May 1895

1 May 1895 • Wednesday

Last night was the Club reception to the officers of the Federation and I was expected to preside but it was impossible after Mary’s death. One whom I had known so intimately– the two Clubs Reaper’s and Press joined together. It is Br. [Edward] Stevenson’s birthday he is seventy five years old and a large party is to be given for him in the 14th. Ward Hall but I cannot go while my friend is lying dead– How often the first of May has brought joy and happiness while today we are sad and cannot shake off the gloom {p. 150}

2 May 1895 • Thursday

Mary’s funeral was today at three p.m. Belle and myself bought a large bunch of white carnations Mr. Sears and Belle & myself attended the services– I went to the cemetery with Joshua [K. Whitney] Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] & Latie [Vilate Groo Taylor]– it was a sad sight to see so many young people mo[u]rning– There were loads of flowers of the most beautiful one could imagine. The reception in the Templeton was in the evening beginning at 9. p.m. and I had to go though my heart was sad. we had a perfect carm [crowd?] 475 guests were served to ice-cream and all did not take it so we must conclude we had 500 guests– {p. 151}

3 May 1895 • Friday

Today there has been so much talk of the reception last evening– I am so very weary, we are working up the arrangements for the coming guests– and trying to decide in reference to the final entertainments– we do not anticipate much help from the County Associations– Annie came up in the office today; she seldom gets up town now– I have decided to have my bedroom papered– it will be very much more finished and present a better appearance– {p. 152}

4 May 1895 • Saturday

Today is wet and dreary keeps raining every now and then, meeting in the 14th. Ward and following that meeting here of the Silk Association to elect officers– we are doing fine with our work getting it out of hand for the coming Conference– The ladies of the Utah Silk Association came in until we had a quorum and we elected the same Executive Board– Mrs. [Alice Maynard] Goodwin & Mrs. [Emma Goss] Mackintosh were here– well we had to go home in a drenching rain storm– Had a letter from Mell written on the same day as the one I sent to her so strange {p. 153}

5 May 1895 • Sunday

Today I have been very hard at work all morning writing letters to Miss Anthony & Miss Shaw– Jo [Joseph W.] Harrison came and brought Daisie [Daisy Harrison] to see me– I went up to look at some furring[?] called at Abbie [Young Chapin]’s– found Hannah [Free Wells] quite ill– has been for some weeks. came back to Annie’s and stayed with her until after dark. Baby coughs terribly– wrote a long article for the Deseret News– about the ladies who are coming. Fifty one years ago since I left Mass. Passe Rose by Arthur Sherburne Hardy–very sweet book– {p. 154}

6 May 1895 • Monday

I went to the Gardo to lunch with Mrs. [Clara S.] Foltz1 guest of Mrs. [Lydia White] Trumbo’s, her mother Mrs. White was also present– we four– had a fine lunch– and pleasant conversation– today the Convention go to Saltair and have a ball in the evening– I understand my name is on the Committee but have had no intimation of the fact from any member– Susa Young [Gates] came in and told me there was a notice of me and a picture in Peterson’s magazine–2 went and bought 2 copies it was pretty good– had a long letter from Mrs. Sewall– {p. 155}

7 May 1895 • Tuesday

Today we had silk meeting elected the same officers as before. decided on a leaflet, Mrs. Salisbury was in good spirits. In the afternoon we had a meeting of Committees to arrange for our visitors. we got on very well– decided a few matters and many were left over– sent off our letters to the Railroads asking for reduction in fares. twenty five of us will breakfast at the Templeton and many more will join in the drive around town– Letter from Mrs. [Lyle Meredith] Stansbury of Denver–

Went to Annie’s baby coughs dreadful– worries me very much– spent the evening came home late {p. 156}

8 May 1895 • Wednesday

Today Miss Jannette Smith called on me and I took her to the News Office & the President’s office and had quite an interesting conversation with her. also went to see Captain [Samuel] Paul in reference to the Utah Drag– and succeeded in getting it– to the City & County Building and secured Convention Hall for our coming National Conference– wrote to the Governor & Secretary asking them to introduce our guests– and to Mrs. Stansbury of Denver received word from Miss Anthony from Kansas City through Miss Shaw {p. 157}

9 May 1895 • Thursday

<Letter from Gov. West consenting to introduce Miss Anthony> This morning went to the President’s office and had an interview with Presidents Woodruff and Cannon, Miss Smith made herself very agreeable– we called at Mrs. Frank [Marjorie Dwyer] Jennings & saw Mrs. P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and saw Bishop Whitney and Judge Reasonr [Calvin Reasoner] both called on me and talked of their new venture in newspaper work. Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Catt saying Miss Reel would perhaps not be able to come– also in regard to Mrs. [Mary Carrol] Bradford. Went out for a ride in a fine carriage with a strange lady– had a charming ride beautiful scenery and fine conversation– letter from the Sandwich Islands– and several others {p. 158}

10 May 1895 • Friday

This is a day never to be forgotten by me, one upon which I look back with amazement– it is little Murray [W.] Whitney’s birthday he must be three years old I am quite sure– I have had a letter from Miss Mary G. Hoy and one for Dot from Will– I went down to Belle’s & had lunch then to the office again and have been very busy– I have finished some details of the work and feel that we may be able to get through comparatively smooth– Went to Annie’s and slept– John Q. had gone to the drill (military) at Spanish Fork– the baby’s cough is very bad. The children all cough a great deal Annie seems in good spirits Emmie is quite sick {p. 159}

11 May 1895 • Saturday

A telegram from Mrs. Stansbury and Mrs. Bradford announced they would leave Denver this morning and of course they will arrive tomorrow sometime– Very awkward for me, as it will be just when we are busiest. President Cannon has invited some of us to sit on the platform and talked of John Irvine to report– Mr. [Stanley M.] Hunter the Unitarian minister came to see me and we talked about the evening meeting in the Theatre– Dr. [David] Utter and Apostle F. [Franklin] D. Richards will be there and I do not know who else– A letter came from Anna Shaw saying she had my letter to say she should tell Harrison’s story Louise Margaret & Emmeline all came to see me today {p. 160}

12 May 1895 • Sunday

<Dined at Mrs. Hyde’s3 at 6. p.m.> Was up town in good time and at the U.P. Depot at half-past seven with the big Utah4 and several carriages– met the ladies we expected Miss Anthony and Miss Shaw– then we breakfasted at the Templeton forty of us the rest went home or sat in the parlors– We rode about the City and then went home to lunch– Afterwards to the Tabernacle and sat in the Stand with the speakers and Aunt Zina S. M. Kimball & B. W. [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith Miss Shaw Miss Anthony & Bishop Whitney each spoke a short time the singing was extra fine Mr. [Evan] Stephens selected especially. At the theater in the evening Miss Shaw gave her sermon The Heavenly Vision5 {p. 161}

13 May 1895 • Monday

Went up early and to the Constitutional Convention Hall and had everything arranged properly. opened about 1/2 past ten, Gov. [Caleb W.] West introduced Miss Anthony who spoke first then Miss Shaw who carried the audience by storm. Afterwards Mrs. Mary Craig Carrol Bradford & Mrs. Lyle Meredith Stansbury each talking a few minutes then S. M. Kimball, M. I. Horne, Mrs. Wm. Ferry Joanna Melton E [Elias] H Parsons Aunt Zina made a sweet winning address of welcome After the meeting came the reception, hundreds of people at F. S. Richards. dined there afterwards went to the Hall which was densely crowded. Miss Shaw & Mrs. Bradford were the speakers. {p. 162}

14 May 1895 • Tuesday

<dined at Phebe Beatie’s six p.m.> This morning met in the Tabernacle (small one) A very fine assembly– had many representatives besides the principal speakers which rather detracted from the effect– however we made pretty good collections and in the afternoon went out to Saltair had over a hundred guests. the visitors seemed to enjoy it. In the evening we had a meeting in the Assembly Hall– Mrs. Stansbury & Miss Shaw with a few words from Miss Anthony We closed the Conference much to my disappointment– however I had been pretty well wrought up all the time and felt it would be better so. I came home thoroughly exhausted & worn to a thread– {p. 163}

15 May 1895 • Wednesday

<Wedding reception of Charlie Wells & Susie Riter> This morning went up to have our pictures taken in a group– we have had so many in groups– it is a sort of fad. About thirty or more of us. Later on I succeeded after great difficulty in getting Miss Anthony & Miss Shaw down to my house. Mrs. Salisbury was there with us. Belle & Lucile we called at Annie’s on our way– and at Belle’s after. We had kind of a pleasant lunch I paid Miss Anthony 25 dollars out of the collections and we drove to the depot so she could go on to Ogden and Miss Shaw to [Emma Kelly] McVicker’s then to the W.C.T.U.6 reception. Counted out 35 dollars for her. Several ladies went to Ogden with them Mrs. Caine among the number– {p. 164}

16 May 1895 • Thursday

The ladies are really gone and I must go to work– I attended the wedding ceremony & reception of Charles Henry Wells and Sesie [Susan] Denton Riter at her father’s7 house last evening. Bishop Whitney performed the ceremony they are going to live in Dr. [Elvira Stevens] Barney’s house in the 17th. Ward opposite the Temple– This is a dreadful day for me– I scarcely know how to keep up– my heart is sad with remembrances of my own sweet darling Louie [Louise Wells Cannon] and I feel too much bowed down with grief to keep up yet I must not give way. There are no consoling circumstances it was all so hard, so unrelenting my home gone too8 and all at once– {p. 165}

17 May 1895 • Friday

I am trying to make up for lost time or time occupied by the National Conference as well as the Constitutional Convention I have worked very steadily and much harder than any one is aware of– weary & in pain I have still kept on– I have enjoyed the change to be sure but do not know how the means will hold out to pay all expenses. We had the meeting of the Kindergarten9 here today Georgie [Georgiana] Fox Young is the President– she seems very efficient and is very persevering. All the ladies of the Association are very interested and will surely make it a success. {p. 166}

18 May 1895 • Saturday

It is sort of a dismal day and I have been so busy, this is the 14th. Ward meeting day and it is also the Golden wedding anniversary of Br. Ezra T. Clark & his wife Mary S. [Stevenson Clark] I shall not be able to go on the 2.40 train but must wait until the 5.20– I selected, a silver spoon with gold bowl and had it engraved for them with 1845–1895– Ex. Gov. [Arthur L.] Thomas was going up to Idaho and invited me to ride in the Pullman– President Woodruff & Emma [Smith Woodruff] & Aunt Zina were there– Aunt Zina and myself were asked to speak and we did one hundred & fifty sat down to the first table– about 300 in all– some from the East & the West10 {p. 167}

19 May 1895 • Sunday

I slept at Br. [James J.] Steeds he is a fine singer his wife was Thalia [Nathalia] Miller, I had a nice bed all to myself and enjoyed the morning with Br. & Sister Steed– Came home on the morning train President Woodruff came & wife. I went to Annie’s and down home and tried to see all the family Slept at Annie’s and wrote some letters at home before going there for the night– It is growing near the time of the Annual Meeting of the Federation and there is much to be done and my paper is postponed on account of the article on silk {p. 168}

20 May 1895 • Monday

<Had a meeting of Committees here this afternoon> We are still working away left Annie’s this morning baby coughs dreadfully and Minnie is going to leave and she has no one else in view. Emmeline too is coughing very badly I feel quite uneasy about them– Went up to Aunt Zina’s to talk about some one going to San Juan She finally decided that Margaret Caine should go and Mrs. [Elizabeth DuFresne] Stevenson if she could. I think there is no doubt but they will go– it seems such hard work to get sisters to go nowadays. Letter from Mell about Mrs. [Emma Smith] DeVoe sent her a telegram & letter Tried to get some one to go to Farmington to a suffrage meeting {p. 169}

21 May 1895 • Tuesday

<Phebe Young consented to go to W.S.A. at Farmington> This is a busy day I have indeed had my hands full trying to get ready to go to Ogden Dot is going too she has been very ill. The paper has gone to press and I must insist on the revise– Mr. Kaine the Tribune Reporter came to see me I was very unwilling to talk to him as I hold very different views from many of the ladies on the question of voting on the Constitution– I was non-committal on the subject and he went as he came, but will doubtless give what he guesses at– came home O so weary and worn out did not get to bed until nearly morning. all these are shocking days for me. {p. 170}

22 May 1895 • Wednesday

This morning a merry company of us met at the depot– about thirty ladies. Aunt Zina went along with us– Mrs. Allen had her baby11 along with her– we were met at the train by a delegation– Olive [Browning] Wallace came and took us up to her house. The meeting was at two in the Guild Rooms– very nice– I was put on the Nominating Committee and soon found out the Ogden ladies had been coached & were primed ready to vote for Mrs. F. S. Richards– but I was also very determined we succeeded in making Mrs. McVickers nomination unanimous– Reception at the Reed Hotel {p. 171}

23 May 1895 • Thursday

The Reception at the Reed Hotel was a very successful affair– ladies were elaborately dressed and made everything very pleasant meetings to day exceptionally good– went to dinner to Br. [David H.] Peery’s– he has the finest house in Utah without doubt. Stands up on a hill and has a fine view– we came home on the six ten train, found all well went to Annie’s and stayed all night– Mrs. Caine & Stevenson left today for San Juan– the paper is out and all is as usual– had a long talk with Mrs. Allen in the train; she told me more about the Ogden affair than I had really known before {p. 172}

24 May 1895 • Friday

Have been trying to do some mailing but did not succeed very well as there were so many coming and going to hinder, we had the kindergarten in the afternoon and the Press Club in the evening by special arrangement as Dr. Shipp was going north to give lectures & wanted the meeting before she went– I do not approve of so many changes– I was feeling miserable and did not stay until the paper was given and when I arrived at Annie’s found her very nervous and wretched baby’s cough very bad & John Q. gone to Moroni and everything very forlorn– {p. 173}

25 May 1895 • Saturday

Came up late from Annie’s and worked as well as I could, I was much upset because Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards] disappointed me about Wayne Co. and had to telephone to Wood’s Cross and to Deseret & Richfield altogether it cost me 1.55 which must be paid out of the Treasury. I went down to Annie’s at evening and found John Q. had come home which set my heart at rest somewhat– I had to go up to Aunt Zina’s and that is always more or less fatiguing. She was at home and we talked over missionary work she will leave the matter to me about sending to Wayne– {p. 174}

26 May 1895 • Sunday

The day is very windy, the night has been fearful & I could not sleep. this morning I have been trying to do one or two little things and get ready to go and see how Annie and the children are. I feel very much worried about Annie I think she is undergoing a great strain upon her nerves, and I seem utterly powerless to help her in any way– Went over to see Belle & the children, did not try to go to meeting & found Annie quite exhausted– children all pretty well baby better– went to the office and wrote to Sister [Jane Smith] Coleman then to Sister [Maria Richards] Wilcox’s then back to Annie’s and stayed all night. {p. 175}

27 May 1895 • Monday

This morning found Sisters Wilcox and Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze on my arrival at the office The day has been very unpleasant as regards weather– wind and rain got half-fare for Sisters Susan [Noble] Grant & M. W. Wilcox to go to Wayne Co. they left this afternoon. Reaper’s Club today and I have written Letters to Jane S. Coleman Teasdale, Emilia D. [Dahlgreen] Madsen Brigham City O. F. Whitney M. I. Horne City Margaret [Edwards] Clark Rudy Idaho Helen B. Smith Port Townsend Washington containing money for Young Ladies Home Journal Rec’d letter from Margharita Arlina Hamm.12 E. [Elizabeth Baum] Bean Richfield and Louise Barnum Robbins Adrian Michigan {p. 176}

28 May 1895 • Tuesday

<weather windy and cold>

Mrs. Bennett came expecting there was a silk meeting but there was not later on Mrs. Salisbury came and the Bishop Whitney– who made me a proposition to assist in editing the new paper Men & Women–13 and to turn the Exponent over to them– I considered it carefully I saw that if the venture was prosperous it would be much easier for me– but I fear the management, and I think I am safer as I am. even hard as times are and much as I suffer with embarrassment. I have been praying most earnestly for deliverance from debt and I trust and believe my prayers will be answered and that some enjoyment will yet be mine– {p. 177}

29 May 1895 • Wednesday

A very unpleasant day cold and damp. We have had very few callers. Mrs. Coleman moved out of the Rooms next to mine– Sister [Josephine Bunnell] Hardy came in and talked about her paper Sarah Orne Jewett Went to the Library and brought me one of her books A Country Doctor. We got off one sack of mailing, sent letter to Mell– I went home in pretty good time but very weary, could not do any writing, read some in Current Literature for May and in the new book from the Library. I was all alone looked over some of my papers trying to find my Copyright for book Aunt Em’s Stories–14 {p. 178}

30 May 1895 • Thursday

Rose about nine A.M. & commenced sorting & examining letters until I was thoroughly exhausted the day was almost perfect I have worried very much about the new paper (Men and Women) and the offer made to me– cannot be satisfied to do it.

Annie & family are invited to dine at Belle’s– I went over in good time, but Annie & John Q. had gone to the graveyard– Q. had been out with the Militia– Eugene & Brenton went up to see the parade. We dined about five o’clock 13 at table with baby– had a very pleasant time. Annie came over here just for a minute to see the paper on my bedroom {p. 179}

31 May 1895 • Friday

This morning the rain was pouring down in torrents and I was drenched, felt very miserable saw Br. [Charles W.] Penrose on the cars going up, he gave me the message from Angus M. Cannon that I should not merge the paper into that of Men & Women and it gave me much content– I am sure in my own mind it would not be right– took Pearl [Russell] with me to lunch– saw Harry [A. Culmer] & Rob [Robert W. Sloan] and several acquaintances. I worked hard at the mailing and did my best in the Kindergarten meeting Camilla [Mieth] Cobb came & we talked of the mother class. Aunt Zina blessed Camilla & Georgia [Fox Young] and we all felt they would be able to accomplish their work and succeed came home in a pouring rain & nearly perished with cold– {p. 180}

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May 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025


  1. [1]Clara Shortridge Foltz, past president of the California Woman Suffrage Association, was the first woman admitted to the bar in that state. (Corinne L. Gilb, “Foltz, Clara Shortridge,” in James et al., Notable American Women, 2:641–643; Anthony and Harper, History of Woman Suffrage, 4:478.) She was invited to speak at the closing session of the Utah Constitutional Convention on 7 May 1895. (“Proceedings and Debates of the Convention,” 7 May 1895.)

  2. [2]“From far-off Salt Lake City comes Mrs. Emeline B. Wells, a smiling, demure, and well-bred woman. Nevertheless she is one of the crack debaters of the Council. She brings to the task an inexhaustible memory, a neat delivery, and a perfect self-possession. She is a royal enthusiast who has devoted her life to woman’s enfranchisement.” (Hamm, “The National Council of Women,” 5:499.) Called Ladies’ National Magazine when it was founded in 1842 by Charles J. Peterson, the publication became Peterson’s Magazine in 1848 and continued until 1898. It included articles, serialized stories, poetry, and fashion plates, competing with Louis A. Godey’s Lady’s Book. (Mott, “Peterson’s Magazine,” 306–311.)

  3. [3]Likely Annie Taylor Hyde. (“Funeral of Mrs. Hyde,” Salt Lake Herald, 15 Mar. 1909, 2.)

  4. [4]“Big Utah” was a horse-drawn conveyance that held nearly thirty occupants. (EBW, Diary, 12 May 1894.)

  5. [5]Events and personalities are described in “The National Conference: National American W.S.A.,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1895, 23:268. Anna Howard Shaw’s sermon and Susan B. Anthony’s remarks were transcribed by a stenographer and published in “Sermon by Rev. Anna H. Shaw in the Large Tabernacle in Salt Lake City,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1895, 24:1–2.

  6. [6]Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.

  7. [7]William W. Riter.

  8. [8]The home on State Street in which EBW had reared her children was sold to meet Daniel H. Wells’s business debts. She moved out in February 1888. (Madsen, Intimate History, 198–199, 259–260.)

  9. [9]EBW opened her office for meetings of women active in the kindergarten movement. The Utah Kindergarten Association was organized in May 1895. (“Society Notes,” Salt Lake Herald, 5 May 1895, 6; Madsen, “Decade of Détente,” 63:304–306.)

  10. [10]For details, see “Golden Wedding,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1895, 24:4–5.

  11. [11]John Alban Allen.

  12. [12]Margherita Arlina Hamm (1867–1907) was an American journalist, who, among other things, gained success when she reported from a war front. (J. Cutler Andrews, “Hamm, Margherita Arlina,” in James et al., Notable American Women, 2:125–126.) She published an article on the National Council of Women in the Peterson Magazine; the article, which was brought to EBW’s attention by Susa Young Gates, included Utah suffragists. (Hamm, “National Council of Women,” 5:499, 506; EBW, Diary, 6 May 1895.)

  13. [13]A brief announcement of this publication was made in Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1895, 24:5.

  14. [14]In the memoranda portion of her 1891 diary, EBW explained that she sent off a first request for a copyright on 10 November and a second on 4 December 1891. Her diary entry of 2 December 1891 stated, “Have been reading proofs—wrote again about the copy right for my book to the Librarian of Congress.” She noted in her diary on 2 and 23 June 1895 that she continued to hunt through her papers for the copyright.