wednesday

Made haste with my regular work and took the car for the Cannon Ward to attend the annual meeting of the Relief Society. [p. 250] {p. 146}

8 August 1902 • Friday

This is Dr. Pratt’s birthday and there is a meeting in Cannon Ward at the home of the new President Sister Caroline Y. Cannon and I am invited to attend I was present when the Ward was organized and have been every anniversary but one. The meeting was a pleasant one and a very good attendance of sisters. I spoke about fifteen or twenty minutes and tried to present some good exercises for them to introduce, Phebe Young Beatie also spoke a short time and after the meeting we had refreshments and then I went to Annie’s for a short time and Emmeline came home with me to sleep‒ [p. 252] {p. 147}

9 August 1902 • Saturday

The Rathbone Sisters of the World came early in the morning and I had to be off in good time to meet them Mrs. Dell [M. Dell Phillips] Glazier did not come Mrs. [Merab Gallion] Nelson the editor of the Guest their official paper was the only one I really knew‒ I went in the observation car miles around the city with them until I felt quite exhausted then I went up to the office and went on with my work as usual. It is very fatiguing to be on exhibition all the time. The day has been warm and tiresome now I feel that it is not every one I would like to spend my strength for. [p. 253] {p. 148}

10 August 1902 • Sunday

Today I have been trying to look up my manuscripts on my own life and feel I must make an extra exertion to get the work in hand. [p. 254] {p. 149}

15 August 1902 • Friday

Today I tried to do a lot of work on my paper and send off books etc. had a number of callers and could not accomplish as much as I wished too.

A lady came in unannounced in short dress with short hair rather unusual in appearance, but with a highly cultivated voice and manner‒ she introduced herself by saying I was the Susan B. Anthony here‒ had her atmosphere I found her a most entertaining conversationalist and anxious to learn concerning our people and their history Her name was [Adelaide] Wilson her father a Southerner but Republican and had stood firm for the Union during the war. [p. 259] {p. 150}

16 August 1902 • Saturday

This morning soon after reaching the office Annie came and Daniel and then George Q. and I gave Annie the curtains as I could not see to having them cleaned. I worked very hard at the mailing of <add> papers for new Subscribers and sending off letters. I had lunch with Nell Clawson Brown in her office; and callers were Sister Hannah [Shaw] Burridge of St. John’s, Br. [Nicholas T.] Silcock of Riverton Sisters Dixon of Ogden & Bowman of Salt Lake. Laters Sister Sarah J. Cannon, Lydia D. Alder Amelia [Woolley] Wardrop, Belle Evans Jos. [S.] Tingey and others Bishop Whitney‒ (Ort.) I wrote many letters and went over to see Sister Bathsheba W. Smith who was all alone, came home and called on Belle, saw Dot and all her three children‒ [p. 260] {p. 151}

17 August 1902 • Sunday

Rose in good time and prepared my own breakfast; had spent a fairly good night though wakeful. Run over to Belle’s a minute saw sweet, dainty, little Margaret‒ such a happy face. Looked over papers making selections etc. prepared some copy, and read and prayed; went over to Belle’s and had dinner with Mr. Sears, Belle and Brent, brought home a bouquet of nasturtiums, so bright and pretty. Louise came in to see me for a few minutes. Miss Adelaide Wilson came and spent the evening she was here long enough before dark to write in my Guest Book she is very intelligent and a good conversationalist knows the world well but is somewhat soured, all alone parents dead no family [p. 261] {p. 152}

18 August 1902 • Monday

Today is the anniversary of Mell’s birthday. O how desperately hot it was when she was born, not a particle of shade anywhere, hot sun ready to broil us all‒ terrible to remember and one can scarcely look back upon it and think how scarce everything was, yet the babe was beautiful and we rejoiced. I wrote her a letter but it was a very poor one indeed and I really meant it should be very nice one however I am in so much pain with my feet I cannot really be like myself. [p. 262] {p. 153}

19 August 1902 • Tuesday

Inez Earl [Godbe] is fifty years old today‒ that does seem strange; she does not look it. I presume they will take some notice of it. [p. 263] {p. 154}

20 August 1902 • Wednesday

The party at the Bee Hive in honor of Miss Agnes Rose Lane1 this evening is much talked of. It is said to be under the auspices of the Relief Society and yet the Board even are not all invited. Wells so goes the world this way and that with the current or often as money tempts. [p. 264] {p. 155}

23 August 1902 • Saturday

I was just worried and hurried all day long Em’s baby is sick and I am very anxious about it. She is a delicate dainty little thing. I had so much anxiety about going away so many things to get ready and to leave One grows weary of so much that is tiresome. I wish we could have more means to carry on our work and not be afraid to do any little thing to cause expense. [p. 267] {p. 156}

24 August 1902 • Sunday

Went off to Huntsville to the Dedication of the Relief Society Hall‒ called on Sister [Josephine Richards] West had a cup of tea then drove with Sisters Richards & West through Ogden Caňon to Huntsville went direct to the meeting‒ A fine building two stories and such a hearty welcome‒ President [Charles F.] Middleton made the Dedicatory prayer and Sister Richards spoke to the sisters then we had dinner Towards evening when here alone the lady who had called on me at the office Miss Adelaide [blank] a very bright young woman, but very eccentric came and stayed all the evening up stairs many sisters and a few brethren afternoon meeting in the ward meeting house, sacrament administered and Sister Richads [Richards] and myself both made addresses, The ride [p. 268] {p. 157} home was very pleasant through the caňon we had a fine team and carriage at Ogden took the train for home and came right thro’ on the Waterloo car.

25 August 1902 • Monday

This morning expected Sister [Eulalie] Walden who did not come according to appointment but came later and promised to be here tomorrow morning. My feet have been very bad all day but at evening went to Sister Adeline’s to visit with Lucy [Fuller] Davies who is here from Butte with her little girl Lucy [Davies] had a fine supper and pleasant time and came home late to an empty house‒ hope to have some one tomorrow [p. 269] {p. 158}

26 August 1902 • Tuesday

I went fairly early to the office Sister Walden who had promised to be early was just finishing the room and told me strangers had called and in a few minutes in walked Mrs. Emily Scott Dill of Cincinnati Ohio‒ who wrote for my paper in the seventies. I had never seen her tho’ her daughter2 visited me in 1898. Her daughter was with her and also a young Dr. Francis from Pennsylvania we had a fine time went to the President’s office and public places, and I went to lunch with them at the Tavern. Amelia came and they saw Lucy B. Y. and called on Dr. Pratt to whom they were distantly connected. We enjoyed the day mutually I am sure. In the evening I went to the Bee Hive House to meet [p. 270] {p. 159} Miss Agnes Rose Lane the actress‒ It was not a large company but very pleasant. Sister B. W. Smith and myself were the only ladies asked to speak. Sister Emma Woodruff came home when I did and we visited together.

27 August 1902 • Wednesday

<drove up to the cemetery with Annie in her buggy with some flowers for Louie‒> This morning Wednesday Edna L. [Lambson] Smith called to invite me to go to the Theatre and see Corianton. I worked busily all day long‒ and at evening came down to Belle’s where I had been invited to have dinner‒ she was too ill to come to the table. It is Louie’s birthday and she had killed her fine white Turkey and invited me and Dot and family I was very sad that she could not partake with us and made all feel gloomy [p. 271] {p. 160}

28 August 1902 • Thursday

A very hot day but rain and lightning later on‒ I worked very hard indeed so many letters to write and proofs to read as well and callers coming and so much going on, it seems there is no time for one to rest and my feet are very much swollen and aching. News of the sudden death of C. [Catherine] Curtis Young Brastow very sad indeed Brigham Young [Jr.] her father very low and that makes it seem doubly worse. Mrs. Ranzchoff [Carrie Mass Ransohoff] came to ask me if she might bring a Hebrew doctor to see me. Went to the theatre in Prest Smith’s box the manager’s box this afternoon Miss Lane was to call afterwards but did not though I waited until late‒ [p. 272] {p. 161}

29 August 1902 • Friday

<Letter from Verona in Paris‒> Have kept very busy all day and at evening went to the Theatre found Sister Woodruff there before me‒ liked the play more than I had anticipated, it was gorgeous in its setting‒ and certainly is extraordinary Br. Nelson was in the box and one of Prest. Smith’s daughters and Miss Knowlton from Farmington‒ had an extra good view from President Smith’s box and enjoyed it very much‒

Miss Lane sent me her picture and I sent her my book of poems by Mrs. Milando Pratt [Elizabeth Rich Pratt] Meeting at Sister Smiths Ida Dusenberry has come home from California and wants more money Sister [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas was at the meeting also Sister Horne. [p. 273] {p. 162}

30 August 1902 • Saturday

This morning Sister Pratt came and so many then Miss Ransohoff and Dr. L. [Lee K.] Frankel of New York City and we went to all the Church places with him. he is very lovely in manner and very genial and intelligent in conversation A fine specimen of manhood very learned Manager of the Hebrew Charities of New York City‒ Belle is still sick. Annie has been in today also John Q. Cannon & Katharine I have had many callers Sister E. S. Taylor Julia [Gutke] Brixen, May Anderson Mary E. [Eliza Rutherford] Irvine and many more Clarissa Williams and Hattie [Harker] ‒ talked things over with Sister Williams and counseled with her in regard to many affairs [p. 274] {p. 163}

31 August 1902 • Sunday

This morning I stayed in bed very late trying to rest Sister Walden brought up my breakfast‒ afterwards I looked up my copies for volumes 29 & 30‒ then read the Revise and went over to see Belle all had gone away from the house. later I went again she had been out in the buggy a short drive. The day was very beautiful and I rested from regular duty and read a little in the evening‒ I really did not feel well enough to undertake an article as I very much wished to but did a little in my diary and went to bed early for me. I am worried about Belle went over and everything was shut up went down the lot‒ farther than I had ever been before I am always too busy to go. [p. 275] {p. 164}

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August 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 21, 2025


  1. [1]Agnes Rose Lane, an actress and convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was the female lead in Corianton, a play that premiered in Salt Lake City on 11 August 1902. (“Miss Agnes Rose Lane,” Deseret Evening News, 26 Apr. 1902, 11; Advertisement, Deseret Evening News, 11 Aug. 1902, 2.)

  2. [2]Lorena M. Dill.