April 1882

1 April 1882 • Saturday

The paper is out on time MaSs Convention today at the City Hall, a party of ladies went with me some with Mrs. [Sarah Granger] Kimball and some scattering in one at a time, the Hall was pretty well filled and everything went off nicely– three ladies were appointed as delegates to the Territorial Convention of whom I was one–1

2 April 1882 • Sunday

Belle came down yesterday This is a very warm day went to meeting and took Lucile, in the evening we had some callers Mr. Sears was here and Rob. I was very weary indeed and low spirited though better in my physical health, The room was pleasant and piano, organ & everything delightful. [p. 70] {p. 72}

3 April 1882 • Monday

This morning was most disagreeable and the wind and dust all day flying and making one feel nervous. Dot & Sep [Septimus Whitney Sears] went to school in 13th ward and in the evening I attended the school meeting to vote on an important question, Dr. Ferguson arrived by the evening train and a reception was given her at the Lion House–

4 April 1882 • Tuesday

Today is a lovely day. the beautiful rain has made the air delightful and the moisture will bring forth the green grass the lovely flowers & early fruit blossoms. Dr. Ferguson Mrs. King Helen M. & myself all called upon Mrs. [Matilda Moorhouse] Barrett and, O, her yard was so charming with its crocuses and violets, in the conservatory were lots of geraniums <& heliotropes> [p. 71] {p. 73}

5 April 1882 • Wednesday

The weather has changed and from the delights of Spring we have the dust and wind of March again So disagreeable and makes one so nervous, and irritable, John Henry & Moses Thatcher have arrived from Washington. Went to the theatre in the evening. Lou sang in a quartette with Miss Agnes Olsen, Bud [Horace G. Whitney] & Johnnie [John D.] Spencer–2

6 April 1882 • Thursday

This morning the storm was dismal. I dreaded to go to the Office– not many called the weather was so dreadful, Dr. Ferguson, Mrs. King and a few old friends, Lula G. R. [Louisa Lula Greene Richards] Went to see Aunt Eliza paid her 25,00 for Primary Hymn Books– Lou completed the Territorial report of Y.L.M.I.A. Rob gave me a new fan [p. 72] {p. 74}

7 April 1882 • Friday

The storm continues it is most dismal for Conference, the city is lined with people from the country. It is a very large Conference I staid in doors all day. I did not feel very well low-spirited and headache– had many country visitors, somehow I think tomorrow will be fine

8 April 1882 • Saturday

Today is four years since Emma’s death, I sent for flowers got a very elegant wreath of the choicest flowers from Reedings. Annie & Louie went up Dot. Lucile Em [Emma Whitney Sears] & George Q. Lou. went to Conference this afternoon. Belle is a little better I have not yet been to meeting– saw my husband who was very anxious <about me> [p. 73] {p. 75}

9 April 1882 • Sunday

Today was the close of the Conference, I attended all day and so did Louie, Joseph F. [Smith] spoke in the morning & in the afternoon Pres. John Taylor He shouted Hosanna three times and all the people echoed it– three times.3 In the evening Mr. Sears was here and we had several people to stay over night– I thought today that before another Conference a change would take place.

10 April 1882 • Monday

Convention met at the City Hall and organized for action. Joseph F. Smith President. There were three lady delegates, and several lady visitors, it was an interesting session, and one cannot help feeling that the consequences will be significant as regards Zion, there is a great deal of active work4 [p. 74] {p. 76}

11 April 1882 • Tuesday

Convention met again at 10, to still further go on with the work, More committees were organized and some work begun, it is very interesting and will be quite educational to those who will take an interest in the meetings. If our sisters would only step forward and make some progress.

12 April 1882 • Wednesday

Convention again at 2 and plenty of work on Committees. I have been appointed on the Education and Schedule & Election– Arthur Stayner Chairman of the first and Pres. A. [Abraham] O. Smoot the last– both have important work in hand. I enjoy it very much indeed. It suits me admirably and all are quite polite to <me.> [p. 75] {p. 77}

13 April 1882 • Thursday

Today there is no Convention but meetings of Committees and work in hand. I have given much thought to the subjects before us and find every point needs to be carefully made. I have had many annoyances and work of some importance to do, but have been able to manage well.

14 April 1882 • Friday

This afternoon at two a partial report of work was made– some committees reported in full others reported progress– The Convention grows more interesting, some discussion on the object of the Convention. Committee on election remained until 11 AM. making their report. All reports referred to Revision <Com.> [p. 76] {p. 78}

15 April 1882 • Saturday

Revision Committee stated that all reports were to be printed and wanted more time granted them– time was given until Wednesday at 2 p.m. Afternoon was busy many callers and annoyances. Went home late Mr. Sears came down from Ogden, Louie & I went to see the negro minstrels5

16 April 1882 • Sunday

A most disagreeable stormy day, snow and sleet and rain, all at home, none of us ventured out to meeting. Belle and children Mr. Sears, Annie & baby Lou & myself. In the evening we had some visitors. Mr. Sears hired Jode [Joseph S.] Wells to go to Ogden to work for him. Hebe [Heber M. Wells] & Jode came down to the house– Annie had [p. 77] {p. 79} a letter from John Q. dated at Munich, Bavaria he had arrived on the 20th of March– This was the first letter after he reached Germany.

17 April 1882 • Monday

Have been in the Office all day, feeling blue and dismal, weather most unpropitious. Annie & Louie went to the Theatre were charmed with the play. so what one likes does not please all.

18 April 1882 • Tuesday

Today made some preparation for Convention work and went to the Lion City Hall at 2 p.m. House to see Aunt Eliza and talk over some matters pertaining to organizations. In the evening we were going to the Theatre, but Louie was at her meeting and it was too late when she returned [p. 78] {p. 80}

19 April 1882 • Wednesday

This is John Q.’s birthday to day he is 25. Annie has written him a letter. I was in the Convention telegraphed to Sister Howard at St. George. Went to the Lion House to a party– it was Aunt Margaret [Pierce Young]’s birthday 59 years old, Went to the theatre to see Callander’s Minstrels6

20 April 1882 • Thursday

Today has been rather eventful for me. Went to the Gardo and dined with Pres. Taylor & sons and daughters, Elder F. [Franklin] D. Richards was there too– Went up to Mellie’s and then to Judge [Elias] Smith’s Afterwards to Mrs. [Sarah Ann Hammer] Dwyers to bid Miss Margaret Dwyer– good bye– had a pleasant call, had a letter from John Q. [p. 79] {p. 81}

21 April 1882 • Friday

Today has been more pleasant than for some time past and the weather seems more like Spring, Went to the 13th, Ward to the Annual Meeting of the Primary Association, Sister Attwood [Relief Cram Atwood] resigned and Lydia Ann [Alley] Wells was appointed President in her place. The ladies took supper at the Bishop’s.7 Belle went to Ogden today–

22 April 1882 • Saturday

<Emily Wells is twenty five today, Apr. 22– 1882> The paper for the 15 just out now. Louisa [Free] Wells was very sick yesterday, came near dying but is better today– The Esquire came over and spent the afternoon– Belle came home today– they have brought Gipsey & Beauty8 down to Br. [Horace S.] Eldredge’s. Joe Sharp has been here this evening, The moon is very beautiful tonight [p. 80] {p. 82}

23 April 1882 • Sunday

Today Percival Mellie’s boy is four years old– It is a disagreeable day cold and dreary. Prof. [Joseph L.] Barfoot died this morning from bursting a blood vessel.9 I went to meeting so did Louie– [John] Nicholson & [Charles W.] Penrose preached, Septimus is here tonight– it snows and we are rather afraid it will kill all the fruit– Belle is not feeling well–

24 April 1882 • Monday

This has been a very busy day, chilly too and all is gloomy outdoors. Helen came in and I went to call on Aunt Eliza– in the evening went to a concert for the [James A.] Garfield monument– almost a Gentile audience– some good music mostly by our people– I was too tired to enjoy it very much [p. 81] {p. 83}

25 April 1882 • Tuesday

This afternoon the Convention convened to discuss and criticise the work of the Committee on revision consolidation and compilation– the afternoon was spent in solid work and then recess was taken until Wednesday morning at 10. A.M. In the evening I had a French lesson and had a good time.

26 April 1882 • Wednesday

At 10. A.M. went in convention during the morning Wm [A. C.] Bryan a young man from Nephi made quite a pretty speech but all too poetical to have any bearing upon the subject in question he argued that women should not labor but be protected and when they assumed duties which belonged to men [p. 82] {p. 84} they were no longer women

27 April 1882 • Thursday

Today Convention set again and finished up the work, adjourned until June 6 at the same place. Election to be held on the 22d of May prox. to vote on the Constitution10 Sister Howard and I went to call on Sister [Mary Ann Angell] Young she is very low and on Amelia [Folsom] Young who gave me her picture. In the evening Will [William W. Woods], Mell and Mrs. [Rose] Wightman came & spent the evening.

28 April 1882 • Friday

Worked hard all day in the office– husband came in and we had some conversation, staid until it was rather late and came home very tired Andre had gone and Mr. Sears was here also Rob– O, I am so weary and I long so much for the leisure some women enjoy. [p. 83] {p. 85}

29 April 1882 • Saturday

Saturday is always a busy day and no less so to the editor than the housewife– Louie came up and we went to get her money from the bank– it was not as much as she expected by twenty dollars. She was very much grieved and hurt– she paid down $750 dollars on her piano at night she felt sick

30 April 1882 • Sunday

All last night Louie was ill– her throat was sore & she had pains in her limbs– She could not sleep and in the morning was very ill indeed During the day she suffered greatly. Belle and Sep went out riding Annie called at Dessies [Martha Deseret Wells Read] she has been confined with a dead baby boy and is very sick [p. 84] {p. 86}

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April 1882, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1882/1882-04


  1. [1]“In the spring of 1882 a convention was held to prepare a constitution and urge Congress to admit Utah as a State. Three women were elected—Ms. Sarah M. Kimball, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard and Mrs. Wells—and took part in framing this constitution, and their work was as satisfactory as that of the male members. Although this was a new departure, it caused no friction whatever and was good political discipline for the women, especially in parliamentary law and usage.” (EBW, “The History of Woman Suffrage in Utah, 1870–1900,” 36.)

  2. [2]Agnes Olsen was a young soprano who soloed with the Tabernacle Choir during the April 1882 Latter-day Saint general conference. (“April Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1882, 10:172.)

  3. [3]“April Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1882, 10:172.

  4. [4]“President of the Convention, Joseph F. Smith; Vice Presidents, L. E. Harrington and Edward Dalton; Secretary, Arthur Stayner; Assistant Secretaries, Junius F. Wells, Elmina S. Taylor and Lyman Martineau; Chaplain, W. W. Cluff; Sergeant at Arms, B. Y. Hampton; Messenger, Milando Pratt. The Convention consists of seventy-two delegates, sixty-nine gentlemen and three ladies. Salt Lake County elected as delegates twelve gentlemen and three ladies—Mesdames E. B. Wells, S. M. Kimball and E. Howard; also as alternate, Mrs. E. S. Taylor.” (“Constitutional Convention,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1882, 10:172.)

  5. [5]M. B. Leavitt’s Gigantean Minstrels played in Salt Lake City on this date in April 1882. The owner, Michael B. Levy, began as a participating comedian himself. His group of white men wore black paint to mimic stereotypes of Black American humor, music, and dance from the plantation South. Such mimicry created humor by disparaging the intelligence and dignity of African Americans. This group was one of many traveling minstrel shows that provided popular entertainment throughout the world. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns and renounces racism of any kind, as does the Church Historian’s Press. (Advertisement, Salt Lake Daily Herald, 11 Apr. 1882, [4]; Encyclopedia Britannica Online, s.v. “Minstrel Show: American Theatre,” accessed 27 Sept. 2021, https://www.britannica.com/art/minstrel-show; Rice, Monarchs of Minstrelsy, 158; Nelson, “Let God Prevail”; “Racial and Cultural Prejudice,” Gospel Topics, accessed 30 Nov. 2021, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/racial-prejudice?lang=eng.)

  6. [6]In 1882, Callender’s Georgia Minstrels was a troupe composed of Black Americans. As an offshoot of the earlier Georgia Minstrels, it offered its interpretation of former slave life against a colorful plantation backdrop. This troupe was one of many traveling minstrel shows that provided popular entertainment throughout the world. Although this group wrote its own songs and encouraged Black musical talent, its performances also enacted disparaging and cruel African American stereotypes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints condemns and renounces racism of any kind, as does the Church Historian’s Press. (Southern, “Georgia Minstrels,” 157–167; Advertisement, Deseret Evening News, 14 Apr. 1882, 2; “The Minstrels,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 19 Apr. 1882, 8; EBW, Diary, 27 Apr. 1876; Nelson, “Let God Prevail”; “Racial and Cultural Prejudice,” Gospel Topics, accessed 30 Nov. 2021, https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/racial-prejudice?lang=eng.)

  7. [7]Millen Atwood. (EBW, Diary, 23 Jan. 1882.)

  8. [8]Septimus Sears had a hobby of collecting fine ponies and horses. (See, for example, EBW, Diary, 13 July 1882.) EBW was frightened by the Shetland ponies at the Sears’s Ogden residence. (EBW, Diary, 25 Apr. 1881.)

  9. [9][EBW], “At Rest,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1882, 10:189; see also Lula [Greene Richards], “Professor Joseph L. Barfoot Dead!” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1882, 10:179.)

  10. [10]“It is greatly to be hoped that the women of this Territory as well as the men will study the Constitution, which will soon be in their hands, thoroughly; not be indifferent feeling there is little prospect of its becoming valid and effective—but examine it so carefully as to be able to converse intelligently about it, and see if it comes up to their ideas of a free government. The constitution just framed is the only one we have any knowledge of, in which women have had a voice.” (“Constitution of Utah,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 May 1882, 10:180.)