January 1917
- 1 March
- 13 March
- 21 April
- 17 May
- 29 May
EBW and her counselors met with the First Presidency to discuss “our uniting with the Red Cross.”
- 8 and 9 October
11 January 1917 • Monday
Monday was at the Hotel Utah quite lonely until afternoon Em [Emmeline Cannon Martineau] telephoned and invited me to dimer with them at Hotel They came about four o’clock and Cavendish [W. Cannon] came about the same time and I went with him to the Tabernacl to hear the Messiah sung by the Salt Lake oratorical society. The Tabernacle was <crowded. Music inspiring Cavendish had dinner with me later at Hotel. Mrs. E. [Elmer] O. Leatherwood [Nancy Albaugh Leatherwood] sent me A bunch of rose buds. in the morning.> [p. 1] {p. 5}
2 January 1917 • Tuesday
Was far from well, at 11 went from Hotel over to office in Bishop’s Building Annie [Elizabeth Ann Wells Cannon] came up and we went together to an afternoon party at Sister Ruth [May] Fox. There were not many at the party and we quite enjoyed it only I felt so ill After the party Annie and I went back to the office and after readin the paper she came with me to the hotel leaving me about 8 At ten I was so ill that I called Dr. [George W.] Middleton I did not tell the girls when they called. [p. 2] {p. 6}
3 January 1917 • Wednesday
About 11 I went over to the office feeling very ill indeed and called Golden [J. Golden Kimball] & Bro. Ed. Andersen [Edward H. Anderson] to administer to her. Belle [Isabel Whitney Sears] came up early and Annie came in on her way to a party in honor of Sister Leatham an old lady who worked in the R.S.2 of her stake.3 She returned and she & Belle stayed with me until 7.30 when we all went over to the hotel. Belle stayed with me all night and in the night we called a doctor and Gene Kimball4 came in I was very ill indeed. Richard [R.] Lyman & J. [John] J. McClellan administered to me at night [p. 3] {p. 7}
4 January 1917 • Thursday
Annie came up in the morning and she and Belle stayed all day. Dr Middleton came and prescribed and a number of the girls from the office came over. It is Geo. Q [George Q. Cannon]’s birthday but none of us were able to see him tho we sent a message. I was administed to several times. Towards evening Heber [J.] Grant and Anthony [W.] Ivins came in and administerd and Heber gave me a beautiful blessing with the promise that I should live to fulfill the desires of my heart. Julina [Lambson Smith] Clarissa [Smith Williams] Mrs. [Amy Brown] Lyman Miss McClelland [Sarah M. McLelland] and Emma [Adams] Empey were all here Annie stayed that night. Bro. W. [William] N. Williams came late and administered [p. 4] {p. 8}
5 January 1917 • Friday
A little better this morning and Belle had to stay home because of a [illegible] foot came up quite early and attended to <some matters of business for me.> Improved in many ways today but still very ill indeed. Was administered to by Edward Anderson. Louise [Cannon Andrew] Kathaine [Katharine Cannon] Mrs [Janette Acord] Hyde Richard & Amy [Lyman] Em & Lyman [R. Martineau] Miss [Sarah Jane] Eddington and Betty and Jack Andrew and Sep. [Septimus Whitney Sears] Mrs. Empey, Richard Lyman administed to mother at night. About four in the afternoon had a bad attack with the heart. That was when Bro. Andersen came in. Annie stayed at night again. [p. 5] {p. 9}
6 January 1917 • Saturday
Belle did not come up until evening. Had a great many visitors Bishop [Charles W.] Nibley & wife5 sent me beautiful flowers, roses & freezia. Geo. Albert Smith came in and administered to me. Also Seymour [B.] Young. Had many callers some bringing jellies or broth &c Mrs Nibley Louise Jno. Q. [John Q. Cannon] Mrs Hyde Romania [Bunnell Pratt Penrose], Beth [Bradford], Clarissa Sep Mrs [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon. In the evening Bud [Horace G. Whitney] came it was his birthday He brought me a beautiful bunch of pink & white carnations. Belle stayed at night. much improved. [p. 6] {p. 10}
7 January 1917 • Sunday
Fast Sunday. miss attending the meeting in the Temple because of illness. Room 834 in Hotel Utah where I am is a very pretty room with east windows and a wonderful view. After the Fast meeting Miss McClelland [McLelland] came over she said there was a fine meeting and that I was prayed for Daniel [H. Cannon] & Winifred [Smith Cannon] Geo. Q. & Ruby [Derr Cannon]. Dot [S. Isabel Sears Buchholz] & Will [C. William Buchholz] Eleanor [Rhein Sears] & Stanley [Sears] Richard & Amy. Bro Jos. [Joseph S.] Hyde Hattie Harker [Harriet Bennion Cowley] Vilate [Nebeker] Bennion and Bro Williams were the visitors Bro Williams administered That night there was a total eclipse of the moon and Annie & I saw it from our east window. Annie stayed at night [p. 7] {p. 11}
8 January 1917 • Monday
Some what improved. The Dr. calls twice a day and I have given orders that every one who comes is to come in and speak with me. June [Junius F. Wells] came he had just heard about my sickness. Ruby bro’t Budd & Wooy [Woody]6 in to see me. Mrs [Priscilla Paul] Jennings Mrs. Crismo [Crismon] Mrs Lyman Dot Sep Kate [Catherine Wells] Louise Miss McClellan and Susa [Young] Gates were the callers. Dot bro’t broth Kate & Susa brought jelly. Belle did not come up and Annie stayed at night. Bishop C. W. Nibley came in and gave me a blessing. [p. 8] {p. 12}
9 January 1917 • Tuesday
Take a little more nourishment and feel improved but very weak enjoy having the girls read to me. They read every day the psalm for the day and some magazine story or article or some of Longfellows & Tennysons poems. Annie is going to stay until Wednesday evening then Belle will be here. Lewis [Louis R.] Wells came in about noon and gave me a beautiful blessing. Violet McClure. Katharine Emmeline [Young] Wells Sister [Maria Banks] Francis, Clarissa, Julina Emily Smith & Miss Pelligrew Jennie Hyde Romania and the Dr were the visitors [p. 9] {p. 13}
10 January 1917 • Wednesday
Belle came in and went over to the Temple by mother’s request Some of the temple workers came over at noon they were Mrs. Frank Y. [Elizabeth Campbell] Taylor, Naomi [Butterworth] Woodruff Sister Musser,7 Edna May Davis and Sister J. G. [Josephine Groesbeck] Smith There seems a steady improvement but am very weak had a large number of visitors Jno Q. came in the evening. Belle stayed at night
(Foot note) Mother has requested that I write for her these pages during her illness & do so in the 1st person. [p. 10] {p. 14}
11 January 1917 • Thursday
This is Bro Geo Q. Cannons 90th anniversary and Annie and family will all be going to the party. Louise came early in the morning and stayed until about noon Then Dot came. I was taken suddenly with pain just as Dr Middleton Came in about 1-30 [1:30] and he gave me a hyperdermic of morphia for the pain. After that I became very ill indeed. All my family and many others came. too weak to speak to any of them. Annie Bill [Belle] and Emmeline W. [Wells] stayed all night. Every one much alarmed. Girls sent tel. to Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods]. was administered to several times. [p. 11] {p. 15}
12 January 1917 • Friday
Emmeline went home at daylight and Annie & Belle stayed all day. There was a continual flow of visitors still very weak but better. 47 people called June, Mrs Lyman Sister Crowe, Hyde Louise, Rich [Andrew], Brent [E. Brenton M. Sears] Edna [Lambson] Smith, Sarah Eddington Margaret [Curtis] Roberts Eugene & Eleanor Sears & Stanly Clarissa, David W. Cannon Lyman, Ort [Orson F. Whitney], Katharine, Marba [Cannon], Sep Lillian Cameron, Aggie Campbell & Joan [Campbell] Kate, Rule [Rulon S. Wells], Lizzie [Elizabeth S.] Wilcox Richard Lyman Beth Bradford <&> Lyle [Lisle Bradford] Amy, Jno Q. Em Dr [Samuel H.] Allen, Dr. Middleton, Sister Louie [Sarah Louise Bouton] Felt May Andersen [Anderson] Mrs Empey and Daniel. Daniel blessed me before going home. Annie stayed at night. Mrs. Wilcox sent red roses & Mrs. J. J. [Mary Douglass] McClellan sent roses and wine. [p. 12] {p. 16}
13 January 1917 • Saturday
Much improved Annie stayed through the day and Belle came up in afternoon and stayed all night. Mrs McClellan and daughter Florence, Sister [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth, Crismon, Mc’Clelland, Lyman Bishop Alfred Clawson (who administered June, Abram [H. Cannon], Jos. Hyde, Jno. Q. Emmeline W. Sep Dr Allen Beth Miss Beezley [Clarissa Beesley] Will Buchholz Bishop [Charles C.] Neslen Abbie Wells [Young Chapin] and daughter Hanna [Chapin] Lizzie Wilcox & Violet McClure besides the Dr were the visitors. Dr Middleton went to Kamas to day. He says every thing looks pretty good [p. 13] {p. 17}
14 January 1917 • Sunday
Belle stayed all day and Annie came up about 6. o’clock. Had a very nice day Dr Allen came in and pronounced me better. The visitors were Nettie Davis Abbie Nelson Willie [William C.] Clive & wife8 Ruth Fox Sep. June Will & Dot Julina Miss Grimes of Indiana (a Republican worker). Dr Middleton came late after arrival from Sumit [Summit] Co. Jno. Q. administered to me in afternoon and Bro W. N. Williams came in about 9 in the eve[n]ing and administered to me. Annie stayed all night. [p. 14] {p. 18}
15 January 1917 • Monday
Felt much better in most ways but so very weak. Have taken nourishment pretty good. Had the usual number of visitors. Besides my own girls & the doctor Mrs Ida B. [Bowman] Smith Lizzie Wilcox Amy Lyman Mrs Jennings Lizzie Crismon Edna M. Davis Miss Johnson Vilate Bennion Louise Katharine Marba Mrs Kittle Mrs Hyde Emm, Ollie Crismon, June Mrs Hyde Senator [William H.] Seegmiller Mrs Empey Bishop Clawson & Stanly [Stanley Clawson] who administered. Mrs Empey came to say good bye she has gone to California for 5 or 6 weeks Susa left Saturday for New York to be with Mrs Mc’Cune [Elizabeth Claridge McCune] who is ill. Belle stayed at night [p. 15] {p. 19}
16 January 1917 • Tuesday
Belle with me all day to day It is intensely cold and every one who comes in speaks about it. A terrible blizzard on the east bench. Not many visitors today accordingly Jno. Q. Amy Lyman and the docter. Annie came up at five o’clock to relieve Belle and about 6 Bell went home. In the eve[n]ing we called in <State> Senators [Don B.] Colton and Seegmiller to administer to her, both are staying in the house and both are stake Presidents. A beautiful blessing for mother Bro Colton [p. 16] {p. 20}
17 January 1917 • Wednesday
Last night was very distressing worked up over the bad reports of frozen pipes &c. I could not sleep and suffered much from gas. Have had a rather quiet day Mrs Sol Seigel [Solomon Siegel] [Rachel Ulman Siegel] came & brought a jar of custard and Mrs T. [Thomas] G. Webber [Mary Ellen Richards Webber] brought a bunch of violets & freesia. June and Lizzie Crismon also called. Besides many telephone messages, After the matinee Julina and Edna Smith and daughter Edith [Smith] came in. The Gardens of Allah at the Salt Lake and every body is wild over it Louise and Sister [Florence Snow] Crichlow came up <Sister Hyde and Beth also. Belle stayed and Annie went away with Jno Q.> [p. 17] {p. 21}
18 January 1917 • Thursday
The night was very wakeful and I was so weary in the morning Louise came early so her aunt Belle could go over to the temple. Annie came about 11. The girls had the room nicely done and put my pretty wrapper that Verona [Dunford Betts] gave me on and at 3 o’clock I had the regular meeting of the R.S. Board in my room 15 members came present besides my self were Clarissa, & Julina, Amy, Ida [Smoot Dusenberry], Emily [Tanner Richards], Mrs Farnsworth Phebe [Young Beatie], Mrs [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas, Mrs Wilcox Mrs Hyde, Edna Davis Lillian Cameron & Sister [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley and Mrs Crismon. The meeting was beautiful and made me quite happy Mrs Jennings sent down a dinner of fried chicken brown parsnips & jelly. Other visitors were the Dr. Sarah Eddington Hattie [Allen] Bryson & Elizabeth G. Wood of Davis Stake Mrs. Caring, of th[e] 12, 13th Ward Lillie [Foster] Sperry Jane [Manning] Skolfield Bette [Bradford] Romania Katharine Louise June Emmeline W. Annie staid at night. [p. 18] {p. 22}
19 January 1917 • Friday
Had a very bad night indeed. This morning received a letter from Mell from Los Angeles Visitors to day Mrs Crismon, Margaret Lyman Ellis S. [Shipp] Musser, Josephine [Richards] West, Lillian [Hamlin] Cannon, Sarah Eddington Janette Hyde Romania Amy, Sister [blank] of [blank] stake. Annie’s boy Cavendish came down from Cache Co [County] where he is teaching and came in twice He has received his ring (a scarab) the prize for his story in a national scribbles contest. Louise came up at 3 so her mother could attend a committee meeting. In the evening I was delighted to have a visit from Dr [George H.] and Sister [Flora Robertson] Brimhall of Provo. They came when they knew I was sick. A more beautiful blessing I never heard that [than] Dr Brimhall gave me Richard Lyman came in also Jno Q. [p. 19] {p. 23}
20 January 1917 • Saturday
Every day the girls, Belle, Annie or Louise read to me the Psalm for the day and both the morning & evening papers. Then each of them is reading a book– Belle– The life of Mrs [Elizabeth Cady] Stanton, Annie– Memoirs of Mrs. [Elizabeth Kimball] Hobson, and Louise– The Cathedral Singer by James Lane Allen besides magazines &c. Last night was a beautiful night. We had no disturbance & I slept better than any night yet. The visitors to day have been Amy, Jennie, Golden, Amy Mrs Crismon who brought a glass of raspberry jelly. Dr. Skolfield sent a beautiful bunch of violets. sweet peas. Had a letter from Verona Em & baby Jean [Jeanne Martineau] came Em bro’t a custard Bro. J. G. Kimball gave mother a blessing Dr Skolfield brought a bottle of wine. Alice Reynolds was among the callers to day Belle did not come up Annie stayed at night. [p. 20] {p. 24}
21 January 1917 • Sunday
Yesterday we finished the book Recollections of a happy life by Elizabeth Hobson it is very interesting and to day we started Anne’s wedding. a bright youthful book. Belle came about 11 oclock and Drs. Middleton & Allen just before noon The Dr. Changed the medicine and recommended bromidia. Mrs Minnie [Permelia Horne] James & Cavendish came at noon. I <Annie> left for home with Jno. Q. about 3.30 The visitors were Mrs Nibley Bro Jos. Hyde who brought some chicken & gravey Eleanor Sears, Katharine Louise & Lucile Buchholz. The weather is most depressing. To day is the 113 anniversay of Eliza R. Snows birth. Belle stayed at night. [p. 21] {p. 25}
22 January 1917 • Monday
Had a good night last night and feel better today Annie came up about 3. Mrs Lyman Nell Clawson Silver, Lyman Martineau, Mrs V. N. [Vilate Nebeker] Bennion Lillian H. [Horne] Woolley Sister Farnsworth, Emmeline W. Mary S. [Snyder] Murdock, Mrs Elise B. [Bennion] Alder– Jno Q. Edna M. Davis Nettie Bradford Jessie [Penrose] Jones Amy, Jennie & Beth, Julina and Miss Pauline Pettigrew besides the Doctor were the visitors today. Emmeline [Wells] and little Clara [Hedges] came in the evening and bro’t a nice warm dinner. Belle went home and Annie stayed. [p. 22] {p. 26}
23 January 1917 • Tuesday
Had a pretty good night but great pain in my limbs and back. Amy was the first caller and she bro’t Susa’s editorial to read to me it is about the 17th of March the R.S. Anniversary. The Pioneer stake officers sent a bunch of red & white carnations and Sister Farnsworth sent a beautiful bunch of pink roses. Willie Clive called and bro’t a bottle of fresh strawberries and Jennie sent over a bunch of ham & milk gravy Miss Cameron bro’t a bottle of grape juice, have sat up twice Had a letter from Verona, Seymour, June, Mrs [Amelia Weiler] Cutler Mrs [Elizabeth Pugsley] Hayward Beth, Margaret Cammock [A. Cummock], and Sarah Eddington called. [p. 23] {p. 27}
24 January 1917 • Wednesday
This is the anniversay day for Will [William W.] Woods, Sep <Belle’s Sidney [W. Sears]> & Annie’s little Eleanor[.] Feel much better today, sat up about 40 minutes. Sister Crismon and Edna Smith came in. Alice M [Merrill] Horne with her husband9 his mother10 and their daughter11 made quite a visit[.] Clarissa, Naomi Woodruff E. M. Davis Miss McClellan Sister [May Booth] Talmage Sister, Harker Lucy Stohl and Sister [Rose Bywater] Valentine who has recently returned from Europe Sister Hyde Sarah Eddington Louise also came. Anni had a meeting of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, but came back and stayed until evening when she & Jno Q. went to theatre. Belle stayed at night. [p. 24] {p. 28}
25 January 1917 • Thursday
Had a rather exciting day. but feel pretty well at 4.30 Margaret gave birth to a baby boy12 and word came that she was all right. Louise <Dot> came up early and stayed for her mother to go to the temple. It was the regular R.S. general board meeting and the sisters held it then Sister Nibley Aunt Julina, & Clarissa came over to report. There was a good deal of business transacted and the officers all had a raise in salary. It was very satisfactory for me to have a little more to get along with. Besides those mention Lizzie Kimball, Margaret Roberts, Violet, Ida Dusenbury [Dusenberry] Sister [Martha Marcussen] Hammond Sister Adams Sep & Brent Romania Goldie [Golda Hyde], Jennie, Amy, Bro Williams and Richard Lyman. Pres. [Charles W.] Penrose and Bro Geo. Stubbs came over from their meeting in the temple and administered to me. [p. 25] {p. 29}
26 January 1917 • Friday
Louise came up early to let her Aunt Belle go to the temple and she stayed until afternoon Ann [Bringhurst] Groesbeck came over from the temple with Belle. Annie had a meeting of R.S. officers but came up about 5 o’clock when Belle went home. Bro [Oscar A.] Kirkham and Golden Kimball came in to see me Emmeline came up and bro’t the baby the other callers were Jos. NcRae [Joseph A. McRae], June [Wells] M. B. [Maria Bidgood] Barnes, Rich [Richard D. Andrew], Clarissa [Williams], Lyman [Martineau], Mary Connely Amy Richard Lyman Jno. Q. and Julina [Smith], Julina left at 11 o’clock for California. In the evening Bro & Sister Geo. A. [Lucy Woodruff] Smith came and stayed about an hour. I enjoyed their visit very much indeed. Annie stayed at night [p. 26] {p. 30}
27 January 1917 • Saturday
The day is quite bright and I feel pretty well. Sister Lyman came in early and the Dr about noon. Helen the maid bro’t her little boy over to see me just after he was baptized. Abram came up to do the errands for his mother There have been for visitors Mrs Lyman, Jennie Beth Lillian Cameron Helen Warley [Worley] & little boy Jno Q. & Katherine Sister Nibley who bro’t a bottle of wine Bud & Maille [Marion Beatie Whitney] and Bro Clive [p. 27] {p. 31}
28 January 1917 • Sunday
This is the day of the Pioneer stake conference. and Annie came up after the morning meeting and stayed until eve Belle was with me all day. Dot & Will came. Annie & Aggie Campbell, Willie Clive Bro & Sis Williams and Sister Lyman. Belle stayed at night. Pioneer stake was organized and Sylvester Q. Cannon was made Pres. [p. 28] {p. 32}
29 January 1917 • Monday
The day was quite fair and I felt pretty good. Pres. Frank J. Taylor bro’t me a bottle of grape juice and Kate Thomas came in then sent me a primrose plant. Hebe [Heber M. Wells] & Emily [Katz Wells] came to see me and in the evening Mrs Nibley visited with me for about an hour. She is staying here while the Bishop is away. Mrs Hyde, Mrs Lyman, Dr Middleton, Jack and Rich [Andrew] were the other callers. Annie came in the afternoon and stayed all night. [p. 29] {p. 33}
30 January 1917 • Tuesday
Had a fairly good night and feel a little better to day. The day is very stormy and cold and not many visitors on that account Louise came in for a while and Amy and Jno. Q. Ellis [Reynolds Shipp] came to say good bye she is off in the morning for California. Bud came in the eve[n]ing and brought a beautiful bunch of violets he and Maille & Marion [Whitney] are going in the morning to Cal [California]. Daniel came quite late at night, Jno Q, Mrs Olson and the docter. Annie stayed at night– [p. 30] {p. 34}
31 January 1917 • Wednesday
Had a very good day Belle went to temple and Annie was here until 4 o clock when she left to get ready for the Pioneer ball that takes place this evening. The visitors to day were Lizzie Crismon Lizzie Wilcox David Clayton with little Ruth [C. Clayton], Rich[,] Sylvester Cannon who administered to me. Richard Lyman Sister E. [Emily Williams] Cummings, Amy, Katharine, Jno. Q. Brent, Jennie Hyde & Sarah Eddington. Belle stayed at night. Mrs Wilcox brought me a bunch of red roses. [p. 31] {p. 35}
Cite This Page
[1]Due to her worsening eyesight and handwriting, EBW dictated the contents of this diary to her daughters Annie Wells Cannon and Isabel Whitney Sears, who served as scribes at the request of their mother. Annie identifies herself in the 21 January entry, and her handwriting is found for about the first half of the year. After that a second handwriting is introduced, presumably Belle’s, and the two daughters switch off for the remainder of the year. Letters with missing or conflated strokes are represented as complete, as is common with words such as came and Amy. Two words run together are likewise represented as separate, as is common with phrases such as to me and of the.
[2]Relief Society.
[3]Likely Margaret Irvine Leatham. (“Mrs. Leatham Will Be Buried Sunday,” Salt Lake Telegram, 9 July 1931, 18.)
[4]Perhaps Eugenia (Genie) Kimball. (Eugen[ia] Kimball, Death Certificate, 22 July 1931; EBW, Diary, 6 July 1897.)
[5]Rebecca Neibaur Nibley, Ellen Ricks Nibley, or Julia Budge Nibley. (“C. W. Nibley, Noted Church Leader, Dead,” Ogden Standard Examiner, 11 Dec. 1931, [1].)
[6]Children of George Q. Cannon II and Ruby Derr Cannon were George Q. Cannon III, Woodward Derr Cannon, and Shirley Cannon. (1920 U.S. Census, Precinct 3, Salt Lake County, Utah, 71A.)
[7]Likely Annie Seegmiller Musser. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 76A; “Musser, Amos Milton,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:383.)
[8]Isabella Campbell Clive. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 146A.)
[9]George H. Horne. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 237B.)
[10]Mary Park Shepherd Horne. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 93A; George Henry Horne, Death Certificate, 1 Oct. 1934.)
[11]Either Virginia Locke Horne, who was born on 12 October 1899, or Zorah Henrietta Horne, who was born on 12 June 1905.
[12]Robert Wells Clayton. (Robert Wells Clayton, Draft Registration Card, 16 Oct. 1940.)