November 1887

1 November 1887 • Tuesday

This is a beautiful day and we have had lots of callers. Mrs. [Marilla Young] Ricker came in and looked over the papers and talked with the strangers.1 Some Reverand gentleman came and asked many questions in reference to our religion. Aunt Eliza has taken a very severe cold, and is quite ill, not likely she can pass through many more ordeals of sickness. I am so very weary. Sad too more than ever because of Percival. Trials accumulate upon us it seems. I remember distinctly 39 years ago [p. 329] {p. 330}

2 November 1887 • Wednesday

Belle’s birthday anniversary today. No doubt they are having a pleasant time in their beautiful time, imagine them all seated and talking merrily about the day. O, what a storm there was when she was born in a wagon and no fire and no luxuries of any kind, such a wearisome journey we had just passed over. But when the trial was over and the baby born washed and dressed how glad we seemed, though all was so dreary & cold. Grandma [Catherine Davies] Wilson was very jolly [p. 330] {p. 331}

3 November 1887 • Thursday

This is fast day and Annie has a very bad cold and cannot go to Fast meeting I went up late and could not go to ours because the paper was behind & there was much to do in the office. Mrs. Ricker was there and Corneel Horme [Cornelia Horne Clayton] & others came in after the officers meeting. & Had some conversation with Mrs. Ricker on our condition and so on Lydia Ann was introduced but did not stay long. Seemed quite diffident I feel very weary all the time and can scarcely keep up. [p. 331] {p. 332}

4 November 1887 • Friday

<Paid my husband a visit last night> Today there has been many in asking questions and wanting to see Pres. Young’s wives. There is so much dust that it makes one’s life wearisome. It takes half the time to brush one’s clothes and keep them in any kind of order. I have been to see Aunt Eliza yesterday and found her very ill. She has failed greatly the last few days. Aunt Zina went to Morgan this morning to attend their Conference. Sister E. S. Taylor was to have gone with her but was not well enough [p. 332] {p. 333}

5 November 1887 • Saturday

Today is gloomy and cheerless and there is so much to make one low-spirited. My work is very much behind. the paper is out but so late there is little satisfaction in it. I scarcely know how to manage for the best.

The case or the Church suit is wending wearily along, keeping one in suspense as to the result. We have a letter from Talulah a very sweet one giving every particular possible in regard to the journey and the place and the people. Aunt Zina has been in talking [p. 333] {p. 334}

6 November 1887 • Sunday

We staid at home all day resting and quiet never went up town all day long. It was not a very nice day. I was busy with Annie & Mamie & Emily David & Vester [Sylvester Q. Cannon] were here to dinner. It was quit a nice time, and they seemed to enjoy it very much indeed Annie was doing the poem of her father’s birthday in 1884. John Q. spent the evening instead of going to the Ward Meeting. We had a very good fire in the parlor grate. such a pleasant room: if only we had not a dark cloud hanging over us. [p. 334] {p. 335}

7 November 1887 • Monday

Anniversay of Mells wedding day thirteen years ago. How sad it seems. I went down town and bought her a black cashmere scarf not very much like what I wanted, gave Will Abraham Lincoln’s life by [Frank] Crosbie. Had dinner there & spent a part of the evening very cheerfully to what one might have expected. It is a sad state of things. Will too is talking of going away and that is very disagreeable to me for I want those that are left near me while I live– [p. 335] {p. 336}

8 November 1887 • Tuesday

Another charming day except the dust. Mrs. Ricker of Washington comes in every day to read the papers and talk a little with me on our subject and general topics. She wears well and is more agreeable the better one knows her. She is not in very good health and the dust is making her quite annoyed. It is the City Council and I have long to wait, but managed to be busy and get through my life long I have been willing and even glad of a few moments of quiet. [p. 336] {p. 337}

9 November 1887 • Wednesday

Today my husband has ventured into the office twice and was quite unconcerned, though it made me feel very nervous. He talked of the house and his wish to have me near him so he could venture and feel safe referred to the old days in the same house when we were all young and life looked very bright and prosperous. The changes since in Church and state as well as in family and property affairs. He is very feeble I promised to see him this evening but could not leave Annie [p. 337] {p. 338}

10 November 1887 • Thursday

This morning went to South Cotton Wood with Sister Ellen C. Clawson to attend the meeting of the Primary Association & Fair– Rode in her buggy and conversed upon various topics of interest to us both. Came home early went to the office first then down home took a bath had dinner and went to see my husband. We had a long interview and as I do not expect to have another opportunity until Christmas it was very necessary. He always speaks to me [p. 338] {p. 339} of my letters to him in England.

11 November 1887 • Friday

I was not well and rose very late indeed went to the Office and worked a few hours diligently. Annie came for me very late and I was quite nervous as I had made no fire and had no supper. We drove home and had a nice lunch and talked over matters pertaining to our being separated and to the children. How all these changes affect me. Belle has been ill and is not yet able to work. Sad sad world of sorrow [p. 339] {p. 340}

12 November 1887 • Saturday

This has been bothe a busy and disagreeable day, cold and cheerless I had promised to call upon Senator Broadhead & wife2 with Dr. Pratt. It seemed hard work to leave the Office so much to do, but at last I succeeded and after buying a new pair of shoes (Gipsey’s) I went home and dressed with great care & drove with Dr. Pratt to the Continental Hotel. We met the Judge & his wife, but I did not feel paid for my trouble for although they may be very clever, they did not show it & to me seemed common place [p. 340] {p. 341}

13 November 1887 • Sunday

I scarcely know how the day passed. I wrote to Belle & Sister Hyde of Sanpete. Annie and I talked a great deal and tried to feel as well as we could in consideration of the near separation No word came from Logan about board and none from the City. John Q. went to the Evening meeting in the Ward and learned that H. J. Grant had preached in the Tabernacle. Little Geo. Q. went to Sunday School as usual sweet little fellow so affectionate & so sensitive [p. 341] {p. 342}

14 November 1887 • Monday

Hurry & bustle this morning Annie came up for Rhoda [Ellis] Chase to sew for her and brought me with her. Today she will finish up ready to go to Logan. It seems such a change and quite an event in her life. How happy we would be if we only had Louie, I know now that it can never be the same to me again as when we had her. I hope and trust things may turn out different to what we anticipate more comfort we sat up very late Louise was sick [p. 342] {p. 343}

15 November 1887 • Tuesday

Today Annie left with little Margaret early in the morning on the 8 o’clock train to accompany her father to Logan & labor with him in the work for the dead in the Temple. Mostly in sealing and endowments. Geo. Q. & Louise went over to the Farm and it did seem to pitiful for such little ones.3 I came up to the office hoping to have a letter from Belle but there was none for me. Came home & had supper alone. Thinking always of my dear ones who are gone behind the vail [p. 343] {p. 344}

16 November 1887 • Wednesday

Last night John Q. took me up to Annie’s Mell’s and I slept in her parlor with nina [Nina] on the sofa this morning came down town and saw Deputy [Edward A.] Franks going in to Presidents office, they are taking an inventory of the Gardo today its furniture etc. Have made a demand for the papers books and records belonging to the Church but it is being put off as long as possible. Verona came home with me and cooked supper. We have a fire in the parlor as of old. [p. 344] {p. 345}

17 November 1887 • Thursday

This morning Verona and I breakfasted in the kitchen and went up town as early as possible. A busy day for me preparing copy and with callers. Mrs. [Lillias Lyon] Staines, Mrs. B. W. Smith Br. Monk & Will and so many country people. came down home & ate lunch alone. Such a disagreeable day dark and dismal. Wrote to Belle this evening sat here alone in the parlor after supper, all sort of visions of the past rose up before me. Have thought so much of Louie today, she seemed so near when I am was at home in her places. John & Arthur Critchelow [Critchlow] called. [p. 345] {p. 346}

18 November 1887 • Friday

This morning we were late and went up town and had breakfast in a restaurant Verona’s finger is very bad. She went on home and I to work. Received a letter from Annie today which made me feel very unpleasant although she gave a good account of her work in the Temple. Little Margaret is well and has made friends. I came home and wept and mourned there were none to heed me, and I felt sick and faint and distressed. John Q. came after the City Council & [p. 346] {p. 347} I went with him to Mell’s and slept in the parlor.

19 November 1887 • Saturday

This morning rose late as I had a very poor night. An extremely dull day yet business was pretty good on the street. I went over to the house for a lunch and gave Lydia Ann a dollar. I feel sure I have paid them for waiting upon me, they always make me welcome. I came home late and alone and made two fires. Verona soon came however and we had supper and a pleasant evening and went to bed in pretty good time [p. 347] {p. 348}

20 November 1887 • Sunday

John H. Burton’s case versus A. [Alfred] H. Martin was decided on the 18th, the jury bringing in a verdict of not guilty.4 Last evening I called on Bishop Atwood, and his wife they seemed quite pleased to see me. This morning Verona came down and cooked a nice breakfast and then came up with a cup of tea for me. She went home early and I stayed alone in the dear place where my blessed ones now gone had been and they seemed to hover near me John Q. came and had some lunch. [p. 348] {p. 349}

21 November 1887 • Monday

This morning I came down early had slept up at Mell’s with Verona. Wrote to Annie Dot & Mrs. White last evening sent off Sunday Herald to Belle. Sister [Matilda Moorhouse] Barratt & [Annie Davis] Watson[,] Snow M. W. and other ladies have been in through the day to see me. gave Sisters Barratt &. Watson one of Louie’s pictures. also Sister B. one of the poems. Wrote to Annie again today it is an extremely dull day and so dull in any one’s spirits at least so it seemed to me. Sister Howard came like a thunder storm as she always does. [p. 349] {p. 350}

22 November 1887 • Tuesday

Will went away last night and it was very lonely. I stayed with Mell, Verona and I slept in the parlor wrote to Annie again today. John Q. went to Nephi. with the cattle A dreary dull gray November day. Came down home for a short time. There have been many accidents and much sickness today and all along. Miss Garrett is making a silk dress for Verona. I went with Aunt Eliza Sister Jane Richards to see Aunt Eliza today she is not as low as I had been led to believe. lots of visitors. [p. 350] {p. 351}

23 November 1887 • Wednesday

Vilate Murray Kimball daughter of Charles & Vira [Sarah Elvira Free] Kimball aged 18 is very ill of diphtheria. Br. [John H.] Hamilton whose little girl waits upon me is dangerously ill of typhoid fever I fear will not recover I have had lots to do today and seem so far behind Sisters Kimball M. E. [Mary Ellen Able] & S. M. also E. S. Taylor M. W. Snow M. A. Hyde have all been in here talking about the present state of things. The Receiver took possession of the Gardo Ho President’s office today– business is suspended and all clerks disks [desks] locked up. A deputy is in charge of the place for the present [p. 351] {p. 352}

24 November 1887 • Thursday

Thanksgiving day, Mell & Verona are to dine at [Simon F.] Mackay’s. I am to stay at home. It seems such a comfort to be able to do so and feel free and not have any callers or feel obliged to cook. Went through lots of letters & papers and looked over things in the garret. Had taken my certificate to be signed last night John Q. called a minute or two in the buggy. Had a letter from Annie yesterday At evening went and got my Recommend5 from Angus M. and called to learn how Br. Hamilton was and found he had died in the morning. [p. 352] {p. 353}

25 November 1887 • Friday

Vilate Kimball died yesterday at 1/2 past 2. p.m. She will be taken to the cemetery at 12 m. today. Stormed all morning. From the top of the hill on 1st street, looking down over the city, the view this morning was indeed quite wonderful and artistic, the gray November sky and snow upon the trees and house tops, with the mist hanging over and around through which the black and white framed a net work, irregular yet pleasing was in strong contrast to the glaring sunshine and bright coloring of days just past [p. 353] {p. 354} and a relief to the eye.

26 November 1887 • Saturday

<Received a letter from Belle today– and one inside for Mell.> Mell Verona Lydia Ann and myself went in a carriage together to the graveyard. Prayer was offered by Bishop [John] Tingey choir sang Nearer my God to thee, then sang after prayer O my Father thou that dwellest. Ort made brief remarks and choir sang, “Rest on the hillside rest” Apostle H. J. Grant dedicated the grave it was a sad funeral. Last night my husband came down from Logan. Today he has been in to see me and many others some strangers as well as our own sisters. I am to spend the evening with my husband at his rooms [p. 354] {p. 355}

27 November 1887 • Sunday

Rose late and after breakfasting went to Br. Reading’s6 and ordered a cross & anchor for Br. Hamilton’s funeral. Went home and made fires and filed some letters and so on, went to Mells to dinner at 1/2 past 2. came home again and did a little writing sent a letter off to Annie at Logan and wrote one to Belle in San Francisco. I rather enjoyed the day John Q. called & told me about the children and seemed anxious about Annie’s not writing. It is sad but sweet to be here alone in the House where so much has transpired. Can I ever leave it will my heart not break? [p. 355] {p. 356}

28 November 1887 • Monday

Nett Wells Culmer is 30 years old today. I went over to the big House to dinner and took Q. and Louise. I am making final preparations to go to Logan while Annie is there. I am to be baptized for Mrs. [Fannie McBride] Cole and feel it has been put off too long already I am worried over these affairs and scarcely know how I can go in the middle of mailing but must make a beginning of Temple work. Verona went down to the Depot with me in a buggy and I got was in excellent time, arrived in Logan I had dinner at the Hotel and reached Logan at 1/2 past one in the morning [p. 356] {p. 357}

29 November 1887 • Tuesday

Staid at Sister [Ann Bullock] Brown’s the mother of Harry Brown the sculptor now deceased, In the morning rose very early went to the Temple, met Annie there and talked about the baptisms. I decided to be baptized for the renewal of covenants and also for Mrs. Cole nee Mc’Bride (Fanny Adele) and for H. H. [Helen Hunt Jackson] George Eliott and Dinah Maria Mulock 5 in all.7 When we were through we went to Sister [Harriet Roberts] Parry’s and had lunch and then down town and brought my things from the People’s Hotel. At evening my husband arrived from Salt Lake City and stayed with me all night. The first time for years. [p. 357] {p. 358}

30 November 1887 • Wednesday

This morning went to the Temple and was there endowed for my sister Adeline Emily Woodward.8 Sister Mary Richards officiated in the washing Sister Esther [A.] Parkinson in the anointing, with Margaret Pierce Young joining in the confirming.9 Went through the ordinances the first time for a dead person it did seem rather strange. My husband took me through the vail and I went into the room where the sealing is done for the dead and saw The Esquire and Annie sealed for Gideon Wells and Hannah Chester had a very agreeable day. [p. 358] {p. 359}

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November 1887, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 17, 2025


  1. [1]“F. C. Richards, Esq., here arose and moved the admission of Miss May M. Ricker to the bar of the Supreme Court of the Territory. The lady was admitted, and Clerk Sprague administered to her the oath usual elsewhere.” (“A Lady Lawyer,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 6 Nov. 1887, 4.)

  2. [2]Mary Snowden Dorsey Broadhead.

  3. [3]During Annie’s absence in Logan, her children were cared for in the households of George Q. Cannon on the Cannon farm.

  4. [4]EBW’s son-in-law Major William Woods was one of the defense attorneys for Alfred H. Martin, who was charged with the death of John H. Burton, a well-known architect in the city. The shooting took place late at night on 18 May 1887 at Tom McCoy’s stable near EBW’s home. Martin, a bartender for a local saloon, apprehended Burton, who was disguised in work clothes and peering in windows of residents on the alley. Martin told Burton to keep his hands up until a constable arrived but fired his weapon when Burton lowered his hands. (“Martin’s Trial,” Deseret Evening News, 16 Nov. 1887, [3]; “A Midnight Murder,” Salt Lake Daily Tribune, 29 May 1887, 6; “An Incompatible Verdict,” Deseret News, 30 Nov. 1887, 726.)

  5. [5]Recommends or “certificates” were signed by local church ecclesiastical leaders, both bishops and stake presidents, authorizing worthy members to enter the temple to perform ordinances. EBW was preparing to join her husband and daughter at the Logan temple. (See EBW, Diary, 15 and 28 Nov. 1887.)

  6. [6]A florist. (See EBW, Diary, 20 Sept. 1887.)

  7. [7]EBW took part in proxy baptisms for Fanny McBride Cole, a friend who died in Salt Lake City in 1881, plus notable writers Helen Hunt Jackson (Helen Maria Fiske), George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), and Dinah Mulock Craik.

  8. [8]This sister of EBW was born in Petersham, Massachusetts, in 1815 but died in 1829 without marrying. (Madsen, Intimate History, 11.)

  9. [9]In Latter-day Saint temples, living persons serve as proxies for the dead in receiving ordinances, including baptism, washing and anointing ordinances, an instruction service giving an endowment of obligations and blessings, and sealing ordinances. (See “Prophetic Teachings on Temples,” accessed 31 Oct. 2020,