March 1918

1 March 1918 • Friday

Belle went over to temple and I went to office. Annie came up from her officers meeting and she and Mrs Dusenbury went over to office to get rooms ready. June came to see me. also Brent. In the evening a few choice friends gathered in R.S. parlors and we had the birthday cake & some sherbet. Each one present gave some events in my life and Mrs Nellie Druce Pugsley sang some old old songs. My 90th anniversary has been much remembered. Ida came over and stayed with me and Belle & Annie went home. [p. 60] {p. 64}

2 March 1918 • Saturday

Ida & I went over to Z.C.M.I and had lunch after which she took train for Provo and I went over to office Belle came up later and was with me at night [p. 61] {p. 65}

3 March 1918 • Sunday

I went over to Temple to fast meeting it was quite interesting and later I went to fast meeting in 18th ward where I bore my testimony. Belle stayed up all day and in the evening Louise & Rich came to see me also Margaret [Mitchell] Caine. [p. 62] {p. 66}

4 March 1918 • Monday

After Belle went home I went over to the office where I spent most of the day Ruth [Woolley] Hatch came to see me and told me of the death of Adeline [Hatch] Barber of Logan. She is the woman who made the silk dress for Susan B. Anthony.

Katharine stayed with me at night. [p. 63] {p. 67}

5 March 1918 • Tuesday

Some of the L.D.S. students were up stairs in class room in Bishop’s Building and I went up and spoke to them. I spent most of day in office and it was rather stormy

Belle came up to stay with me at night. [p. 64] {p. 68}

6 March 1918 • Wednesday

Belle went to Temple and I went later to office. Annie came up in afternoon and she and Jno. Q. went away to Orpheum. Belle and I went over to Building for evening meeting but there was none and we came back. In the Lobby we met Senator [George A.] & Mrs [Rosamond Lee] Sutherland and Mrs [E. Amelia Crossland] McDonald and two little girls and Dr [Theodore B.] & Mrs Beatie [Florence Post Beatty]. Had a pleasant chat with Mr & Mrs Wm Child. They came up to our room and I gave them a piece of birthday cake. [p. 65] {p. 69}

7 March 1918 • Thursday

The meeting of Genl Board lasted from ten to 5. Susie read her history in morning and we all had lunch at hotel together then went in session again at 2. The meeting was very long and much business attended to. We read Miss Addams telegram.1 She will be in Salt Lake on the 1st of April. Belle stayed with me. [p. 66] {p. 70}

8 March 1918 • Friday

After Belle went to Temple I went as usual over to the office Annie came up in the afternoon and we came over rather early to the hotel and had dinner. Jno Q. called for her and they went to the theatre. Katharine came to stay at night but she was rather late getting here. The program committee of the Daughters of Pioneers held a meeting in my office this afternoon. [p. 67] {p. 71}

9 March 1918 • Saturday

Katharine went home early and I went out to Z.C.M.I for lunch. In the afternoon we had a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution in the Relief Society rooms. There was an election of officers, Margaret Caine came to see me and in the evening Belle was with me and Brent Sep came to see us. [p. 68] {p. 72}

10 March 1918 • Sunday

Belle stayed quite late in the morning and I went in afternoon to the Tabernacle. After the services I went down to Ems to dinner Lyman [R. Martineau] came for me we had a nice time. Mrs Elise [Benson] Alder came down for me with her Auto and took me to the 21st ward to the evening where I spoke. Bro W. [William] W. Riter was there and Clarissa and both of them spoke. It was a conference of the Relief Society. Edith Fuller [McClendon]’s boy Howard [McClendon] came to see me. He is going home to Arizona. Katharine stayed with me. [p. 69] {p. 73}

11 March 1918 • Monday

Was in office all day. Annie came up in afternoon and went over to room with me Belle was there to stay. June came to see me. He read about the death of B. F Cummigs [Benjamin F. Cummings]. Hebe left this morning for San Francisco to see about a gov’t. position He came last night to say good bye. Mrs Fellows called to see me. Belle & I went up to Mary [Schwarz] Smiths for a little while in the evening. Sep came in. [p. 70] {p. 74}

12 March 1918 • Tuesday

Belle went home quite early and I went over to the office. Jennie [Hyde] had been to a lunch at Commercial Club where an Indian chief & princess were guests of honor. It must have been quite entertaining. Annie came up to stay at night. and read the paper to me. All war news. This A.M. Belle wrote to Mrs. Ellsworth asking for a copy of letter she wrote me. as her letter had been lost. Later Amy found she had it so all our trouble looking & writing was useless. [p. 71] {p. 75}

13 March 1918 • Wednesday

Went to office before noon Ida went came up had qu up stairs to call on the Primary & Mut[u]al girls, went to Coӧp for lunch, Belle came over from Temple bought me new gloves veil & tule to wear to Sister [Elizabeth Green] Fowlers funeral. her funeral was in 27th ward. Sarah Eddington went with me. it was a very nice funeral. went to cemetery but did not get out of Auto. this Evening Dr. & Mrs. Middleton came in & spent over an hour he was called to go to see Sister Emma [Nield] Goddard Sister M. invited us up ther to dinner tomorrow but Belle could not go so we are going next week. Brent came in late for a package [p. 72] {p. 76}

14 March 1918 • Thursday

Went to office about eleven Beelle went over with me. Ida came up early. we had quite a long meeting Susie was taken sick in Temple and had to go home so she was not there. Edna May Davis came Have been in room all the evening Katherine here with me. box from Verona [Dunford Betts] with pretty blue stockings. [p. 73] {p. 77}

15 March 1918 • Friday

Belle came in about ten thirty from Temple walked over to office with me. Sister Beatie invited Belle & I to a social in the 12th & 13th ward Here next Friday. Kate Thomas phoned that Mrs [C. Louise] Boyden wanted me to go over to Barrett Hall to a reading she was giving tonight at eight fifteen. Am quite anxious to hear from Will2 [p. 74] {p. 78}

16 March 1918 • Saturday

This afternoon there was a meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution. It was a business meeting largely and an election of officers.

Katharine came to stay at night. [p. 75] {p. 79}

17 March 1918 • Sunday

Katharine did not go home as early as usual but I did not hurry this morning. I went to the Tabernacle. Ort was the speaker and he did not mention the relief Society but gave a long doctrinal sermon. After dinner I waited in the lobby until Annie came to go with me to the 30th Ward. meeting. We went down in an Auto. The meeting was under the direction of the R.S. as all the church meetings are to night. It was a most interesting and instructive meeting. I bore testimony and every one spoke as much pleased & gratified Lena [Helena Fobes Wells], Abbie [Wells] & Eddie [Edward J.] Wells came to see me [p. 76] {p. 80}

3Sunday 17.

Belle was waiting when we came back and stayed with me at night.

18 March 1918 • Monday

Louise came in to see me in the morning. she had been to the dentists. Mr [R.] John Gordon came at noon and took me to his home to a luncheon and party given in honor of Mrs [Fannie Schutt] Gordons mother Mrs J. Fewson Smith [Christiana Vernon Smith].4 There was a very nice gathering Rye [Maria Young Dougall] & Zina Young [Card]. Aunt Lucinda [Allen] Young and Mrs Hayward,5 and others. Katharine came from school and stayed at night. [p. 77] {p. 81}

19 March 1918 • Tuesday

Mrs Nellie [Mary Ellen Richards] Webber brought her mother Mrs [Charlotte Fox] Richards to call on me. Mrs Richards was 92 years old on the 8st of March. We had a pleasant interview.

Belle came up to stay at night she was not very well had a very hard day. [p. 78] {p. 82}

20 March 1918 • Wednesday

After lunch I went over to the Hotel and attended a suffrage meeting held under the National Woman’s party. Annie, Mrs [Margaret Zane] Cherdron Mrs [Louise M.] Garnett, and Dr. Elsie Ada Faust were the speakers. The meeting was quite long and I became very tired indeed Annie came up stairs with me and stayed until theatre time June came in and Jno. Q. Katharine came to stay at night. To nights “News” announced that Annie had been appointed to the city Library Board by the City Commisioner. [p. 79] {p. 83}

21 March 1918 • Thursday

Amy called for me at noon and we went up to Clarissa’s, who is now in her new home. She entertained the Board at lunch and then we held the meeting at her home. We had a very interesting time and discussed our conference and other matters of importance. Belle came over from the Temple and was with me at night. Had many visitors Kate Wells Lula G. [Louisa Lula Greene] Richards. Dot, Mrs Davies who bro’t me a glass of apple jelly. Dr L. [Leslie] W. Snow and his sister Mrs. [Florence Snow] Critchelow and daughter Lucile [S. Critchlow]. Ida came also. [p. 80] {p. 84}

22 March 1918 • Friday

Went to office rather early and stayed all day except to go for lunch. In the evening June came to see me for awhile and I met some eastern people and had an interesting talk with them At night June took me down to the Pioneer Stake Hall to the Annual Stake reunion. 14 years since it was organized. Sister S. J. Cannon Sister Carrie Thomas, Sarah McClelland also went for the R.S. then David Smith for the Presiding Bishopric and representatives of other stakes <Boards>. It was a very nice affair. [p. 81] {p. 85}

23 March 1918 • Saturday

Katharine stayed until about 11 and then I went over to the office. Had several callers people from California sent to me by Sister Lillie T. [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze. Miss Charlotte Stewart also came in. Annie and Teddie [Theodore L. Cannon] came and I went with them to lunch. Afterwards Teddy went to the mattinee and Annie came over to hotel with me. Mrs Newell [W.] Monk [Lizzie Ann Gull Monk] came in and spent an hour or two with me. Belle came up in good time and we had dinner together. Brent came in evening.

Belle at night. [p. 82] {p. 86}

24 March 1918 • Sunday

I dressed and went quite early to the Assembly Hall to the Ensign Stake conference. Had lunch at hotel. Mrs Monk came in and went with me to the afternoon meeting. After meeting Lyman and Em and the children came for me and took me a ride we went down to Annie where I had dinner and stayed until about 9 o’clock Katharine came back with us and stayed with me at night. Margaret & children6 and Q & Ruby and Shirley [Cannon] were all at Annies. Katharine at night. [p. 83] {p. 87}

25 March 1918 • Monday

Amy came for me about noon and we went down to Jennie Hydes to luncheon. She invited all the Genl. Board. I stayed after the others left and Jennie came up with me to the Hotel. I went over to the office for awhile. Belle came up and Mrs Crismon and her sister Louie Cain came in. and we all went to gether to the meeting of the daughters of the Pioneers. The subject was Early Literary Societies. and the evening was quite pleasant. Belle at night [p. 84] {p. 88}

26 March 1918 • Tuesday

Belle went over to Temple this morning on an errand, then came back and we went to gether down to Mrs Relf’s luncheon on the Mezzanine floor. It was very nice indeed. There were just seven of us. Maria Y. Dougall Belle Mrs [Anna Johnston] Relf Mrs Hogle7 Mrs [Grace Fleming] Relf Jr. Miss <Florence Gill> and myself. Belle went home after the lunch and I came up to my room Amy and some young girl came over for a little while. Annie came up to stay at night [p. 85] {p. 89}

27 March 1918 • Wednesday

Had a very full day to day. Belle went early to Temple and I dressed and in afternoon went to Mrs Annie [Stromberg] McDonald’s to party given in honor of Mrs McDonald’s Son Strongberg [Betty Carlson Stromberg]’s birth day. There were many old friends there and we had a nice time Belle came for me and Dr Middleton took us both in his car up to his house to dinner where we spent the evening. His children four of them played for us. Eugene came to say good bye. He has joined the Aviation and left yesterday Brenton also came. [p. 86] {p. 90}

28 March 1918 • Thursday

I went over to the office and down to Z.C.M.I. for lunch. We had our usual Board meeting at 3 and transacted a good deal of business. Mrs [Elizabeth Claridge] McCune was prese[n]t for the first time this year. After the meeting we discussed informally the question of a new member.8 It is a very beautiful day and every thing. is quite spring like.

Annie came up to stay at night. [p. 87] {p. 91}

31 March 1918 • Sunday

This is Fast Day and Katharine <dau of> went over with me to the Temple Fast meeting. The time changed to day making one hour more of day light & every one turned the clock ahead After fast meeting Margaret Caine <Lula G. Richards> came over to Hotel with me then we went to the 20th Wd to afternoon meeting I went over to Kates and came home later Belle was here. Bro David H. Clayton died this morning. Kate came home with me and in the Lobby we met Miss Jane Addams who had arrived to day to speak on Food Conservation before the Bonneville Club. [p. 90] {p. 92}

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March 1918, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]The telegram from Jane Addams of Chicago read, “Have already accepted two invitations for Salt Lake City. Regret that it is impossible for me to make any more appointments during my very short stay there.” (Relief Society General Board minutes, 7 Mar. 1918, 41.)

  2. [2]This could be William W. Woods, EBW’s son-in-law, or C. William Buchholz, EBW’s grandson-in-law.

  3. [3]text: The following text was written at the bottom of the entry for 18 March.

  4. [4]Christiana Vernon Smith was Mrs. Gordon’s aunt rather than her mother. (“Vernon, Joseph Venobles,” in Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1224; Fannie Vernon Gordon, Death Certificate, 27 Dec. 1955; 1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 14A.)

  5. [5]Perhaps Elizabeth Pugsley Hayward. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 171A; EBW, Diary, Sept. 16, 1908.)

  6. [6]David W. Clayton, Ruth C. Clayton, Sarah Clayton, Robert W. Clayton. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 275B.)

  7. [7]Likely Mary Copley Hogle. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 199B.)

  8. [8]Meeting minutes reported, “President Wells asked that each of the Board members submit a name for a new member of the Board, the names to be opened by the Relief Society Presidency and later sent to the First Presidency for recommendations.” (Relief Society General Board minutes, 28 Mar. 1918, 56.)