July 1905

1 July 1905 • Saturday

Paul King and Dolly [Dorothy] Wallin went away this morning to California I went to the depot with them so did Lucile {p. 110}

1Dolly went away this morning {p. 34}

2 July 1905 • Sunday

Went to the Temple Nine o’clock car and found many there before me, sat between Julina & Edna, Sister Smith in front also Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball President Smith made a veray emotional talk quite affecting a very singular meeting but very ideal, influence of the Holy Spirit perceptible {p. 111}

2sung Be it my only wisdom here Jos. S. [E.] Taylor prayed sung I know that my Redeemer lives {p. 34}

Prest Winder spoke Sister Decker, Sister Goddard James Woodruff Br. McAllister President Jos. F. Smith read from Job. 7. sons & 3 daughters it is not without parallel. Jeesus [Jesus] the disciples Joseph the prophet, more evil and less power. Mentioned the prophet Joseph, then the Utah outcasts, Let God be true, I want to realize how I stand Sister Lucy [Walker] Kimball Smith, Zion {p. 35} Joseph E. Taylor thoughts the enemy Ruth M. Fox C. W. Penrose remarks are very fine[.] sung, half never told Prest. Smith made some remarks young ladies with horns (tin) blowing them unbecoming sung Angels ever near benediction John Henry Smith {p. 36}

3 July 1905 • Monday

This is a busy morning read proof for paper and for the Relief Society pamphlet & Articles of Association, then came the meeting at 2. p.m. of the Reaper’s Social, present Julia Druce, Marry [Mary] Alice Lambert, Carrie S. Thomas, Sarah Ann Sears, M. [Mary] M. Gardner Sarah J. [Steel] Chamberlain, Emile [Emilia] Maeser Julia Ann Druce Maria [Banks] Francis & myself then most of us went to the Bee Hive House to a reception for ladies from Chicago teachers of Music at the Conservatory and there was present Mr. [Alberto] Jonas the celebrated pianist, and Mrs. [Ancella Faunce] Fox of Chicago who had been Mrs. Lizzie Thomas Edward’s teacher, Mrs. Osborme [Osborne] [who] was Miss Agnes Berkhoel were with her, President Smith was very friendly with me and introduced me to Col. Alexander of New York City– {p. 112}

4 July 1905 • Tuesday

Cannons have been firing and a great deal of noise early, 2 large carriage loads of young people left here this morning for Big Cotton wood caňon, on a picnic Louise has gone with them Alice Cannon stayed here all night to go with Louise. I went up town and wrote some letters, then came home and had dinner with the family, all present who are here now except Louise. {p. 113}

16 July 1905 • Sunday

Was sent for early to go to Br. W. [William] M. Stewarts to dinner and to the Tabernacle with his family & Mrs. Lockeman from St. Louis a famous educator and teacher of Pedagogy– her daughter Miss [Alice] Lockman is a Normal Training teacher– Bishop O. F. Whitney preached a fine sermon {p. 115}

28 July 1905 • Friday

Today the dear little twin boys Abram & David are six years old and {p. 117}

30 July 1905 • Sunday

This is the 21st. birthday of our “Sweetie” Louise Blanche Cannon. how delighted we were when she was born, and what a beautiful girl she has grown to be, may her future life be as fair as the morning of her birth, the sun shine of hope and love be her perfect environment and the mantle of charity be ever around her and peace her girdle, Lord grant it– Amen Went to 4th.Ward Sunday school and spoke to the school then to Miss Weiler’s3 class afterwards upon exodus from Nauvoo and the Prophet Joseph {p. 119}

4July 1905

51975 S. 7th. East Margaret Y. [Young] Taylor {p. 37}

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July 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed March 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1905/1905-07


  1. [1]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  2. [2]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  3. [3]Perhaps Lydia A. Weiler.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 32 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This address was written vertically down the page.