October 1917

1 October 1917 • Monday

Daniel sent an auto down to take me up to the office. I was quite upset waiting so long. Had some callers which did not make me feel any better. Had dinner over at the Z.C.M.I. In the evening Katharine came to stay with me. We went in Rie [Rebecca Nibley Whitney]’s room for a while and later she came up to ours. Dr [E.] Ada Faust called on me. [p. 274] {p. 261}

2 October 1917 • Tuesday

I did not have a very good night and the building is so cold that I just can not stay there. I went to Z.C.M.I. for dinner Belle came up at night. I had a very uncomfortable night. Flora [Bean] Horne & Zina Card came to see me. Today I had a caller from Mesa [Arizona] A man who used to live in the Coeur d’Alenes [p. 275] {p. 262}

3 October 1917 • Wednesday

Was very sick this morning Belle sent for Dr. Middleton He said I must not go to the meeting. It is the opening session of the R.S. Conference. Annie came about ten thirty then went over to the conf. Hebe, Clarissa Sisters Cannon, Beatie, Davis McClellan, Thomas all Came to see me. during the noon recess. Ida came in the evening & had supper with us The R.S. reception was on the Mezzanine floor I dressed & went down and stayed until 10 o’clock. Annie staid until about 12. [p. 276] {p. 263}

4 October 1917 • Thursday

This is another beautiful day and I feel much better. am going to the R.S. conference in Assembly Hall this morning. The dinner last night cost 1.35 and it was paid for. Mrs Dusenbury came in this morning and went with us over to conf. Mrs Jennings brought her car to take me over. I made the opening remarks and conducted the meeting. Had dinner at noon brought to room pd. 1.25 Sister Smith of Logan1 brought me $1500 back sub. for Exponent. A loving present. [p. 277] {p. 264}

5 October 1917 • Friday

Got up quite early at[e] fairly good breakfast. Belle went with me to the Taberna[c]le it was a beautiful morning <wore my new dress> Pres Smith presided & was the first speaker followed by Pres. Lund then Pres. Heber J. Grant in the afternoon the speakers were Pres. Penrose, Elder Rudger Clawson and Patriarch Hiram G. Smith. In the Evening I went and heard a lecture given by Secy Franklin <K.> Lane2 in the Tabernacle. Sarah McClellan went with me and came to Hotel with me after[.] Annie here [p. 278] {p. 265}

6 October 1917 • Saturday

Annie went over to Tabernacle with me. Hiram [Hyrum M.] Smith was first speaker then George Albert Smith, Junius F Wells. this after noon Ort Whitney Have never had such fine meeting went home with Julina at noon to dinner Marth [Martha] <Smith> Harris was there. went from after noon meeting to Barratt Hall to a Genealogical meeting Met William [T.] Monk as I came out, said he and his brother Newel [Monk] would come and see me tomorrow noon. Will & Dot Dick and Louise were here this Evening had quite a pleasant time only I’m so cold and there is no heat on. Belle here [p. 279] {p. 266}

7 October 1917 • Sunday

Did not have a very good night was cold and there was no heat on. had hot bottles. took hot drops. Belle read until after one but I could not sleep was up several times in the night went to meeting before 10 Belle went over with me very large crowds both in Tabernacle & Assembly Hall also out door meeting it has been such a fine day Willie Monk came in at noon to see me but I was not there was down in dining room so he & Belle came down in Lobby he walked over to meeting with me he was quite entertaining good looking seems to be in good circumstances his mother3 is a year & thirteen days older than me. has to walk with a cane. Bro [Charles] Monk is 86. We have had a most wonderful conference. Went to S.S. reunion this evening, am very tired. Katharine came home with me & stayed <at night.> [p. 280] {p. 267}

8 October 1917 • Monday

Katharine had to go early Louise came up. Belle called up to say she was not going <to the party the 1st Pres’cy were giving in the Bishops Bldg. She was too busy.> but would come up and help me get ready if I’d like her to. went <did> not go out was in great pain in the morning Ellis Shipp came in and fixed Some thing for me felt better went to Capitol Bldg <to a meeting of the defense committee> from there went a long auto ride with Ms. John Widtsoe. Went in evening to the party given by Presidency to the stake and temple workers on 4th floor Bishop’s building [p. 281] {p. 268}

9 October 1917 • Tuesday

Did not get home last night until 11-45 was very tired it was quite a nice party Sat with Julina after the programme many came up and spoke to me. Belle was up waiting when I got over here. Ry Dougall & I came home together. yesterday was quite a tiring day & I rested this A.M. bright warm day Annie came up to the meeting of Liberty Loan committee. And stayed with me. I sat with Mrs Ferry during the meeting. The speeches were very trying giving so many details of the war. Mrs Clark [Alice Camden Clarke]4 and Seargant Wells of Canada were the speakers. In the eve, I went to Bp Nibleys dinner on roof garden. Genl. Authorities [p. 282] {p. 269}

10 October 1917 • Wednesday

Annie stayed through the morning and attended to some matters for me. I went over to office about 11 o’clock. Belle came from temple and went over with me. She stayed with me at night I am getting over my cold and feel some what rested after the strenuous week of Conference. [p. 283] {p. 270}

11 October 1917 • Thursday

Went to office about noon had Mrs Reese in mor[n]ing to fix my foot. Margaret Taylor Goodman of Arizona and Lisadore Williams Taylor called on me. I had not seen Margaret for many years. Annie came up in evening and read to me from some of the magazines We went to bed in good time and had a good night. [p. 284]  {p. 271}

12 October 1917 • Friday

Have been suffering with my toe for days Mrs. Reese came at noon but it does not feel much better. have changed our Board Meeting to Friday, I am rather sorry. Still it is better for Ida, though she did not come today.5 we spent the Evening reading the News and the Cosmopolitan. it is quite late but I do not feel I can go to sleep. went up to say goodbye to Pres. Smith & Julina. he was not to be seen she asked me some of the strangest questions about the board which I do not care to put down in writing Belle. [p. 285] {p. 272}

13 October 1917 • Saturday

Was quite tired this morning so rested it will be a lonely & weary day as they all leave the office at one. Belle staid doing different things & reading the paper until noon then I went to office & lunch, sat around the Lobby this evening waiting for Katherine had dinner at Keeley’s [p. 286] {p. 273}

14 October 1917 • Sunday

Went over to Bureau and waited for time for meeting there were some Eastern people there who I talked to they were quite interested in our people and hearing of the early days of the church. Bro. [Joseph E.] Robinson of the California Mission gave us a good doctrinal sermon. he is a very pleasing speaker. Belle came up and we have spent the evening reading the morning paper, some more of Hiawatha, & several short poems. [p. 287] {p. 274}

15 October 1917 • Monday

Was late going to office Belle went over with me to look up some papers & receipts. Went to coӧp for Lunch. In the Evening Katherine & I went up to Ru[e]s to a committee meeting was very tired when I came home, walked all the way home. [p. 288] {p. 275}

16 October 1917 • Tuesday

Went to office as usual several people came in & I enjoyed seeing & talking to them went home

with Amy to dinner. so did Sarah Eddington then we went for a long auto ride & I was very cold when I got home it was quite late Belle had been here all the Evening alone [p. 289] {p. 276}

17 October 1917 • Wednesday

Have had a bad night must have taken cold last night when I was out riding, though I sat between Amy & Sarah. my throat has been bad all night Mrs. Jenning is very sick has had a stroke & is quite helpless. Katherine here [p. 290] {p. 277}

18 October 1917 • Thursday

Feel better today had our regular Board meeting Ida did not come up the people where she rooms have scarlet fever. June called to day he has hurt his ankle & is quite lame. this Evening Dr. & Mrs. Middleton came and spent part of the Evening we had quite a pleasant time he had been down to Sanpete the day before. went by Auto. Belle here [p. 291] {p. 278}

19 October 1917 • Friday

Was tired but had to get up & go to office as there was a meeting of all the Broards to arrange for Pres. Smith’s birthday Dot came up & she & Belle went off together. Belle went to office with me found some one had been in to tea so she brought it over here. Went to a luncheon at commercial club. Mrs. Mont Ferry came for me [p. 292] {p. 279}

20 October 1917 • Saturday

Went over to office to hunt some things but every one was getting <ready> to leave so I forgot what I went for. it was no good going back so I staid around here in Lobby & later went to a meeting here a Mrs. Dale spoke on the “Loan” Mrs. Jacke [Jacob Bamberger] & Ida Bamberger had some words as we came out of meeting. Went to Keeleys for supper. Mrs. Berth [Bertha] Bamberger invited Belle & me up to her roon to night, B. would not go as Will & Dot are coming up. to spend the evening [p. 293] {p. 280}

21 October 1917 • Sunday

Rested until almost noon then got dressed for meeting Belle read in bible & the morning paper. Went to Jennie Hyde’s to dinner Joe [Hyde] met me after meeting. had a fine chicken dinner a Mrs Alred went too spent the Evening a[t] Jennie’s when I came from there sat in Lobby until Katherine came [p. 294] {p. 281}

22 October 1917 • Monday

Before I was up Ry Dougall came in to call also Lucy Clark she brought some poetry she had written wanted me to get the magazine to publish it but I sent her [to] Clarissa. Amy came over & wanted me to go with her to see Pres: Lund & Penrose about her going to Denver about Red Cross work then I went to coop [co-op] for Lunch & Clarissa came for me to go to Pres. office about her going with Amy so I did not have much breakfast nor lunch went to office until after 5– came over here Annie came & read paper to me Belle came then John Q. & he & Annie went to theatre & I had supper and Belle read from Harpers Magazine. [p. 295] {p. 282}

23 October 1917 • Tuesday

Went to Pres. office with Clarissa & Amy to be set apart to go to Denver [p. 296] {p. 283}

24 October 1917 • Wednesday

Katherine went away very early I had no breakfast, but went to Z.C.M.I. for Lunch then Belle was late coming and it was such a dark Evening I did not like to go out for dinner so it was seven thirty when I got something to eat Dr. Middleton came in & bound up my leg. I was so faint after he left, <had a cup of tea & some roll> but Belle read more of Hiawatha & I felt better only those spells of smothering & they leave me quite faint. think if I could have some read to me all the time I could do with out anything. [p. 297] {p. 284}

25 October 1917 • Thursday

was tired this A.M. my leg was better but I was quite hungry in the night, will not be left without anything in the room to eat over night again. After breakfast I got up & dressed but it was nearly noon before I was ready to go to office. Belle went down when I did. she had to go to Bank for me. [p. 298] {p. 285}

26 October 1917 • Friday

Katherine had to go early had a cup of tea got dressed and started over to Bldg. Mrs. Seigle [Rachel Ulman Siegel] came & I went with her to theatre to lecture by Davidson sat in Pres. box before going had a cup of coffee & toast down stairs enjoyed lecture very much very pleasing speaker. in the Evening Lizzie Felt came I went to a concert in the Tabernacle. [B.] Cecil Gates conducted it Emma Lucy [Gates] sang Romania played and all <most of> the best lot of the city were there <took part>. Belle did not care to go so I went alone it was given to raise money for the Liberty Loan. [p. 299] {p. 286}

27 October 1917 • Saturday

First thing this morning had to do my feet & legs they were paining me so then I dressed & Belle & I went over to office all left before I did came over here then went out to lunch did not feel as well as usual in the Evening Wells Culmer came for me & I went to birthday party at Rul[e]s. Jote [Josephine Beatie Wells] is in poor health neith Abbie nor Nanana [Nanna Chapin] were there very nice party all the little girls represented the Red Cross Hebe told the story about Bishop neither Ort or Heber were there Lena [Helena Fobes Wells] & Abbie [Wells] to[o] were not able to come [p. 300] {p. 287}

28 October 1917 • Sunday

Before I was up Sarah Eddington came for keys to get in Building. Katherine had to leave after breakfast to go to S.S. I went to Tabernacle in after noon it was Pioneer stake. came back here then in Evening went to the evening meeting in Assembly Hall. Belle came but would not go with me Sep. Will & Dot came. brought me some raisin cake & peach preserve when I came home found Mr. & Mrs A. R. Kohlmetz we spent quite a pleasant Evening. after I had a cup of tea & some of the cake & presser[v]e Dot had brought, we read from the morning paper. Em had a little girl6 born just after 12 last night 20 min. past 12 at noon. [p. 301] {p. 288}

29 October 1917 • Monday

We staid around until quite late went to office many people came in Katherine came up tonight I went down & bought a Cosmopolitan and she read to me after dinner. [p. 302] {p. 289}

30 October 1917 • Tuesday

Katherine had to leave early so I staid here & rested was at the office most of the day except when I went out for lunch In the evening after dinner Belle read the Evening & morning papers and from Hiawatha. I enjoy the rhythm of it so much, it soothes me. [p. 303] {p. 290}

31 October 1917 • Wednesday

Spent wend today as usual Belle & I went over to office just before noon she went home and I staid round office until lunch time. great many in & out this afternoon. came over here had dinner Annie came after theatre I staid <I think meeting> her stake officers meeting About 9 o’clock. and staid all night. [p. 304] {p. 291}

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October 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1917/1917-10


  1. [1]Likely Mary Ellen Wright Smith. (1920 U.S. Census, Logan, Cache County, Utah, 122B.)

  2. [2]Franklin K. Lane was U.S. Secretary of the Interior from 1913 to 1920. (Tourangeau, “Franklin Knight Lane,” in Sontag, National Park Service, 20; “Lane Pays Tribute to Patriotism of Utahns,” Salt Lake Tribune, 6 Oct. 1917, [1].)

  3. [3]Emma Lywood Monk. (William Thomas Monk, Death Certificate, 14 Jan. 1940; 1920 U.S. Census, Spanish Fork, Utah County, Utah, 275A.)

  4. [4]Members of the Woman’s Liberty Loan Committee, including EBW, hosted a reception in the Hotel Utah, featuring “a talk by Mrs. Basil Clark on her experiences in Belgium at the beginning of the war.” (“Patriotic Reception Is Given,” Salt Lake Telegram, 9 Oct. 1917, second section, [8].)

  5. [5]In the meeting of the Relief Society general board on 27 September 1917, Ida Dusenberry, who lived in Provo and taught at Brigham Young University, requested that the board meetings be changed from Thursdays to Fridays. Although the officers made that adjustment for the 12 October meeting, EBW presented her reasons for staying with Thursdays, “mentioning that the old fast day was on Thursday, the meeting of the twelve is on Thursday, and that the Board has met so long on that day, that it seems sort of a sacred day.” With the concurrence of others, the meeting day was returned to Thursdays. (Relief Society General Board Minutes, 27 Sept. and 12 Oct. 1917, 180, 203–204.)

  6. [6]Emma Lou Martineau. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 257B; EBW, Diary, 4 Nov. 1917.)