August 1901

1 August 1901 • Thursday

Belle is making great preparations for Marian’s birthday party and it will be a gala day for all of us. There is good news too from Emily and baby and all seems more than usually serene. Annie is very well for her and Dot is doing fine, and although I am still suffering from dizziness, yet I think I am somewhat better‒ and I am not so depressed about my condition as I was a few days ago‒ I feel sorry that my writing is getting behind so because of my being unable to work steadily, and I long so to get ahead instead of lagging behind and worrying and then there are a great many duties to be done and matters to be looked into and letters to be written that need the most careful attention of an experienced person‒ {p. 223}

2 August 1901 • Friday

Today is beautiful after the rain and everything promises fair for the party for Marian– The decorations were beautiful and hammocks swung in the yard. Stars & Stripes over the doorway and inside flowers and green‒ I was too ill to go to the office and had to lie in bed and groan with pain. At last I made an extra effort and went up with copy and came directly home again, found the party had begun in earnest and children in high glee blowing trumpets and blowing bubbles. Annie was there and took me for a drive thro the Park and passed the deer; called at Hugh Cannon’s a few minutes and May [Wilcken Cannon] gave me a glass of cordial that relieved the pain. The children had a fine time at table‒ all went off agreeably. Emmeline staid all night with me‒ Marian will I hope remember the day. {p. 224}

3 August 1901 • Saturday

Felt very weak this morning Annie came over early and called to see me I got up town as soon as possible found ladies waiting for me. Mrs. McVicker invited me to lunch with her at Beardsley’s and I accepted had a very pleasant time, and enjoyed the conversation very much, it does seem quite remarkable that I should have had the attention of so many noted people & be sought after by those of our own faith as well after the obscurity in which I had lived during the time of raising my family & really when apparently it would have been more to my life and helped to awaken and develop ideas and sentiments to aid others, but God knew the best and withheld from me much others enjoyed {p. 225}

4 August 1901 • Sunday

Although feeling miserable in health I rose very early and made ready to go to the Temple. I was in time and took my usual seat. Sister Smith asked me to sit by her in Aunt Zina’s place but I could not do it I felt I was better where I sat always. The singing was soothing and George Reynolds offered prayer, he is one of my favorites among the Seventies, then they sung “How firm a foundation,” and Sister Kelly was the first speaker, others who spoke were Dr. Roberts, C. C. R. Wells, H. C. Wells, M. A. [Mary Alice Cannon] Lambert, Hiram Smith, then Br. Thomas sung “Let us pray gladly pray,” and Br. Christenson spoke and several others. I was very faint and Sister Kelly came over and fanned me all the time. After meeting Sister Jennings took me in her carriage up to Hebe’s and I had a cup of tea, then came home to rest and try to recuperate‒ Em’s wedding day‒ {p. 226}

5 August 1901 • Monday

<Press Club to the Lagoon> This morning went up in fairly good time and found sisters waiting for me, I was not very well and had hard work to get to my room. Mrs. McVicker invited me to go to the Beardsley Tavern to lunch and I accepted we had a pleasant chat and I quite enjoyed her company as I always do. I must give Dr. Pratt a present on her birthday, she has shown me such kindness in many ways and always in my illnesses come at my call without recompense, I feel I should like to give her a ring and I have been looking up on one suitable. Tomorrow we are to go to the Lagoon I do not know if I can go or not, I am not well enough to go about alone I shall take Mae with me her sister is here she will go too‒ {p. 227}

6 August 1901 • Tuesday

Primary went to Saltair but I could not go, was not well enough to risk it, went here and there looking for a ring for Dr. Pratt. In the afternoon went down to Annie’s and she brought me home in the buggy; the ride always helps me a great deal. The evening was fine but there is no moon now and the night gets quite dark and I dread Annie driving home she had Emmeline with her, and that is better than one who would not be helpful {p. 228}

7 August 1901 • Wednesday

This is a very hot day and I am so dispirited and weary that my work drags, I finally made up my mind to go to Hebe’s for it seemed to me I ought to go once before Martha moves away from there. {p. 229}

8 August 1901 • Thursday

We went to the Lagoon Kenyon today fully expected Dr. Pratt to go with us but she went off to Ogden with her husband it was her birthday and she is 62 today eleven years younger than I am‒ had a pleasant time with the Kentucky people1 who were seemingly delighted with all they saw and heard Of the U.W.P.C.2 I noticed C. C. R. Wells, Ella W. Hyde, Ruth M. Fox, Lizzie H. [M. Elizabeth Hillstead] Shipp and Miss Bardella Shipp and Lydia D. Alder also Aimee [Cahn] Schiller‒ they went to the Recital at the Tabernacle, but I could not sit it through had to ask Br. Jenson to let me out. They went from the Tabernacle to the Bee Hive to call upon President Snow and by his courtesy to the Lake at Saltair, Mrs. Breedan [Anna Day Breeden] wife of the Atty General was at the Kenyon when I was‒ {p. 230}

11 August 1901 • Sunday

Stayed at home and spent the morning in bed, felt an earthquake shock two vibrations of which I was quite conscious. Heber M. Wells the Governor is 42. years old today and Charlie [J. Charles] Earl is 47 today born the same year as June & Rule [Rulon S.] Wells the day is fine and if I were well I would go to the Tabernacle but I am not equal to sitting through an afternoon {p. 233}

13 August 1901 • Tuesday

[S.] Maria Kimball Jenkins died to day in Auburn Wyoming of diphtheria, had just buried a child3 eleven years old. She was the only daughter of Sara Ann Whitney eldest daughter of Bishop Nwel [Newel] K. & Elizabeth Ann Whitney and was greatly beloved by them, a very superior woman and very popular with her friends and envied by those who were not so popular. Her family is comparatively large but we here know very little about them because they live away and we rarely see them. {p. 235}

14 August 1901 • Wednesday

Today little Ethel Beck is to be buried at 4. p.m. Eugene & Brenton were among the pall bearers, Belle was there and Louise & Margaret. There is a wedding to day in the Temple of Miss Bardella Shipp and Theodore Curtis‒ Miss Shipp is a fine scholar and teacher‒ I was invited to the reception4 and accepted. I went up and took them a handsome copy of Raselas bound in Morocco there was a goodly company fine music instrumental and vocal and also recitations Mary A. Freeze was there, and Bishop George H. Taylor and Dr. M. [Milford] B. Shipp the father and Dr. M. B. [Milford B. Shipp] Junior & Richard who is a lawyer and Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, and many more some whom I did not know, the refreshments were all one could desire, came home before twelve, had everything comfortable. {p. 236}

15 August 1901 • Thursday

A pouring rain, wet too during the night, and I am so anxious to see Belle, I went over when the rain was very heavy, and got dripping wet‒ came back and changed my apparel then went to the office, Ella Hyde came and one or two others. I am sorry for Sister [Bertha Goss] Beck, the rain must make her more gloomy than sunshine Through the day I worked incessantly and accomplished considerable, came home and went to see Belle, she was very weary, when I reached home afterwards found May had two young men here and her sister Rhoda [Bigelow] too, I had to leave my work feeling very faint and get into bed I have been reading in the Atlantic Monthly The Tory Lover by Sarah Orne Jewett & Audrey by Mary Johnston. {p. 237}

16 August 1901 • Friday

<Mamie Cannon had a baby5 born today‒ eleven pounds.> I went over to see Belle this morning and then off to the office‒ missed taking my glasses which was a great hindrance Sister Richards came and spent the day. I had to go to the Post Office to draw some orders, and meantime felt very queer, went with Sister Richards to get a cup of tea‒ and then to the depot. Briant [Harris Wells] & wife6 and little Jane [Mary Jane Wells] will be here on Saturday afternoon, his absence has been three years, in the Phillipines‒ was wounded before in Santiago. I am rereading Raselass by Dr. Johnson, one of the finest compositions in the English language May’s sister Mrs. Shepherd is here tonight. The death of Maria Kimball Jenkins is in the paper she died of diphtheria at Auburn Wyoming‒ left nine children‒ Sarah Ann Whitneey [Whitney]s daughter. {p. 238}

17 August 1901 • Saturday

Went up late, Dot and children were over at Belle’s I have been giving instructions to May about the home work, and found several had been in before I arrived a dark cloudy day, but I must work nevertheless. Mailing seems to hang on so long and is tedious and I must stop every now and then to prepare copy. Sister Annie T. Hyde came in to see me, and Carrie S. Thomas also Rebecca E. [Mantle] Little, Lydia D. Alder her daughter Florence [Alder Schettler] and new baby Lucile, then Dr. Ellis R. Shipp of whom I am very fond, she brought me a poem for the paper, worked until nine o’clock, came home weary and could not even go over to see Belle. Mrs. [Annie S.] Peterson a woman whom I know very well was killed with the street cars last evening. Letter today from Cor. Sec. of the N. H. E. Ass’n7 asking me to serve on the Board of Directors‒ think I shall accept {p. 239}

18 August 1901 • Sunday

The day is cooler than usual, yesterday was very sultry, I kept in bed until afternoon, about two Annie came and took me for a ride, we went through Liberty Park the flowers are very fine, called over at Belle’s‒ Dot and family were there. I have been going over some old clothing and given it away and have done some writing for my paper and read in the Book by Richard Carvel “The Crisis”‒ May and Rhoda Bigelow are here tonight, it has been raining and seems like more rain‒ it is my Mell’s birthday and I do not even know where I could send her a letter. I presume she is in New York or Buffalo or coming towards home perhaps. Feel quite anxious to know‒ {p. 240}

19 August 1901 • Monday

May & Rhoda went off this morning early train, the men came to wire my house for the electric lights, put me out more than I expected‒ went off in a rain storm to the office, found Susa there and rain pouring down heavily, Louise Cannon & Lucile Wallace came to help me for a few hours with the mailing, Ella Hyde and Margaret Caine called. Mabelle Snow is to be the Queen of the Elks Carnival, it is causing great comment, among the people. My letters today were none of them from my folks, for which I felt sorry.

I was alone and very ill and faint tried to endure it but finally felt it impossible, called to the people over the way, who came[.] sent for Belle who stayed all night with me {p. 241}

20 August 1901 • Tuesday

This morning felt very weak but went off about eleven & found I was about as usual weak and exhausted, but not so bad as one would think after a dreadful night, saw John Q. and told him he must tell one of the girls to come over‒ after a very fatiguing day, came home and found Louise waiting over at Belle’s‒ it was a great comfort to have one of my own girls with me. I read some but was almost too weary. {p. 242}

24 August 1901 • Saturday

The astounding news this morning is to the effect that Aunt Zina has been stricken with paralysis and will not live but is coming home & Zina [Young Card] is with her. I hastened up to the President’s office and found Joseph F. Smith who read me the Association press report from the Tribune and then I went over to Phebe’s and up to Aunt Zina’s home with Annie in her buggy. All day we were in anxiety and knew not how to wait but finally ascertained that they could not reach here until Sunday morning. {p. 246}

27 August 1901 • Tuesday

Went up to the office in good time and off to Aunt Zina’s where I stayed for hours, then to the cemetery with Annie in the buggy and she brought quite an assortment of lovely flowers for the graves. scarlet & white geraniums and Verbenas and other sweet-scented small flowers of deep colors and also white ones. I had many callers during the day and a long call from Adelina Wayland [Adeline Wyland] a Kansas woman who is a writer and literary enthusiast. She has written a fairly good article about our people which she will try to get into some magazine At Aunt Zina’s today Prest. Teasdale8 gave her a fine blessing and dedicated her to the Lord. Susa came in from Provo tonight she is not very well {p. 249}

28 August 1901 • Wednesday

This morning Aunt Zina died at 8.55‒ she never regained consciousness in the least, passed away without a struggle‒ it is hard for me we had been fast friends for so many years, it is very sad not to be able to commune with those who have been so closely associated for more than half-a-century‒ I went up and saw Zina and Maria & Zebulon [W. Jacobs] and Chariton and others of the family. There seemed no great grief in outward sign but all was peaceful and quiet. {p. 250}

29 August 1901 • Thursday

In the evening Mrs. Wayland and her two daughters came also Dr. Pratt & Susa Y. Gates, and we had a pleasant evening I bought some fruit peaches and grapes‒ I could not quite enjoy the evening as I would have done because of Aunt Zina’s being gone‒ and lying dead {p. 251}

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August 1901, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]For details of the visit of Kentucky editors and their friends, see “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, Sept. 1901, 30:30.

  2. [2]Utah Woman’s Press Club.

  3. [3]Richard K. Jenkins.

  4. [4]See “Wedding Reception,” Woman’s Exponent, Sept. 1901, 30:30.

  5. [5]Robert M. Cannon.

  6. [6]Mary Jane Jennings Wells.

  7. [7]Corresponding Secretary of the National Household Economic Association.

  8. [8]Probably George Teasdale, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.