February 1912

1 February 1912 • Thursday

February 1 1912

<Many letterrs came today Have had 2 meetings> Thursday Cavendish [W.] Cannon’s birthday– he has just graduated from High School We had our Board Meeeting & transacted much busineess I have been very busy and things were not altogether satsfactory Afterwards I went to Anniee’s & had dinner. Eugene Searrs & wife1 were there also Louise a very pleasant tiime– stayed all night, Abram [H. Cannon] offered prayer– A fine family party [p. 32] {p. 34}

2 February 1912 • Friday

Friday 2 1912 February

<Many letterrs to answer> Emmeline went up with me to the office– we were late, and she was invited to go to the Matinee and I stayed and did a little writing, Mrs. Alice [Winder] Bradford, Sarah Jenne Cannon Magaret [Margaret] A. Caine, Elizabeth S. [Richards] Wright Mrrs. Hayward, Vie [Victoria Clayton] McCune, Corne◊t [Cornelia] Horne Clayton and others came Em. & myself did quite a little writing, and I had several telephone messages to answere, Emma Woodruff is better [p. 33] {p. 35}

3 February 1912 • Saturday

February 3. 1912 Saturday

This morning at eleven A.M. the Committee on Birthday party met in the big <East> room and decided on some prepara◊tions. At 2. P.M. the stockholders of the Woman’s Store met and d[e]cided to disin[c]orporate, there were about 25 menbers present and an amiable arrangement made, B[i]shop [Harrison] Sperry was present In the evening Sister Farnsworth came. I called on C. S. Williams and took her a book of quotations Isabel came and was very low-spirited, I came home weary and trying to exert myself to finish a poem [p. 34] {p. 36}

4 February 1912 • Sunday

Sunday 4. 19112 [1912] February

Birthday of C. W. Penrose went to the Temple Fast meeting much was said of President Penrose and a very good meeting Apostle Talmage spoke, & Junius Wells Sung O, say what is truth prayer James H. Anderson Br. Penrose spoke of the people prying into mysteries, Jos. E. Taylor was another speaker, R. B. Penrose and Sister Mary A. [Stearns] Winters and Zina Y. Card Pres. Jos. F. Smith is in Logan and Pres. [Anthon H.] Lund in Manti attending conferences went over to Jode [Joseph S.] Wells and thn to 18th. Ward Fast meeeting [p. 35] {p. 37}

5 February 1912 • Monday

February Monday 5. 1912

Annversa[r]y of the birth of Presiding Bshop Newel K, Whitney and of Presding Bishop C. W. Nbley [Charles W. Nibley]– birhday of C. W. Penrse celebrated in Bishop’s Building have had a meeting of Reaper’s Social today also several callers Presented C. W. Penose with a book Helps to Happiness and C. W. Nibley Sartuch Poemes Penrose party verry fine, had a wearisome day came home very late– did much telephon[i]ng and wrote on Articles that had been begun [p. 36] {p. 38}

6 February 1912 • Tuesday

Tuesday Feb. 6, 1912

Little Nwel [Newel M. Whitney]’s birthday the twin boy of Mother [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney’s born in the new and everlasting covenamt– have not felt well trying to polish up article to the Relief Society– called up people by telephome about R.S. meetings– Anne [Annie] came and went with me to dinner Lillian Whatcott came to see mee Sisters [Frances Brown] Castleton & Lapish and had invitations out answered letters to Isabella Robinson [Pratt Robison] and to others had cards from Madame [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford and others [p. 37] {p. 39}

7 February 1912 • Wednesday

Wdnesday Feb. 7, 1912

<Anntte [S. Annette Wells] Culmer called today> Today had photograph taken for birthday celebration, Emme and Alice Horne were with me had dinner with Emm at Hotel Utah– wrote letters to President Barmwell [Franklin S. Bramwell] Union Stake and to Louisa [Ballif] Benson Oneida Stake also Susan Gramt [Noble Grant] Bountiful and to others Had many callerrs, Utah W.P.C.2 met Mrs. [Amanda Forbes] Done presiding subjects Remniscnces of Eliza R. Snow & In M[e]moraim of Mary A. Freeze, neews by Eva [Emma Howell] Jenson Martha Smiith [Smith] & <etc.> White girls from 19th. Ward <A very good meeting> [p. 38] {p. 40}

8 February 1912 • Thursday

Thursday 1912

<Susa read our Gnealogical letter and Outline> Emmeline Cannon’s Birrthday She has had quite a few presents and seems happy– went to the Theatre with Ruby and I gave her Spncer [Edmund Spenser]’s Faerie Quen in two volumes– she seems in gay spirits– John Q. camee in to see me Isabel M W. S. and Susa Y. Gates, Elizabeth Wight [Wright], Phebe [Palmer] Kartchner, Eugene Sears, Cavendish and others have been in I took Margaret Caime [Caine] to dinner and she spent the evening with me there has ben much going on Letter from Olive D. Christensen with check <had a talk with May Nystrom> [p. 39] {p. 41}

9 February 1912 • Friday

February Friday 9 1912

This is Hyrun [Hyrum] Smith the Patriach’s Birthday, he would be 112 years old or more, the Gnealogical Society held a sort of memorial meeting in the Bishop’s Building. Annie Wells Cannon had a paper on Nauvoo and also Ellas [Elias S.] Woodruff Nephi Andersson [C. Nephi Anderson] presided– Bishop Nibly prayed There was a meeting Suff[r]agists in my rooms today to see about a celebration on Susan B [Anthony]’s birthday Feb. 15. I have had many st[r]angers today, Cannon Ward has a Valentinee party tonight– it has ra[i]ned today Most wretched day altogetherr Magaret Caime [Margaret Caine] came and Isabel and mny more [p. 40] {p. 42}

10 February 1912 • Saturday

Saturday 10 February3

Magaret [Margaret] Judd Clawson died this moning about 10. A.M. first n[e]ws, the day is gloomy, mamy letters one from Mell [Melvina Whitney Woods] and an article, preparations for the meeting of officers of Stakes R.S. & Y.L.4 to make an effort to l[e]ad the wayward back to the right way, very full meeting and quite successful, good represntation from all the Stakes and all spoke of my Board Julina Sisters [Rebecca Neibaur] Nibley [Caroline Stockdale] Thomas [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth Penrosee Cannon Davis M’Leland [Sarah M. McLelland] [p. 41] {p. 43}

11 February 1912 • Sunday5

I tr[i]ed to rest and did not rise until high noon telephone message from Katharine asking me to come to dinnerr A very fine day dressed and went to Cannon housee and visited with John Q. & Anniee and the children, Daniel was at homee Cavendish has gone to Snyderville to help Q. he has finished at High School and needs more physical exercise he is a genius in music. and scholarly, ruby & George Q. [Cannon] Jr. are here visiting relatives, came to see me yesterday, storm came on and I had to stay all night [p. 42] {p. 44}

12 February 1912 • Monday

1911 12 [1912] Monday 12 February

<Abraham Lincolm’s anniversary> [T]his morning came up frm Cannon farm where I had stayed all night and made peparations to go to the funeral of Magaret Clawson, one of our first Dranatic artists in the theatre and even in the old Bowery when we first had plays before the Social Hall was built– many floral offerings speakers were O [Orson] F Whitney, James B. Talmage, F. [Francis] M. Lyman & Seymour B. Young. went with Sister [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and came home in her Automobile, Mo[r]mon Battalion met in our rooms, Em went to Col◊onial tonight to see the bankers play David [H. Clayton, Jr.] & Magaret Emm [p. 43] {p. 45}

13 February 1912 • Tuesday

February Tuesday 13 1912

Went early to the officee and found a number of letters no special news, Emme came Mrs. [Georgina Geertsen] Marriott of North Weberr Stake and John Q. and Emn. and I went out to luncch Mrs. Nibly and Miss Saunders & brought patterns to show me for my new silk dresss, then Amy Lynan [Brown Lyman] to prepare the letter to the Genological Society and Annie and Golden Kimball & finally Miss Whatcott several telephone messages, word from Emma Woodruff on her being very low, thiis is Johua [Joshua K.] Whitneys birthday anniversarry. [p. 44] {p. 46}

14 February 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday 14 February6

<I spoke twice & offered prayer at Sister Lapish party> This morning saw the Primary people– and heard from the side sisters, Valentine day and no appearance of it with us or around here. Isabel was at the Temple, Eleanor [Rhein] Sears, Ruby Cannon and two boys, Magaret and baby Annie and David [W. Cannon] have all been here today. I w[e]nt to Hannah Lapish pa[r]ty it was her birthday and also Valntine and the hand cart meeting about 50 sisterrs and Thomas Dobson & [Josiah] Rogerson veterans of hand cart were there7 [p. 45] {p. 47}

15 February 1912 • Thursday

February Thursday 158

Susan B. Anthony’s birthday anniversary and it will be kept by a meting of suffrage womn in our rooms.9 Dr. Sholfield [Jane Manning Skolfield] came to me with a lady who had lived in India s[e]ven years a Doctor named [blank] [Elsie Reed] Mitchell who will comee in this evening and speak to us. we had the meeting, Mrrs. Horne, Mrrs. Milton [Joanna Jamison Melton] and Mrrs. McMahan [Georgina Parker McMahon] and otherrs spoke. Myself for one and Dr. Miitchell gave us some interestin[g] facts about India [p. 46] {p. 48}

16 February 1912 • Friday

1912 Friday 16 February

Have had a busy day, first th[e] letters then copy, Br. & Sister Talmage of Provo10 came and brought me Eunice Billings [Snow] sketch,11 thn Mrrs. Hashmet [Eva Pritchard Hasbouck] with her wonderful work of the true, representing the Church etc. Sister [Maria Burnham] Winder and a German friend, Emma Empey & Susa Y. Gates twice Anna [S. Ann] Lynch Junus F. Wells, news reporters etc. Alice M. Horme and otherrs. Letter from Verona telling us she could not come and that Barry had been poisoned with wild oak Rob [Robert C. Hillard] sick with cough, Dindy12 run over with taxicab [p. 47] {p. 49}

17 February 1912 • Saturday

February Saturday 17 1912

<Annie is having new waist> Th[i]s moning felt very gloony– no mail, Emm. came and expressed Verona’s packages and thn we seet [set] to work at the regular duties messages came over the phone Miss Sumders [Saunders] came to fit me for my n[e]w dress Eleanor Sears and Mrs Beves and Miss Wisenbach a German nursee Dan Cannon, Br. [George H.] Brimhall ta[l]ked with me of my writings and paid me many complimnts which I am sure he felt were real Golden Kimball also [p. 48] {p. 50}

18 February 1912 • Sunday

1912 Sunday 18 February

A terrific wind last night kept me awake restless & nervous, towards morning quiet rain and snow, had fire in parlor ate my dinneer th[e]re by the open grate, went up to Isabel’s aftewards and they had a fine dinner Brent asked the blessing, Eleanor Eugene & Brent were very gay and noisy, Isabel and I went to the ward meeting in the new meeting house on 10th. East Mathanial [Nathaniel J.] Thomas spoke on charity David L. Murdock [Murdoch] also spoke [p. 49] {p. 51}

19 February 1912 • Monday

February Monday 19 1912

<No letters for three days> So ma[n]y things transpire daily that it is exceedingly difficu[l]t to keep even and to take note of those events most impo[r]tant this morning was very cold and I had a headache, Mrs. Hasbrouck came early with things to show me and I was really so anxious to get on with my own work I could scarcely even look over her picturres, one and another came th[e]n meetimg of the Reaperrs So[c]ial– Dickens subject Maria Fanccis [Banks Francis] read an exhaustive paper, gave a good idea of London and explaned in an interesting way “Bl[e]ak Housee”– Annie came with R.S. Historry and we went out to supper– a very busy day [p. 50] {p. 52}

20 February 1912 • Tuesday

1912 Tuesday 20 February

<Sister Franccis has been busy today with preeparations etc> Was early at the officee, heard from Isabel that Brent was going back to Los Angelos [Los Angeles]– Inez having been gonee just over a week and Robert [Van Sant Sears], Dr. Synour B. Young camee in to see me today, Mrs. Blak & Dr. Ellis R. Shipp and the dressmaker with my new gown and Mrs Nibley Amy Lynan to signe orders Claire Clwsson [Little Clawson] invited me to the Pioneerr Stake hall– on Friday and Junius adminstred to me for my head-ache– worisome trying on a n[e]w dresss and so many comments made sent over my editorial Progress of Women in 71 yearrs, Mrs. [Rachel Ulman] Siegel & Mrs. Cohn [Elizabeth Sutton Cohen] have both been calling me up [p. 51] {p. 53}

21 February 1912 • Wednesday

February Wednesday 21 1912

Went up early and soon had callers. Emm. attended to my feet and we went out to lunch at Franklins– Dr. E. R. Shipp came for a letter recommending her to taech Obstetrics in the Stakes and [illegible] we had more callers Mrs Willard [Harriet Hooper] Young broght me a pound of tea, Miiss Whatcott Dr. Sholfield Magaret Caine Mrs Elizabeth Wright and others, I am so worried over my affairs and Emm gets so little time to help me, no letterrs of great consequencece [p. 52] {p. 54}

22 February 1912 • Thursday

1912 Thursday 22 February

This morning I was ill but felt I must go up to the officee It was Washington’s birthday everywhere Emm went t[o] the Matinee and I looked over hundreds of letterrs and put them in order. This evening the soms and daughterrs celebrated in our buiilding, had a fine meeting Jack Cannon [John Q. Cannon, Jr.] Anniese [Annie]’s boy was there Corneliuss [Cornelius F. Lund] & Phebe Lund played on[e] on the piano & one on violin– everythng was satisfatory I believe Lucy Woodruff Smith told me Gorge A. was quite bad had gone to California [p. 53] {p. 55}

23 February 1912 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 23. 1912

This morning was very cold & damp– snow du[r]ing the night went off in good time found several letters mostly on business At 2. P.M. we were in the Pioneer Stake house at a meeeting of the Relief Society Amy B. Lyman and Sister Carrrie Thomas amd myself. We found it w[a]s in honor of Annie Pres. of that Stake R.S. a very delghtful affairr [p. 54] {p. 56}

24 February 1912 • Saturday

1912 Saturday 24 February

Today all has been hurry and bustle and ladies coming and going to prepare for the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers meeting in honor of mee. Flowers very beautiful will be presented to mee & Anniee is to give my homee and social life Katharn Cannon will read my Poem Midnight Reverie– and most surprising of all E. S. [Edward P.] Kimball wrote a poem a kind of Anthem sung by a Quartette. the rooms were verry full of friends and all was very satisfactorry–13 Anniee did most excellently well– Emmelinee camee home with mee and stayed all night [p. 55] {p. 57}

25 February 1912 • Sunday

February Sunday 25 1912

We rose late and went over a lot of books and paperrs and Emm. read to mee sveral things that were helpful also reead proofs for papeer– had a firee in the parlor and sat down there and enjoyed it– went over to Anniee’s and had a very agreeable time John Q. Daniel and Emmeline– Went to the evening meeting and Louise and Rich [Richard D. Andrew] came down and we visited with them Margaret & Dav[i]d have come home from Q’s where they have been a week or more– We had a fine evening after meetiing and had prayerrs John Q.’s prayerrs <are most eloquent> [p. 56] {p. 58}

26 February 1912 • Monday

1912 Nonday [Monday] 26 February

We were late going up but wer there befor eleven A.M. Mrs. Nibley & Miss Saunders camee and the dress was fitted over again– visitorrs over and over and Emm was really ill with headachee– Dr. Penrose Amy Brown Lyman and Alice M. Horne were hone sending off invitations– I went over to the n[e]ws to make up the paper Emm with me I had some letters that were pleasant Emily [Tanner] Richards came to see me and to bring a letter from Alice Stone Blackwell– had several other callerrs– went up to Belle’s and speent the evening– [p. 57] {p. 59}

27 February 1912 • Tuesday

February Tuesday 27 1912

<Letter from Brother Hiram [E. Clark]> This morning rose very early and was very soon in the office Quite a little mail and afterwards an express package from Olive D. Christensen a clock in pearl setting, Dr. Penose spemt part of the day at the office and I had a number of callers Annie came up and stayed late, there is much going on and one feels embarrassed but I must be as composed as possible [p. 58] {p. 60}

28 February 1912 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1912

Today was very ill, Willard Young & Golden Kimball came and administered to mee and I was healed instantly. At evening the Press club met in my hon[o]r and Gov. [William] Spry Ex. Gov. [Arthur L.] Thomas were therre & many more.14 [p. 58] {p. 60}

29 February 1912 • Thursday

Thusday Feb. 29.15

<many letters today congatulratory> the greatest day when was conferred upon me the degree of Dr. of Literature by President Jos. F. Smith & the Brigham Young College– more properly University A very grand affair and un[i]que in the history of Utah.16

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February 1912, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1910s/1912/1912-02


  1. [1]Eleanor Rhein Sears.

  2. [2]Utah Woman’s Press Club.

  3. [3]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  4. [4]Relief Society and Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  5. [5]text: EBW did not modify the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page. However, it appears the date of this entry should be 11 February 1912, based on handwriting and context.

  6. [6]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  7. [7]Hannah Settle Lapish organized the Daughters of the Utah Handcart Pioneers on 14 April 1910. The group held meetings and sponsored commemorative programs. (“Lapish, Hannah Settle,” in Jenson, Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia, 2:525–528; “Society,” Evening Telegram [Salt Lake City], 13 Feb. 1912, 3.)

  8. [8]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  9. [9]The Utah Council of Women, whose president was Emily Tanner Richards, celebrated the birthday of Susan B. Anthony in the Relief Society rooms of the Bishop’s Building on 15 February 1912. “Reminiscences of Miss Anthony were given by Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells, Mrs. Susa Y. Gates, Mrs. Alice Merrill Horne and Mrs. Johanna Melton,” reported the local press, “all of whom knew the great suffrage leader personally. Mrs. C. H. McMahon gave a brief address on what Miss Anthony’s labors had meant to woman’s work.” (“News and Notes of Women’s Clubs,” Salt Lake Tribune, 16 Feb. 1912, 5.)

  10. [10]Perhaps Albert M. Talmage and Sarah Whalen Talmage.

  11. [11]EBW published “Sketches from the Life of Eunice Billings Snow” in Woman’s Exponent, Midwinter Number, 1912, 40:47–48.

  12. [12]Perhaps the family cat.

  13. [13]Gordon H. Place, “Music,” Evening Telegram (Salt Lake City), 24 Feb. 1912, 9.

  14. [14]“Emmeline B. Wells, Lit.D,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1912, 40:50.

  15. [15]text: EBW modified the preprinted 1910 date at the top of this diary page but did not specify the intended year for her entry. The year 1912 was determined by the editors based on handwriting and context.

  16. [16]“Emmeline B. Wells, Lit.D.,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1912, 40:50–51.