September 1896

6 September 1896 • Sunday

I wrote some letters today & then went to the Tabernacle, and happened to get with one of my dear friends Zina D. H. Young. It was the afternoon of the Conference of Salt Lake Stake and sacrament was administered for which I felt particularly grateful as I knew I was about to go upon a journey some distance away. The speakers were Elder Jonathan G. [J. Golden] Kimball and Eugene [M.] Cannon– also John Nicholson, I went to Annie’s afterwards and stayed until rather late then home to sleep as I realized I had much to do– I had lunch at Phebe Beatie’s, and a pleasant time with Walter and Phebe also Sister Maria Y. Dougall. The evening was agreeable at Annie’s and then I went home to do some special writing before leaving for Idaho and the North. {p. 236}

7 September 1896 • Monday

Monday morning came up early and commenced by going to Saltair office to see Col. [Nephi W.] Clayton and settle– we did not however see him but succeeded in settling by talking thro’ the telephone Mrs. Annie Hyde was with me at first but this morning she was detained by her lawyers and Mrs. Horne went with me to Office of Las Angelos and Saltair. We each had a check for thirty dollars and thirty one cents– I paid three dollars for Bills for posting. and twenty four dollars for Printing pamphlets for Richards and Whitney for Constitutional Convention Speeches– worked late and copied poems for my Book to leave the printers– {p. 237}

8 September 1896 • Tuesday

Left home as early as possible so as to do all in my power before leaving on the seven p.m. train Union Pacific. Went to do lots of errands, then to bid Belle and all Good bye, then over home, and put one or two things right, then to Annie’s and see the little folks. Saw all except Daniel. Annie went back to the Office with me and helped me etc. I had to go twice more making three times to the R.R. to see after my transportation. Ordered a carriage and John Q. and Annie went to the depot to see me off– Dot went home because Will had been out hunting and they were to have wild game for supper. I had a fine berth and slept tolerably well, reached Pocatello [Idaho] about two in the morning– no pleasant traveling companions, none I knew except Pomeroy {p. 238}

9 September 1896 • Wednesday

This morning we had breakfast at Glen’s Ferry [Idaho] rather a nice comfortable meal, and just barely time to eat. Really the journey is not very pleasant as the dust is very disagreeable and no tourists or travelers worth attention. I wrote some on my editorial read the papers and looked at the dreary scenery. Not much variety and nothing inspiring. We dined at Huntington [Oregon] where I leave the U.P. and go on the O.R.&N.1 Then we had supper a fine one it was at Meachum [Meacham, Oregon] and a very remarkable menu a handsome log chalet– and Mrs. [Katherine Sterrett] Munra a white haired old lady to superintend– it is the most interesting wayside inn, I have ever had the good fortune to see, quite unique in all its details; traveled on without going to bed arrived in Walla Walla [Washington] at half past eleven. {p. 239}

10 September 1896 • Thursday

This is Emmie [Emeline Whitney Wells]’s birthday, so many long years ago– and here I am in Walla Walla, Oregon <Washington>, a new town for me, rose at 4 o’clock dressed and prepared to go to the train, the hotel is the State Hotel a fine building and a handsome room in which I slept– though only getting to bed at midnight Took the train by carriage and stopped at a station to breakfast– very poor however and then on and on to Tekoa [Washington]– went to Miller Hotel close to depot, stayed there for five hours, copied my editorial and sent it from there to typo– Miss Evans– talked with some strangers in hotel parlor– Mr. & Mrs. Brown of San Francisco Pouring rain all the way to Wallace [Idaho], Will and Mell came to meet me carriage & span– fine supper waiting {p. 240}

11 September 1896 • Friday

<Very affectionately welcomed> First day breakfast in bed Mell to wait upon me. Martin [W. Allen] came over to see me, he is very bashful– did not seem to fancy me– wondered about my teeth etc. put me in mind of Daniel [Cannon]– has eyes like Helen [L. Hillard], has the look too of the Dunford’s yet his Aunt Lizzie [Elizabeth Allen] Klein Says he looks like Harry [Henry R. Allen] when a little boy. Harry is very social. I dreamed last night my first night in this house of geese white ones and several of them. How this is to come to pass I do not understand. Something politically prophetic perhaps.

Went up town with Mell during the day– some changes have been made since my former visit here in 1892. Will is not looking very much changed– Daisie is natural. Mell illness has told upon her and yet her face has more depth of feeling in it– {p. 241}

12 September 1896 • Saturday

<Populist Democrat Republican all for silver– County Conventions 3 today> My first <second> day in Wallace, very little to do because of the rain had two letters, one from Chairman Republican Committee and one from Dot in regard to the list of names to be called to meetings of Executive N.W.R.S.2 Had salmon trout for dinner very delicious indeed. Harry and Daisie sung for me– several comic songs Daisie sung homely songs. They sing delightfully together. Barry [Barrymore N. Hillard] came over to the County Convention and came up to see me. He looks well Verona is sick has had inflammation of the Bowells Had two letters from home begin to feel rested and as if I would like to be here some time for the quiet. The birds are beautiful and not so very noisy. Pleasant evening without interruption sent telegram to John Q. Deseret News– {p. 242}

13 September 1896 • Sunday

<Fire burned two buildings MacDonald’s hall & Hotel Michigan> This morning was dull and cold– I sat and copied for my book of poems, for some time finished thirteen pages ready to mail. Revised title page of my book from Moods & Memories to Musings and Memories and sent it to Walter Lewis to make another copy– and send to me– dinner at two p.m– had roast duck and chickens, ice cream, big cake and grapes. Enjoyed looking at the numerous books of reference and poetical works in Mell’s library. In the evening Mr. [Eugene] Klein came and conversed with us, also read a very able letter he had written on the silver question from a Republican stand point. Wrote a letter of three pages to Dot– asked her to send my fur cape up by express. big fire here this morning burned McDonald Hall & Michigan Hotel– {p. 243}

14 September 1896 • Monday

This morning the sun shone beautifully and I could hear the voices of Daisie’s children. Martin was wheeling his little wagon– breakfast in bed and wrote to little Emmeline Cannon according to promise– also sent off Dot’s letter about my cape. At lunch Will said we were to go to Osborne [Osburn, Idaho] for a ride at three in the afternoon. It is Eugene’s birthday. I left a book to be given him. After lunch we lounged about and talked until promptly at 3. Will came with Surrey & a fine span of horses and we had a delightful drive thro the country road to Osborn where we dined on fried chicken and other rarities– went over the garden and orchard, etc. After going a couple of miles further up the charming road we drove home just at dusk of evening and weary enough to sleep well– {p. 244}

15 September 1896 • Tuesday

This morning sun shone out at first but clouded in after. Since coming up I have written to Emmeline, to Isabel Jun. [Dot] to Aunt Zina to F. F. Victor Treasurer P.C.W.P.A.3 and sent one dollar dues to Sep. 15. 1896. also two 2 cts. stamps for manuscript. Wrote to Walter Lewis Juvenile Office, sent back title page and asked to have heading or title changed to Musings & Memories, instead of Moods & Memories. Mrs. Young President Wallace Club W.S.A. came in to see me on Saturday also Mrs. Campbell on Friday and Mrs. John Finch on Tuesday. Will has rheumatism in his foot and came home. Mell’s mocking bird Dixie is very sick– Wrote to Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinson– and to Verona[.] Mell’s mocking bird is dead. Daisie and with Mell sang for me sang some of the old songs & some new ones {p. 245}

16 September 1896 • Wednesday

A very fine morning. Will is better of his rheumatism and has gone over to Murray [Idaho]4 to Court. Mell and myself have been talking and going over old times and songs & poems and looking up on this and that of which we have both talked very much in days gone by. Harry & Daisie sung for me some at the noon hour and in the afternoon Mell and myself walked down town and had some callers and then in the evening Mell played and sung for me and we thoroughly enjoyed the evening– I have been very quiet at night reading in bed as Mell goes to bed in very good time, and I have had some excellent opportunities for quiet. {p. 246}

17 September 1896 • Thursday

Today is the Treble Clef Club regular meeting and as they do not admit visitors, I stayed at home and wrote some letters and did a little visiting with Daisie. Martin started to the Kindergarten to day only two years old last January– it seems quite remarkable– he is the best little singer imaginable, quick and bright as he can be– in the evening we had a pleasant time talking things over– and the moon over the hills & the stars and altogether the night scene was magnificent, the effect accentuated by the sweet voices of Daisie and husband and the music of guitar and piano– had some mail from home and Tribune with political news. {p. 247}

18 September 1896 • Friday

This is the birthday anniversary of Mell and she is in Boise City Idaho and is to appear before the Committee on Resolutions of the Convention and ask for a plank on Suffrage (equal) to be put in the platform of the Democratic party. It is very hot here I regret not being able to go on into Idaho and meet Will & Mell at Boise and see and hear Mrs. Cattmistake in date5 Mell, Daisie, Miss Johnson & myself We <all> went for a long walk over the hills– the autumn leaves and berries were lovely and the woodland paths quite charming– a flume fire miles long was reached by hard climbing and we traversed its entire length– almost without resting, the views were fine both of water and trees– and the blue blue sky {p. 248} came home very weary. Will had returned from Murray

19 September 1896 • Saturday

This morning Mell, Mrs. Young a lawyer from Osborn and myself went up to Burke6 by train; we enjoyed the ride and the scenery, the day was fine, we lunched at a restaurant, then tried to find some suffrage people who would prepare for a lecture to be given there by Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford of Denver–7 we found Mrs. Jackman a very sensible strong advocate of the cause who promised to do all in her power; we also called on several others who seemed favorable, we pass through Gem on our way where the strikers blew up a mill with dynamite only a short time ago– several of the silver mines are shut down {p. 249} but a rich vein has been found recently which promises well in the Standard mine.

20 September 1896 • Sunday

This morning Barry came over to see us, he had been in town part of yesterday– Will invited us all to go for a ride over to Osborn and we decided to go after two o’clock dinner– Will and Mell– Harry Daisie and two boys and myself It was a fine day and the turnout was a good one– we thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and the exercise– in the evening Mr. Klein came to Daisie’s and Mell & myself spent part of the evening there– I had slept at Daisie’s the night before– for the first time in her upper room which she keeps for guests. {p. 250}

21 September 1896 • Monday

Today we expect Verona to come over for me to go to Murray– so we watched all morning and as I had not seen her for so long and knew too that she had been ill, it made me very nervous– at last here she came driving up with a span of horses and little Robert [C. Hillard]– looking rather pale and tired, but bright and happy– Robert sad and wistful-eyed– his grandma seems more fond of him than the others judging from appearances. We visited and talked and the girls sung and were ever so jolly– then Mell Verona and myself went down town to buy some little things Verona wanted then to dinner which was very excellent– they do have fine meals– never saw a better table set regularly– {p. 251}

22 September 1896 • Tuesday

This morning after breakfast packed a valise and started off with Verona and Robert about half-past ten A.M. The ride was particularly pleasant notwithstanding all the prophecies of wet weather– {p. 252}

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September 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025


  1. [1]Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company.

  2. [2]National Woman’s Relief Society.

  3. [3]Pacific Coast Woman’s Press Association.

  4. [4]Before moving to the county seat of Wallace, William and Mell Woods resided in the smaller mountain mining community of Murray, Idaho. (Madsen, Intimate History, 305; EBW, Diary, 25 Oct. 1888; 3 Aug. 1889; 24 Jan. 1890.)

  5. [5]text: EBW drew an “x” through the first part of this entry. See entry for 18 August 1896, the actual anniversary of Melvina Whitney Woods’s birthday.

  6. [6]Burke was a silver and lead mining town located in Burke Canyon, northern Shoshone County, Idaho.

  7. [7]Mary Craig Bradford spoke at Utah’s constitutional convention on 13 May 1895. EBW helped host her in Salt Lake City. (See EBW, Diary, 9–15 May 1895.)