January 1910


27 January

The Bishop’s Building was dedicated by prayer following a banquet held for general priesthood officers and leaders of all the women’s organizations.

28 February

Board members and friends hosted EBW on her eighty-second birthday. After a family dinner, six hundred guests greeted her at a reception in the new Bishop’s Building. The reception was followed by tributes and refreshments with priesthood leaders and invited guests.

16–18 June

EBW served on a committee to decide whether the Relief Society would continue to sponsor a school for nurses. Committee members voted to suspend the program.

19–20 June

Relief Society president Bathsheba W. Smith collapsed at her home and was found unconscious. Her daughter Bathsheba Smith Merrill and granddaughter Alice Merrill Horne cared for her as her health declined until she died on 20 September 1910. EBW also frequently visited her during this period.

25 September

Services for Bathsheba W. Smith were held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle. EBW spoke briefly there. On 4 October, she paid tribute to the deceased president at a special Relief Society memorial service.

2 October

EBW was called to be the fifth Relief Society general president. She and her counselors, Clarissa S. Williams and Julina L. Smith, were sustained in general conference on 6 October 1910.

Merry X’mas and a happy New Year, to dear<e>st Grandma, with love galore. Barry [Barrymore N. Hillard Jr.]1 {p. 4}

21 January 1910 • Saturday

Woke early had been up until 3. A.M. reading & writing– had a serious cold and wrote until noon on Editorial matter for the paper Dressed and went up to Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears]’s to dinner Turkey plum pudding and every good thing imaginable Will [C. William Buchholz] Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] & the children–3

4Spent New Years Ewe [Eve] at the office and slept at home attended to duties as usual [p. 1] {p. 5}

5Last Night I watched the old year out and the New Year in in my own home in the White House at East Waterloo 429 third Avenue but now included in Salt Lake City as the old Wells Farm and the places adjoining are now City property, the day is fine and I am to dine at Isabel’s, we had a fine dinner as I recall it very pleasant indeed although Belle had been ill and was scarcely able to be up as yet [p. 1] {p. 5}

2 January 1910 • Sunday

First Pres. Apostles & Seventies Went to Fast meeting in the Temple and then up to Hannah [Free Wells]’s and had dinner and to the 18th Ward meeting spoke in the Fast Meeting and after went to see Susan [Alley Wells] and Kate [Catherine Wells] then home late <Sister [Bathsheba Wilson Bigler] Smith did not come and worried us so much>

6Went to the Temple meeting and sat with Edna [Lambson] Smith Sister Bathsheba forgot to attend did not remember it was Fast Day I went to Hannah C. [Corilla Free] Wells and had dinner and we had a pleasant time Went to fast meeting in the 18th ward and spoke; afterwards went over to see Susan Wells and Kate, then went home and tried to do some important writing Birthday of my great-grandson Geo Q. Cannon [Jr.]; at the Temple meeting there were Presidents Jos. [Joseph] F. Smith John R. Winder A. [Anthon] H. Lund, F. [Francis] M. Lyman John Henry Smith, Hyrum [M.] Smith, Heber J. Grant O. [Orson] F. Whitney Rudger Clawson Seymour B. Young A. H. [Anthony W.] Ivins [p. 2] {p. 6}

7Slept at Belle’s and went off to the Temple to Fast meeting, there were several of the leading brethren present President Jos F. Smith and President John R. Winder of the Quorum of the Apostles President Francis M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant Rudger Clawson Hyrum M. Smith Orson F. Whitney and Anthony Ivins, of the First Council of Seventy Seymour B. Young [J.] Golden Kimball Rulon S. Wells Jos. McMurrain [Joseph W. McMurrin] and the Patriarch John Smith– there was also Junius F. Wells just returned from Vermont. It was a very important meeting for many reasons. Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was not there and it worried me and also Sister Edna Smith– There were no women speakers, This is my great grandson’s birthday George Q. Cannon Jr. a very beautiful child, curly head After meeting I went up to the 18th. Ward Chapel & had dinner at Hannah’s and in the Chapel I spoke in Fast meeting– afterwards went over to see Susan and Kate and had dinner there. Came home and found house alone tho’ Sister [Susannah Alvey] Heaps & Betsy [E. Walker] were both staying with me– they came in later– [p. 2] {p. 6}

3 January 1910 • Monday

Went to my work in the new office8 and enjoyed it very much one hardly knows how to carry on matters in new quarters as yet New Year dawns bravely yet there are serious matters to cope with, I am trying to get the paper out and feel very uneasy about many things as yet {p. 37}

9Went to work as usual; always so much to do [p. 3] {p. 7}

4 January 1910 • Tuesday

This is George Q [Cannon]’s birthday and I am not where I can even see him, cold and storms and bad weather. and all sorts of hindrances, too bad did not see baby either I am determined to give him a suitable gift this time & also Baby Q.10

5 January 1910 • Wednesday

I am very busy and it is very stormy and cold– I am enjoying the new building and do feel quite at home here as if it all belonged to me, and I do not know why I feel as I do about it, I hope I may have much pleasure and inspiration while sojourning in this beautiful place.

6 January 1910 • Thursday

Ada [Addie] Earl’s birthday she is in Los Angeles, a mind healer & is successful I am told and it has transformed her into a womanly woman, I am here in this new building at the beginning of this new year 1910 I enjoy my desk and the evenings11 here very much {p. 38}

12<Emmeline B. Wells> [p. 6] {p. 9}

7 January 1910 • Friday

I have my minutes ready and Ida [Smoot Dusenberry] came early and there was a report from the furnishing committee which was not very satisfactory as they insisted on having it all their own way and would not let the minutes stand as they had been written and were correct

8 January 1910 • Saturday

Today has been very full of work and of people coming in to look at the rooms, and one gets very weary the floors of hard wood are tiresome, I went to the Bookstore and looked over books and sent for the book Bathsheba Everdine

9 January 1910 • Sunday

I stayed at home and tried to get rested then went to Belle’s and had dinner stayed until late in the evening, Will and Dot came with me to the car, and I telephoned up as soon as I reached home, sat down to write letters and stayed up late and did not feel very comfortable {p. 39}

10 January 1910 • Monday

It is the birthday of [F.] Ashbel Pomeroy he is a Doctor now married to one of the daughters of Apostle C. [Charles] C. Rich13– his mother14 was a dear friend and died at my house in 1860– June when Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] was a baby in long clothes.

11 January 1910 • Tuesday

A heavy storm is on and I must go home whether or no, I must work and write I am anxious to please Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and have made up my mind to write something that will satisfy her an inspiration must come to me

12 January 1910 • Wednesday

Today I talked with her and went home and wrote the article at night sat up until three in the morning and if I ever was inspired it was this time– it came over me in a most forcible way & I felt it strongly– as one does when an interpretation is given {p. 40} <to the gift of tongues>

13 January 1910 • Thursday

I did not copy my article it was only in pencil. I went to the Temple found Sister Smith and read my article she was so pleased she cried and wanted me read it to Edna Smith & to President Jos. F. Smith but I did not do either I took it to the Printers and had it set the same day

14 January 1910 • Friday

A very snowy dull day many things to do and callers too, letters to reply to and conversation to keep up when one’s heart is full of sorrow and pain, I am anxious about many matters and feel uncomfortable

15Rec’d from Pioneer Stake R.S.16 for Treas.17 Mrs. H. [Helen] S. Cutler [p. 14] {p. 17}

15 January 1910 • Saturday

D.R.18 Met in new building in Committee room Regent Alice M. [Merrill] Horne 85 members present I explained to Alice today about the Annapolis memorial at to the Sailors of the Revolution the patriotic Society D.R. to erect some memento {p. 41}

16 January 1910 • Sunday

I stayed at home a good part of the day read proofs and rested towards evening took a run up town and did an errand or two and came direct home & spent the evening reading

17 January 1910 • Monday

This is Mary Jane Whitney [Groo]’s birthday she is 66 today I seldom see her nowadays, and yet I would be glad to see her occasionally– and talk of old times the heroic past I feel a nearness to them all & cannot give expression to the remembrances that come to me so fresh and tender

18 January 1910 • Tuesday

The day has been very full of work I am struggling with the exigencies that are a part of my life nowadays; the weather is very cold and raw and my throat is very sore and painful– letters are di[s]appointing– {p. 42}

19 January 1910 • Wednesday

Well the midwinter is upon us we are in its icy grasp it is very difficult to keep warm there has not been so cold a winter for fifty years, such a struggle to be brave and I must indeed bear all

20 January 1910 • Thursday

Dr. Ellis R. [Reynolds] Shipp is 63 today she is a very beautiful character, gentle kind and forgiving, tender and modest has been bruised at heart, and borne her grief and pain like a veritable martyr.

21 January 1910 • Friday

Today was our meeting and I had my arrangements all made sat up all night had been very much exhausted but got through the meeting and the party, read my poem & succeeded in keeping my voice and did not break down tho’ it was difficult {p. 43}

19Today I brought up my poem I had written during the week for Aunt Eliza R. Snow’s birthday anniversary party– I feel I was in a way inspired to write it. [p. 21] {p. 23}

20I have been up nearly all night trying to finish a poem I had attempted to write for the anniversary of Sister Eliza R. Snow’s birthday which is to be kept in the Relief Society rooms in the Bishop’s Building. My brain is very much wrought upon– I feel I really had a vision while here alone past midnight. I have been much affected by the manifestation– I went up to the office in good time and soon Ida came and one after another of the Committee for the party to make preparations before the meeting. We held the regular meeting and then the round table was spread and the members gathered around I sat near the President really at her right and she asked me to pronounce the blessing which I did. The banquet was very delicious and conversation delightful– then we prepared for the party in the large Reception room– Sister B. W. Smith in the most prominent place although Counselor Dusenberry was to have charge of the programme– we sung “O my Father” and had piano accompaniment Amy B. [Brown] Lyman. Each one had a part and it was very delightful. We were late getting through and some were absent 18 were present Mesdames B. W. Smith <Ida S. Dusenberry> E. B. Wells, C. S. [Clarissa Smith] Williams S. J. [Sarah Jenne] Cannon E. S. [Emily Tanner] Richards Susan [Noble] Grant Phebe [Young] Beatie J. P. M. [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth, C. S. [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, A. M. [Alice Merrill] Horne A. W. [Elizabeth Ann Wells] Cannon P. P. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings M. H. [Permelia Horne] James E. S. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox E. S. [Emma Smith] Woodruff A. B. Lyman A. K. [Annie Kay] Hardy [p. 21] {p. 23}

22 January 1910 • Saturday

This morning Mrs. Heaps broke my treasure the last work of my darling Louie [Louise Wells Cannon] and it unnerved me altogether I went to the office but fainted and was prostrated and did not rally for some time Belle & Annie stayed all night with me there.

21This morning I was very much exercised had scarcely slept and wished to be early at the office as everything had been left at random after the party, and I was weak also from nervsousness and lack of sleep– the maid let fall a choice painting that stood on an easel and stepped on it breaking it into two pieces, and when I groaned she assured me she had always felt she should break it I had cautioned her so much– I was to much wrought upon to remain one minute longer in the house and flew down stairs, took the car and was soon in my office where the janitor was clearing up. I began explaining about the furniture and faintness seized me and I was gone for a minute– help was at hand Mrs. Parker who was near and soon Elders were summoned and the Doctor Wm. T. Cannon and I was too weak to resist– several brethren came and many of the sisters and my own girls and some of the Wells girls and I was not able to leave the building for days after– I had the most excellent care and nursing and was kept in the building everything possible was done for me. No expense or pains was spared, besides my own girls there was Ida Dusenberry Clarissa Williams Alice M. Horne Phebe Y. Beatie Dr. M. C. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, Dr. E. R. Shipp, our President B. W. Smith the Presiding Bishops & Elder Golden Kimball & Dr. Seymour B. Young [p. 22] {p. 24}

23 January 1910 • Sunday

All day girls stayed have been administered to by Jode [Joseph S.] Wells Golden Kimball John Q. [Cannon] & W. [William] T. Cannon Seymour B. Young & W. [William] N. Williams also Aunt Bathsheba Alice & Clarissa & Annie & Ida all went out getting things to make more comfortable on Saturday. All day in bed both girls here.

22It seemed strange to be all day in that new and almost strange building, where it is not permitted one should stay over night and yet circumstances compelled me to remain there– there was no alternative Annie went home for a few minutes. Belle stayed while she went and then Belle for a few minutes to see the folks and get a breath of fresh air. I do not get much rest and scarcely any sleep– everything is being done for me and I am certainly getting rested and so many of my friends call and offer assistance and pray for my recovery. I feel I must recover, there are so many things that I must do. I entreated the girls not to let Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] or her family know that I was ill or they might be so anxious as to spend money to come and it would certainly be quite useless except the simple fact of knowing how I was as the girls were not willing to leave me until all danger was past. As a matter of fact there was no real danger after the crisis of fainting or heart failure, so I shall soon be all right– [p. 23] {p. 25}

24 January 1910 • Monday

Still here and not much change No kind of relief weakness after the prostration, not much appetite had more visitors more Elders to administer Rulon Wells & Golden again & Bishop [Charles W.] Nibley and others I am not better but I must get better there is much I must do yet before I am ready {p. 44}

25 January 1910 • Tuesday

<yesterday was W. [William] W. Woods birthday & Eleanor [A. Cannon]’s &> This is a better day and I am more free from pain and yet I cannot hold up Belle and Annie are both here still and soon will be the banquet and dedication and I must be well enough to go David [A.] Smith is still in the L.D.S. Hospital

26 January 1910 • Wednesday

Tomorrow is the dedication and we have been getting things ready all day to go to Belle’s and sleep tonight We sent for a carriage as it was stormy and I must go as the place has to be got ready for decoration so Belle went with me.

23This morning the girls made up their minds that I must go up to Isabel’s to sleep to-night on account of the preparations that are being made for the dedication of this building and the banquet all rooms are to be opened and the <occupants of> rooms are to receive guests in the several apartments and I need to gather strength if I undertake the ordeal– Sister Amy B. Lyman came in to post us in relation to the entire affair, she had been selected from the Relief Society Board to assist the General Committee in the detail work particularly refreshments Ruth M. [May] Fox from the Young Ladies Board and Allie Howorth [Alice L. Howarth] from the Primary– so we heard a few of the arrangements today, plants are coming over from the Conservatory and palms in jardenaires24 I had to get a carriage to go to the house of my daughter– she accompanied me and I was all right– did not disturb me in the least. I slept very well and at nine in the morning the carriage came to take me back Isabel with me [p. 26] {p. 28}

27 January 1910 • Thursday

I went to bed immediately and slept with Isabel and in the morning went to the building and Annie came and we had the rooms soon ready It was beautifully decorated and all the Board and many more & finally I went up with John Q. and Bishop Nibley took me to prominent {p. 45} <seat at the table next Sister B. W. Smith and opposite Julina [Lambson] Smith>

25<Margaret left Emily’s today>

The day of the banquet given by the Presiding Bishops for the Dedication of this new building. [p. 27] {p. 24}

28 January 1910 • Friday

Next day was full of the dedication and very exciting and did not feel quite as well– in fact she had been very nervous that night after the party Isabel came late and we had a fairly good night today I rested more Belle stayed with me all day and all the calls that came were happy

29 January 1910 • Saturday

This is a hard day we are trying to get the mailing done– it seems to be difficult to get through the work if I was only well it would be easy to finish up– Sister [Mary Croxall] Andrew is very sick and Louise [Cannon Andrew] is having a hard time with the work and the twins.26 I feel anxious about Louise

30 January 1910 • Sunday

Another day here in the office & the girls staying with me and I am getting better so as soon as I am well enough must go home I like to stay here very much but the girls do not like my staying here– I love the place and have had many flowers and letters and kind things have come to me {p. 46}

31 January 1910 • Monday

The Reapers Social met today and in my room and was a very nice meeting and I enjoyed it very much though and I was very weary after all and did not sleep well and Margaret [Cannon] is here with me.

27The birthday anniversary of Zina D. H. [Diantha Huntington] Young and Jane S. Richards– the first deceased but a party in her honor will be given by her foster daughter Mrs. P. Y. Beatie, the General Board R.S. as many as could have gone to Ogden to honor Jane S. Richards on her 87th. birthday– Zina would have been 89. years old today. [p. 31] {p. 25}

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January 1910, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1910/1910-01


  1. [1]text: This inscription is written on the verso of the title page of volume 38.

  2. [2]text: EBW wrote entries for the year 1910 in three diaries—volumes 36, 37, and 38. Entries have been pulled from those diaries and arranged here into chronological order. Unless otherwise noted, entries come from volume 36 of the diary. As EBW’s eyesight worsened, her handwriting became less legible. She also sometimes lost track of where she was in some words. Words with extra stokes are represented as closely to the manuscript as possible. Letters with missing strokes are represented as complete.

  3. [3]Lucile Buchholz and S. Herman Buchholz.

  4. [4]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  5. [5]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  6. [6]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  7. [7]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  8. [8]The Bishop’s Building, located east of Temple Square in Salt Lake City, contained offices for the women’s organizations as well as for the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The building was officially dedicated on 27 January 1910. (“The Bishop’s Building,” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, accessed 8 Feb. 2022, https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/bishops-building?lang=eng#1; “Relief Society Headquarters,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Jan. 1910, 38:45; EBW, Diary, 27 Jan. 1910.)

  9. [9]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  10. [10]George Q. Cannon Jr.

  11. [11]text: An ink blot covers several words in the bottom corner of this page, including half of this one.

  12. [12]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary. This name is written at the top of an otherwise blank page.

  13. [13]Mary Ann Rich Pomeroy.

  14. [14]Irene Haskell Pomeroy.

  15. [15]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  16. [16]Relief Society.

  17. [17]Treasurer.

  18. [18]Daughters of the Revolution.

  19. [19]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  20. [20]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  21. [21]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  22. [22]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary.

  23. [23]text: This entry comes from volume 38 of the diary. EBW provided 19 January 1912 as the date for this page, but that date does not appear to correspond to the content on the page, and the handwriting matches that of other 1910 entries.

  24. [24]text: Possibly the French word jardinières, meaning flowerpots.

  25. [25]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.

  26. [26]Richard C. Andrew and Denton C. Andrew.

  27. [27]text: This entry comes from volume 37 of the diary.