April 1911

5 April 1911 • Wednesday

Conference of the Relief Society in Assembly Hall at which I presided both my Counselors were with me– had a fine spirit gave a Greeting and welcome had a large attendance, Reception at Headquarters in the evening about 500 people1 [p. 95] {p. 60}

17 April 1911 • Monday

Daughters of the Revolution met today in the Green Room, Clarissa Williams gave the paper on her fore fathers from whom she has the right of belonging to the D.R. [p. 107] {p. 61}

19 April 1911 • Wednesday

A day of great significance in history the opening of the war of the revolution, and the birthday of John Q. Cannon, I went down to dinner [p. 109] {p. 62}

20 April 1911 • Thursday

This morning there was a snow storm and yet I got up to go and take the train for Springville the twins and Jack pulled me to the street car in the buggy so I did not get wet– then John Q. went with me to the train– Clarissa Williams came to meet me & Julina Smith was already in and we were soon on our way Arriving at Springville in good time went direct to the meeting house a fine morning Conference all 3. of us spoke and at noon we went just across the street to Br. Nephi Packard’s to dinner Afternoon meeting very full all of the three spoke again then off to the train in the same auto that took us in the morning when we reached the city the President’s carriage was there to meet us and bring us safe home [p. 110] {p. 63}

21 April 1911 • Friday

Today is Clarissa S. Williams annversary of her birthday and I gave her a very fine book entitled Rambles in the Holy Land with many good pictures, she is fifty two years old born in 1859 in the Historian’s Office opposite the Lion House [p. 111] {p. 64}

23 April 1911 • Sunday

Have been in the Building nearly all day writing. It is the anniversary of little Percival [Woods]’s birthday of course I am sure Mell & Will [William W. Woods] must feel it very much when the day comes round– even I do– and the death was so sad and all the circumstances connected with it. Life is very full of tragedies and yet we live on and on bearing these heavy burdens and our hearts are not broken– Julina came and brought me lunch and then invited me to dinner– I was ready in good time and we went on the car together to the 31st. Ward. A very full house and attentive audience I occupied most of the time Julina & Sister Maessere [Emilie Damke Maeser]’s 2. Counselors spoke briefly. [p. 113] {p. 65}

24 April 1911 • Monday

Have been very busy finished proof and wrote six letters, had several this morning, and visitors, have had a busy day Emm. Cannon and myself went out to dinner this evening had quite a pleasant time– made several appointments of sisters to work with new committee of Big Sisters.2 John Q. spoke last evening in Cannon ward on the Bible had a large audience, Annie & Emily Richards spoke in the 7th. Ward Clarissa Williams in the 4th. Ward last evening. I wrote to Sister Minerva [Richards] Knowlton today also to Sister J. E. Jenson [Joannah Jennings Jensen] of Heber City and I am so weary tonight [p. 114] {p. 66}

25 April 1911 • Tuesday

<sent off lots of Receipts Alfred Lambourne came in today> Many callers, made up the paper no letters except one from Mrs. [Emma Kelly] McVicker in Berkeley Cal. [California] a very good one Mrs Greene Sec. Granite Stake first thing this morning, then Aggie Campbell Emily S. Richards Dr. R. B. Penrose May [Merrill] Lloyd Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, several telephone messages– [Orson] Spencer Clawson James Hill Wm. Clive, John Q. Cannon– sent off several notices and went out to select books– May [Merrill] Fisher came about the Lott Smith Society and several on business. Emma went home and I had two offers of girls but they did not materialize. Wrote to Mrs. Sal [Solomon] Siegel [Rachel Ulman Siegel] at Baltimore [Maryland] and sent cards of introduction to Mrs. Adeline F. Fitz Mrs. Frank Granger and Miss Targania L. Vass, wrote to Daisie Allen [p. 115] {p. 67}

26 April 1911 • Wednesday

The day of many marriages in the Temple, Belle had written and asked me to speak to Edna [Lambson Smith] & Sarah Jane [Cannon] for her and coming out I met Edna, we walked on and her carriage came and she invited me to ride with and I jumped in, but my time was so occupied I soon came back and I was to go again at 3. but could not. was so busy with people and in the evening we had the Press Club and a very excellent meeting. Mrs. [Samantha Brimhall] Foley’s article on Mexico was very fine given from memory, other numbers were superior [p. 116] {p. 68}

27 April 1911 • Thursday

This morning I was quite well and went to my desk in good time no news from my own relatives, read my revise and sent off a number of letters, wrote to C. C. [Cedaressa Cartwright] Shepherd Beaver and to M. E. Atterton Parowan [p. 117] {p. 69}

28 April 1911 • Friday

Went off early in the Presidents carriage [illegible] attend Conference in Farmington, had a pleasant ride, sun shone bright arrived in good time had many pleasant greetings and spoke both morning and afternoon– President Grant was there and Susan [Noble] Grant an old friend also Mary S. [Stevenson] Clark a very good speaker Aurelia Rogers too Came home safe Emma was here but had to go soon [p. 118] {p. 70}

29 April 1911 • Saturday

A very bright warm day had much work & some annoyance but finally went off to Cannon farm3 and had a lovely dinner and fine evening with the family The day had been perfect and I had accomplished much in writing, answering letters etc. [p. 119] {p. 71}

30 April 1911 • Sunday

I slept well, dreamed of Brigham Young. All went to Sunday School I stayed in bed & rested and I really needed the quiet change [p. 120] {p. 72}

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April 1911, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 20, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1911/1911-04


  1. [1]Annie Wells Cannon, “General Relief Society Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, May 1911, 39:69–70.

  2. [2]Community women formed a Big Sister Society to help girls discharged from the State Industrial School find housing, employment, and improved life habits. (“Movement to Help Unfortunate Girls,” Salt Lake Tribune, 13 Apr. 1911, [7].)

  3. [3]Annie and John Q. Cannon’s home. (See EBW, Diary, 29 Feb. 1904.)