February 1917

1 February 1917 • Thursday

This morning Louise came early so her Aunt Belle could go to the temple but Belle had such a bad attack of neuralgia that she could not go and had to go home so Annie came up to stay at night. My visitors were Sister Ford1 of Centerville, Emily Richards, Golden[,] Rich, Violet, Amy[,] Lillian Cameron who bro’t a bottle of grape juice Willie Clive bro’t his violin and played. Alfred Lambourn [Lambourne] Lyman & Em & the baby. Lillie [Lambert] Woodbury who bro’t some letters from her son who is visiting in Mass [Massachusetts]. Clarissa May [Rich] Taylor Jennie Hyde Dr. Middleton. Annie came up & stayed at night. Dr Skolfield bro’t sent 3 American beauty roses. [p. 32] {p. 36}

2 February 1917 • Friday

Had a pretty good day but not quite so well as yesterday did not sleep much after 4 oclock Had a number of visitors among them Ashbel Pomeroy & wife2 from Spokane they are on the way to Arizona to visit Elija [Elijah Pomeroy] (his brother) Visitors were Mrs Lyman, [B.] Morris Young, Brent Jno. Q. Clarissa, who stayed with me all the afternoon while Annie went to a meeting Orson <Geo. C.> Hickerson Orson [R.] Whitaker Sarah Hickerson Sarah Eddington who had visited N. Davis Stake and reported trip Julia [Julina] Smith Mrs T. Winters [Timothy J. Winter] [Agnes Cowan Winter] of Rexburg [Idaho] Katharine Jno Q. Jr. [John Q. Cannon Jr.] and Abie Wells and Nett [Annette Wells] Culmer. Belle is home sick with neuralgia. Annie stayed at night May Taylor bro’t a bottle of distilled rose leaves. [p. 33] {p. 37}

3 February 1917 • Saturday

Had a very good night last night feel much improved this morning. Mrs Crismon brought a box of delicious refreshments and a bunch of pink carnations. Selina Winters Leveridge [Leverich] also called. Had a telegram from Maud [Maude] Wetmore of New York Chairman League for Women’s service asking what data we could furnish concerning patriotic service by women of the state. Sent Annie to Pres Office D <for> advice and Pres. [Joseph F.] Smith said to ans. in a general way but not to attempt to give data required. This morning the U. S. severed diplomatic relations with Germany. [p. 34] {p. 38}

4 February 1917 • Sunday

We had a very nice day today Belle with me all day. Will (Dot’s husband) was my first caller Richard & Amy. Mrs Crismon & Clarissa & Brent were the visitors. We never had so few callers but there are always fewer on Sunday than other days. [p. 35] {p. 39}

5 February 1917 • Monday

Belle attended to some business for me paid my tithing and went down to the bank. Annie came up in afternoon & Belle went home. I had a very nice day. Bro Jno. [John] R. Young of San Juan Stake came to see me. He brought a pistol of Pres. Young’s to give to the relic hall.3 Bishop C. W. Nibley came to see me. It is his birthday. 68 yrs. old Dr Roberts, Jennie, Amy, Joan Campbell Kate Thomas Sister Farnsworth Sarah McClellan [McClelland] Miss Cameron, Edna Davis the Dr. and Kate Wells were the visitors Annie & Jno Q. went to the theatre and Kathar [Katharine] stayed with me during the evening. Henry [M. Dinwoodey] and Florence [Whitney] Dinwoodey came in the evening [p. 36] {p. 40}

6 February 1917 • Tuesday

This is a beautiful day and I feel very much better took a short walk in the hall. Had a number of pleasant visitors Annie was with me all day except at noon when she went up to Edna [Wells Sloan]’s to Sister [Phebe Watts] Sloan’s funeral. Louise stayed with me in her absence. Mrs Carolyn Seymour bro’t a bottle of quince juice and Beth bro’t a baked apple. Mrs. Hyde & Romania came in the evening & had a very lively time they had some lunch with Annie and me, and we had a very good time. Bid [Brigham S.] Young Jno Q. and Prof Clive were the men who came in. Lucy [Rice] Clark Josie [Simmons] Wilkes and Amy were the other visitors. [p. 37] {p. 41}

7 February 1917 • Wednesday

The first thing this moning I received a telegram from Maud Wetmore Chairman of Woman’s Service League asking me to be vice chairman for Utah. I have sent all telegram to Pres. office for advice. Sister [Martha Marcusen] Hammond came in & Bro’t a young man <& young woman> from San Juan Co. to see me. Susa came home this moning from New York & Chicago. Clarissa spent about an hour with me. Mrs Crismon came. Susa bro’t letters from Mrs [Ida Husted] Harper & Mrs [May Wright] Sewell to read to me. Had a stream of visitors all day. Aunt Emily [Harris] Bullock & Edna Sloan came. Sister [Mary Hendricks] Harrison from Richmond Two little boys Howard McLendon [McClendon] (Edith Fullers boy) and Robert Waterman (inmates of the Lund School came in about 6 o’clock I was quite mystified about this visit but later learned they were runaways.4 Belle stayed at night. [p. 38] {p. 42}

8 February 1917 • Thursday

To day is Emmie’s birthday. She and Lyman came to see me. And bro’t the baby. Frieda Icleron (the maid I had on the 5th floor came in also Mrs Richards, [Ida Smoot] Dusenbury Mrs Williams, Beatie[,] Lyman & Crismon. Rich came up and Louise was with me nearly all day. Belle stayed at night. The board meeting was held and a number of the sisters came in to report what was done. Belle had a very hard day at temple she stayed all night [p. 39] {p. 43}

9 February 1917 • Friday

Louise came in morning and Annie came up about 0’ oclock.5 Belle we[n]t home very tired. Ida spent the evening her daughter6 came up to attend a ball at the capitol. We had a number of visitors among them 3 little boys Teddy [Theodore L. Cannon] Victor [Cannon] and Warren Cannon The docter came and said I could go for a ride tomorrow if the weather was good. Alice Horn [Horne] Augusta [Winters] Grant Ellen [Ostlund] Fowler Adeline Hammond Cornelia [Decker] Mortenson of Monticello. Marian [Whitney] and Helen Whitney [Timpson] Mrs Hyde Mrs Lyman Jno Q and Rob [Robert] Sloan were my callers. Annie stayed at night. [p. 40] {p. 44}

10 February 1917 • Saturday

I had a very good night last night and slept later this moning. Mrs Lyman bro’t me a letter from Sister Jensen7 Emily Richards bro’t a letter from Mrs Carrie C. [Chapman] Catt about getting ready for war and postponing her expected visit Mrs Clark and Horace [S.] Ensign also called In the evening Annie & Jno. Q. went down to Em’s to dimer [dinner]. It is baby Jean’s birthday. Belle was not well enough to come up to day, so Annie stayed again at night Dr Roberts Jennie Hyde & Sister Nibley came in Dr Roberts brought a bottle of marmalade and plum jelly. Sister [Pearl Muir] Brough of Woodruff stake Miss Gardner [Mary W. Gardener] of the Hotel Dr Middleton Sep, Rich and Brent were the other visitors [p. 41] {p. 45}

11 February 1917 • Sunday

We were not very early Annie went down for the paper and after breakfast I dressed in my blue gown. Willy Clive, Mrs. Francis[,] Daniel. Jno Q. Romania & Goldie Hyde have all called We had dinner bro’t up from the dining room. A Mr Fisher of New York a man interested in the encyclopedia of biography called at five. Emmeline Wells came down and bro’t a nice hot dinner, The Hon F. A. Hammond8 of Grand Co came in. Also Em & Lyman with the baby.9 Annie went down to the 30th ward meeting The[y] effected an organization of the Relief Society Annie stayed at night. [p. 42] {p. 46}

12 February 1917 • Monday

We had a good night and early this morning Lucile Wallace from Ogden came in and stayed with me while Annie went out to get some things. Amy came quite early and Mrs Cornelia Mortenson [Mortensen] of San Luis Stake Little Jack [Andrew] was also here. The docter came at 0’ o clock and took me for a ride we were out just half an hour. I was quite drowsy during the afternoon in consequence. [p. 43] {p. 47}

13 February 1917 • Tuesday

Mrs Hayward was an early caller she left some papers here for Anni Edna Smith came to see me & Belle. She has excused Belle from going to the temple this week. Em came up & brought her baby she met Katharine here & they went out to do some shopping. Lillian Cann [Cameron] bro’t some grape juice. Miss Johnson from young ladies Mary Jack Lillian Conley [Connelly] Sister Cluff. Sisteir Carrie Hyde10 and Amelia Cutler Sister Nibly & Jennie Hyde. Sep & Brent. I had a fine letter from Senator Reed Smoot. Belle stayed [p. 44] {p. 48}

14 February 1917 • Wednesday

This is Valentine day. Kate Thomas sent me a beautiful bunch of purple flowers. Mrs Crismon, Amy, Emily Richards, Carrie Richards,11 Vilate Bennion, Lula G. [Greene] Richards Jenie Hyde, Margaret [Condie] Sharp Sarah McClellan, Mrs Kimball12 Louise and the docter were visitors Ida Dusenbury came in and had dinner with us. Annie had an officers meeting of the Daughters of Pioneers and she was here until time for theatre when she went with Jno. Q. Ida went to a meeting down stairs about the proposed educational bill. Belle stayed [p. 45] {p. 49}

15 February 1917 • Thursday

I feel pretty well to day. The air is milder than it has been all winter I dressed and went over to our Relief Society rooms and we held a meeting the first time I have been over for six weeks. The meeting was not long and I quite enjoyed it. Clarissa & Ida came back with me. Louise came up in the morning while her aunt Belle went to the docter. Em & Katharine had a party for their cousin Maurine [Cannon]. Amy, Ida Clarissa, Jno Q. Brent, Sep, and Marion Kimball Sprague. The Docter also. [p. 46] {p. 50}

16 February 1917 • Friday

Had a fairly good day. Annie came up about two o’clock to relieve Belle who has been here most of the week. She could not go to the temple because of her eye. Sister [Alice Winder] Bradford (Bette’s mother came to see me. In the eve Sister Nibley & Hyde were in for quite a visit Jno Q. came before going home & Sep came in having come down from Ogden He only stayed a very few minutes. Amy was here in the morning. [p. 47] {p. 51}

17 February 1917 • Saturday

We were rather late this morning. Helen the maid is ill and we had a new maid. Mrs Lyman came in early then Sister Emily Richards came to say good bye. She & Dr Skolfield leave tonight for Washington [DC] to attend a big meeting called by the N.W.S.A. [N.A.W.S.A.]13 to determine what service to offer in case of war14 Emily went from here to Pres. office to be set apart. She made a great fuss over me. Sister Nibly & Hyde were in the former bro’t me a bottle of champagyn. Early Lewis [Louis E.] Granger sent me a beautiful bunch of roses and MaryAnn [Mumford] Case bro’t me a bunch of daffodils & carnations Emmeline Wells & Clara, Katharine [illegible] [p. 48] {p. 52}

18 February 1917 • Sunday

The day was very stormy and unpleasant. The docter came and after the tabernacle Mrs [Leah Dunford] Widtsoe & Sister Gorden [Fannie Schutt Gordon] came for a few minutes. Brent came up to see his mother and later Daniel called for a little while. We had dinner sent up from the dining room. Belle stayed at night.) <Sat. con–> Mrs. Crismon & Jack [John Q. Cannon Jr.] and Cavendish the latter surprised us coming straight from the train. Daniel [K.] Greene came and talked about Canada Belle came about seven and Annie went home. Sep came also. [p. 49] {p. 53}

19 February 1917 • Monday

My night was quite restless had a very bad choking spell. Amy came in the morning. The room had a thorough cleaning and I had to stay in bed longer than I wished. Clean curtains were hung and the windows cleaned. The new house keeper came in and we had a new Chamber maid because Helen is sick. Sister [Agnes Tait] Rutherford came & bro’t a Scotch scone Lennie [Leonora Taylor] Harrington and her sister in law Nettie [Nellie] Todd Taylor made a very pleasant call. Annie came about five o’clock and Bell went home. We had a pleasant evening reading only the wind blew strong [p. 50] {p. 54}

20 February 1917 • Tuesday

Had a fairly good night only the wind blew very hard and kept us awake Golden Kimball made an early & interesting visit. Was very confidential. Violet McClure came and bro’t a bottle of chicken broth from sister Hyde also a glass of cottage cheese. Clarissa telephoned about the meeting which will be held tomorrow instead of Thursday. The day has been ve[r]y quiet Annie read a story by Booth Tarkington in the Harpers– Mr Antoine is quit[e] amusing. At night I was not quite so well. Had some pain and choking spell. Annie stayed Katharine, Abram Jno. Q. and Amy came Mary Murdock and Maryann Lyman Alice M. Horne came. It is her wedding day [p. 51] {p. 55}

21 February 1917 • Wednesday

The day is very stormy and grey. The meeting of Genl Board of R.S. is to be held and I prepared to go but was advised to remain in on account of weather. Clarissa came in on way to meeting to discuss my birthday arrangements. We had dinner from the cafe. The Liberty Stake R.S. sent me a beautiful bunch of white carnations. Katharine went to Logan Sisters Williams, Hyde, & Thomas came in to report board meeting. Kate Wells called. Belle came over from Temple and stayed all night. Annie & I went up to see Ree Nibley [Rebecca Nibley Whitney] on 9th floor. [p. 52] {p. 56}

22 February 1917 • Thursday

Belle was too sick to go to the temple and had to lie down nearly all day. Louise came quite early in the morning and stayed all day I had not so many visitors as usual it being a holiday, Ree N. Whitney sent down some turkey & gravy and her mother Sister Nibley came in for a short call Amy, Dot & Will Lyman. Jno Q. and Dr Middleton were the other callers Belle stayed at night. [p. 53] {p. 57}

23 February 1917 • Friday

Bell still quite sick but went over to the afternoon sesssion of the temple work. Amy came in, in the morning Alberta B. [Barton] Ferris came in she is in grief over her brother’s15 death Rich came also Bud. Mrs Lizzie Crismon & daughter Florence [Crismon Rich]. Sister Nibley bro’t two glasses of jelly. Annie came up after her officers meeting but only stayed a short time. Belle stayed at night. [p. 54] {p. 58}

24 February 1917 • Saturday

The day is most unpleasant with snow and sleet. Jennie & Amy & Beth were all here in the fore noon Annie came in on her way to the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers and again in the evening. She read a paper at the meeting on Developement of Literature in Utah Winifred came in & bro’t her baby16 a Miss Allen was with her and at the same time Lyman & his father17 and several others were here it was quite confusing. Nell Silver, Lillian Cameron, Dot & Will, Sister Nibley Susa Y. Gates & Mary Murdock were the other visitors Belle stayed at night [p. 55] {p. 59}

25 February 1917 • Sunday

A rather bright morning but severe storm at night. Louise came up & bro’t all her family, Dot’s Lucile Mary Murdock and niece, Mrs Holmes [Lucy Roundy Holman], Sister Nibley. Dr & Mrs Middleton and George Woodbury who has just returned from a mission & visited my old home and all around New Salem. Mass [Massachusetts]. Bro W. N. Williams spent an hour in the evening. There was a terrible rain storm at night. Belle stayed again at night. [p. 56] {p. 60}

26 February 1917 • Monday

Am feeling much better to day. The air is spring like at noon Dr Middleton came and took me out for a short ride in his car we were out 50 minutes Annie went to Ogden to a meeting of the daughters of Pioneers of Weber Co. she came in later and Belle went home Annie stayed all night. Sister Ford of Davis Co. made a pleasant visit, she bro’t me a two qt bottle of peach preserve. Sister Mortenson & [N. Evelyn Mortensen] Adams of Col [Colorado]. were here Sister Lyman & Brent were also here. I had Beth come over and dictated to her a letter to Aunt Julina. Sister Nibley was in in the eve. [p. 57] {p. 61}

27 February 1917 • Tuesday

The day is quite spring like. Annie and I had lunch bro’t up and I took a walk in the hall. Amy came in quite early. Dr S. B. Young came and walked up & down the hall with me [p. 58] {p. 62}

28 February 1917 • Wednesday

My 89th birthday. Flowers began coning in the morning and letters & telegrams of congratulation. At 12.30 I went down to the mezzanine floor where the General Board had a most elegant lunch served in my honor. Mrs Nibley was Chaiman of the refreshments & Mrs Williams was toast mistress. Alice Horne, Aunt Susan [Alley Wells] Sister Felt & Sister [Martha Horne] Tingey besides Belle & Annie were the guests and the members of the Genl. Board I was down stairs 3 hours. Had numerous callers afterwards Winifred bro’t me [p. 59] {p. 63}

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February 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1917/1917-02


  1. [1]Perhaps Alice Rollins Ford. (1920 U.S. Census, Centerville, Davis County, Utah, 19B.)

  2. [2]Mary Ann Rich Pomeroy. (1920 U.S. Census, Cheney, Spokane County, Washington, 213A.)

  3. [3]This likely refers to the Daughters of Utah Pioneers’ collection of artifacts related to early Utah pioneers. A newspaper story in 1915 indicated that the “relic hall” was located “on the second floor of the bureau of information building” on Temple Square. It included tools, clothing, and other items owned by early members of the church. (“Relics Collection Largely Increased,” Salt Lake Tribune, 16 Oct. 1915, 5.)

  4. [4]“Police of Salt Lake and nearby towns gave up the search last night for seven youthful inmates of the Lund school at Murray, who escaped from the institution Wednesday, information from the superintendent of the institution saying that all had been returned. The boys who ran away from the school were William Neuteboom, 14; Eddie Reddick, 15; Charles Conway, 10; Joseph Conway, 8; Howard McClendon, 12; Robert Waterman, 11, and John Mann, 12. The boys ran away on Wednesday morning, the superintendent said, and two of them returned voluntarily that same night, he said. The five others were found in Provo late Friday night and taken back to the institution. ‘They gave no reason for running away,’ the superintendent said, and added, ‘they could have no reason.’” (“Boys Are Back in Lund School,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 Feb. 1917, 32.)

  5. [5]In a twenty-four-hour clock, the zero hour would be midnight. Perhaps Annie meant to indicate noon.

  6. [6]Margaret Alice Dusenberry. (1910 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah County, Utah, 100B.)

  7. [7]Perhaps Emma Howell Jenson. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 135A.)

  8. [8]Francis Asbury Hammond died in 1900; this was probably his son Fletcher Bartlett Hammond. (“F. S. Hammond Killed Last Night,” Deseret Evening News, 28 Nov. 1900, [1]; “F. B. Hammond, Sr., Dies from Injuries Sustained in Accident,” Grand Valley Times, 9 May 1919, [1].)

  9. [9]Jeanne Martineau. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 257B.)

  10. [10]Likely Caroline Stanford Hyde. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 178A.)

  11. [11]Likely Caroline Dewey Richards. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 30B.)

  12. [12]Mr. and Mrs. Kimball were residents on EBW’s floor in the Hotel Utah. (See EBW, Diary, 16 July 1917.)

  13. [13]National American Woman Suffrage Association.

  14. [14]At its 1917 convention, the National American Woman Suffrage Association pledged the service of two million women in the United States to the government in the event of war. (“Congressman Mays Introduces Welling,” Salt Lake Tribune, 27 Feb. 1917, 4.)

  15. [15]Lawrence B. Barton. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 43B, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DZ2Q-D52?i=21&cc=1325221&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AMMRL-629.)

  16. [16]Squire W. Cannon. (See EBW, Diary, 20 Mar. 1916; and 1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 234B.)

  17. [17]James H. Martineau. (“Martineau, James Henry” and “Martineau, Lyman Royal,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 3:156–159, 677–678.)