March 1883

1 March 1883 • Thursday

This day 43 <41> years ago I was baptized at home in the brook by my mother’s house, and 44 years ago I was wandering in the maple woods gathering the winter green vines and shrubs to deck my little unpretentious room in the old home in New Salem [Massachusetts] [p. 54] {p. 57}

2 March 1883 • Friday

I have been trying very hard to get some advertisements to help out my paper– urging Annie & Louie to aid me in the enterprise it is quite necessary that I should make an extra exertion to keep up or I shall not be able to live in the manner we do now

3 March 1883 • Saturday

Paper out Commenced mailing working up stairs meeting of the priesthood and lots of men after. recommends, meeting in the Seventies room too and no place seemingly to do our work in.

Patience is necessary and I feel to ask the Lord to give me wisdom and strength [p. 55] {p. 58}

4 March 1883 • Sunday

Congress adjourns and now we shall soon have the brethren home from Washington, Franklin D. [Richards] & [David] Peery and ladies have come already, some good has been done no doubt– but Br. [George Q.] Cannon is not the one to leave the field to younger men– All has been peace here–

5 March 1883 • Monday

Storms and snow & wind– Wiggins predicts greater but no one seems alarmed here Meeting today at the Hospital– business most harassing. Jane [Snyder] Richards ready to devour me– took me to dinner at the Globe [Bakery]– everything done satisfactorily– [p. 56] {p. 59}

6 March 1883 • Tuesday

Today Mrs. Jenning’s [Priscilla P. Jennings] gave a party to some ladies quite a number– went very late table set in the most elegant style– flowers fragrant and beautiful about 40 ladies were seated at dinner, everything passed off pleasantly, Miss Prissie [Priscilla P. Jennings], sung and played and we came home in the Jenning’s carriage–

7 March 1883 • Wednesday

Mrs. [Mary Isabella Hales] Horne & I went to Coalville on business for the Deseret Hospital the weather was pleasant and we enjoyed the rest on the train, held meeting in the evening very well attended a crowded house.1 Br. [William W.] Cluff did all in his power to help us also Bro Mitchell & others of the brethren [p. 57] {p. 60}

8 March 1883 • Thursday

This is Sister [Mary Ann Olpin] Woolley’s birthday and Ruth Woolley Hatch had a daughter2 born on that day– it has been a pleasant one and the storm so long dreaded has not made its appearance many have suffered with fear, I have been myself low-spirited, arrived home by the noon day train found all well baby better than when I left–

9 March 1883 • Friday

Sister [Rachel Ivins] Grant’s birthday today– she is busy getting up a party for the Relief Society 13th Ward to get means to help build a hall for the Society to meet in, business is pressing, and my head is not very well– I have been so worried on a great many accounts. Will is not at all well– [p. 58] {p. 61}

10 March 1883 • Saturday

Bustle and hurry and work trying to do everything– looking out for advertisements to help bring my paper on and make it pay. In the evening came home very weary but went to the party and danced several times, enjoyed it very much indeed– went alone, Lydia Ann was there and lots of other ladies without their husbands

11 March 1883 • Sunday

Belle came over and spent the day brought all the children, Louie went to meeting all of us staid at home and visited, had a very nice dinner indeed– Belle went home early, and we were alone most of the evening, Rob went home earlier than usual, and Annie & myself were going over Hospital accounts and comparing bills etc. [p. 59] {p. 62}

12 March 1883 • Monday

Well, this is very strange weather so fine and dry almost like Spring– the town is busy the streets lined with people, business must soon brighten up now methinks for the mines are opening and shares are selling well– strangers visit here constantly.

13 March 1883 • Tuesday

This is Frankie [Frances W. Naylor]’s birthday have not heard that it was remembered in any way– I well recall the day on which she was born– it was a most eventful year to me– one never to be forgotten– how strange to look back to after the experience of thirty years– [p. 60] {p. 63}

14 March 1883 • Wednesday

Working so hard all day trying to get the paper out in time, went after advertisements and tried to settle up some delinquencies, so many hindrances in the way of progress– one might well be discouraged if it were not for the religion which helps them

15 March 1883 • Thursday

Paper has to be put off because of extra printing– always one excuse or another– however it gives me time to think and make some preparations for tomorrow have been talking to Mrs Jennings thro the telephone what a wonderful instrument– [p. 61] {p. 64}

16 March 1883 • Friday

Mrs. King’s birthday the ladies gave her a party at Mrs. Julia Cruse Howe’s residence in the 17th Ward gave her a black cashmere dress & trimmings, she recited one of Schiller’s poems translated from the German by Louis Napeleon [Charles-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte]– George Q. John T Caine arrived tonight from Washington

17 March 1883 • Saturday

This is the anniversary of Annie’s marriage three years today– She went to the Unity Club meeting, Sister E. S. [Elvira Stevens] Barney’s birthday 51 years old met there and enjoyed the evening very much– I had an appointment with my husband to go out with him– [p. 62] {p. 65}

18 March 1883 • Sunday

Went to the Assembly Hall– took little Em [Emma W. Sears]– George Q. [Cannon] and John T. [Taylor] both spoke. the wind was very high all day March weather, dusty and disagreeable– called on Kate [Katherine Howard] Brockbank to see the new baby 13th child.3 baby Q. is not very well– Sylvester [Q.] Cannon is very ill indeed

19 March 1883 • Monday

Commenced mailing the papers worked hard, went up to Aunt Eliza’s, over to Louisa’s4 to lunch wrote to John Q. had a letter from Ellen note enclosed from Lucy. Belle’s baby carriage came today– Emmie [Sears] had her picture taken, lots of ladies called on business. It was a very fine day Cathie [Catherine] Culmer came to see us– [p. 63] {p. 66}

20 March 1883 • Tuesday

This is a windy disagreeable day, finished mailing, took a lesson in French Annie went to the Unity Club and to hear Phil Robinson lecture in the theatre Bell & Mell called Mattie Hughes [Martha Hughes Cannon] M.D. the matron and nurse Sophia all came with their respective complaints– Louie went to practise, I was alone all the evening after nine o’clock

21 March 1883 • Wednesday

This has been a lovely day, Aunt Eliza has been twice Aunt Presendia [Huntington Kimball] spent the day in the office telling me her history Don Weigeland [Danquart Weggeland] brought Aunt Eliza’s picture Louie gave a lesson to Josephine Young & to Belle has gone to sing at a concert in the 20th, Ward Annie has gone with her [p. 64] {p. 67}

22 March 1883 • Thursday

This would have been Carrie’s birthday my niece who died in Atchison, my eldest sister’s daughter a beautiful young woman. It is a lovely day I was at the birthday dinner party of Father John Anderson. his daughter Mrs. Gieres [Helen Anderson Grieve] gave the dinner they are Scotch from Edinboro– came home late, and had a letter from John Q. Cannon

23 March 1883 • Friday

Went with Aunt Eliza to get her picture framed Went to Juvenile Office and had a pleasant call from Miss [Julia] Thomas, the teacher of elocution, she is very liberal in her views is a newspaper correspondent Annie went to a party with George M. Cannon and Lou went to practise [Alfred] Andre was here, Louie expects to go to Provo tomor<row > [p. 65] {p. 68}

24 March 1883 • Saturday

This morning <received a number of letters it> was rainy but the air was fresh, Br. Cannon came to see Annie, & the children from the farm to their painting lesson. Louie went with the Tabernacle choir to Provo on an excursion to give a concert. Miss Julia Thomas called and we went to call at the News Office and Herald. Dr. Pratt and myself called on Phil Robinson & invited him to a party at Lillie [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze

25 March 1883 • Sunday

Louie remained in Provo all day and I staid at home. Annie went over to Belle’s the day was dismal & gloomy and I was not well, but was busy writing all day. In the evening Louie came home, and we were all together. no mail [p. 66] {p. 69}

26 March 1883 • Monday

A drizzling rain, went with Br. [Henry] Grow to select carpet etc. for the Office. Am trying to get things fixed up preparatory to getting into my own room. Wrote a poem for Lillie. came home ever so late, Lou. was gone to the theatre and I went alone to Br. [James] Freeze

27 March 1883 • Tuesday

Received a message from Phil Robinson excusing himself for not being at the party. Rainy and windy working hard to get my paper out. My husband came over and staid all the afternoon, he is not at all well, the girls took a French lesson tonight.– [p. 67] {p. 70}

28 March 1883 • Wednesday

The room for an office is getting well fixed up now the carpet is being made and will be laid tomorrow. stove put up and gas fixtures, I am getting all my paper ready. Was so busy I could not get to the meeting in the Assembly Hall Rooms. of our Relief Society.

29 March 1883 • Thursday

Today Aunt Zina started for Mendon– after being in the house all day helping with endowments Have got nearly all my things moved in and sat there awhile this evening, it was damp though and not quite comfortable without a fire– [p. 68] {p. 71}

30 March 1883 • Friday

Have been in my own room all day went and bought a square drugget for the center of the room to save the carpet. Everything looks so nice and new. have the revise to day and hope to have the paper out on time. My sister5 came this <yesterday> morning

31 March 1883 • Saturday

Today the paper was out on time– I am disappointed at the color and quality of the paper; I am very much annoyed at the events now transpiring and unsettled in my mind. We are getting ready for conference, everything seems to tend in that direction. I received wedding cards today [p. 69] {p. 72}

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March 1883, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 18, 2025


  1. [1]“The subject of the benefits of hospital treatment for the sick and injured was dwelt upon, and some committees were appointed to make further arrangements for the benefit of the institution.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Mar. 1883, 11:158.)

  2. [2]Mary Ann Hatch.

  3. [3]George M. Brockbank.

  4. [4]Probably Louisa King Spencer.

  5. [5]Ellen Woodward Fuller.