July 1909

1 July 1909 • Thursday

Better this morning an awful hot day, seeming scorching hot I have been hard at work, Phebe Beattie came on Nurse business, and one or two others, none of my folks except John Q. and Cavendish, I fixed my minutes for Relief Society went over many letters [p. 182] {p. 170}

4 July 1909 • Sunday

Went early to the Temple Fast meeting– President Jos. F. Smith spoke very strong about women dressing in such fashions and the wrong teaching of children & I had Brent prayed for again Susa spoke, and President Smith approved of her and also Sister Henry Tanner–1 After meeting went with Sister Harker to Sarah Jenne Cannon’s had dinner & then started home in the storm went to Belle’s and had dinner. Will was home and I was wet [p. 185] {p. 171}

10 July 1909 • Saturday

Had a visit from Presiding Bishop C. W. Nibley– a long talk promised me his automobile for Friday evening and had Emmeline here helping me with my daily tasks Annual meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution officers elected for the coming year Regent Alice M. Horne 1st. Vice Regent Emily C. Willey 2nd Vice Regent Julia F. Lund [p. 191] {p. 172}

11 July 1909 • Sunday

Was not very well writing copy all day went to see Louise and twin babies in the afternoon stayed late at night came home and began work again. [p. 192] {p. 173}

12 July 1909 • Monday

Wrote to Verona today also to Sister Lydia [Pond] Rich and Rebecca [Bohn] Anderson Heber City and to Mrs. Roberts Lehi Eliza J. [Jones] Dixon Payson Margaret Hixon [Ranck Hixson] Wanship Mary O. [Marn Olsen] Crowther Sanford Colorado Ellen C. [Celeste Woodward] Fuller Pine Arizona, Lilian Ramseey [Lillian Clark Ramsey] Orange Mass. Captain H. [Hiram] E, W. Clark Thorndike Mass. Mrs. H. [Henry] R. Allen [Daisie Dunford Allen] Coeur d’Alene Idaho had calls from B. W. Smith, Susa Y. Gates Phebe Y. Beattie Ida S. Dusenberry, Earle [Earl S.] Dusenberry John Q. Cannon– have been so very busy went to President’s office saw President John R. Winder and Rudger Clawson & H. J. Grant Jos. S. Wells, and two ladies from New Jersey Mrs. [Clara Laddey] & Miss [Paula] Laddey, sent by Mrs. [Clara Bewick] Colby of Portland [Maine] [p. 193] {p. 174}

13 July 1909 • Tuesday

I woke with this voice speaking to me inwardly Joy shall come to you this morning, the Lord will light you by His countenance and give you consolation

Held a final meeting of our Delegation Committee had a good representation answered some letters sent off postals and papers. Thales H. Haskell died today in Manassa Colorado of Bright’s disease, he was born in New Salem Mass. and was the last one of those whom I knew there except [J.] Stillman Woodbury who lives in St. George. All the old ties are broken the cords loosed, time brings great changes [p. 194] {p. 175}

14 July 1909 • Wednesday

Finishing copy reading proof and trying to get even with my work, sent off many letters and cards [p. 195] {p. 176}

15 July 1909 • Thursday

Tried very hard to get the paper out but did not succeed and very many things went wrong, it is the day at Wandamere for the Salt Lake City Stakes, Annie has gone with her Stake R.S. So much to do letter from Mel Visit from Sister Smith our President talked of many things and did some writing [p. 196] {p. 177}

16 July 1909 • Friday

<made up paper for June this morning– not enough copy> A very tedious day and so many things come one after another I sent Ida Dusenberry and My Annie to Ogden to see about trains and found out train would be earlier. There came a letter from Mrs. C. E. [Corinne Tuckerman] Allen to tell me she must withdraw from the Committee on account of Jos. F. Smith being invited and that was very much regretted by her.2 It was most unpleasant however it was unavoidable on my part as in no case would I leave out Joseph F. Smith. The delegation of ladies came and we did the best we could took them to the Tabernacle to hear the organ recital then to Saltair and most of them had a bath, a beautiful [p. 197] {p. 178} sunset and light luncheon after with toasts[.] I was the toastmistress, John Henry [Smith] was to give the Welcome which he did admirably then I called upon Miss Emily Janes President of the National Council of England Ireland Scotland in short Great Britain, then next Norway



17 July 1909 • Saturday

This morning Tribune full of wicked stories,4 sent to the ladies on the train a few Germans remained over went for an auto-ride with Joe Perry [Joseph H. Parry] Susa & Mrs. Gilman, to Fort Douglas & Liberty Park then back to the office [p. 198] {p. 179}

18 July 1909 • Sunday

<This was rather an important day speak[i]ng this morning and sitting on the stand> Rose early and dressed in my grey silk and went to the 21st. Ward to speak to the Parent’s class on the subject of pioneer reminiscences, and partook of the sacrament, Isabel was there with me and I went from there to see Lydia Ann Wells and had a bite to eat and then to the Tabernacle, and sat in the stand, also Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Susa Y. Gates and Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman who was to speak she gave a very entertaining address and Briant S. Hinckley and Susa Y. Gates afterwards. I was caught in the shower as I was 2. weeks ago– Went to see Laura B◊◊der today5 Belle went with me [p. 199] {p. 180}

19 July 1909 • Monday

A very hot day and much to do– Lecture tonight in the Barratt Hall by Mrs. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman of New York City– Man Woman & Child. many of her ideas are not new to us as women nor even as a people I sat with her on the platform and Rev. Clarence E. Brown introduced her and spoke of the new magazine which is to be called The Forerunner, a new name most certainly and she is to write it all herself which is decidedly new for man or woman– [p. 200] {p. 181}

20 July 1909 • Tuesday

Mrs. Gilman was here this morning also Mrs. Cohen & Miss [Susan Ann] Lynch– Mr. Pert– after items for the press Mr. White after Woman Suffrage conditions here, Louise came to see me Spencer Clawson Charlie [Charles E.] Johnson, have written 3 letters to Stakes one to Mrs. Ann T. [Taylor Boyes] Walker Rigby Stake one to Lucy A. [Nixon] Steers Blackfoot one to Julia [Rogers] Miller Yellowstone– and I have many names to go over of women whose pictures are to go in the Album Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman paid me quite a visit in my office today and when leaving me seemed quite affectionate spoke of her family, living long lives and retaining their faculties [p. 201] {p. 182}

21 July 1909 • Wednesday

Went up early copy off the press letter from Dr. Rosetta S. [Luce] Gilchrist of Ashtabula, Ohio, telling me she is coming, I am very glad will be here before long, Annie came up and we fixed the Hospital Bills, Emmeline & myself went over to C. A. Johnson’s studio to see about pictures for the Album and lunched at Franklin’s teahouse, Susa Y. Gates goes to the summer home at Brighton tomorrow, hope she will rest. It has been very warm and oppressive during the day, Julina Smith has been to see me & I gave her a steel engraving of myself to frame, There has been a terrible hurricane and overflow of the sea in Galveston Texas today worst not yet known, wires are down communication cut off– sea heaving beyond its bounds. I have been very dizzy and uncomfortable to-day no mail scarcely [p. 202] {p. 183}

22 July 1909 • Thursday

Went up in good time and no mail for me, Emmeline & Betsy both here to help, Cavendish came and did some errands for me– took pictures to Johnson’s studio, I went to Sarah J. Cannon’s to lunch, we were alone, she gave me her photo for the Album, Ri Dougall sent hers, and we have promise of Lucy Decker [Young] & [Lucy] Bigelow [Young] Emma Woodruff’s yesterday Julina’s promised so we are doing better. News from Lucile Sears that is encouraging, A soft gentle rain this afternoon I am very nervous not really fit for work I wish I could get over the nervousness and really accomplish something worth while. Sent postal to Mrs. [Johanna Haskell] Harrison at Manassa Colorado and to Minerva [Richards] Knowlton Farmington and Annie R. [Young] Duke Heber City and C. [Caroline] C. R. [Raleigh] Wells City [p. 203] {p. 184}

23 July 1909 • Friday

I fully expected a good day but instead it proved an unhappy one so far as myself was concerned, no mail of any consequence except a letter from my brother saying he could not come with the G.A.R.6 all well at home though Katharine came up to help me. Betsy was here too & we got most of the folding done. Mrs. C. S. Williams came over and then President Bathsheba W. Smith with letter from Sister Farnsworth– afterwards I went out to lunch and took Katharine with me then Sister B. W. Smith came back and we went together to her house, I stayed an hour two hours I think talking with her, it was very unpleasant indeed, saw Mrs. Ann E. [Dalton] Neal on the way home and we conversed <on> several pleasant subjects– Sister Julia C. Howe called with her maid– and Miss [Sadie] American of New York City and her mother7 and Mrs. Simon Bamberger [Ida Maas Bamberger], I worked busily all day at the mailing and came home weary and wounded in spirit [p. 204] {p. 185}

24 July 1909 • Saturday

Pioneer day I am here at home alone– let my maid Betsy go to East Bountiful to see some friends I went to the office and did some writing, answered two letters and wrote to Junius F. Wells in Vermont at the Monument. sent off some papers, wrote to Lucy Steers and to Georgiana [Georgina Geertsen] Marriott. Then went to see Belle and had dinner there and quite a pleasant time Budd Whitney & Rule Wells Jote [Josephine Beatie Wells] & Chetchie [Josephine Wells Moffatt] and the two babies8 came, so it has been rather a full day John Q. Annie and the children all went up City Creek Caňon with the Sunday School of Cannon Ward. I wrote Junius to Vermont Br. Alfred Lambourne has brought me his new version of the Inland Sea very beautiful indeed– a splendid piece of work in compostion and in other ways in printing etc. [p. 205] {p. 186}

25 July 1909 • Sunday

Felt very weary but managed to get up and go to the office mailed my letter to Mrs. [Julia Pearsall] Evans of Minneapolis [Minnesota] and postal to Susan Grant to Wood’s Cross tasking her to go South to Alpine Nebo and Wasatch Hannah Wells invited me to dinner but I could not go– Wrote to Mrs. Nibley & Mrs. [Mary Ord] Schofield about Union Stake Conference also wrote to Daniel [H. Cannon] who is Holland on a Mission. An awful thunder storm this afternoon and evening. Have had a fearful evening, finished my letters and some other writing on [p. 206] {p. 187}

26 July 1909 • Monday

This morning Ida Dusenberry came and Margaret [A. Dusenberry] then Hattie Harker and Lois [Bennion Cowley], then Will Spence & John Q. Cannon and none on business and Ann M. Cannon talking of the entertainment, then this one and that one delepts [delights] in the beautiful but gets little of those things from surroundings, and not at all from common place people, some strange rumors are flying about here and there. there is a circus in the city [p. 207] {p. 188}

27 July 1909 • Tuesday

This morning Sister Bathsheba Smith came early soon after Mrs. Alice B. Loke [Locke] of Denver [Colorado] came and Sister Smith and Mrs. Locke and myself had quite a time talking matters over and getting a News reporter to take notes. All came out in evening paper,9 I am not at all well seem very nervous and as if I must give up [p. 208] {p. 189}

28 July 1909 • Wednesday

<Letter from Mrs. Sarah J. [Jensen] Wilde Brigham City> Annie’s twins10 birthday ten years old today came up town and had lunch with me at Franklin’s Tea House– bought them each a box of candy and we were weighed I weighed 85 lbs Abram 62 ½ David 58. John Q. r. & Thodore came up with Annie and the twins– the day was very hot. I went over to Sister Williams with money from three trips one from Woodruff Stake one from Teton and Fremont & Bingham and one from Sanpete North & South Sevier and Wayne. The Marriage of young [Alpha J.] Higgs & Bessie [Elizabeth] Badger has created a great sensation. Sent some pictures over to Johnson’s Studio by Betsy– called at Bee Hive and the Bureau of Information, and made some payments and did some mailing, went up to see Belle and Dot– came home late [p. 209] {p. 190}

29 July 1909 • Thursday

A very beautiful day and one on which I had intended to do some special work for myself personally but all my plans were frustrated so many things transpired Sister Dusenberry came with missionary changes and wanted me to manage the matter of order for money and let her go now to California Ocean Park with Earl and Margaret, Clarissa is willing and we all agreed upon it, Ort came too and I had other hindrances and I had promised to go to Hannah’s to dinner which I did but was very late Spent the evening out on the porch with Hannah and Abbie and the night was superb came home late [p. 210] {p. 191}

30 July 1909 • Friday

Today Louise’s birthday she is 25 and I went down late took her one of her Aunt Louie [Louise Wells Cannon]’s rings pearls & rubies. also gave her a book Dictionary of Quotations Gladstone’s edition spent the evening had dinner late. Rich [Richard D. Andrew] and Louise came to the car with me– had many visitors during the day Sister Bathsheba W. Smith Magaret [Margaret] Clawson Phebe [Bowthorpe] Taylor Charlie A. Johnson who recounted his trip to the Holy Land and talked of of many other things. [p. 211] {p. 192}

31 July 1909 • Saturday

Saturday visitors immediately Allie [May] Preston Moyle,11 she has six children, is spending the summer at their country residence Mrs. [Harriet Thatcher] Preston is there with her. Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Stark Hampton asking for board & lodging Clarissa Williams had similar letter, Lizzie Wilcox came to talk about Seattle and National Council [p. 212] {p. 193}

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July 1909, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1909/1909-07


  1. [1]Likely his first wife, Laura Woodland Tanner.

  2. [2]Corinne Tuckerman Allen’s note to EBW was printed in the Salt Lake Herald as part of an article describing conflict over entertainment for visiting delegates from the International Council of Women. (“Row Develops over Welcome Extended to Visiting Women,” Salt Lake Herald, 17 July 1909, 10; “Salt Lake Women Refuse to Sit at Banquet Table Tonight with the Leader of Polygamy in Utah,” [Salt Lake City] Evening Telegram, 16 July 1909, 1.)

  3. [3]Representatives from the International Council of Women included Emily Janes, president of the British Council of Women; Gina Krog of Norway; Y. DeVries of Holland; Marie Stritt, president of the German Women’s Congress; and Marie Topelin, president of the Belgian Council of Women. (“World’s Leading Women Are Entertained by Salt Lakers,” [Salt Lake City] Evening Telegram, 17 July 1909, 3.)

  4. [4]The editorialist charged that “the Mormons usurped the rightful offices of the local Gentile women in taking charge of the reception committee and conducting the entertainment.” (“Salt Lake City Visited by Distinguished Women,” Salt Lake Tribune, 17 July 1909, 1.)

  5. [5]Likely Laura Hyde Miner. (See EBW, Diary, 12 Aug. 1909.)

  6. [6]Grand Army of the Republic.

  7. [7]Amelia Smith American.

  8. [8]David D. Moffatt Jr. and Alexander D. Moffatt.

  9. [9]Alice B. Locke, representing the insurance program of the Maccabees, distanced herself from Elizabeth Grannis of the National Council of Women, who had condemned Utah residents for polygamy on her visit two weeks prior. (“Mrs. Grannis’ Interview regarding Mormons Repudiated by Maccabees,” Salt Lake Herald, 28 July 1909, 6; “Not in Sympathy with Mormonism,” Salt Lake Tribune, 28 July 1909, 14.)

  10. [10]Abraham H. Cannon and David W. Cannon.

  11. [11]Since Alley Preston Martineau died in 1907, EBW probably here referred to her sister May Preston Moyle. (“Alley Preston Martineau,” Find a Grave, accessed 13 Jan. 2021, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/45632495/alley-martineau.)