June 1899

1 June 1899 • Thursday

<Gave Emmie a card case–> Although this was Prest. [Brigham] Young’s birthday I could not even go to Saltair so many things remained to be done in the office regarding my work and instructing Emeline [Y. Wells]1 and the Relief Society work too. It was a very unpleasant day rainy and cold not very fit for the Lake yet hundreds of people went out and several good speeches were made President Lorenzo Snow, and several of the Apostles also Jos. F. Smith and Aunt Zina and others. Of Brigham Young’s living wives I believe all were there except Eliza Burgess [Young] who did not go. Judge [Clesson S.] Kinney made quite a fine speech it is said and the Governor and one or two other State officials. Brigham Young [Jr.] the eldest son presided but Dr. Seymour B. Young took quite an active part in the affair. A lonely evening for me dined at Belle’s Emmie’s birthday. {p. 128}

2 June 1899 • Friday

I have been working up to the very last minute as hard as I could and reached home in a thunder storm packed my trunks or Dot did for me, and went to Belle’s and had dinner drayman came took trunks away and Will packed my valise over to Belle’s, Louise was with me, and I kissed every one good bye except Sep who had gone up town & Will saw us on the cars, and we spent the evening with Annie and family. Slept with the children– it seemed sad, it had been an oppressive day, Ort & Rule [Rulon S. Wells] had both given me good blessings however, & Mrs. Salisbury and Mrs. Seigel had been in and several others. It is a sort of sad thing to leave all one loves behind and go so far away and I had never undertaken such a journy before. There were some people I am very fond of to whom I had not said good bye, for which I felt very sorry indeed Aunt Zina & Sister Horne {p. 129}

3 June 1899 • Saturday

Left Annie’s this morning in a pouring rain– John Q. drove me in the buggy to the depot and saw me off on the train. All were up and having breakfast when we left. It is hard to bid good bye in a rain storm and go so far not knowing when one may return or what changes there may be. Annie in the condition she is and not as well as at other times was discouraging. When we reached Ogden Mrs. [Jane S.] Richards and Mamie [Mary Alice Richards Stevenson] came into the car & Mrs. J. S. R. [Jane Snyder Richards] was in a very bad way because she could not find the minutes of her last Conference. It did seem very wrong that I should be upset just as I was leaving home for such a long journey by such a trifle even if it were true which I am quite sure it was not. It had been all I could do to endure her the last time she came to the city and then to pounce upon me in the train I felt badly upset indeed. {p. 130}

4 June 1899 • Sunday

Very disagreeable and hot on the train, very full of passengers– very many children aboard and very unpleasant– Margaret [Caine] is cross & not very agreeable, in fact one feels uncomfortable with one so assertive. A lady from China wife of a Baptist minister seems to be determined to snub me and make me feel how wicked our people are. She brought up the Roberts case and everything else disagreeable she had heard, and tried to sneer at us all she could. We were civil and polite to her notwithstanding. She will get off when we reach Ohio for which I shall be very glad. She had spent twenty years converting the heathen but could not control her own evil feeling towards her own countrywomen who disagreed with her on points of doctrine and who really had no desire to argue. {p. 131}

5 June 1899 • Monday

Arrived in Chicago at 7.45 A.M. went to Auditorium Annex went to Jackson St. for Ticket H. R. Dering–

Daisie’s birthday 31. today wrote her a letter and mailed it on train– very hot day met cousin Theron R. Woodward– he was very gracious and went with me to depot– Penn. R.R.2 We went on through OhioIndiana (tr) and Penn. Harrisburg where we went through the grand new depot. Br. & Sister Miller invited us to dine with them in the dining car– and ordered an elegant dinner for us, then treated us to lemonade in the Harrisburg Station. A young lady with us was quite interesting. Her name I have really forgotten, she seemed a little erratic, was going to commencement at Mt. Vernon Seminary and then to Harvard Annex. {p. 132}

6 June 1899 • Tuesday

Arrived in New York half past two took a carriage & my trunks and went to June’s folks. M. A. Caine went with<out> me to the Cosmopilitan so as to sail tomorrow morning, which I presume she did as I saw no more of her. I found Lena had gone out and so I inquired the way to Charles H. Clark’s and succeeded in finding the house, he was not in and his wife and baby3 had gone to Thorndike [Massachusetts]– I left word for Charlie to call at the Bayard and went back took a room, but Lena still did not arrive. I had my dinner Charlie came and at last Lena & Abbie, they had been to Coney island [Brooklyn, New York]. Next we visited and I met John W. [Young] heard Heber Grant & Augusta had gone on to Hartford [Connecticut] and Geo. Q. Cannon and Carlie [Caroline Young Cannon] were at the Hoffman but going away the next day {p. 133}

7 June 1899 • Wednesday

<Kate Waller Barrett was present part of the day> Meeting of Council officers at Mrs. Gaffney’s Mrs. Sewall, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. [Maria Purdy] Peck, Miss [Sadie] American, and others– had a long meeting & lunch between times and the day was very hot. We enjoyed the lunch and the dinner conversation as well– though we had kind of a discussion about patrons. Mrs. Brewster was there & Mrs. [Elizabeth B.] Grannis both of New York City. The talk of grouping was not decided tho’ Mrs. Gaffney insisted on Mrs. Dickinson felt she could not give it the required time and correspondence Mrs. Gaffney has yet to decide upon her cabinet. She has decided and we voted upon Mrs. John Alden [Cynthia Westover Alden] Chairman Press Committee, and on Defective & Delinquent children and I insisted upon the name of Emily S. [Tanner] Richards[.] Susa is to be one of the Press Committee and I am named on the Peace Committee–4 {p. 134}

8 June 1899 • Thursday

Then went out to see about ticket paid for it and settled all about fares, then to buy cape and waists. Waists at Altman’s and cape at O’Mill’s ten for cape waists (4.95) arranged to go next day to New England. Wrote some letters talked with Lena all about nothing. Very hot weather scorchingly so– At home they are having frosts– it seems paradoxically strange– cool in Utah– If Lena were different I would have a much better time, she seems not to know what she wants lucky woman to have such a husband as June. She fusses more over Abbie’s hair and dressing for dinner and how the people stare in the dining room and how they talk about Mormons– and how John W. conducts himself and how mortified she is at <him> {p. 135}

9 June 1899 • Friday

Left New York5 at noon accompanied by Mrs. and John W. Young who went to depot with me, then went on alone. Beautiful country green and flowery– woods & fields all luxuriant in foliage– arrived in Palmer Br. Hiram [E. Clark] met me and I went on to Orange stayed all night there slept with Pallas [Woodward Clark]. Ruth [C. Ruth Ramsey] Geneva [Ramsey] & Olive [M. Olive Ramsey] all sang for me– the same old town where my first honeymoon was expended spent and where I had some pleasant reminiscences; wakened many memories particularly the laurel, on the hills and various flowers in plain and field, Pallas was at Athol she came home & we slept & breakfasted together had lunch too & Lillian [Clark Ramsey] and Ruth went together {p. 136}

10 June 1899 • Saturday

Left Orange and went to Swampscott by the seashore. my sister6 did not know me a lovely place, saw very beautiful scenery and passed many well-chosen places very familiar in times gone by, saw much of interest passed thro’ Lynn and through Boston saw the grand buildings state house and others. Would have been glad to stay over for a while, but had not time. My sister did not know me– neither did she eight years ago seems so very strange, I found her pleasantly situated, has plenty of means. A very sweet bed to sleep in and enjoyed it very much indeed had an early breakfast and went to the seashore picked up shells Willis M. Fuller went with me to Lynn took narrow gauge to Boston then train for Palmer {p. 137}

11 June 1899 • Sunday

Went through Lynn & Boston back to Palmer, Hiram met me again and we had a fine evening slept well– Charlie was there he seems very bright and progressive– will I hope make a mark in the world and distinguish himself the evening was only quiet no music, no excitement– all calm and restful. Genevera [Genevra Clark] told us about her school life and school teaching– Br. Hiram said very little– is very proud of baby,7 I believe he is glad it is a little girl the only ones he asked about were the Pratts [Addison Pratt and Louisa Barnes Pratt] I did not have the least chance to talk with him except at the time on the cars and then every one hears the conversation– {p. 138}

12 June 1899 • Monday

Left Hirams and came back to New York and began to make preparations for departure on steamer, had a fine trip back and found letters from home Mell, Annie, Emeline and Ada Patterson, Mrs De Parnas let me have rooms on the first floor in front. I wrote one or two letters and some items, today Ginevera took me over the grounds, they are really suffering for water– lawns are parched, had a pleasant lunch with Hiram Carrie Genevera, Nettie [Annette Smith Clark] and saw baby Josephine in the very best light– she looks like Hiram– they are all very proud of Granger and no doubt he is very remarkable. I feel that I did right in going up to New England– shall ever remember it with satisfaction seeing so much scenery {p. 139}

13 June 1899 • Tuesday

Wrote to Charlie [Charles H.] Wells about money Wrote to Belle, Annie and so on made some final purchases felt very weary indeed and the noise is almost unendurable. While I was out Mrs. Dickinsen [Dickinson] called on me & left cards for Lena & myself– I went to see Geo. Q. & Carlie at the Plaza– they had rooms in the third story looking out on the Hudson or East River. Br. Cannon looks very queer– he was asleep when I came in– he seemed about as usual and when I was coming away I told him I should like to have a blessing from him– he seemed pleased and gave me a good blessing making similar promises to those of Prest. Snow about safety etc. Rob [Robert C.] Easton Nett [Jeannette Young Easton] & Charlie Clark also Martha [Brown] Cannon came in the evening to see me, I was very weary and it was my last night on American soil. {p. 140}

14 June 1899 • Wednesday

<Heavy Fof [Fog] last night> Came on board Steamer Teutonic– had telegram from Belle & Annie. I wrote to Verona and Lena took the letter to mail. Lena[,] Mary Merza [Young] Abbie Wells and Charlie H. Clark came to see me off then George Q. Carlie & Georgus [Georgius Y. Cannon]. Br. Cannon brought me a rug for the voyage. Mrs. Gaffney Miss Jayta Humphrey’s & her brother Fred Humphreys also Cynthia Westover Alden, Miss Mary Chase Actress with Joe– [Joseph] Jefferson who is also a Duchess. A party going to the party Hinley [Henley] Races in England. Rudyard Kimpling [Kipling] wife and family8 [Frank N.] Doubleday D. D. & Edward [W.] Bok Today has been somewhat better than last night but fog set in and was rather fearful to some of the passengers, I was not alarmed felt safer because of blessings {p. 141}

15 June 1899 • Thursday

This morning stewardeess brought me breakfast to the state room. I have written letters to Belle & Mell wrote one to Dot yesterday mean to write two or three more one to Em. Louise & Margaret also to Daisie. Mrs. Gaffney is ill with sea-sickness, Mrs. Alden is quite sociable but Mrs. Gaffney & Miss Chase are more so– was able to eat my dinner and go on deck all right– saw a steamer in the distance, not near enough to signal– Captain [James G.] Cameron sat at dinner at the table where I sat– Lady [Gertrude Mason] Hemming also. Capt. was on the Bridge all night in the fog had only one hour’s sleep this morning. I went down to the real seven o’clock dinner rather shaky and ill but could not sit at table nor go on deck again even to see the moon. {p. 142}

16 June 1899 • Friday

This morning had breakfast in bed– then dressed and went on deck– sat awhile then went down and rested and got ready for lunch– had a very good lunch chicken fricasse etc. Was introduced to Mr. Lesser a Jew and to the Captain J. G. Cameron he seemed a very pleasant gentleman– Mrs. Sheppard from Pittsburg [Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania] I really do not care much for; she is too talkative her two boys are almost unbearable. Jayta Humphreys is very nice to me very. The day is fine we are nearing the Azores, a young Englishman on board named Tillotsen seems very much attracted to Mrs. Gaffney I had a good dinner and lunch a long talk with Hall a lawyer from Omaha who is nephew of Judge Kinney– in the evening fine moonlight. Mrs. Gaffney was very communicative {p. 143}

17 June 1899 • Saturday

Anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill– probably being kept by D.R.’s 9 in Boston surely Today saw a whale spouting and also a steamer in the distance finally signalled from ours and at last they responded. It was an Atlantic American liner– Have been on deck some hours, did not get up until after ten– have been writing a little on a poem– and thinking very strongly of home. I have just composed six lines it does not please me– but I shall keep on and see what I can make of it– dreamy it must be for I am so myself and Mrs. Gaffney has been specially nice to me– Mr. Wellington Wells who is going over to be married to an American girl10 in England has been pointed out to me. he is a fine looking man {p. 144}

18 June 1899 • Sunday

<racks on the table for the first time> The first Sunday on the sea and in mid-ocean– service at eleven the Purser is to read the English service and Lady Hemming (whose husband11 is Governor General of Jamaica) is to play the organ. The Toronto Athletes will help with singing. Service held in Saloon. Not so many people in– stood a long time after watching the waves and talking with Mrs. Gaffney and young Tillotson whose father is a Journalist on the Daily News. Mrs. Gaffney asked me to write her a poem. told me about her own poetry. She has been giving me the history of her married life a part we were interrupted & she promised to finish it before we separate, I had dinner and afterwards went on deck a wind came up and we all came down below, terrible rocking and shaking of the ship {p. 145}

19 June 1899 • Monday

All day I have lain in my berth, pains in my limbs and headaches faintness nausea but no vomiting too ill to write or even think, half dreamily listening to the singing sea– which made music mild and inspirational had I been well enough to put thoughts into words. Stewardess very kind also Jayta Humphreys Mrs. Gaffney sick in her own room Miss Show well and in gay spirits also Mrs. John Alden. I really do not seem to have the least fear the promises made me before leaving are vivid in my mind {p. 146}

20 June 1899 • Tuesday

This morning I had great pain but a visit from Jayta who told me her mother was up in the library gave me some courage and I rallied about noon and the steward helped me with my rugs to get on deck– stewardess had ordered a steak broiled and brought to me. I tasted a little and drank some tea, stayed up and wrote two letters in the library one to Brent and one to Louise, saw Lady Hemming parade the deck with Kipling, she seems very arrogant Mrs. Gaffney finished her story it had taken three sittings, very unique we expect to be in Queenstown [Ireland] in the morning had an exquisite rainbow {p. 147}

21 June 1899 • Wednesday

<Today I was introduced to Mr. Bedford who asked my autograph for his collection.> This is the day we were to land but arrived too late anchored at eleven in the harbor of Liverpool. Strange indeed it seemed to me, to be where my husband12 had been so often and remained continuously for months and years, and other dear ones. And where our people <have> had headquarters for more than half a century. I cannot go up there now even though we are landing there because I feel I must report to Susa & the party of our Sisters. We sighted the Brittanica today and saw several brigs & barges. fishing smacks & schooners. Tonight long lines of phosphorus beautiful white turning to green and passed Welch Nets– Holy head, came thro the Irish sea and St. George’s channel and up the Mersey. We saw New Brighton & tourfell– or some such name; the lights were magnificent altogether the scene was most entrancing and a night I never can forget. {p. 148}

22 June 1899 • Thursday

Yesterday I spoke with Rudyard Kipling he was most courteous and spoke freely of being in Salt Lake in 1889. He thinks he may come again by way of Japan and San Francisco. Tomorrow morning I shall land in Liverpool, of which I have so often dreamed when my husband was there. And at one time Louie [Louisa Wells Cannon] fully expected to go there we made up our minds for it but things were ordered otherwise. We approached the coast and saw Hollihead [Holyhead] and the coast of Wales, later on New Brighton13 and finally emerging from the Irish sea and St. George’s Channel came up the Mersey and saw the lights of Liverpool. The tender came and took off the mail– but Custom House was not open and we could not land. the river was lovely and full of phosphorous a beautiful sight. This morning landed & I have feasted on the rural scenery and came into London but without seeing much as the rain poured down in torrents, came to Westminster Palace Hotel. {p. 149}

23 June 1899 • Friday

Went to Muntens Mansion Victoria St. No. 9. and also to St. Ermins and found no arrangement had been made for me.

June 23. Today I have fulfilled one of the dreams of my life, that of seeing Westminster Abbey. Mrs. Gates & [Elizabeth Claridge] Mc’Cune were with me & had both been there before. I shall go again alone as it is the one place most sacred to me and I know I am more emotional than I can express with others. I cannot endure all sorts of people when under special influences I know there are inward voices that affect certain temperaments that are <destroyed or detracted from by> outward elements or factors. These I have had in my time in sacred places such as groves roads, on the sea, and by the shore and upon Mountain & hill tops. Today afterwards went to Middleton Square on a top of a bus and to a meeting of patrons at St. Ermins. Mrs. Sewall’s room. Bought a pamphlet of Westminster Abbey. {p. 150}

24 June 1899 • Saturday

<Through some narrow streets alone abject poverty yet some quaint ways.> This morning had breakfast in room rushed off to Meeting Susan B.’s room St. Ermins, many things came up. Mrs. Gaffney presiding, part of time Susan B. & part Dr. [Anna Howard] Shaw. Met Beiber Boem [Hanna Bieber-Boehm] from Berlin, Lucy Martin, Chicago, Countess [Ishbel Marjoribanks] Aberdeen’s At Home in Victoria St. at the International Council Headquarters. Some titled ladies present. Countess herself received all guests, stood entirely alone near the door. Refreshments & flowers delicious and charming, tea & coffee– cakes fruit & other delicacies served in two rooms. Miss [Mary E.] Carty of Canada most beautiful woman present. Oddly dressed delegates from abroad. Queen in manners as well. The meeting and the reception were fatiguing Mrs. Thomas & two children came to see me. She was delightful. changed my room after the reception, to the opposite side of the Hall No. 233. Had prayers in Mrs. [Lucy Bigelow] Young’s room four of us, prayed in concert Mrs. Y. leading.14 Read the Arena Went to bed after one A.M. {p. 151}

25 June 1899 • Sunday

Sunday in London went out to Hyde Park crowds of people. Mesdames Young McCune <&> Gates with me came back to Hotel alone. Then kept an appointment with Mme. [Lydia Mamreoff von Finkelstein] Mountford to go to Churches, Went to Church of Oratory to hear the sacred music & was greatly impressed then to National Art Gallery examining pictures of the different schools of Art. Each s[c]hool giving its own idea of the Virgin and infant Christ and other sacred subjects. Then after taking some refreshment at a very fine restaurant we attended evening service at St. Paul’s one of the finest in all England and then home again tired very much indeed. Mrs. Gates and mother also Mrs. McCune had been to 36. Penton St. and to the services of our own Latter day Saints. Mrs. [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and Mrs. [May Jennings] Farlowe had been in attendance and Mrs. Caine and Susa had spoken at the meeting {p. 152}

26 June 1899 • Monday

<Mrs. Jennings Mrs. Farlowe & Lucile [Jennings] came to see me tonight.> We went out to breakfast & then to Westminster Abbey one of the dreams of my life had been to see these historic places, standing in such consecrated ground and viewing the ancient archetectural grandeur as well as the sculpture & Arabic and other inscriptions and ornamentation and heraldry shields, swords, and accoutrements of war and of the crusades was overpowering and to one so full of the sentiment and romance of the days of troubadours and chivalry, the whole situation was most truly overwhelming and aroused all the sensibilities that find expression in emotional feeling. At 1/2 past 2. we went to the meeting of the International and found that the Large Hall Westminster Town Hall was too small to hold the people. the meeting moved to Convocation Hall Westminster Dean’s Yard, Lady Aberdeen gave her opening address and presented the Presidents {p. 153} and in the evening the reception at Stafford House, where all the members were introduced to the Countess Aberdeen, [Millicent St. Clair-Erskine] Duchess of Sutherland and [Daisy Maynard Greville] Countess of Warwick, the Duchess is far the most beautiful.

27 June 1899 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 27, 1899. Many meetings were held at one and the same time and it was difficult to choose which meeting would be most educational. I attended Professions and heard Octavia Williams Bates and Frau Bieber Boehm, each of whom I know personally. also Mrs. [Florence] Fenwick Miller and Mrs. Bedford [Ethel Manson] Fenwick <and others.> In the afternoon I went to the Child Life & having Miss Frances Gray in the Chair– In the evening to Queen’s Hall Langham Place Countess Aberdeen in the Chair Peace & Arbitration– Resolution carried. Meeting kept very late– some speakers were hissed– meeting too long other wish [wise] very good. came home very late & weary {p. 154}

28 June 1899 • Wednesday

Went to <Great Hall> St. Martin’s Town Hall Miss Emma Brook in the chair the first meeting I had attended on Literature including Poetry Lady [Caroline Fitzroy] Lindsey particularly good also Mrs. [Charlotte] Carmichael Stopes of Great Britain. Great Hall St. Martin’s Town Hall Scientific Treatment of Domestic Service– good papers Mrs. [Louisa Spicer] Martindale in the Chair Susa Young Gates read her paper and had much applause15 In the evening I went to Lady [Constance de Rothschild] Battersea’s entertainment at Surrey House a very wonderful antique place filled with costly furniture and pictures and many curious mementoes, Lord [Cyril Flower] and Lady Battersea received. There were very many guests and in all sorts of costumes and with jewels sparkling and expensive indeed– it does seem remakable that we should have such an opportunity given to us– from the very far away but we feel the Lord has done <it–> {p. 155}

29 June 1899 • Thursday

This morning we repaired to the business meeting of the Quinquennial meeting of the International Council Countess of Aberdeen in the chair– there was much opposition to Mrs. Sewall’s nomination and it seemed at one time that it would come to a conflict, many unpleasant things were brought up and the wrangling was very annoying and also among the Germans who were upset because of one of their women being chosen for secretary without their being consulted. In the afternoon I went to the Large Hall Westminster Town Hall Modern Educational Experiments In the evening to Large Hall Westminster Town Hall Queen’s Hall Langham Place under the auspices of the National Union of Woman Suffrage Societies Mrs. Henry [Millicent Garrrett] Fawcett presiding an extraordinary meeting {p. 156}

30 June 1899 • Friday

Mrs. Sewall had sent for me to come to the meeting where she presided & had said she would introduce me with an elaborate speech which I was determined not to accept as she was not in favor generally & everybody complained of her for making such speeches when presiding– and I felt she had not given me a fair chance to speak on subjects with which I was better acquainted– therefore I went to Small Hall St. Martin’s Town Hall to hear Mrs. C. L. [Cornelia Marshall] Robinson on Trade Unionism and the whole meeting was very sad. and one felt the burden of the poor most intensely. In the afternoon I went to the Meeting on Journalism. Duchess of Sutherland in the Chair it was one of the very best meetings and the Duchess herself was most gracious. Large Hall Westminster Town Hall Ethics of Wage Earning Countess of Aberdeen in the Chair she made a mistake went to the wrong Hall– Mrs. [Maud Nathan] Nathan last speaker <an overflow meeting was held speakers going to the overflow from platform> {p. 157}

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June 1899, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 21, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1899/1899-06


  1. [1]“Before the issue of another paper the editor will be enroute for London to attend the International Council of Women and Miss Emeline Wells will take charge of the office in her absence, attending to all details of the business.” (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1899, 28:4.)

  2. [2]Pennsylvania Railroad.

  3. [3]Annette Smith Clark and Josephine Clark.

  4. [4]“Mrs. Sewall informs us that fifty-one American women are in some way connected with the Council and with the Congress, and expect to be present. Five of these are Utah women, besides other Utah women who will be present as members of the great organizations with headquarters here that are affiliated with the National Council of the United States—viz: The National Woman’s Relief Society and Y. L. M. I. A. The ladies who expect to be in London on this great occasion are Mesdames Lucy B. Young, Emma Gates, Elizabeth Claridge McCune, Jesse Knight, Susa Y. Gates, Margaret A. Caine, Lydia D. Alder, Carrie S. Thomas, Kate Thomas, Fay McCune, Clara Holbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. E. B. Wells.” (“An Important Gathering of Women,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1899, 28:4.)

  5. [5]The places EBW visited after leaving New York are all in Massachusetts. She returned to New York the following Monday.

  6. [6]Cordelia Woodward Holden.

  7. [7]Josephine Kiddie Clark.

  8. [8]Caroline Balestier Kipling with children Elsie and John.

  9. [9]Daughters of the Revolution.

  10. [10]Grace E. Ewart.

  11. [11]Augustus W. Hemming.

  12. [12]Daniel H. Wells.

  13. [13]The locations mentioned from this point through 22 July are in England.

  14. [14]Evidently while praying “in concert,” one woman spoke first and the others repeated her words.

  15. [15]“‘The Scientific Treatment of Domestic Servants,’ was another subject discussed. Mrs. Gates, speaking of the necessity of training the lady of the house as well as the servants, complimented the Queen, and declared that ‘this queenly woman and womanly Queen’ had had an influence upon women as mistresses of servants as well as in other relations of life.” (“Women’s International Council,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1899, 28:25.)