January 1916
- 18 January
- 25 February
- 29 February
- 17 March
- 19 and 20 April
- 17 September
11 January 1916 • Saturday
I begin the N[e]w Year in the home of my daughte[r] Amnie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] I spnt th[e] new day with Annie and famiily she has the hig[h]est number of of any of mine or any of her fathers children, we h[a]d a very pleasant day togethr and evning also and al[l] were well & some caller {p. 36}
2 January 1916 • Sunday
This mo[r]ning came up to the Temple Cavendish [Cannon] with me and attnded the Temple meeting in the room devoted to such meetings Jos F. Smth [Joseph F. Smith] pres[i]ded and also spoke were there until one. I went to 18th Wa[r]d & also even[i]ng meeting saw Aunt Susan [Alley Wells] {p. 37}
3 January 1916 • Monday
Mo[n]day not very well but fulfilled all my duties and came back to Hul [Hotel] Utah and stayed all night Tday has been very bu[s]y many callers and quite interesting my own heard [heart] is not satsfied because of circunstances that hnder me from duties inportant {p. 38}
4 January 1916 • Tuesday
George Q. Cannon was 34 today and his fathr
5 January 1916 • Wednesday
Yestrday was Geo Q’s birttday I did not see him nor give him any prsent however as he lives free of rent in my home I feel it is all I can afford many draw from me in various ways and I do all I can to keep myself ◊◊◊nt {p. 40}
6 January 1916 • Thursday
T[o]day was our regular meeting Julina [Lambson Smith] was not able to atend nor Romania Penorse [Bunnell Penrose], atend were Clarissa [Smith] Williams Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon Priscilla Jnnings [Paul Jennings] Emily S. [Snyder] Richards Rebecca Mobley [Neibaur Nibley] Emma [Adams] Empey Amy [Brown] Lyman Alice [Merrill] Horne we trnsacded [transacted] some business and had a few things printed up President [Joseph F.] Smith is not verry well {p. 41}
8 January 1916 • Saturday
I have been very blue today went over first to see Clarissa Williams before her departure for Washington,
9 January 1916 • Sunday
Have had a dreadful night with siatic [sciatica] am still in great pain men at the Hotel Utah {p. 43}
10 January 1916 • Monday
Came up from m [home] this morning there has been a terrific wind this aftrnon, but it subsided some and this evening is comperatively calm. I am in the Hotel Utah and my facilitiees for writing are not the best but all is wel {p. 44}
11 January 1916 • Tuesday
Today is the annversary of Gorge [George] Q. Cannons birthday and it is being observed by his family I went down to the parrty at evening with Linus & wife
12 January 1916 • Wednesday
Tod[a]y is a rather tame as thngs go in this office, we do not do much on Wednesday and yet I think it is my favorite day as it has alway been a rather precious day for me however all d[a]ys now are rare {p. 46}
13 January 1916 • Thursday
Today I am not well and I dread the meeting so many things come up for action of which I do not approve
16 January 1916 • Sunday
Today I rested in the mo[r]ning and then went to meeting in the aftenon [afternoon] Rulon S. Wells and Presidemt Smith preached, then went to the Bee Hive housee and visited with sister Julina Smith and from theree to 18th Ward & home with Joseeph [Joseph S.] Wells & spent the evening {p. 48}
17 January 1916 • Monday
I had a very unhapy day was not well and other worries and each day b[r]ings its b[u]rdens and cares and so little help that is efficient & I suffer so because of my eyees and also women who are envoius [envious] and traitors & it is wrong
18 January 1916 • Tuesday
I was late coming over f[r]om the Hotel but did try to do a few important things and spoke to Bishop [Charles W.] Nibley about a room at the Hotel and I have been to see Mr. Rolfe [George O. Relf] and hope I may be fortunate in securing a comfortable room to sleep in until the Sp[r]ing comes and warmer weather Nay [May] the Lord help me {p. 50}
19 January 1916 • Wednesday
This has been a very pleasant day, sunsh[i]ne and clear sky and I came up fron [from] the Martneau [Martineau] home
20 January 1916 • Thursday
Came up from Emn [Emmeline Cannon] Martinau and had a good meeting of the Seventy– all went well– had thngs done of importance but am not ve[r]y well myself– am sorry that th[e]re is no ome [one] here {p. 52}
21 January 1916 • Friday
This is a gray day the sun does not shine out. It is the anniversary of the of [one] of Z[i]ons greatest woman
22 January 1916 • Saturday
I am in as usual and there was no mail and scarceely a smile or a welcome from the office force but I soon received a letter from Mrs. [Margaret Walker] Salisbury with a check for 50, dollars & that gave me great joy
I gave Miss Cannon Lucile a very pretty scarf {p. 54}
23 January 1916 • Sunday
Had been very ill all night but went over to the Conv[e]nti[o]n in the University Building and thn to meting in the Assmbly hall, the Confernce of Pioneer Stake Br [Charles] Hart of the Seven Presidents of Sevnety and Pres. [Charles W.] Penrose of the First Presdency I wnt up to see Sister Jennings and read to and visited with her and thn to evning meting in the 18th. Wrd slept at the Hotel {p. 55}
24 January 1916 • Monday
Have had a busy day people calling and went to Lyon’s family store and ordered two dserrt [dessert] Spoons for Emmie a present, walked ther[e] and back again have had caller to day letter from Nw [New] York by Clarissa had Susans ticket for Liberty theatrre snt to me free, it [2 illegible words] very well long to be able to see again {p. 56}
25 January 1916 • Tuesday
had a very unhappy day Although Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] and Will [C. William Buchholz] came to see me and Isabel [Whitney Sears] but Lucile [Sears] is very ill and Iabel [Isabel] could not stay Emm called up and asked me to come down and I was very glad to go because I was lonely yet Cavendish had been in and playd on the piano which I felt was pleasant, he went to the car with mee & Emm met the car {p. 57}
26 January 1916 • Wednesday
Mr Martneau [Lyman R. Martineau] came home after we were in bed and I felt it was a relief this moning– I went up and found no one had come in to help me Lucile was siick and Belle was in the Temple but came late Amy and Miss [Elizabeth] Bradford were herre and I went out to lunch and had a ride with Mrs. Jennigs [Jennings]. {p. 58}
27 January 1916 • Thursday
[W]e had our regular weekly meeting of the Relief Society after which I went to the Receptin at the Hotel Uta◊h and thn down to Emm. Martineau to stay all night the wind blew furiously and Emm was slow and Emm came out to me and {p. 59} I stayed all night
28 January 1916 • Friday
The day is very stormy and it is difficult to get out at all, however we were all right in the Building and at night although it it was so very cold I went down to stay all night with Emm and both Emn. & her husband met mee at the car & we were {p. 60} all right,
29 January 1916 • Saturday11
This morning we were late. up but I went to the Assembly hall and enjoyd the services afterwards went up to see Susan Wells & Kate [Wells] who was as generous as possible and we had dinner and she went with me to the evening meeting. {p. 61}
30 January 1916 • Sunday12
I slept at Emms and came up about noon, it was snowing very fast & the icee was slipperry I had some maiil but not any from my own people one letter from Washington, called u◊p Clarissia & talked {p. 62} with herr
31 January 1916 • Monday
Slept at the Hotel last night hd a dreadful day yesterday so many calls we could not answer
2 remarkable women were born on Jan. 31. Zina D. H. [Diantha Huntington] Young & Jane S. [Snyder] Richards– and the month ◊◊◊◊ed with remembrances of them {p. 63}
Jane S. [Snyder] Richards– and the month ◊◊◊◊ed with remembrances of them {p. 63}
Cite This Page
[1]As EBW’s eyesight worsened, her handwriting became less legible. She also sometimes lost track of where she was in some words. Words with extra stokes are represented as closely to the manuscript as possible. Letters with missing strokes are represented as complete, as are letters conflated together, as is common with the two letters in th.
[2]John Q. Cannon.
[3]Annie Wells Cannon.
[4]Clarissa S. Williams was the Relief Society delegate to the National Council of Women meetings in Washington, DC. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 20 Jan. 1916, vol. 7, 9.)
[5]Perhaps Lewis M. Cannon and Lillian Hamlin Cannon.
[6]Angus M. Cannon, brother of George Q. Cannon, died in Salt Lake City on 7 June 1915. (“Angus Munn Cannon,” accessed 19 Apr. 2021, https://www.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/people/angus-munn-cannon?letter=C&lang=eng.)
[7]At the meeting held on 13 January 1916, Relief Society board members discussed how to record “number of days spent in Temple work”; the salary of the stenographer to the board; approval of bills, including $182 for eight thousand Relief Society teachers’ report books; consideration of books to be read by women in the Utah Stake; and planning for a home economics convention to be held in the Bishop’s Building. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 13 Jan. 1916, vol. 7, 4–6.) It is hard to judge what may have annoyed EBW, but she occasionally asked for a meeting at which the women could treat spiritual matters. She requested such a meeting eight days later while honoring the birthday of Eliza R. Snow with some of the sisters. (See EBW, Diary, 21 Jan. 1916.)
[8]It is difficult to know what specific annoyance caused EBW to characterize women around her as “envious and traitors.” Envy was an emotional response that she analyzed in a later entry. (See EBW, Diary, 23 Mar. 1916.) After EBW discontinued publication of the Woman’s Exponent in February 1914, she watched the new Relief Society Magazine receive attention and financial resources that she had lacked, and that may have been painful to see. She also seems to have resented the board’s appointment of Susa Young Gates as historian of the Relief Society, a post that EBW had filled for many years. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 25 Mar. 1915, vol. 6, 30–31.)
[9]The home of EBW’s granddaughter Emmeline Cannon Martineau and her husband, Lyman R. Martineau.
[10]Eliza R. Snow.
[11]The activities in this entry, although written under date of Saturday, 29 January, sound like EBW’s usual Sunday meetings and visits. She may have meant to date this entry to Sunday, 30 January 1916.
[12]The activities in this entry, although written under date of Sunday, 30 January, sound like EBW’s usual weekday activities. She may have meant to date this entry to another day.