November 1900

1 November 1900 • Thursday

<Sent one of my books Morocco binding to Alice M. Tully New York City Verona’s friend wrote a sentiment in it> This morning I felt very ill and ached in my limbs and also in my head. I felt I must go to the office otherwise I should have remained at home, but so much depended upon my being there to see to things. The day was dismal and damp and not many callers. Sister Sarah J. Cannon came and went with me to Aunt Zina’s, we found her at home but in total ignorance of the letter she had received. So I explained the matter to her and several other things and arranged for her to come to the meeting tomorrow This is Prest. Taylor’s birthday and it is being kept by all the family at Annie [Taylor Hyde]’s, he would be over ninety if he were living. I did very little as I was feeling miserable and depressed as well. The month has begun with dismal weather. Letter from Ellen she has buried three grandchildren during her absence from home. {p. 300}

2 November 1900 • Friday

The sun rose bright this morning and the world seemed beautiful indeed– I was so glad because of Belle, thinking it would be nicer for her & make her more cheerful. I went over a minute to see her and found her picking chickens– then to the office and purchased me a new dress. thna [then] a present for Belle a steel bead purse– how well I recall the day she was born and my great disappointment that she was not a boy. Meeting of the Building Committee in the afternoon, Aunt Zina appointed me to preside– We succeeded in disposing of some business. I went to the Royal today and happened to sit at table with Parley [L.] Williams– he insisted on paying for my lunch– dined at Belle’s John Q. & Annie Dot & Will were there a fine dinner all peace– {p. 301}

3 November 1900 • Saturday

This morning went up early and sent telegram to Provo Mrs. Ida Smoot Dusenberry saying I would be there Wednesday evening to speak to the Parents Dept. A Child of Nature the subject. Transacted a great deal of business and got ready for the meeting. Sisters Smith Horne and Cannon were there also Julina & Emily of our Committee. Sisters Dougall Snow & Campbell of the Y.L. & Sisters Felt, Freeze and Anderson of the P.A. Several important motions were carried– I had determined to see my sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] but failed no word from Prest. Cannon as I had expected, Susa Gates & M. A. Caine M. S. [Mary Stevenson] Clark, M. E. Bassett, M. Steele and other ladies called to see me. I came home very weary 29 letters sent off today to Presidents of Stakes M. J. West was a visitor to me today Annie has been up too– {p. 302}

4 November 1900 • Sunday

Last night I fainted while writing in my room and had to call Olive and send over for Belle– I regained consciousness and at last fell asleep. This morning went for the first time to the fast meeting in the Temple, it was held in the Telestial room and Bishop Winder presided choir sung “Glorious things are sung of Zion” prayer by Br. [Adolphus C.] Madsen sung “Jesus Mighty King in Zion” remarks by Br. Winder then Persis Y. [Young] Richards, then Alma [Cannon] Lambert Miss Babcock, Mrs. [Elizabeth Ogden] Decker M. C. Roberts, <Margaret [Thomas] Romney> Susa Gates, Levi W. Richards, Br. [Lycurgus A.] Wilson Lutie [Lucy] Grant sung “When I get to the end of the Way” during the time Br. Madsen then Dr. Young) <& Sophia [Taylor] Nuttall> sung [“]Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire” Br. Winder made closing remarks and the congregation sung God moves in a mysterious way. Angus M. Cannon closed with prayer. a happy day Had a talk with Sarah J. Cannon about going East & then went home to write on my history of Suffrage {p. 303}

5 November 1900 • Monday

This morning sent off the letter to Presidents Snow Cannon & Smith and wrote to Mrs. J. Ellen Foster also to Lucy S. Cardon, and Ann C. Woodbury and Alice J. [Farnham] Call had visitors Susan Grant, Louisa [Winegar] Coltrin, Annie E. [Mead] Pratt, Miss [Helen G.] Pratt Miss Wilding Annie T. Hyde & Jean [Janette Acord] Hyde– Ella W. Hyde Will Hedges, C. [Clarence] H. Reeves, C. C. R. Wells, Junius Wells, Aggie Campbell, Kate Hall and half a dozen more. The day was lovely and I went to the headquarters (Republican) a debate occurs tonight in the Salt Lake Theatre between King W. H. [William H. King] and George Sutherland. Bishop Millen [M.] Atwood came about Mountain Dell Ward‒ I wrote tonight to Hannah J. Bailey of Winthrop Maine about Peace Committee. I am dreadfully weary and scarcely know how to keep up. {p. 304}

6 November 1900 • Tuesday

This is a beautiful morning went to vote on my way to the office and voted 122 in the city much enthusiasm prevailed and both parties were confident of winning. All day I was busy doing this and that and naturally restless on account of so much to do before going away. Had many callers tho’ it was a half holiday. I tried to do all the odds and ends before going away and worked very assiduously until 8 then went home and wrote my Lecture staid up until 1/2 past 3. A.M. Joseph [T. Richards] and Mattie [Martha Sells] Richards had a son1 born today. A year tomorrow since I reached Mell’s home to attend the Silver wedding. Republicans carried everything almost if I had been on the Ticket this year would have been elected– {p. 305}

7 November 1900 • Wednesday

Came away early and set to work, could not accomplish all I wished, saw Belle this morning & Lucile, had lunch with Sep. at Finch’s. fixed for Lula G. Richards to go to Grantsville went to C.S.L. and Rep. headquarters2 saw Mr. Salisbury and bade him Good bye. Emeline came and I arranged with her to go to keep the office while I am away, finally got my lecture from the type writer but had no chance to read it out loud. set off for the train, Annie Daniel & Katharine came to see me– arrived in Provo, Susa met me & drove to Academy Mrs. Ida Smoot Dusenbury welcomed me heartily & went on the platform and after some music gave the Lecture I had prepared A Child of Nature shook hands with many friends afterwards & went home with Susa to sleep {p. 306}

8 November 1900 • Thursday

<Had a lovely visit with Sister Zina & instructions she signed all my papers> Had breakfast at Susa’s and enjoyed it very much Br [Jacob F.] Gates drove me to the train came home and went on with my work and its various interruptions until afternoon then got ready for the Building meeting– Sister Smith & Cannon also Sister Horne and Frank Cannons wife3 were present Julina L. Smith and Emily Richards, I was nominated again to preside and Sister Taylor of the Y.L.M.N.I.A.4 also present, had rather a disturbed meeting and finally decided on positive arrangements & to adjourn subject to call– I tried very hard to get work done and finally had to go down to Annie’s {p. 307} to see them as I thought but could not Sister Taylor stayed and talked with me about our going.

9 November 1900 • Friday

Came up early and went to the Gardo spoke to Mrs. McCune about being set apart– went to see Mrs. Snow and then the President who was not well and he told me to come right in then I went to get Mrs. McCune and we went and were set apart for the work we had in hand President Lorenzo Snow Joseph F. Smith Heber J. Grant Anthon H. Lund & Bishop Wm. B. Preston officiating, but Prest. Jos. F. Smith being mouth in prayer. I had still many things to do and kept right on with my work went to see Annie & children in the evening and Louise went home with me and spent the night. I packed my trunk and fixed all for morning {p. 308}

10 November 1900 • Saturday

Rose at five slept very little, had a cup of tea and some toast carriage came, Belle came over & we were soon off Louise with me Mrs. McCune came on time and we had berths opposite each other. I explained the Council all day long She does not seem to care nor realize its benefits we must try more than ever before to make our people understand the Council and appreciate what it means for them. We talked a great deal but almost entirely council matters. Nothing of interest occurred, and scenery not so very charming. on the U.P.5 I had only morning papers with me– no books except Bible and N.C.W.6 Circulars. We sat and talked rather late and the train was very hot no ladies on but ourselves, good service and we went to bed very warm and nearly froze through the night {p. 309}

11 November 1900 • Sunday

Sunday morning lovely day had breakfast Sister McCune was car-sick the day was very pleasant– and we become acquainted more and more I tried to write a little on my report hers was ready– and I could not get much done because of talking with her about Council matters. We had lunch and the day wore on at last Mrs. McCune was sorry to part with me and go on the other road as she must on arriving in Omaha [Nebraska], However I shall be able perhaps to get my paper ready to read for when I get there I know so well how things will be At Omaha we met Mrs. Mary B. [L. Pease] Carr of Denver Prest of the G.A.R.7 and a very queer woman she had come on our train a little earlier and we had both noticed her, it happened that we were the only women in the car going out of Omaha {p. 310}

12 November 1900 • Monday

<Mrs. Gaffney greeted me most heartily–> Had a fairly good night and arrived at 8. A.M. in Minneapolis [Minnesota] drove to Hotel, Mrs. Carr was met by Mr. Norton & Mrs. Starkweather to whom she introduced me– none of the ladies had arrived except Mrs. [Emma Andress] Olds of Elyria Ohio & Mrs. Denman a friend of hers. before long I was waited upon be [by] a Committee who said I was one of the guests at a luncheon to be given by the G.A.R. Post to the guests who were at the Council and that Mrs. Carr in particular I dressed and went alone, Mrs. Olds name not being known 42 women were present and the tables were elegantly decorated with flowers. I sat by Mrs. [Harriet Granger] Walker at the head of the table and I afterwards learned she was considered the most important woman in the City speeches were made first by the G.A.R. Pres. then Mrs. {p. 311} Grand Commander etc and then one or two others & myself Mrs. Walker followed me & also Mrs. [Anna Lynch] Higbee the President of the local Council. Reception the same evening both at the Nicolet Hotel. Met Judge [Charles A.] Townee and others. <Saw Mrs. Gaffney this Monday evening– Mrs. McCune arrived at 4 or 5. p.m.>

13 November 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday morning Executive session lasted until half past 12. then lunch then the meeting at the Unitarian Church, went on the platform with the other officers– came home to dinner then to the reception at Mrs. Walkers, elegant rooms full of paintings Met Mrs. [Harriet Walker] Holman Mrs. Walkers daughter who had been in Utah and knew our people all through the south, at Kanab & St. George– then we had refreshments & met Mrs. [Annie Mason] Haskell who belongs to the Newspaper fraternity evening meeting interesting and weather very cold. {p. 312}

14 November 1900 • Wednesday

This morning I must be self possessed as I have my paper to read today but matters in executive were very trying this morning and although I sat up until nearly three I feel very badly today but must persevere, many ladies have come whom I do not know but among those I do know are Mrs. Gaffney Mrs. Spencer Dr. Barrett Mrs. [Hannah Greenebaum] Solomon, Mrs. [Lillian Bates] Hollister Mrs. [Mary Newberry] Adams Mrs. [Mary Church] Terrell colored,8 Miss Beaks [Bower] Mrs. [Florence Jameson] Miller Mrs. Wallace9 We are getting on with business and in the afternoon I read my paper, so that is over, and I was the only Secretary on the platform this afternoon– we hurried home and dressed for the evening– now my mind is somewhat relieved and I feel more at my ease, Mrs. Sewall made a very long speech reviewing the International Council {p. 313}

15 November 1900 • Thursday

This is to finish Council work but not withstanding ten <nine> o’clock <beginning> and much dispatch used by the Prests. we stayed until one and then we could not get two [through] and will have to hold meeting again tomorrow morning to get through– Afternoon session finished reports and after that reception by the local Council to the Delegates & Officers I wore my brown silk Mrs. McCune Paris dress of black lace, she looked quite handsome– there were more elegant dresses than I had seen there before– Mrs. McCune has made up her mind to go on to New York to her husband who is there evening meeting not quite satisfactory came home late and talked as it was our last night {p. 314}

16 November 1900 • Friday

This morning breakfast and nine to the meeting in one of the small parlors of the Hotel as the Ladies Ordinary was taken for cloak room for a ball to be given that evening The session was long and complicated and at last closed after one then we began to scatter Mrs. McCune left on the 3 train bade her good bye in the room we had 2 adjoining 621.625– I went to Railway got my ticket signed and bought berth on C. & W.10 for home– Mrs. Gaffney came to my room after dinner & spent an hour with me I enjoyed it very much– then wrote a letter to Em in Detroit & fixed all and said Good bye to the ladies– {p. 315}

17 November 1900 • Saturday

<of the Council > Was on Chicago North Western Pullman Falmouth comfortably all night arrived in Omaha 50 minutes late had to wait until ten to get U.P. train– Left Omaha on the North Platte saw one man from Salt Lake Charles Seaboldt [Charles G. Seyboldt] had berth 5– many ladies in the car– and inconvenient to go to the dressing room I read my magazines and prepared editorial for the paper. no one to speak to and no scenery to gaze at everything very monotonous. We had a fine dinner and supper though and I tried to rest knowing that when I reach home I shall have much to do. I have had no word or line from home and been away now this is eight days the car is very full of people but none of special interest yet perhaps so if known {p. 316}

18 November 1900 • Sunday

This is a beautiful morning but no breakfast and night was very miserable– bed hard and I really went to bed ill I felt uncertain about going in fact did not know what might be, dreamed of my mother,11 of Sister Taylor12 and of Litha [Tilitha Free] Smith. Read several Psalms and some chapters in the New Testament, came to Green River when we put on dining car and soon after had breakfast– then wrote some, scenery began to be diversified, about noon met the out-going train, had lunch and talked with Mrs. Saxon of Denver who had lived in Salt Lake and her husband had died there corner 6. East & 6 South name Hinkey– Swiss– now nearing home– Was moved into Denver car Aboylor Came home in a storm found all well hot tea at Belle’s saw all the family. {p. 317}

19 November 1900 • Monday

Went to the office this morning opened all my mail, one letter from Mell, mostly about D.R. matters one from New York asking me to send my name to be embroidered in gold letters on a flag among men and women makers of American history. one inviting me to write an article for the Christian Herald, one from Miss Tully of New York City thanking me for my book of poems Verona had requested me to send to her. others only ordinary. Went to see Annie and the children all well Q. not at home, over at the farm, came home and stayed alone again, same as last night, very lonely went over some of my papers and did some writing, sent acceptance and name to New York for the card for flag spent the evening at Dots {p. 318}

20 November 1900 • Tuesday

This morning Olive came the night was hideous and so dismal and stormy she could not come until morning. It was a great relief– especially as I had to do so many things, went about seeing to some one for Evanston, Woodruff Relief Society Conference– but did not succeed. At last went to Sister Horne’s birthday party at Minnie H. James and found Sister Stevenson & Sister Woodruff willing to go– so went off after tickets etc. and the storm was awful caught such a cold and then snow and blow was simply awful came home near midnight wind raging, and no cessation night hideous, and alarming wind roared like the sea At Sister Horne’s party she blest us all and some of us spoke afterwards and Aunt Zina interpreted– {p. 319}

21 November 1900 • Wednesday

This morning snow was deep and wind high when I went to the office, but all day it seemed more calm until towards evening, and when I reached home it was simply terrific. I did not know what to do or how to endure the nervous strain Olive did not feel it as I did. At last she went to bed and I kept up– did not dare to make a fire up stairs, so at last– let the fire out in the back parlor and went to bed in the cold room and tried to read but soon put out the lamps and only burned the candle. I slept only disturbedly until towards morning the wind abated in its fury and the night was to me one of terror in fact I felt I would never endure another one like it alone– Letter from Mrs. Pardee and others– {p. 320}

22 November 1900 • Thursday

<Gave Mrs. Emily S. Richards my book of poems to send to the Bazar in New York–> This morning felt even more miserable not able to go to the office but forced myself to do so– I knew how much I must do to get things in readiness for the meeting of the Building Committee, now we are in near proximity to the time for putting in the foundation if we are to do so this fall– had a lovely letter from Mrs. Salisbury written at Irvington on Hudson– she sailed yesterday for Europe Mr. Salisbury returns to enter the race for Congress. Went to Annie’s to dinner and spent the evening, John Q. came home and told us that his father had decided to go to the Sandwich Island Jubilee– and he had to do his work for him in his absence, came home and did a little work looking up and so forth and so on– {p. 321}

23 November 1900 • Friday

Had a better night and this morning felt rather better except my cold was terrible. Annie came on the same car with me going to the Concert at the Tabernacle at which Viola Pratt [Gillett] was to sing. While we were going the rain came on heavy, black clouds very threatening. Annie came in to the office afterwards, I was busy all day getting ready for the meetings had a letter from Mrs. McCune in New York– we had meeting of the Board at 3. p.m. and decided to declare Mrs. [Adeline Winn] Hatch’s place vacant and elected Annie T. Hyde to fill the vacancy then the Building Committee met and talked and discussed plans and talked over builders and buildings. Sent off Heralds & News to Miss Anthony 3. each Very much depressed in spirits Emily [H.] Cannon is very ill. {p. 322}

24 November 1900 • Saturday

Went to the office very ill could scarcely keep up, indeed I could not do much at first letter from Mrs. Salisbury just before sailing, and Sister Susan Grant came and reported her trip thro Oneida [Idaho] Stake and also the Conference, finally I wrote to Mrs. Hatch of Vernal explaining action of the Board and to Mrs. Hyde informing her of her election upon the Board of Directors. Looked up on some matters of Exponent and wrote to Miss Evans to come to work and to Mell of my trip and that I was not well– visitors Mrs. Evans13 of Union, Miss Kates [Emily Katz], Mrs. Johnson, Miss Cooley,14 and others. Came home late and did some reading, finished the story of Eleanor by Mrs. Humphrey Ward, and read on in A Friend of Ceaser’s by Davis. {p. 323}

25 November 1900 • Sunday

This morning let Olive go home and tried to rest and do some writing on some of the work I had intended doing– felt very unwell and did not try to make much exertion, day lowering and gloomy– afternoon Louise Cavendish and Katharine came to see me– it does seem natural to have the girls come in as now Dot and Em. are both married and away and I see so little of Lucile because her mother has no other help, and Daisie and Verona both farther away. However I am thankful to have a home where I can be comfortable and rest quietly I did manage to get a little writing done and went over to Belle’s in the evening and found her ill with neuralgia. I was feeling so badly myself I could not comfort her very much {p. 324}

26 November 1900 • Monday

Monday morning I went to the office in good time, but could scarcely do anything I was feeling so ill. Several callers, Rachel Grant & Sisters at the Reapers Club– Sister Julia Druce, and Margaret Taylor, M. Lois Morris Christina Trescott, Minnie H. James, Annie T. Hyde Julia A. Druce, Maria W. Wilcox– Annie Hyde gave a paper on Emerson and I did some talking about my trip to Minneapolis. We had a fine meeting. I had some important letters and tried to get my newspaper Article sent off– but failed– Letter from Verona containing five dollars for which I felt very grateful. Emily Cannon is a little better Lucy W. Smith came to see me today– Lucy A. Clark of Farmington– I came home in great pain and finished my article and worked until half-past one {p. 325}

27 November 1900 • Tuesday

This morning Kate Hall put my article in type writing and I brought up my photo to send away‒ but so many people came I could not get it off until after the meeting of the Building Committee, Julina & Emily came of my Committee Relief Society– then Della W. [C. Adella Woolley] Eardley and Maria Y. Dougall & Aggie Campbell then Louie Felt and May Anderson– of the P.A.’s

Received forty dollars from Sanpete Stake and sent Receipt and letter to Treasurer Mary Petersen, wrote to Sister Cox on the subject. Wrote to Sister Mary Pitchforth about resigning and did some few other things of the kind, wrote to Sister [Ann Rawle] Fry Morgan and sent her bill. Did get off the mail to the matter <Editors> of the Christian Herald and came home in great pain and only read the evening paper and went to bed early for me. {p. 326}

28 November 1900 • Wednesday

This is Nett’s birthday no doubt her own family are having a festival and holding high revel. I saw Belle this morning got all her proofs of Whitney Genealogy and my own and expressed them to Mell in Wallace Idaho. Had a busy day and one cannot do but from indications that all my life is to be full of work. I wrote a letter to Mell mentioning our last Thanksgiving and making all needful explanations. I also wrote to Mrs. Salisbury in London where she must have arrived long before this time. I bade Prest. Cannon Good Bye and soon after Annie came up she had seen him to bid Good Bye on the street I went in the evening about six o’clock to see my Sister Lucy she looks very ill and though she has the two grandsons,15 she has really no companionship. She seems to have shut herself <out from all> {p. 327}

29 November 1900 • Thursday

<I wrote a letter to my sister Ellen and mailed it to day> It is very sad on this Thanksgiving morning to feel that she is there by herself ill too perhaps unto death, and will not accept kindness from those who really love her. It is a beautiful day. Louise Emmeline and the twins came in the buggy to ask me to go early to Annie’s and have a visit before the dinner. After they were gone I turned dizzy and faint and try as I would it did not seem to leave me, then I grew alarmed and went over to Belle’s, Dot came back with me, and helped me dress, at last I got ready and took the car arriving at Annie’s met Q. and Daniel starting for Base Ball we had a pleasant time Emmeline in Puritan costume, all sat down to dinner tho’ Louise was late, during the evening Q. Louise and Daniel did some singing Margaret came home with me {p. 328} <to stay all night.>

30 November 1900 • Friday

This morning Sister Elmina S. Taylor and myself went to see Prest. Snow as a Committee to inquire about bids etc. for the house also about heat & light, we had the advice given to be sure and employ our own people and recommending D. C. [J. Don Carlos] Young, we did not feel to go to him until after another meeting of Committees. During the day had a number of callers and went to the Ladies’ Literary with Annie to the Reciprocity meeting day Mrs. Coulter State Prest. gave topic on the West Indies and Mrs. [Kate Stubbs] Hilliard on “Coming Economic Revolution” tea & wafers were served. In the evening the Press Club met in my office and Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. [Elizabeth Shreiner] Moyer were guests of the evening. Mrs. Coulter gave a delightful talk on The Biennial at Milwawkee [Milwaukee, Wisconsin], I was very greatly exhausted Received several important letters, one from Mrs. Higbee Minneapolis {p. 329}

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November 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]Edward F. Richards.

  2. [2]County of Salt Lake and Republican headquarters.

  3. [3]Martha Brown Cannon.

  4. [4]EBW evidently meant to write Y.L.N.M.I.A., standing for Young Ladies’ National Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]Union Pacific.

  6. [6]National Council of Women.

  7. [7]Grand Army of the Republic.

  8. [8]The use of the term colored when referring to African Americans was considered standard neutral language for EBW’s time. (For additional information on usage in her era, see Historical Context.)

  9. [9]“There were presidents and delegates from many of the National organizations belonging to the Council, some of whom we knew well and others we had not known heretofore. Mrs. Mary Newbury Adams, of Iowa; Mrs. I. C. Manchester, of Rhode Island; Mrs. Fiske, of Minneapolis; Mrs. Lillian E. Hollister, of Michigan; Mrs. Emma R. Wallace, of Chicago, and Mrs. Flo Jameson Miller, of Illinois. Miss Bower, of Detroit, and Mrs. Terrell of Washington, D. C., were women we had known previously, some of them for many years.” (“Report of the National Council,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Nov. and 1 Dec. 1900, 29:53.)

  10. [10]Chicago and North Western Railway (usually referred to as CNW).

  11. [11]Diadama Hare Woodward.

  12. [12]Probably Elmina Shepard Taylor, Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association general president.

  13. [13]Likely Ann Sharp Evans.

  14. [14]Likely May A. Cooley.

  15. [15]See EBW, Diary, 22 Dec. 1900, footnote.