January 1903


20 March

Along with Clarissa S. Williams and Ruth May Fox, EBW traveled to meetings of the National Council of Women in New Orleans, arriving 24 March and staying until 29 March.

7 April

Septimus W. Sears, husband of EBW’s daughter Isabel Whitney Sears, died of pneumonia at his home in Salt Lake City.

6 June

The new Relief Society general presidency had their photographs taken at the Fox and Symons studio. The group went for a second sitting on 20 June.

18 June

EBW learned that the International Press Union had elected her as one of its international vice presidents.

20 July

Hiram W. Clark, EBW’s brother, sent word he would spend a day in Salt Lake City in August on his way to a Grand Army of the Republic reunion in California.

21 September

EBW received news that her sister Pallas Woodward Clark, age 84, had died.

28 October

EBW conversed with Alice Merrill Horne about attending upcoming meetings of the International Council of Women in Berlin, Germany, in 1904.

1 January 1903 • Thursday

Slept at Annie’s Cannon Farm rose very late– Louise [B. Cannon] brought me a cup of tea. I had slept in the back parlor with Katharine [Cannon] and we had sat up very late talking over many things. John Q. [Cannon] Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] and myself Carlie [Caroline Young Cannon] and Carroll [Croxall Cannon] had called during the evening and we had a glass of wine and cake together. I stayed until we had dinner, a fine roast of beef and plum pudding etc. came home and called over at Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s. I tried to do some of my writing but did not accomplish much; my work seems to drag heavily on my hands. I was invited to Lydia Ann [Alley Wells]’s it is her 75th. birthday, and they asked me to come to dinner but I really could not go. I feel I must get some work done that seems imperative {p. 37}

2 January 1903 • Friday

I am working very hard I read my proofs today and prepared more copy etc. had many callers which takes up time. A letter from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods]. Mrs. Nell Clawson Brown is very anxious to get my room1 and I know she will be better situated for her business if I change, but I dread the moving, yet she has promised to see to it all, still there are many things I must do myself– I shall be nearer to the elevator– and just as comfortable and pleasantly situated, only the trouble of it and the hindrance and all these things are tiresome, indeed I have just come off a very wearisome journey at a cold season of the year, and have no help in the house, must make my own fire when I go home at night. {p. 38}

3 January 1903 • Saturday

Went up to the Presidents office and got my money for the month– and saw W. S. [William C.] Spence about Permits for the officers of the Relief Society– read remainder of proofs– sent telegram to Mell and had lots of callers through the day as one necessarily does on Saturday, people come to town on business.

The evening I spent alone trying to get some writing done and finishing up little odds and ends and preparing everything for morning to go to the Temple Fast Meeting and to Annie’s for George Q. [Cannon]’s birthday. {p. 39}

4 January 1903 • Sunday

Went to the Temple in good time. President Joseph F. Smith presided and was very emotional and impressive in his remarks.– sang “Come let us anew” etc. prayer by Apostle Rudger Clawson, singing “Sunshine in my soul.” Remarks Prest. Jos. F. Smith Levi W. Richards Br. [Thomas] Alston, Emma [Nield] Goddard, Maria W. [Richards] Wilcox, C. C. Raleigh [Caroline Raleigh Wells], Wilford Woodruff, Bishop [Elijah F.] Sheets, Ida B. [Bowman] Smith, John Nicholson, Della W. [C. Adella Woolley] Eardley, singing “The Spirit of God etc.” Br. John [T.] McDonald Br. Mc’Carty of Canada, Sister [Eleanor Crossland] McDonald, L. [Lycurgus] A. Wilson, C. [Charles] W. Penrose Ruth M. [May] Fox, H. C. [Hannah Free] Wells[,] Bishop [Alfred] Solomon <President> John R. Winder President Smith closing words. Sung, “I know that my Redeemer lives” prayer Apostle John Henry Smith. Wend direct to Annie’s to dinner, thirteen at table George Q. is 22 today, I spent the evening. George A. Lowe died today– at his home {p. 40}

5 January 1903 • Monday

Went up to the office late called at Belle’s before going. had several callers early Br. L. John Nuttall, Br. [James A.] Cushing, Priscilla [Pitt] Lunt from Nephi, Mrs. Pricilla P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings Margaret A. [Mitchell] Caine Louise Cannon and half a dozen more. Letters from Verona [Dunford Hillard] (Spokane[)] Mary Stacy Hanson Orange Mass. cousin by marriage. M. A. [Mary Ann Ramsey] Smart Union, went to Sister [Elizabeth Jane DuFresne] Stevenson’s. Reaper’s Club met today and had Memorial Meeting for Joseph the Prophet served refreshments myself– had them from “Franklins‒” Thirty sisters in all Sisters <1>2 B W [Bathsheba W. Bigler] Smith, <2> M I [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne, <3> M A C [Mary Alice Cannon] Lambert, <4> Smoot, <5> Julia [Jinks] Druce, <6> Julia A Druce, <7> Hannah [Bowthorpe] Brooks, <8> Ann [Kay] Hardy <9> Mary A [Luffery] Hardy, <10> C. Hardy, <11> Ann Midgeley [Annabelle Park Midgley], <12> R E [Rebecca Mantle] Little <13> H. Gardner, <14> C [Christina Johnson] Trescott, <15> M C [Margaret Swan] Hull {p. 41} <16> Annie T [Taylor] Hyde, <17> Sarah [Gleason] Phelps, <18> Eleanor [Oates] Long, <19> Julia C [Cruse] Howe <20> Margaret Y [Young] Taylor, <21> Jane S. [Snyder] Richards, <22> Dr. R. B. [Romania Bunnell] Pratt, <23> Minnie H. [Permelia Horne] James, <24> Clara H [Horne] James, <25> Lizzie S [Stevenson] Wilcox, <26> Maria W. Wilcox <27> Elizabeth J. Stevenson, <28> Margaret A. Caine, and <29> myself‒ Sister Annie Eulalie Walden. <30.>

6 January 1903 • Tuesday

Jan. 6. 1903 Went up late, talked to David Evans on the car– he is off to California wife3 & 2 children‒4 Louise was in when I came letter from Washington D. C. Samuel K. Hall, Movd into room 509.5 Phebe [Young] Beatie & Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton came to see me– Lucy A. [Rice] Clark of Farmington came, had lunch with Nell Brown came home and called on Belle Lucile [Sears] came over with me and made my fire. I am so weary aching all over me, can scarcely keep up at all, for very weariness. feel very anxious to do my regular work at least. {p. 42}

7 January 1903 • Wednesday

This is a day of general work seldom any meetings or much to occupy time save the ordinary routine. weather very cold and snow and I am still without any help– Margaret Thomson who promised to stay with me has not come back yet since my return home from Idaho– {p. 43}

26 January 1903 • Monday

<this is the 26th.>6 This is Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears]’s birthday I promised to go down to dinner, and in the morning a telephone message came for me to go to Sister C. S. [Clarissa Smith] Williams to meet Sister B. W. Smith, so off I set, I had promised to meet Mrs. H. [Hiram] S. Young [L. Georgiana Fox Young] and she came also Mrs. [Ida Smoot] Dusenberry Mrs. Little, Mrs. Coray and I left them and went to Sister Williams, found letters to be answered on Mother’s Class affairs. Read them and took them to the office to answer. Excused myself from the Legislature and attended to my writing. Read the letters to Sister Smith who approved and we sent them off. Bought Sep. 3 linen handkerchiefs and came down to Belle’s to dinner. Mr. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears Belle Sep & Gertrude [Trindle Sears] and Lucile [Sears] beside myself were all, Brent [Brenton M. Sears] not able to come down, spent the evening and remained all night as the storm would not admit of my going up to the Historical Meeting {p. 45}

Somehow I wrote on the wrong page for the 26th. I am so sorry to make such a mistake. It was a dreary day but the storm was no more severe than the day Sep was born– we had a fine dinner and conversation too– Gertrude is a very sensible young woman and strives to make Sep. comfortable I am sure. The wind was very high and the night awfully dark and as I had no one to stay with me I did not attempt going out but stayed at Belle’s although I had intended going to the meeting of the State Historical Society in the Federal Court Rooms at the Dooley Block. It was the annual Election of officers for the ensuing year. Lucile gave up her room to me and I was very comfortable. {p. 47}

27 January 1903 • Tuesday

Rose early and went to the office Mrs. Young came and we went together to the Historian’s office to see Prest. [Anthon H.] Lund. had an interview with him on the Domestic Science Question in the Utah University and found he coincided with our views, afterwards called upon Attorney Frank [W.] Pierce and found him just the same. Went back to work had a few callers and replied to some letters. Called on Sister Stevenson and Sister Walden came home with me. the wind was so high, that we could not go to my house and we spent the evening there in Belle’s cosy pleasant sitting room and heard the wind howling all night long while we were snug in bed {p. 48}

28 January 1903 • Wednesday

Had slept with Lucile at Belle’s, it had been a fearful night with wind and rain, early commenced snowing and continued thro’ the entire day almost. Many dreadful accounts of storms and cold come from all around. Sister Walden had also slept at Belle’s in Em’s room. Brent’s knee is very bad indeed, We went off early but previous Sister W. had told me I was going to have some great surprise that would be an unexpected joy, also some busines enterprise that would bring me money George Q. Louise and Margaret [Cannon] have all been in to see me. There is not much mail on account of blockades. Margaret Caine[,] Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon and Miss Taysum have been in that is about all. I have sent off letters papers and report blanks Mrs. Mary E. [Knight] Bassett came in etc. I came home alone and really feel very much fatigued. {p. 49}

29 January 1903 • Thursday

A very unpleasant day, I am so desirous of going to see. Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury— {p. 50}

30 January 1903 • Friday

Today we have had many interruptions, Sister B. W. Smith Sister S. J. Cannon and others from the Temple. Meeting of the Utah Council of Women in the afternoon. Always does make confusion. I have succeeded in getting Sister Walden back again at last– for I am very weary. She came this afternoon and went down to the house. Emmeline [Cannon] came to go down and sleep with me, she is a very entertaining child and I love to have her come. I went home much earlier on her account because I did not like her to be up here it would be tiresome for her.

Today I went to the Ladies Literary Club House to a meeting of the Board of Directors of the State Federation–7 eleven members present– voted on bills & about the Annual Meeting of the Federation {p. 51}

31 January 1903 • Saturday

We had some confusion as there was much going on it was Sister [Jane S.] Richard’s birthday Sarah Jane Cannon went to Ogden to be present. We sisters sent Sister Richards a book Biography of Men and Women of the Church. Andrew Jensen’s Work. Sister B. W. Smith Annie T. Hyde, M. Isabella Horne Sarah J. Cannon and myself gave the book. I also wrote her a letter and mailed it. In the evening we had the Utah Woman’s Press Club Sister Wilcox President. Sister [Anna Gaarden] Widtsoe gave an original paper on Norwegian Peasants Xmas and Stella [L. Estelle] Neff on Ella Wheeler Wilcox Comparing her early poems with her later work came home very late Historical Committee at 4. p.m. Deseret Bank, talked of petitioning the Legislature {p. 52}

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January 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1903/1903-01


  1. [1]See EBW, Diary, 6 Jan. 1903.

  2. [2]text: EBW numbered the women who attended this meeting of the Reapers’ Club.

  3. [3]Leah Naegle Evans.

  4. [4]Lucile Evans and Irma L. Evans.

  5. [5]EBW’s office was room 507 in the Templeton Building. (Masthead, Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1903, 92.) Although her diary entry indicates that she changed rooms on this date, she did not correct the room number on the masthead of the Woman’s Exponent to 509 until the June 1903 issue. (Masthead, Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1903, 4.)

  6. [6]text: EBW wrote the entry for 26 January on a page preprinted with the date “24 january”.

  7. [7]Utah Federation of Women’s Clubs.