September 1902

1 September 1902 • Monday

<Last evening Belle went for a little ride in the phaeton with Septimus‒> This is the anniversary of my baby Eugene Henri [Harris]’s birthday, so long ago 58 years it scarcely seems possible but is true nevertheless. I had hoped to have all my girls here but had not the means or the strength‒ went up early and found there was a Labor Parade on the street. Sister Smith came to see me and we went to the President’s office together, no one there only saw Br. Nuttall‒ then we came back to the office and afterwards went over to Sister C. S. Williams and had lunch. Sister Brixen came and we had a talk then I wrote to my sister Ellen in Arizona and sent off some Receipts and orders to the Treasurer‒ came home and saw Belle, she is very sick her cough is dreadful. I am very much worried [p. 276] {p. 165}

2 September 1902 • Tuesday

Today went over to see Belle she looks very ill and yet was up and trying to write her article for the meeting about the Revolution. I went off in good time and found Letters from Lydia D. Alder, Ida Smoot Dusenberry, Mary [Wride] John all from Provo, then Sister Bathsheba came & Maria Y. Dougall, and Margaret Cannon and Annie Taylor Hyde and we went to the Presidents office– then Dr. Pratt came and invited me to dinner and I went at two o’clock. She had a fine dinner and I enjoyed it very much indeed Br. Penrose was with us and conversation enlivening. A letter from Mell good news Mrs. Emma [David] Rees from Spanish Fork and wrote letters to Ida and L. D. Alder went to R.R. & P.O.1 [p. 277] {p. 166}

3 September 1902 • Wednesday

<Lucy B. Young & May Alder were among the callers‒ President Roosevelt in accident with street Car> Rose early had very little sleep and arranged for the wedding reception of Hester Cannon so I would not have to come home to dress. Went up to office found the papers were out‒ very soon Annie Hyde came telling me to have the change in the Constitution made and published. Other visitors were B. W. Smith M. A. Caine, M. E. Bassett, C. C. Cobb and half-dozen more. President Roosevelt and party were in an accident today‒ President was not much hurt but Signal Service Man Craig was killed. and others injured. Went to reception at Mrs. Martha T. Cannon’s at 5 p.m. had fine refreshments and handsome decorations, gave her a book Helen [Hunt] Jackson’s Poems. Many elegant presents‒ Letter from Susa and Ida today. [p. 278] {p. 167}

4 September 1902 • Thursday

<Annie was over at Belle’s today tho’ I did not see her at all.> Could not sleep last night although rested my body this morning could scarcely wait until my breakfast was brought to go and see Belle, she looked very ill and my heart ached for her. Soon after reaching the office Maria Y. Dougall came and told me Susa would be in to see me at eleven, she waited and at last Susa came; she recounted all her trip and illness etc. and explained considerably. Then we went to Jote Burton’s to dinner and talked more. Susa went home to Provo by five o’clock train and I tried to work. Visitors to day were S. J. Cannon, Ria Dougall, Susa Y. Gates Jote Burton, Gen. Burton, Georg Q. Cannon2 Ida Savage and letters from Ida S. Dusenberry and several more Annie Hyde etc. <callers> Lula & Levi Richards & Susan Grant‒ [p. 279] {p. 168}

5 September 1902 • Friday

<Belle seemed better tonight when I came home> This is a very lovely day I saw Belle Em & baby in the orchard but not to speak to– it looked so beautiful‒ letter from Randolph [Utah] and Ida Dusenberry callers immediately‒ however I went to work, answered letter from Randolph, Ort came gave him my manuscript. Meeting of the Utah Council at 2. p.m. Callers. Nellie [Rebecca Ellen Mantle] Little Margaret A. Caine, Lydia D. Alder, Jennie [Janette Acord] Hyde, Mrs. [Elizabeth Pugsley] Hayward Miss Solomon, and others. Convention Y.L.M.I.A. Louise came to see me. Saw Blaine Salisbury tonight told me his mother3 was better Accident to Power House in Ogden Caňon, street car service very poor in consequence. Murder last night at State Road Saloon. Primary Republican meetings tonight S. W. [Septimus Wagstaff] Sears elected Delegate to State Convention at Ogden‒ [p. 280] {p. 169}

6 September 1902 • Saturday

<Amelia paid a visit to the office today.> Belle seems better this morning and I am so glad of it, went off early tried hard to work all day and had many callers, Sister E. H. [Elizabeth Hood] Park, E. E. [Emily E. Swain] Squires, Nellie Little, S. J. Cannon M. P. [Mary Pile] Silver Betsy [Gallant] Whittaker G. Q. Cannon, Louise & Annie, and many more C. S. Williams, A. T. Hyde, B. W. Smith, &c. I worked at the mailing and Margaret A. Caine came and helped also Miss Evans. My feet were very painful Susa Y. Gates sent me a message and this and that. I came home late and did some writing and reading, letters and messages were numerous today Mrs. Jennie Hyde and Mrs. Pugsley Heywood [Hayward] both came and Miss Solomon to talk about women on school boards and in education and to get my opinion‒ [p. 281] {p. 170}

7 September 1902 • Sunday

<Aunt Presendia L. Kimball’s birthday born 1810> Went off early to the Temple Prest. Smith and party have returned from Canada & were at the Temple‒ Meeting was conducted by Prest. Smith and among the testinonies were Br. McDonald, L. G. Richards A. E. Hyde Ovande [Ovando C.] Beebe & wife4 Mrs. Frank Taylor [Elizabeth Campbell Taylor], Edna L. Smith Sarah E. R. [Ellen Richards] Smith Br. [John] Gallagher‒ and others. It was an extra meeting in point of interest Sister Bathsheba W. Smith and Emma S. Woodruff‒ I came home and did some reading‒ then went to Belle’s for a few minutes‒ Annie was there the twins and Jack with Daniel & the buggy, she took home some fruit and I came home; soon after came Ellis R. Shipp to talk with me about a Nurse Class‒ stayed and had supper with me. I wrote until very late‒ [p. 282] {p. 171}

8 September 1902 • Monday

<Sister Howe was sick and sent for Sister Walden late at night> This morning went up early Lucy B. Young and Mabel Sanborn were there. and stayed some time, then came Sisters B. W. Smith, Annie T. Hyde & Ellis R. Shipp about the Nurses Class‒ then we sent for Clarissa and Dr. Margaret C. Roberts‒ who both came, and we had more confusion & discussion Finally after two or three hours Sister Smith Clarissa and myself went to Sister Hyde’s and talked over a postponement and decided upon it. The Reaper’s Club met today at 1/2 past two opening meeting of the season after vacation Sister [Julia Ann Jinks] Druce in the chair Sister Carrie S. Thomas, [Christina Johnson] Trescott, Stevenson, Margaret Y. Taylor Julia A. Druce Mary Alice [Cannon] Lambert, Emily E. Squires and others present. Later came others and also McKnight a book agent and Miss Evans & Susa Y. Gates‒ Lula L. G. Richards‒ [p. 283] {p. 172}

9 September 1902 • Tuesday

Today we published the notice concerning the change in the N.W.R.S. from three Vice Prests. to two‒ which has caused so much dissension for months past. After deciding yesterday to postpone the Nurses Class, today more agitation of the matter is being brought forward‒ Prest. Smith has again been appealed to and a meeting of the Board is to be called for. Edna came with Sister Bathsheba to see me. I went as per appointment to Annie’s to the family dinner there were the Haagland [Hoagland]‒ Cannons. John Q. & Annie Host & Hostess. Emily H. Cannon Delia Haagland [Adelia West Hoagland] Abram’s three wives Sarah [Ann Jenkins Cannon] Mamie [Mary Eliza Young Cannon] and Lilian [Lillian Hamlin Cannon] then Louis & Mamie [Cannon] then Isaac Willey & Emily and myself then there were the children but not at table except Emerson Willey. John Q. asked the blessing. I came away on the 8 o’clock car my feet are very bad tonight painful in the extreme [p. 284] {p. 173}

10 September 1902 • Wednesday

This is Emmie [Emeline W. Wells]’s birthday she would have been 49. I have invited my girls to come and have ordered refreshments etc. selected some silver spoons and intend giving them each one it is very little, yet a remembrance of the day. Lucile did not come much to my regret, but Belle Annie Dot & Emmie and Louise and Margaret seven with myself and Dot’s babies and Em’s and Annie’s‒ John Q. 10 months old Herman Septimus 14. [months]5 Margaret Roberts 13. Lucile 2 and more and Marian 4 years [and more].6 We had ice cream cake and candy, and the talk of other days. My feet were hur[t]ing me terribly, yet I man[a]ged to keep my spirits up. John Q. came over for Annie & Will called a minute I am very glad I had them Em. the Guest of Honor. [p. 285] {p. 174}

11 September 1902 • Thursday

Sarah Jenne Cannon’s birthday born 1839. I gave her a book Beautiful Thoughts by Gladstone‒ also to Ruby Louisa‒ Frank [Frances Louisa Wells]’s daughter‒ who was married today a book “The Willingham Family.” principally engravings. Louise went to the wedding‒ At 4 p.m. a company assembled at the Bee Hive to hear Mrs. Susa Y. Gates report her trip to Copenhagen. There were present Presidents Joseph F. Smith John R. Winder & Anthon H. Lund. also Apostle Hyrum M. Smith. of ladies Bathsheba W. Smith Julina Sarah Edna & Ida [Bowman Smith] also Mamie‒ Smith Peterson Elmina S. Taylor & Mae Nystrom Lucy B. Young Prof. Widstoe [John A Widtsoe] wife7 and mother8 Minnie J. Snow Lillie T. [Tuckett] Freeze. M. I. Horne Dr. R. B. Pratt, Dr. M. C. Roberts Emma Goddard Sarah Eddington Ann M. Cannon May Talmage Emily S. Richards Emma Woodruff [p. 286] {p. 175} Maria [Burnham] Winder <&> her sister9 Miss Emma Lucy Gates who sang Phebe Y. Beatie Marie Y. Dougall,

12 September 1902 • Friday

Sep. 12. This is Elmina S. Taylor’s birthday 72. I am so busy I can scarcely get one moment to myself but went to Mrs. Burton’s to lunch Mrs. [Jeanette Young] Easton was there and we had a fine lunch beautifully arranged; the house has all conveniences and <Maria Y. Dougall> Susa was in a brilliant mood of conversation also Mrs. John Groesbeck [Ann Dilworth Groesbeck] and Mrs. Vivian McCune [A. Louise Groesbeck McCune], and Mrs. Easton who is always the vivacious one of any company. Sister Smith sent for me and I came away from the table‒ She is in great trouble over Annie Hyde her Counselor Sent telegram to Ida Dusenberry at Provo tonight‒ feet very bad [p. 287] {p. 176}

13 September 1902 • Saturday

Today is John Whitney’s birthday he is 70. and Newel [K. Whitney] his son is 43. I think it is also the day on which Mr. Sears arrived in the valley sometime in the sixties. Sister Smith our President had called a meeting at the Bee Hive for the Board of the Relief Society to decide about the Nurses Class‒ for eleven A.M. we met & transacted the business. Afterwards she came to see me and we talked over many things then Annie came to take me for a drive, and we went to see Emeline she told us the sad news of Hugo [D. Wells]’s secret marriage & baby‒ its death &c.10 Really it was very affecting and I could scarcely credit it at all however I am sure it is true. he has been behaving badly in many other ways. [p. 288] {p. 177}

14 September 1902 • Sunday

This is Eugene Sears birthday and he is away in Chicago a very sweet innocent kind of boy‒ he is 20. today born in 1882. and <the> that year after his mother took him with her to visit in the Eastern States, Louie accompanied her everywhere they visited Nauvoo & Kirtland and many large cities Washington Boston New York Philadelphia & in among the New England hills and villages, Providence too and Albany.

Today is the Stake Conference and there has been a murder in a saloon or at least a shooting affray. [Miles] Romney cousin of the Bishop [George Romney]’s sons, shot his former partner named [Harry] Strong– Saloons open on Sunday‒ [p. 289] {p. 178}

15 September 1902 • Monday

Went fairly early to the office and soon Sister Jane S. Richards and Emily came then Sarah J. Cannon‒ afterwards Franklin S. Richards, Margaret A. Caine‒ Louise & Margaret Cannon also Geo. Q. Cannon and others whom I do not recall. Had letter from Susa Y. Gates enclosing one from Mrs. Sewall and one from Ellis R. Shipp and from Annie R. [Young] Duke and Martha [Marcussen] Hammond also Br. [Joseph E.] Robinson President of the California Mission enclosing one from Mrs. [Elizabeth Stapleton] Woollacott. The day has been cool and rather pleasant. I wrote to Susa and to Miss Jessie Ackerman and to Mrs. Annie R. Duke Heber City and to Mrs. Matilda [Johnston] Jenson of Leamington‒ read proofs– Sister Susan Grant of Bountiful had been to see me before I came but came again afterwards [p. 290] {p. 179}

16 September 1902 • Tuesday

Went over and saw Em & baby a minute, she gave me a beautiful rose, it seems too bad that she is going so soon only one day more. I had only been up town a few minutes Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Smith were in and Miss Jessie Ackerman and Mrs. McMullen came, she is the famous International temperance lecturer, she was here five years ago when she spoke in the Tabernacle, then Br. Nutall then Sister B. W. Smith and Dr. Roberts Sarah J. Cannon John Q. & Annie Louise & Margaret Nette Easton and Margaret [Judd] Clawson little Mary Wells Bro. Bridwell and Mann and a dozen more Wrote to Mrs. [Ida A.] Harper Rochester, Mrs. Emma S. Smith Snowflake, Mrs. A. L. [Althea Loveless] Webb Union Oregon, Wm. Hodson Coalville, and sent five books to him. Had such a long talk with Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, had letter from Joseph [T.] Kingsbury‒ the Professor [p. 291] {p. 180}

17 September 1902 • Wednesday

Went over to see Em. this morning and found she had gone up town‒ first visitors Sisters H. A. Badger & E. J. Stevenson then Celestia Y. [Young] Pack and daughter from Kamas, telephoned Sister [Rebecca Smith] Standring at Lehi and talked with her, then answered some letters and made ready to go to the Meeting of D.R. Sister Farnsworth called for me and we found Sister [Elizabeth Richards] Wright on the care that we took. The meeting was very fine Belle’s paper was read by Mrs. George A. Smith beautifully, there were present Regent Mrs. P. [Philo] T. Farnsworth, Cor. Sec’y P. Y. Beatie, Rec. Sec.11 E. R. Wright‒ E. B. Wells M. M. [Minnie Mabelle] Snow Kate Wells Lucy W. Smith Mamie Cannon, Caroline Y. Cannon S. J. Cannon, Annie W. Cannon, We had fine refreshments and the house looked beautiful– came home and saw Em. & bably baby‒ she came over here too. [p. 292] {p. 181}

18 September 1902 • Thursday

<Sister Walden told Em’s fortune in her hand also Anna Henderson’s>12 This morning I ran over to see Em. & Margaret the first thing and she was nearly ready to go even then. I found on reaching the office my book had come for the street Railway and letter from Jode [Joseph S. Wells]. No other mail to speak of‒ and soon came Phebe Beatie and my Sister Adeline came with a letter from Ellen also telling me she was going away soon to California; The wind was very high I went to the depot to see Em. off she looked very sorrowful baby nervous and worrisome, handsome Pullman called Paddington‒ I tried hard to get work done but accomplished very little. Went to the Republican meeting in the evening Primary had supper at Dr. Pratts with her brother Isaac [N. Bunnell], who is here from the East. Came home found Marian very sick at Belle’s tooth ache and high fever. [p. 293] {p. 182}

19 September 1902 • Friday

This morning called on Belle found Marian better and on reaching the office letters from Sister John Provo Sister Warren Caris and one or two more then Phebe Beatie came and L. L. G. Richards Dr. M. C. Roberts and Sarah J. Cannon‒ the Utah Council of Women met and discussed their Constitution and Convention. Dr. M. H. Cannon came and we went over to see President [Angus M.] Cannon, he was not in his office‒ I also called on Dr. Pratt a few minutes‒ tried hard to get an official letter formulated but did not finish it. Sister B. W. Smith L. D. Alder and Annie T. Hyde went to Sandy to the Conference of the Relief Society. Margaret & Louise have both been in to see me I sent off five letters‒ [p. 294] {p. 183}

20 September 1902 • Saturday

This is Abbie Wells [Young Chapin] 50th. birthday and I sent her a book and wrote in it, I hope she will like it. I went over to Sister B. W. Smith the first thing and read her the letter I had formulated then had it mimeographed‒ fifty copies to send out. News came of Hoopy [William Hooper] Young being connected with a terrible crime in New York City. One stands appalled at the fearful occurrences now transpiring. Annie came up and I went out with her in the buggy. It is a very cold dismal day. Belle had a dispatch from Emily that she arrived home in safety we are all very glad indeed. I bought a book for Vera [Young] Cannon’s wedding present. Ruby’s Love Lyrics. I have been engaged all day in a sort of technical work that some one else might better have done and yet it was restful too. I came home weary and could not do the writing I desired to. [p. 295] {p. 184}

21 September 1902 • Sunday

This morning I rose late and then wrote to Mell a long letter, and to Mrs. Swift of California about Council matters‒ then went to the Tabernacle, the services were very inspiring and seemed to uplift one considerably‒ Elder [Louis A.] Kelsch was the first speaker who has recently returned from Japan & after him Bishop Whitney who spoke very entertainingly as well as inspirationally‒ altogether it was an excellent meeting‒ the Anthem was also uplifting and harmonius and the benediction in keeping with the entire service. I went over to see Belle and found them all so comfortably seated in the sitting room‒ Lucile in her best spirits also Mr. Sears‒ I have a touch of neuralgia in my left temple [p. 296] {p. 185}

22 September 1902 • Monday

Today prepared the article on nurses for paper also on Quinquennial meeting, Sister B. W. Smith signed them, Sister Walden brought word that she was not well. Reaper’s Club held its first session today after the adjournment for the summer, News came of the arrest of Wm. Hooper Young in Derby Conn. I promised to read up and prepare an article on Gregory who lived in the 6th. century, against the next meeting 3 weeks from today. The day has been charming but moderately cool. I have been busy all day sending out letters to the sisters about the two meetings in October 6 & 7. have had callers Mrs. Hayward & Mrs. Jennie Hyde. Received letter from Susa enclosing one from Susan B. Anthony The County Republican Convention is in session in the theatre‒ [p. 297] {p. 186}

23 September 1902 • Tuesday

Today is the anniversary of the death of Bishop Newel K. Whitney. 52 years ago. It is always a sad memory. Brings back so many recollections. A day beautiful however with the soft September air and fragrant with the odor of the ripened fruits. Letters to send off by dozens: first visitors Horace & Rosemary [Rosemarie Glosz] Whitney and then Caroline [Crouch] Stringham from Uintah County. Afterwards Margaret and Kate Hall‒ and by and bye Annie going to Ida Daynes Snow’s reception, little Emmeline with her Louise too has been in. Wm. N. Williams & Jacob Moritz were nominated for the State Senate today. Katie & Blanche Thomas are going to leave for New York City Friday morning Mrs. Little called‒ I wrote to Susa besides sending away forty five or more business letters were sent off today‒ [p. 298] {p. 187}

24 September 1902 • Wednesday

Had a very bad night and felt miserable this morning, but went off early, saw Belle a minute only and went direct to the News to order tabs for R.S.13 so I might get all supplied without so much expense. Letter from Ida S. D. answered it today. Pioneer meeting at Maria Y. Dougall’s. Sketch of Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball. Went over to the Temple saw Sister Laine of New York there talked with Sister B. W. Smith. Saw Sister Woodruff a minute or two– Carlie Young Cannon and Myra Young Rossiter both came in to see me also Sarah J. Cannon, George Q. Louise and Margaret & Emeline Wells & my Belle Sister Stevenson & Sister Workman‒ Br. [John A.] Silver and Sister Nell C. Brown & Margaret Caine etc. Regina [Swenson] Pond I sent off many letters. [p. 299] {p. 188}

25 September 1902 • Thursday

Rose early after a restless night, little sleep, and constant prayer almost. Went over to see Belle a few minutes then off to the office, saw Sister Horne on the car & Clara [Horne James]. Took Mrs. Brown to lunch with me at the Vienna Café‒ had a number of visitors Martha Wells & Mary [Beatie Wells], Margaret Caine, Emily Richards, & others, Worked hard at the mailing, and was hindered very much Annie came up & Louise & Margaret have both been in. Sent off letter to Miss Ellis Shipp at Heber City and called on Lizzie H. [Hilstead] Shipp to see if she knew anything about Dr. E. R. S. no news of any consequence except about disasters‒ [p. 300] {p. 189}

26 September 1902 • Friday

Today I have just drove with all my might to get off to Mrs. Cannon’s the meeting of the Utah Council of Women was held here and a warm discussion over the Constitution & By-Laws was most annoying‒ Sister Dusenberry came in the meantime and quite upset me we had to go into the hall to talk over R.S. matters and afterwards Mrs. Caine came and we went out for lunch and when I came back the ladies had all gone. Mrs. [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox the Dr’s wife came and we had some talk about the future of the Press Club and then I ran away to go to Annie’s did not arrive there until 8 p.m. had some supper and talked with them until midnight, then slept with Louise and Abram‒ [p. 301] {p. 190}

27 September 1902 • Saturday

This morning had letter from Mell among others she mentioned her money from Whitney estate‒ and spoke about Verona etc. Dr. Shipp came from Springville and we talked matters over. I was very anxious to send off my mail‒ carpet was wet, water had run over the basin and done a lot of damage to the Building Bridwell was disagreeable over it. I think some of the ladies in the meeting. I did all I could of the mailing, Sister Walden is very slow over it. Could not finish. Louise has been in and Sister Walden looked at her hand14 told her she would be three times married. and have a happy life would revel in art music etc and would travel extensively‒ [p. 302] {p. 191}

28 September 1902 • Sunday

Hurried off to the Temple Meeting presided over by Prst. J. R. Winder‒ sung How firm a foundation prayer James Sharp‒ sung, [“]Praise ye the Lord”‒ Prest. Winder spoke upon cherishing hard feelings &c R. Clawson alluded to the ten commandments. their permanency & upon the sacrament. Ruth M. Fox Prof. Nielson Jos. S. Robinson, Mabelle Snow, sung Zion stands with hills surrounded L. L. G. Richards Lizzie Decker Owen Woodruff Sarah Eddington Br. Park May Talmage, E. J. Stevenson Br. Romney Asahel Woodruff C. W. Penrose, Dr. Roberts J. R. Winder closing remarks quoted from the Bible & Book of Doc. & Cov. sung Happy the souls who first believe Benediction John Smith Patriarch went up to Hebe’s saw Emily’s baby things, then to Fast meeting in the 18th. Ward, Sep came home yesterday. Belle is very busy‒ Mr. Sears miserable Marian is over there staying. [p. 303] {p. 192}

29 September 1902 • Monday

Today I have sent off my mail almost all and feel relieved have had serious annoyances and rather cast down; things seem to turn very queer to say the least. I saw Belle a minute this morning then hurried off went up to Ort to get a Temple Recommend and to President Cannon’s office to have it signed‒ he was not in the office. News of Arthur Brown’s affair with Mrs. [Anne Maddison] Bradley. Had tea at Dr. R. B. Pratts wrote to Mrs. Needham Logan‒15 in answer to a letter addressed to Jos. F. Smith also to Harriet M. Brown and others.

After supper looked over my Receipts stubs for the Building fund and was up until one o’clock very cold in my room. [p. 304] {p. 193}

30 September 1902 • Tuesday

Today is a very busy one sent off the rest of my mail, and went to the meeting of the Board of Directors of the State Federation at the Ladies Literary Club House. then came back to the Utah Woman’s Press Club which had convened in my office. Mrs. [Emma Kelley] McVicker had given a talk on her trip to California, and Mrs. Alder talked of conditions of working girls in England. Miss Estelle Neff gave current events. I then went to Sister Clarissa Williams to see her and met her sister who had come up from Parowan16 Br. [Joseph E.] & Sister [Minnie Knell] Robinson were on the car this morning and told me a great deal about the visit of Sister Dusenberry in the Mission field on the coast‒ The Fair opened today, Belle has been there all day long‒ came over here tonight [p. 305] {p. 194}

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September 1902, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 17, 2025


  1. [1]Railroad and Post Office.

  2. [2]EBW’s grandson.

  3. [3]Margaret Walker Salisbury.

  4. [4]Clara Woodruff Beebe.

  5. [5]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  6. [6]text: The bracketed information was indicated by ditto marks in the original.

  7. [7]Leah Dunford Widtsoe.

  8. [8]Anna Gaarden Widtsoe.

  9. [9]Perhaps Fannie Burnham.

  10. [10]Hugo D. Wells was the son of Junius F. and Helena Fobes Wells and a grandson of Daniel H. Wells. Although EBW did not know about his marriage before the death of his infant daughter, Helen L. Wells, she recorded the next year that Hugo and his wife, Hilda W. Danielson, attended a family party with their second child, Edward J. Wells, and in 1917 she noted that Hugo and his father paid EBW a personal visit. (See EBW, Diary, 9 June 1903 and 2 Apr. 1917.)

  11. [11]Recording Secretary.

  12. [12]For more information on palm reading and other similar practices in EBW’s time, see Historical Context.

  13. [13]Relief Society.

  14. [14]For more information on palm reading and other similar practices in EBW’s time, see Historical Context.

  15. [15]Perhaps Martha Turner Needham.

  16. [16]Mary Smith Wimmer.