September 1899

1 September 1899 • Friday

<Wrote letter of introduction for Sylvester [Q.] Cannon to Dr. Jacobs & her husband.> Today Eugene Henri [Harris]’s birthday he would be 55 years old were he living, how long ago it seems, well I have received a letter from Mrs. [Emma Rice] Neidig of Los Angelos Cal. telling me her‒ mother Charlotte Chapin Rice will be here tomorrow and I have seen the Governor and he has promised me to do all he can to help entertain. The lady is cousin of Daniel H. Wells the daughter of Hezekiah Chapin and adopted daughter of Rulon Chapin and his wife Emma– we want to give her the benefit of seeing as many of the relatives as we can get together, we are to have entertainment at the Governor’s house. I cannot now attend the Quarterly Conference of the Relief Society of this Stake but must visit with Mrs. Rice {p. 219}

2 September 1899 • Saturday

<Sent Em’s wedding present today> This morning the carriage came here for me to my house and Emeline & Victor [P. Wells] went with me to the depot. Train was late, and I came back to the office, the Primany [Primary] officers were holding a meeting in my place and the Relief Society in the Assembly Hall. Later we went again Vic and myself and we found her. After breakfast or lunch we drove over the City and to the cemetery, then down to Annie’s to see the twins then thro’ Liberty Park and to the Tabernacle. Martha [Harris Wells] Lydia Ann Susan [Alley Wells] Hannah and myself dined with her at the Governor’s and then Edna [Wells Sloan] and myself went to see her on board the train. I came home thoroughly exhausted and had a miserable night {p. 220}

3 September 1899 • Sunday

Today I really have not been able to sit up and tried hard to rest. It is Fast day and I intended to go to the 18th. Ward and pay some fast donations and to speak if I felt impressed. Towards evening I felt better and went up to Annie’s. Sophia [Lyon] Hyde came to stay with me– spent a pleasant evening at Annie’s. tomorrow is Labor day and the stores will be closed. John Q. goes into encampment with the National Guard of Utah. {p. 221}

4 September 1899 • Monday

I went up to the office because my paper was behind and in the day somewhere about noon Dr. Sarah J. Elliot of Moab came to call upon me. She is a most charming personality and we had a lovely time visiting together. I took her to lunch with me at the Vienna Café– and we both enjoyed it very much. She felt sorry I had not seen Mrs. George H. Lewes [Agnes Jervis Lewes] in Kensington London when I was there. It would have been a very great pleasure to have seen so celebrated a woman. Went down to Annie’s later and spent the evening. Wrote a letter to the Duchess of Sutherland and sent her one of my books– trusting the result which may not be all that I desire. {p. 222}

5 September 1899 • Tuesday

Had all my copy in and the proof read, because I wanted to do all my mailing before going to Sanpete to attend the Relief Society Conference at Mt. Pleasant– worked like a Trojan and succeeded in getting Miss Evans to do as I wished. Susie came to see me and we had a pleasant time and decided to go up to Prest. Snow the following day at eleven o’clock and make our report of the trip– I arranged with Br. George Reynolds to let me know if it would be agreeable and so it was decided {p. 223}

6 September 1899 • Wednesday

We went to the office had to wait a few minutes, then everything was satisfactory President Lorenzo Snow was in the best of spirits and so was Prest. Jos. F. Smith and John Henry [Smith] and others were present– but there was no spirit of unpleasantness, whatever all was easy and Prest. Snow was most gracious. Prest. Cannon was not present. I presented Prest. Snow with one of my books, and after he had left the office to go to perform some marriage ceremonies Minnie J. [S. Ephramina Jensen Snow] came in with the baby– she looked radiantly happy, In the evening I went up to call on Mrs. Salisbury because she is going to leave tomorrow had a pleasant time and saw Stella [Salisbury] Mrs. Walker and Mr. Salisbury as well, came home late– {p. 224}

7 September 1899 • Thursday

Today I tried to find Dr. Elliot went up to Rowland Hall even but she had left there– wrote her a note, had a dispatch last evening which I answered by letter– the paper still lingers notwithstanding I have been even to Budd and I must go to Sanpete tomorrow. Have been busy all day and wrote lots of letters, skirmished around & got everything in order, so that Sophia (the woman) would have no hindrances went even to Annie’s to say good bye to her. John Q. came down from camp to stay all night and after bidding them good night came home and fixed for morning. Belle’s folks were all in bed and I sat up late and read and wrote. {p. 225}

8 September 1899 • Friday

Went off a quarter to seven took Denver & Rio Grande Western train for Sanpete, Prest. George Q. Cannon and Carlie & Carroll [Caroline Young Croxall] were on train going to Provo, also Dr. Talmage– had some conversation with Prest. Cannon and spoke to Dr. Talmage & Dr. Seymour B. Young who was on the way to attend [C.] Edward Young’s funeral– his half-brother who had died at Provo after an operation.

Arrived in Mt. Pleasant half-past eleven and went to Sister [Margaret Cruickshank] Morrison’s house, very soon the sisters came in from morning meeting. I spoke two hours both afternoon and evening to a full house on my trip to London principally also mentioning Paris. Slept alone in Sister Morrison’s apartments– Nora [Eleanore Smith] Reynolds took me a ride all round the city. {p. 226}

9 September 1899 • Saturday

This morning Wilhemina [Morrison] Erickson went with me to call on Sister Hyde at Sister [Emily Caldwell] Jordan’s but Sister Hyde had already gone on to Ephraim. Thn we called on Sister Peele [Christiana Folkman Peel] where Sister Eliza and me used to stay in days gone by. She is in her 80th year, and has recently made a handsome quilt of silk and velvet all her own fine stitching, in flowers and leaves, also several sofa pillows. She seemed exceedingly glad to see me. I had an excellent visit with Sister Morrison who is a very fine woman and is well connected, has a good family, had a nice dinner, then to the train with Mina. William J. Bryan is to be in Salt Lake tonight and the trains were full of people coming to hear him. Went to Annie’s and came home alone Sophia not here {p. 227}

10 September 1899 • Sunday

This morning felt very weary and did not go to morning session of the Quarterly Conference of this Stake of Zion. Went over to see Belle & <Annie> and then to the office and wrote a letter to Brigham City to Sister Madsen– then to the Tabernacle. Prest. Jos. F. Smith preached upon tithing, and [J.] Golden Kimball & Heber J. Grant followed in the same strain. Sister B. W. Smith sat by me, afterwards called at the Gardo and found Sister McCune had just arrived– the City of Rome was struck by an iceberg on the way over. I then went to the office and wrote to Sister Richards then home to do more writing and reading. {p. 228}

11 September 1899 • Monday

Went up early and soon Dr. Elliot came and afterwards Dr. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts to talk about another nursing class and wished me to write to the Presidents in all the Stakes of Zion. A very beautiful day. Reaper’s Club met and had a pleasant afternoon– Dr. Pratt promised to go with me to Box Elder Stake Conference of the Relief Society Louise came in from High School looking very sweet and pretty– Cavendish came up too to have his tooth attended to. Ella W. Hyde and Josephine Spencer and Dr. E. S. Barney & others. I am very weary. The Colorado Volunteers came thro’ Salt Lake, the streets are or were a perfect jam. I am very weary to night and feel uneasy– have not been as successful with mailing as I should like– {p. 229}

12 September 1899 • Tuesday

<Emmeline started to school yesterday> Left on the early train for Brigham City to attend the Relief Society Conference of Box Elder Stake, by special invitation and took Dr. R. B. Pratt with me– spoke about 40 minutes in the morning meeting and at noon we dined at Sister S. P. [Susannah Neff] Booth’s– the afternoon I spoke one hour, relating some of the trip to Europe and also of Relief Society experience. We had a pleasant day‒ very warm, after reaching the city had barely time to get to the 20th. Ward to the Young Ladies’ Meeting. Sister Taylor’s birthday. We were “guests of honor.” The hall was beautifully decorated, and many flowers made it fragrant and beautiful Came home at midnight and found no preparation Letters from Mrs. M. L. Dickinson and Ann [Green] Knell– news of the death of Wm. [Cornelius II] Vanderbilt of New York City {p. 230}

13 September 1899 • Wednesday

Today has been very hot again and dry. many callers, Mrs. Amelia F. Young, my daughter Annie John Q. and Louise and Margaret. Mary M. Young & Miss [Frances L.] Pye, Maggie C. Roberts, Josephine Spencer, Pearl Russell Fernstrom, and others. Mailing and trying to do other work. The day has been particularly trying. No copy prepared. Letters from M. A. [Mary Ann Farnes] House, Rebecca Yates, Verona M. Hillard, and one or two more. I have been working more than usual and am very nervous. Went to see Constance Irwin this morning, had not seen her before for months. I have some important matters on my mind which I desire to do and feel exercised about. Letter from Verona inviting me to come up at Barry [Barrymore N. Hillard]’s expense, but because of Relief Society business cannot go until after conference Nora [Leonora] Cannon to Barnard [J.] Stewart married to day– Mamie Cannon came to see me {p. 231}

14 September 1899 • Thursday

Today John Q. is off hunting up in Idaho, Annie came up and Cavendish & Daniel. Nora Beale [Eleanora Beal] left Annie’s to go home today. Dr. Barney Mrs. Stevenson Lula Richards and Constance Irwin and Minnie J. Snow and others Mae Taylor all called in. Letter of importance from Daisie. Martin [W. Allen] has started to school, so has Emmeline.

I have worked hard at the mailing today. Succeeded in getting it off tonight. Eugene [S. Sears]’s birthday he had some nice presents, one from Emmie– two military brushes, shaving cup brush and razor from his mother. I gave him a book of Kipling’s “Mine Own People.” News of more war signs from the Boers. Alarming war tokens and numbers of railroad accidents and suicides and deplorable calamities. All is peaceful tonight so far as we know {p. 232}

15 September 1899 • Friday

This morning was very cool and a strong wind blew as we went out to go <to> the office. Arriving found among papers a letter from D. R.1 Society and later one came from Beaver. Callers Sisters B. W. Smith & M. W. Wilcox, also Mr. [George Forstner] & Mrs. [Flora Snow] Harding to whom I had promised letters of introduction to some ladies in Chicago and afterwards Mrs. Nellie [Rebecca Mantle] Little, who made quite a visit, and after some waiting I started to go to Annie’s, had dinner there with Annie and children. One of the twins David is not very well and looks quite thin. Annie has great courage and perseverance. I had also a call today from Julia Farnsworth, who spoke freely of her approaching marriage. Went over to see Dot and Will & spent a few minutes. I am very weary indeed. I know how one tires day by day when <not> having plenty of rest– to keep up and do one’s work– {p. 233}

16 September 1899 • Saturday

This morning was Primary Conference, and I tried to get over to the meeting but found it quite impossible– callers were many and it seemed hindrances kept coming in my way, I tried too to go for Aunt Zina to come to Belle’s to the meeting, and could not accomplish it. Sister [Margaret Farquhar] Steele came and I told her about her brother whom I had seen in Edinboro Glasgow Scotland, then it was time to hurry home and dress. Belle had everything in readiness house looked beautiful. & company late Daughters of the Revolution ought not to be late. Mrs. Mary Alice Cannon first, then Clarissa S. [Smith] Williams Lucy W. Smith Claire Clawson, Maria Y. Dougall Phebe Y. Beatie & Annie W. Cannon making ten in all Myra Y. Rossiter including Belle & myself. Many letters were read and then I talked of my trip to Washington {p. 234} The meeting was particularly pleasant and the lunch was very delicate and delicious. All the ladies had roses to take home and went away very happy.

17 September 1899 • Sunday

Sunday Sept. 17. I stayed at home all morning and wrote in bed a long time, then donned a wrapper and tried to rest having worked so very hard during the week and feeling so very weary. It was the first Sabbath that I had absented myself from meeting. A beautiful day the whole world seemed a delight to live in and yet one realizes how much unhappiness there is in it. I wrote a letter of seven pages to Em. and one of five pages to Marie Correlli [Corelli] at Stratford on Avon, the wonderful writer, then Louise and baby Katharine came down and I went home with them to see Annie & the twin-boys, had a ride in the buggy and enjoyed it very much indeed but came home very much exhausted. {p. 235}

18 September 1899 • Monday

This is one of my memorable days– saddened by painful recollections, yet a glorious day of sunshine and Autumnal beauty. A letter from Sister Pitchforth of Nephi inviting me to attend their Conference on Friday which I answered in the affirmative, as I am very fond of her and of the Nephi people. Sister Pitchforth is a very superior woman. Also had a letter from Mrs. Gaffney Prest. of the National Council of Women of the U.S.A. written in the room of Haddo House, Aberdeen Scotland, where Queen Victoria slept and wrote and was the guest thirty years ago. Mrs. Gaffney is the guest of the Countess of Aberdeen. She wrote me very sweetly. Another letter from Mrs. Robinson of New York City enclosing an Article on English Homes. Came home late and very tired went over to see Belle‒ wrote until midnight then read in bed. {p. 236}

19 September 1899 • Tuesday

Went over to see Belle this morning and was at the office in good time– letter from Sister [Maria J.] Stucki in Paris [Idaho] acknowledging Receipts. Finished part of editorial, Sister Steel Prest. Relief Society First Ward took up my whole morning talking to me of her brother in Glasgow. Sent M. John Farquahar’s papers today also poems to Mrs. Julia [Ivins] McDonald. Wrote to Mrs. May Wright Sewall sent to Indianapolis. Went with Mrs. [Maria Banks] Francis to lunch on First South St. Captain [Alfred] Dreyfus was pardoned today by President [Émile] Loubet. Very unsatisfactory proceedings. This evening went to see Aunt Zina, She was greatly pleased and in good spirits, but looked very thin and feeble. Br. [Frederick] & Sister [Elizabeth Downes] Langton are living there with her. Stanley [H.] Clawson came as a Teacher while I was there. I stayed all the evening, came home in the moonlight alone to the office, then to Waterloo– I am weary after the day’s toil. Can scarcely write at all. {p. 237}

20 September 1899 • Wednesday

<Spent the evening Sep. 20. at Annie’s> A very busy day people coming and going Annie came in the buggy with one of her babies. and other little folks. Prest. George Q. Cannon came and talked with us about matters and things in the family & in a general way. Julia A. Farnsworth was married to day to Apostle Lund’s son2 in the Temple, also others with whom I am not so well acquainted. Only the near relatives and friends invited. Finished editorial and read proof, answered letters, wrote to Mrs. Gaffney, fixed the minutes of meeting in London and had them type written. Called on Dr. Pratt, who invited me to dinner but I could not go as Mrs. Jennings who had just returned from her prolonged trip abroad came to see me and stayed until it was too late for me to go. Have written to Nephi that I would attend Sisters Conference there and must do so‒ {p. 238}

21 September 1899 • Thursday

Rose early went to see Belle, Marian was over there, I know I should not be home because I was to take train for Nephi at 5.30 Worked hard all day had many hindrances as usual, could not go to have proper lunch. Annie had telegram that John Q. would be at home tonight. Fixed copy and proofs for paper. Sat up late afte Went off to train and met with Apostle George Teasdale and Miss Almira Murdock who had been in the City to attend Miss Farnsworth’s wedding, we sat and talked over many things then Br. Teasdale talked with me the remainder of the way. He is very much upset over the death of his wife Marian Scoles [Teasdale]. The May girls were at the station to meet me with the surrey. Sister Pitchforth was greatly delighted to see me, and manifested sincere affection. I had supper and a nice large room all to myself‒ {p. 239}

22 September 1899 • Friday

We had breakfast together, Sister Pitchforth and myself– and then went direct to the meeting house. It was very clean and sacred looking, and a glorious sunshine day– Reports from Wards and Remarks by Sister M. Pitchforth and then I occupied the rest of the time talking upon the Relief Society here and elsewhere also of the sisters in England and the meetings I had attended. We went to dinner and visited a little Sisters Mary Amelia [Pitchforth May] and Bertha May were both there, they are Br. [Samuel] Pitchforth’s eldest daughters,3 Sister Mary Pitchforth has no children of her own but has been a true Auntie to these children all of them, and they all look up to her. the mother died some years ago. Afternoon meeting I occupied nearly all the time telling the sisters about my trip, went a ride after called on Sister [Hannah Britten] Scoles. at Apostle Teasdale’s. {p. 240}

23 September 1899 • Saturday

Left early for train Victorine came down in the surrey. Met Sister H. A. [Harriet Ann Taylor] Badger, going to visit Sister Pitchforth, was very glad. Will [William A.] Bryan sat by me all the way home and talked. Found several letters on my arrival and went to work finishing copy for paper and reading proof. Had lunch with Dr. Pratt and Annie & Mrs. Webber and a dozen others came in to see me. No special news except that Alonzo Hyde [Alonzo E. Hyde, Jr.] and Dorothy Cannon were married yesterday and left this morning with Frank J. & wife4 for the Deweey [Admiral George Dewey] celebration and afterwards trip to Europe. The day has been fine and I have worked hard to get all in readiness to issue the paper. Went down to Annie’s on the way home and told her the news that Emily Wells Grant had a little daughter5 born to her. {p. 241}

24 September 1899 • Sunday

This morning felt too weary to get up until eleven. Did a little reading etc. then had a bath and dressed for Tabernacle– Louise & Cavendish were here and I gave Louise the pins for herself & Margaret I had brought from London Went to meeting heard Prest. Geo. Q. Cannon– went with Miss Edwards of Font Du Lac [Fond du Lac] Wisconsin to see Sister Stevenson, about a room came home and went to Dot’s and stayed a little while, then came home to write and get my money affairs in shape for report to meeting on Oct. 2. Had a peculiar dream about Sister Eliza R. Snow, made a strong impression upon me. I am very weary, can scarcely get Sophia Hyde to wait upon me properly. I need more nourishment to keep up my brain; have tried to make all matters straight for Conference and report of all money. {p. 242}

25 September 1899 • Monday

A very beautiful day, busy with proofs and getting out the paper– letters to issue to the members of the Society and to answer. Many callers and hindrances. Reaper’s Club in the afternoon‒ at two p.m. quite a good attendance. Preparations for Federation and a Sociable for the Club. Wrote to several sisters. Went to Dot’s to dinner for the first time. Had ducks (red heads) everything very pleasant. I am reading “Richard Carvel” by Churchill. It is an entertaining book of the Revolutionary times. In the evening wrote to Mrs. Solomon Treasurer of the National Council. Chicago and to Ada Brown Talbot New York Editor of the Club Woman’s Magazine. Looked over my minutes and did many odd things as it will be a busy time now until after Conference and I am not very well though I seem so much better than I am {p. 243}

26 September 1899 • Tuesday

Went up on the car with Sister Horne and Clara James. the only time I had seen Sister Horne except when she came to the office since my return. Letters were not important, except one from H. [Henry] B. Blackwell, in relation to the Governor appointing a Senator. Busy all day with letters and office work Susa came to see me, she has had no word from the East. Wrote other letters besides to Mr. Blackwell. Received invitation to Kensington [Tea] at Mrs. Nellie Little’s. Stayed late reading Revise. Visitors Augusta Grant Mary S. [Stevenson] Clark Louise B. Cannon, Annie T. Hyde Laura Hyde Merrill & Jane [Ballantyne] Taylor and some strangers. Many events are transpiring that seem more than wonderful, and one hardly dares to think what will transpire next. {p. 244}

27 September 1899 • Wednesday

This morning an accident to the wires (electric) kept the cars from running for about two hours. I was after eleven getting up in town and made me uncomfortable all day. Emily S. Richards, Ella W. Hyde, Margaret A. Caine and several other callers came I wrote a letter to Sister Lucy [Fackrell] Grant and did some little work. Was hindered expecting a very old lady to call who did not come, towards evening went down to Annie’s and stayed until late. Met Mrs. Hooton a French woman, who was very talkative. John Q. came home very late and we had a little visit and the two John Q. and Annie came to the car with me. Came home to begin my evening’s work. How little those know who never do brain work of what it is‒ {p. 245}

28 September 1899 • Thursday

This morning I hurried off to the office to get on with my mailing and worked until it was one o’clock there, news from New York of Deweey [Dewey]’s arrival, and signs of war in the Transvaal [South African Republic]– Wm. Cannon started for Germany to see to his brother Preston. Came home in the middle of the day to dress for Mrs. Little’s & Mrs. [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon’s Kensington. It was a very nice affair– decorations were artistic and very beautiful. Rooms looked bright and pleasing. I wore my striped silk and had an enjoyable time. Mrs. Jennings Mrs. [Mary Paul] Linforth and Miss [Caroline] Linforth were there, Mrs. [Emma Kelly] McVicker, Mrs. [Rhoda Evans] Guernsey, Mrs. Curry [Mary Douglass Currie], Georgie [Lucy Georgiana Fox] Young, Nett Little W. [blank] Belle M. Sears, A. W. Grant, Em. [Emma Adams] Empey, Lillie [Louise Taylor] Richards, Sarah [Taylor] Stewart, and about fifty others– a very enjoyable time. Went back to the office and worked until late. No mail of any consequence to-day– good news from Dewey– {p. 246}

29 September 1899 • Friday

Hurried to the office in the morning, and worked hard at the mailing Went over to “Lon [Alonzo E.] Hyde’s” talked with Annie [Hyde] about Sister Horne’s having some money from the Relief Society– had lunch there, Sister Jane Taylor who is 85‒ was at table as well as any of the younger ones, <women> Had a Com.6 Meeting with program Com. of Reaper’s– Minnie [Permelia Horne] James Amelia Wadoup– & Mrs. [Castina Johnson] Trescott whose husband is very ill, decided on causes and outcome of the recent war and educational movement and men– worked very late– at the mailing. Annie went to May [Maria May Wilcken] Cannon’s Kensington– was invited also to Mrs. Little’s– Considerable said about the election of a new Mayor for the City– Nominee for Democrats [Arthur S.] Barnes & [Arthur L.] Thomas, Republicans [George] Buckle & [William J.] Lynch– Naval parade in New York the grandest ever known in any part of the world {p. 247}

30 September 1899 • Saturday

<Went with Aunt Zina to Phebe Beatie’s and had lunch–> Went early and was hindered with many callers, Aunt Zina came and I talked with her about the hundred dollars for Sister Horne– she consented rather reluctantly. Had to do a great deal of persuading News from F. D. Richards very sad– is losing his mind, has been known for some time to his own family. Josephine [Richards] West has returned home– had her boy Frank [Franklin L. West] sick with typhoid fever. Aunt Zina’s history and picture in the Deseret News, opening a series of notable women. Wonderful display of pageantry in New York to day yachts on the Hudson etc. Utah Woman’s Press Club tonight in the office– Mrs. Fox gave paper on the Peace Movement, C. C. Raleigh on the Trans-Siberian railway. Both very good. Came home and read magazines Des. News and Richard Carvel by Winston Churchill. Very entertaining book. {p. 248}

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September 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 19, 2025


  1. [1]Daughters of the Revolution.

  2. [2]Henry C. Lund.

  3. [3]Bertha May was actually a granddaughter of Samuel Pitchforth through his daughter Sarah Alice Pitchforth May.

  4. [4]Martha Brown Cannon.

  5. [5]Frances M. Grant.

  6. [6]Committee.