June 1900

1 June 1900 • Friday

Ellen was sick and could not go to the Tabernacle had a letter from Mrs. [Lucy Smith] Cardon of Logan‒ with fifteen dollars for the Central Building also reported three hundred and twenty six dollars & forty cents for Scofield sufferers– Ellen & myself went to the Lake in the afternoon fine exercises. Hon Thomas Fitch speech also Josh Paul– we came home very weary and exhausted {p. 173}

2 June 1900 • Saturday

Ellen went over to Adeline’s and I tried to get some work done in the office she came home in the afternoon– and talked a great deal about my not going to Adeline’s. I thought I would invite my own immediate family to meet Ellen Monday evening at my home so wrote Adeline a letter asking her to come and Inez & Addie [Earl]– also inviting Belle Dot & Lucile and Annie none but the ladies no men {p. 174}

3 June 1900 • Sunday

Sunday we went to the Tabernacle then home to dinner then to the Tabernacle in the afternoon and then to the 18th. Ward, had some supper at Annie’s before going to evening meeting where we partook of the sacrament and then home and to bed very weary indeed. I gave one dollar for the poor I am not getting on well at all with my work and fret how far I fall short of what I want to accomplish {p. 175}

4 June 1900 • Monday

This morning Ellen came up to Annie’s and Louise drove to the cemetery with her to see the grave of her first boy E. K. [Elijah K. Fuller III] they took a lot of roses then she came back here and stayed with me went to the Vienna Cafe and had lunch and afterwards she went down home and later I went down In the evening Adeline Lucile Inez and Annie came that was all we had ice cream macaroons & cake & wine– I bought Thelma & gave it to Lucy Davis [Lucy Fuller Davies] gave Ellen Janice Meredith– she packed all her things. I read late in Old Curiosity Shop I am more than ever enchanted with Dickens since visiting London and seeing the queer old places and landmarks, no wonder he could write strange things {p. 176}

5 June 1900 • Tuesday

This is Daisie’s birthday 32 years old– Ellen goes this morning I went with her to the depot and Adeline Inez and Raymond [Godbe] We saw her start off but she was in a Pullman car and it did not seem so gloomy {p. 177}

9 June 1900 • Saturday

This is Hannah [Free] Wells birthday she is seventy-one, June intended to reach home but has not yet arrived. {p. 178}

10 June 1900 • Sunday

June came home today and went to the Young Men’s Conference {p. 179}

12 June 1900 • Tuesday

I went away this morning early train to attend the Relief Society Conference in Brigham City, Sister Jane S. Richards and Sarah [Garner] Herrick joined me in Ogden and we had good meetings dinner at Sister Booths [Susannah Neff Booth] for officers and visitors and lunch in the vestry for the congregation. In the afternoon I spoke nearly an hour to the audience. Sisters had an officer’s meeting at the close of the Conference Came home on the train then to Waterloo changed all my things and dressed and went to the reception of the Y.L. & Y.M.1 at the Gardo House and grounds. A very brilliant affair indeed elaborate decorations and music dancing & refreshments. {p. 180}

13 June 1900 • Wednesday

The Primary Conference today and President Lorenzo Snow not able to be present– the children offered prayer for him– a large assembly and great interest manifested, Presidents George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith both present and addressed the children, Mrs. [S. Louisa Bouton] Felt the President and her Board have certainly carried off the honors on this beautiful occasion. The affair was a very happy and auspicious one, representing the children of Zion assembled & their organizations in all parts of the world. In the evening a banquet was given in the 16th. Ward to the officers and invited guests. Jos. H. Felt master of ceremonies Mrs. Felt presiding Cornelia H. [Horne] Clayton toastmistress I had the first toast Our Grandfathers, Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon Our Grandmothers Our Fathers Maria Y. Dougall & Jos. F. Smith Our Mothers. {p. 181}

14 June 1900 • Thursday

Aurelia S. Rogers Our Primaries President Cannon spoke impromptu and his words were like “apples of gold in pictures of silver”– so well-timed and gracefully put together. Mrs. Dougall had hers written and it was excellent. President Smith’s was also written and combined several phases of Mother hood. The weather is very hot and one feels little inclined to work of any sort, but one must I am trying to get some mailing done– Mabel has made up her mind to be married very soon. {p. 182}

15 June 1900 • Friday

I have been specially busy and at last after hard struggling I succeeded in going down to see Sister Hyde on my way home– Margaret Caine is near and I went in there afterwards for a few minutes and took the car from there, she was feeding the worms and had piles of mulberry leaves all about for them to eat through the night– {p. 183}

16 June 1900 • Saturday

<Sister Mary Ann Hyde died 6.30 this morning, makes one melancholy> Today we are preparing for the Daughters of the Revolution to meet here in my home. The parlor is decorated in buff and blue and the front portico draped with bunting. In the library we have a large flad [flag] and smaller ones in the parlor Sister Ella W. [Ellen Wilcox] Hyde assisted with the decorating, roses & carnation were in all available places, one vase of California poppies & one of pansies also one of syringa and one of larkspur. The larkspur and syringa came from Dot’s place the pansies and Princess roses from Annie’s the California poppies and roses and some of the white carnations from Belle’s and only a few white carnations were from my own yard. It was a beautiful picture and I wish with all my heart it could have been taken. Only a few came of those I had expected. The affair was good nevertheless, Belle and Annie came and Annie read a poem, for us, {p. 184} <“When The Flag Goes By.” We had ice cream cake and macaroons> Maria Y. Dougall <Vice Prest.> presided, Emily H. Cannon the Secretary was present, also of the Council Mrs. I. M. W. Sears Mrs. E. B. Wells, Mrs. C. S. Williams Mrs. E. W. Hyde, besides these Mrs. Carol [Croxall] Cannon who sang for us The Star Spangled Banner and her sister Vera [Croxall] Cannon played the accompaniments Mrs. M. W. Wilcox our guest offered prayer We sang America.

17 June 1900 • Sunday

Today June 17. Miss [Sadie] American arrived from Chicago and we took her to the Tabernacle where she spoke (seven minutes) and made a good impression, she is a celebrated Jewess. After the services I went to the funeral of Sister Mary Ann Price Hyde. Where I spoke for a few minutes, and I believe I felt much inspired; the other speakers were Elder A. [Amos] M. Musser, Apostle Anthon H. Lund Dr. James E. Talmage, & Alonzo E. Hyde– singing very good, she was taken to Spring City and buried beside her husband Apostle Orson Hyde {p. 185}

18 June 1900 • Monday

The weather is very hot indeed Went to Mrs. Simon Bamberger [Ida Maas Bamberger]’s reception to Miss American. A band was playing among palms, and the refreshments were very dainty & ices particularly fine. I stayed until 6. had some talk with Mrs. [Amelia Smith] American and Miss Sadies and others. {p. 186}

19 June 1900 • Tuesday

Today Mrs. Bertha [Greenewald] Bamberger bought one of my books and presented it to Miss Sadie American– paid me the 2.00– I was the guest of the Jewish ladies particularly Mrs. Simon Bamberger to the Lagoon– We had a very fine dinner free the gift of the husband of Mrs. Ida M. Bamberger– At the head of the table I sat in a place of honor opposite Mrs. American In the evening went to hear Miss American at the Synagogue– there was a fine lecture and some good music, songs etc. I had hard work to get there in time having had to go clear down home first but felt much better after getting in, and resting while listening to the lecture & music– when we came out Mrs. Iseman [Eiseman] insisted that I should ride in her carriage and also Mrs. Caine {p. 187}

20 June 1900 • Wednesday

Tried to get to the University exercises in the Theater simply could not do all, talked with Miss American here in the office instead and then made ready for the Lake Party, at the Lake we were quite a happy crowd Miss Cannon Ann M. [Mousley] was very helpful and the younger ones went into the water with Miss American who seemed to enjoy it very much indeed. At the table Susa acted as toast mistress and really did us great credit, being very apt and witty in her announcements, I had the first toast which is always rather trying, Women from the Far West– Miss American responding with Women from the Far East. Mrs. Simon Bamberger Frindship’s Ties, Miss [Rose] Goldberg Old Friends Old Hopes, Old Times, Mrs. McVicker The Link between the school and the World. Minnie J. Snow Speed the Parting Guest {p. 188}

21 June 1900 • Thursday

This is my Sister Pallas birthday she is 81 today and quite bright, tho’ somewhat bent in figure. I presume she will have many favors shown to her. I sent her my book of poems bound in Morocco and written in for her birthday. The day has been very hot I have been hard at work in my line and feel the heat very much sitting writing or reading. {p. 189}

22 June 1900 • Friday

Went to Pleasant Grove to the celebration of the Sons & Daughters of the Pioneers– gave a toast “A Morning in Camp”– was taken in to the Banquet & sat by Reed Smoot the new Apostle– rode in carriage with Apostle Brigham Young [Jr.] and A. O. [Owen] Woodruff apostle back again with Apostles Brigham Young & Rudger [J.] Clawson Was very ill in the night or rather this morning at 2. p.m. called Belle up and Mabel. enjoyed the Pioneer day at Pleasant Grove hearing old reminiscences. Emily Harris Bullock’s grandchild badly burned with fire crackers. I was honored in several ways with attentions, and it is something new in my life. Of course at times the people have seemed appreciative but in general indifferent to intellectual attainments unless it could be something specially Mormon. {p. 190}

27 June 1900 • Wednesday

This morning Mabel went away early to the Temple to have her endowments and to be married. Everything has been made ready, they will stay here to night. I went to the office and at up to the Bee Hive to take one of my bound volumes of the Exponent for Mrs. Lewis to read the Life of Eliza R. Snow I had written, and then to the Temple and waited to see Mabel married. {p. 191}

29 June 1900 • Friday

Today is to be the grand wedding at the Bee Hive Le Roi C. Snow and Maud M. Ford– at 12 they were to have been married at high noon by the President father of the Bridegroom, but owing to the illness of Prest. Snow the ceremony did not take place until 4. p.m. President George Q. Cannon officiating. There has never been such decorating for any wedding in this City outside and in– the house is in dazzling splendor. At evening bands began to play and all the indications of festivity were apparent. I went quite alone and wore my brown silk dress {p. 192}

30 June 1900 • Saturday

The first Quarterly Conference of the Granite Stake of Zion– I fully intended going but was disappointed. {p. 193}

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June 1900, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 19, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1900s/1900/1900-06


  1. [1]Young Ladies’ and Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Associations.