August 1917

1 August 1917 • Wednesday

Was very nervous after getting out one elevator last night sat in Lobby a while then Belle & I went to Franklins for supper there was a big crowd in Hotel to celebrate and the streets were crowded with gay1 men & womn many of them almost drunk and some quite. Today went to office about noon had several callers reg Elijah Pomeroy came & spent the afternoon. came again this Evening & staid until after ten Belle and I sat down in lobby with him he told us about his life in Arizona Louise & Rich were passing on their way from a reception & came in. I am quite tired it has been much warmer today. Belle is going to read to me [p. 213] {p. 200}

2 August 1917 • Thursday

Before I was dressed this A.M. Dr. Middleton called just came in for a little chat he said. he has been very busy said he would come soon & take me for a ride Marian [Buchholz]’s 19th birthday was over at the office until they all left then came over here. Dot & Lucile came in they were on their way home from Amy [Walker] Brownings. Dot went out & bought me some candy they staid until after nin[e] then Belle read me the paper and from Longfellow it has been very warm and I am quite tired have been quite nervous all day. [p. 214] {p. 201}

3 August 1917 • Friday

Was at office before eleven this morning Amy still away, have promised to go to Jennie’s after <fast> meeting Sunday and to a meeting in Cannon ward tuesday afternoon. Belle came in about five she fixed dinner in the room, just as we finished a young couple who were married last night (Robert Maxwell, Jennette Gelespie [Janet Gillespie]) called he used to work in the News. they were on their way to the depot, called to say goodbye to Belle & me. I’ve been down in the Lobby for an hour or more Belle is not well so could not read [p. 215] {p. 202}

4 August 1917 • Saturday

Went to office this A.M. Bro. Williams came in to see about putting a desk in one of my rooms for Clarissa will move couch in front room. several people came in then I went to lunch at Z.C.M.I. when I returned office was closed & all were gone so I called Belle up also called Dot to find Belle. she came & found me in Lobby talking to Lucy Wright Snow she is Pres of the R.S. in Detroit [Michigan] & wanted to talk over things with me, has been here before for some purpose Belle & I started down town for supper but I felt faint so came back had supper in room. Dr. <Middleton> was in this AM. [p. 216] {p. 203}

5 August 1917 • Sunday

Up early went over to the Temple found there was no meeting as they are painting went with Bishop Romney to 20th ward Sunday S. Leah D. Widtsoe took us in her Auto. Lucy Wright Snow gave the lesson in Parents class. I dismissed. some girls drove me to Bureau as I thought there was a meeting but there had been on[e] at 11. A.M. for strangers so I sat around a short time then came over to hotel took an Auto & went to Jennie Hydes to dinner. had a nice time we were to go to Dr. Shorts church to hear Romania play, but she was sick, So Amy took us for a ride then came home here Belle thought I was going to hear Romana so had not come up. Sat in Lobby talking to June & Johnnie [John F.] Bennett until she came. I’ve had something to eat and Belle is going to read the morning paper did not have time this morning It has been a warm day & feels like rain & thunder this evening [p. 217] {p. 204}

6 August 1917 • Monday

Belle went down home this morning <noon> and about noon Annie called up to ask me to come down to her place to stay over Tuesday. Em and Lyman took me down in the evening in their car After dinner we visited until bed time I slept with Katharine. Annie and I had a fine visit. and at 2 o’clock we went I called Belle up asked her to come back was so lonesome she came & staid & read to me until six then she had to go home [p. 218] {p. 205}

7 August 1917 • Tuesday

Spent the morning visiting with Annie and looking around the house and garden at 2 o’clock we went over to the Cannon Ward meeting house to a Relief Society meeting. It was the 21st anniversary of the organization. Sister Sarah Jane Cannon and Margaret Sharp and several stake officers were present. After the meeting Sisters Cutler2 & Sperry came over to visit a while with us. We had a nice evening with the children and sat up quite late. [p. 219] {p. 206}

8 August 1917 • Wednesday

Daniel came down about eleven and drove me up to the office I stayed there all day and at night Katharine came up to the hotel to stay with me. We had dinner in my room quite late and Katharine read to me. Clarissa had a new desk brought over and placed in the rooms next to mine. I am glad she will be there because it will be company for me. [p. 220] {p. 207}

9 August 1917 • Thursday

Katharine went to work quite early and I went over to the office Katharine came up at noon and went to lunch with me at Z.C.M.I. Annie came at night and stayed with me. Belle is very busy with her fruit. Annie read the New West magazine and the evening paper and the 1st chapter of Ezekiel before we went to bed. [p. 221] {p. 208}

10 August 1917 • Friday

We went over to the office quite early. Amy was there but Mrs Hyde did not come up today. Annie went down home about eleven and came back at four. I had lunch at Z.C.M.I. Annie and I had dinner together and then she went to a meeting in the Stake Hall and Emmeline Wells came to stay with me. at night Annie read the “News” to me. [p. 222] {p. 209}

11 August 1917 • Saturday

Emmeline W. left quite early to start her kindergarten class and I did not feel so very well. After dressing I went over to the office and telephoned to Belle[.] Lyman came up for me about two o’clock and I went down to Em’s to stay all night Lyman went to Logan in the afternoon. I had a very nice visit with Em and spent a good night. [p. 223] {p. 210}

12 August 1917 • Sunday

Em and I had breakfast together and Annie telephoned about Pres. Penrose going to California I called up Sister Romania and bade them good bye. We had a chicken dinner which was very nice Teddy came over and stayed to dinner Word came that Bro [James H.] Martineau (Lyman’s father was very ill with pneumonia and Em called Logan on the phone to bring Lyman home. He came about ten o’clock. I did not sleep so well as last night. [p. 224] {p. 211}

13 August 1917 • Monday

Came up from Em’s about one o’clock. Geo. Q. and his three little children Buddy [George Q. Cannon] Woodey [Woodward D. Cannon] and Shirley [Cannon] came to see me. They were up to see the circus parade. Things were quite quiet in the office Annie and Katharine came for a while. I went out to lunch and met Sarah Jane Rich Miller, who entertained me during lunch with a description of Sister L. A. [Lucy Augusta] Clark. Annie came up to stay at night and read the paper to me. [p. 225] {p. 212}

14 August 1917 • Tuesday

was over at office most of the day. Mrs. Lydia A. Williams came in and staid some time. did some writing went to Z.C.M.I. for Lunch Louise here & went with me Belle came up we had dinner and she read the News to me also <Longfellow’s> Elizabeth & two otherr short poems then parts from Hiawatha until Midnight. quite warm. [p. 226] {p. 213}

15 August 1917 • Wednesday

After breakfast, as I was suffering quite a little pain with my foot had Mrs. Reese come up after she treated it I felt better. and went to office after lunch. went with Lyman and some of his people for an auto ride went to Em’s where I shall stay all night. [p. 227] {p. 214}

16 August 1917 • Thursday

Came up from Em’s at 10-30 Lyman brought me Belle was here we went over to the office, had lunch at Z.C.M.I. Emily Y. Clawson came and sat down & talked to me. Elijah Pomeroy was at office several hours this afternoon has been to Bear Lake to visit his brothers. Belle has been here all afternoon Emily Clawson came to Hotel & spent an hour or more. Belle has read the paper and several poems from Longfellow it is after eleven & we will soon go to bed. am quite tired it has been a warm day. [p. 228] {p. 215}

17 August 1917 • Friday

Went to office as usual Belle came over at about ten she helped me look up some old Exponents after she went back I went to Z.C.M.I. had lunch. later a young couple from Arizona came in to office came in my room & we hat [had] quite a pleasant hour they knew the Fullers & Earls knew Inez quite well after they left Belle went home and I felt quite lonely so wandered around until time to come here Louise is coming to stay all night but she will be late. [p. 229] {p. 216}

18 August 1917 • Saturday

After Louise went home I went to office then went over to D.N.3 Bookstore came back went to Historian’s off to see Miss Cameron then called on Mrs. Rolf [Anna Johnson Relf] Sen.4 took her one of my books. She gave me some beautiful roses. sat down in Lobby until just before Belle came then we went down to Franklins met Bro Seare5 & had quite a chat with him also Johnnie [John D.] Owen, as we came in the hotel door met Clark [L.] Whitney, said they were giving a party for Amy [Aimee Whitney] up stairs it is her 18th birthday. all Mary [Cravath Whitney]’s boys are very affectionate. Belle read frm the News & Lord Byron until midnight [p. 230] {p. 217}

19 August 1917 • Sunday

Beautiful day. called on Dr. Middleton yesterday he is coming at 5– P.M. tomorrow to take me and who I invite to go for a ride. am going to ask Emily Clawson for one. while I had breakfast & after Belle read the paper and three chapters in the Book of Mormon, I talked to Belle about the murmurings of the people when we left Nauvoo & of the wonderful sermon Pres. Young preached telling those who were dissatisfied to take their teams & go back. many did but none who did were prospered. Belle read “Locksley Hall.” Went to meeting Willard Young spoke after meeting went to Annie’s staid all night [p. 231] {p. 218}

20 August 1917 • Monday

Came up this fore noon had a letter from Ida. invited Emily Clawson, Lillian Cameron & Sarah Eddington to go Auto riding with me this afternoon. Dr. Middleton said he would take me & I could invite five more. asked Louise but she could not go. We all went Belle too had quite a nice time came home have had dinner & I’ve been down in the Lobby some time. Belle is going to read to me. Martha Shemeld died at noon today Kate called up to tell me the funeral will be Wednesday, It is after 12 now. [p. 232] {p. 219}

21 August 1917 • Tuesday

Belle went down home and I went over to the office. Geo. Q. telephoned to tell me that Ruby had a little baby girl6 born at quarter to six. Katharine came to stay with me at night. We had supper quite late in our room. [p. 233] {p. 220}

22 August 1917 • Wednesday

Katharine went away about 9 o’clock and I dressed later and went over to the office The temple work keeps Belle quite late, there are such large companies Annie came in the afternoon. She had been to Martha Shemeld’s funeral. She read the paper to me also an article written by Susa in the Telegram about Polygamy. A very shallow & unwise article7 We found my History of Woman Suffrage 2 vols. in Susa’s book case. <Belle here> [p. 234] {p. 221}

23 August 1917 • Thursday

Belle went away to the Temple quite early and did not come back at all <but came over about 10.30 & we went to office together & look for some papers & books, found papers but not books.> She called up after going home and said her eyes were paining her. Amy brought a Dr Shroder from Ithaca, N.Y. and introduced him to me. He is their guest during his stay in the city. Clarissa was over a little while, but did not stay long. Annie came up to stay at night but was not here to dinner. She read the paper and some chapters from a new book. Annie here [p. 235] {p. 222}

24 August 1917 • Friday

Belle came in about ten Annie was here and she did not need to stay so went back to Temple I went to office. some one sent me a box of candy. Belle came over about five after dinner I went up to see Julina. Lizzie Crismon came in Florence second son8 is very sick. she does have more trouble. Abbie And Nana [Hannah Chapin] were here also June. Abbie is a pitiful object, poor girl, Nanna is a very devoted daughter had a card from Mrs. O. J. Salisbury giving me Mrs. Margaret Salisbury’s address in California had a nice visit with Pres. Smith & Julina. My throat quite bad Belle went over to drug store at ten & got me some medicin for it, feel little better now [p. 236] {p. 223}

25 August 1917 • Saturday

Tried to rest this A.M. then B & I went to office. Belle wrote to Ida telling her we could not locate china, had Mrs. Reese come & dress my toe. it was so bad I could not get around Daniel came & took me to Annie’s to spend the night We sat up until 12 M. [p. 237] {p. 224}

26 August 1917 • Sunday

Did not get up until noon then went to breakfast got ready & Daniel brought me up to meeting Daniel has been nice about taking me back & fourth B. H. Roberts spoke this afternoon Belle came up between 4 & 5 I had some dinner & went to 18th ward meeting. Brother Romney from Mexico9 spoke, told us of the people there, & how serious things were there. Fay [Fayette M.] Whitney brought me home. was quite cold, had some tea and some thing to eat and feel better now. Annie called up to say I left my watch, said J. Q. [John Q. Cannon] would bring it up in the morning Belle is going to read from Ladies Home Journal. [p. 238] {p. 225}

27 August 1917 • Monday

It has been a very stormy night <Thunder> lightening & rain until I could not sleep. it is a glorious morning the sun is shinging and the air is refreshing & cool dear Lulu’s anniversary10 [p. 239] {p. 226}

28 August 1917 • Tuesday

Belle came up early as she had some friends coming Katherine came and went to Lunch with me Belle’s friends came and we went up to the roof gardens and had refreshments then came down here they staid until after eleven so there was very little time left to read, it was quite cold up stairs though I had hot coffee, & tea since I’m very cold. the nights & mornings are quite cold now. Belle here [p. 240] {p. 227}

29 August 1917 • Wednesday

I rested until Belle came from the Temple then I had breakfast & dressed to go to Office there were a great many people in & out Clarissa was there with her Sec.11 Elsie [Elsa] Bamburger12 <also> Lizzie Crismon. did not get to go to lunch until four P.M. Annie was late coming up so I had dinner. before she came [p. 241] {p. 228}

30 August 1917 • Thursday

After breakfast went over to the office Belle came over & read Mell’s letter to me. went out & had lunch. A lady from Spokane called I went to Lunch late went up to Nell C. [Clawson] Silver her mother13 was there I had quite a pleasant time with her Belle came over from Temple about two she read & we talked, this evenng I went down in the Lobby for an hour after dinner, then Belle read to me from Tennyson’s poems [p. 242] {p. 229}

31 August 1917 • Friday

Had early breakfast so Belle could get to Temple in time for meeting. Went to office & staid until Daniel come & took me to A Meeting at Annies will stay all night I expect [p. 243] {p. 230}

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August 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 18, 2024


  1. [1]EBW uses “gay” as an adjective in its sense of “happily excited” or “keenly alive and exuberant.” (Merriam-Webster, s.v. “gay,” accessed 26 Aug. 2021,

  2. [2]Likely Mary Amelia Weiler Cutler. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, 184A; EBW, Diary, 14 Jan. 1910; 16 July 1911; 13 Feb. 1917.)

  3. [3]Deseret News.

  4. [4]Senior.

  5. [5]Likely Albert J. Seare. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 168B.)

  6. [6]Adrienne Cannon. (1920 U.S. Census, Precinct 3, Salt Lake County, Utah, 71A.)

  7. [7]Susa Young Gates, “Declares Polygamy Romantic; Mrs. Gates Defends Practice; Novelty Keeps Love Alive,” Salt Lake Telegram, 21 Aug. 1917, second section, [1]; Susa Young Gates, “Polygamy Foe to Social Vice; Mrs. Gates Points Moral Side; Declares Progeny Stronger,” Salt Lake Telegram, 22 Aug. 1917, second section, [1]; Susa Young Gates, “Says Polygamy Privilege of Gods, Scorn of Clods,” Salt Lake Telegram, 23 Aug. 1917, second section, [1].

  8. [8]Jefferson B. Rich. (1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 212A.)

  9. [9]Likely Miles A. Romney. (Miles A. Romney, Passport Application, 16 Aug. 1918.)

  10. [10]EBW’s daughter Louisa Martha Wells Cannon was born on 27 August 1862.

  11. [11]Secretary.

  12. [12]“Mrs. Williams reported that her appointment to the chairmanship of the Woman’s committee of the National Council of Defense had been ratified by the Governor, and that he had selected her committee . . . , Mrs. Bichsel of Ogden, Mrs. R. E. Collier, Mrs. Jennie Brimhall Knight, Miss Elsa Bamberger, Secretary.” Clarissa Williams asked to use Relief Society headquarters as her office for this public duty and to hold meetings there. (General Board Minutes, 6 Sept. 1917, 157–158.)

  13. [13]Emily Young Clawson. (Nell Clawson Rosenbaum, Death Certificate, 19 July 1937.)