March 1917

1 March 1917 • Thursday

The 75th Anniversary of my baptism in the church. This morning had a telegram from Pres. Smith & Julina & From Mrs Catt and Annie H. [Anna Howard] Shaw and Emily Richards & Dr J. Skolfield. My grandaughter Margaret came and bro’t her new baby Robert Wells [Clayton] to see me. David [H. Clayton Jr.] her husband also came and Lyman & Em and many, many others, At 2. o’clock a program was held in my honor in the Bishops building and there was a large and distinguished audience. The program was short but very choice. My nephew Bud Whitney gave a most interesting talk and Profs [Willard] Weihe & McClellan played two numbers and Mrs [Lizzie Thomas] Edwards & [Nellie Druce] Pugsley sang a song. Clarissa was master of [p. 60] {p. 64} ceremonies & Heber J. Grant made a very nice talk and Bro Hyrum [M.] Smith made the opening prayer & Rudger Clawson the closing. After the meeting a number of the sisters came over and then Pres. [Anthon H.] Lund, Pres Penrose & Bro. James E. Talmage came to call upon me after the meeting. The Jordan stake R.S. sent a beautiful palm in a jardineer and there were potted plants and baskets of flowers & bouquets with out number. Dr Middleton bro’t me a book– Poems we love– bound in green leather and moiree silk. There were present of the Council [p. 61] {p. 65} of the Twelve Pres. Heber J. Grant, Orson F. Whitney, Rudger Clawson, Hyrum M. Smith Of the Council of the Seventy Seymour B. Young Brigham H. Roberts. J. Golden Kimball, Levi Edgar Young & Rulon S. Wells. Of the Presiding Bishopric Orrin P. Miller and David A. Smith. Of the Genl. Board of Relief Society Sarah J. [Jenne] Cannon, Romania B. Penrose, Carrie S. Thomas, Elizabeth Wilcox Clarissa S. Williams, Elizabeth Crismon Rebecca N. Nibley, Susa Y. Gates, Sarah McClellan, Sarah Eddington. Martha H. Tingey, Pres & Ruth M. Fox of the Y.L.M.I.A.1 and Louie B. Felt of the Presidency of the Primary, Nearly all the stake [p. 62] {p. 66} presidents of the near by towns stakes and Sister Elizabeth [Williams] Layton of Thatcher Arizona, Aunt Talitha F. [Telitha Free] Smith and a large representation of both the Wells and Whitney families and members of Relief Society. Patriarch Harrison Sperry and H. G. Whitney and Jno. Q. Mrs [Mary Wrathall] Spry and Mrs. [Edna Tremain] Ferry. After the program I made some remarks about my baptism and bore my testimony to the faith. Coming over to the office a number of people followed over among them the Utah Woman’s Press Club. who bro’t a basket of violets & purple poppies Belle stayed at night. [p. 63] {p. 67}

2 March 1917 • Friday

March 2. The day was rather quiet after my excitement of day before. Lula G. Richards Margaret Sharp. Sister Vilate Bennion Amy & Richard Lyman Nell Brown [Silver] Janet Hyde and Dot were my visitors. Annie stayed at night.

3 March 1917 • Saturday

March 3. Amy & Clarissa came over to discuss program for conference Sister Driggs & Alvira of Sandy came thinkng my reception was today (A mistake in the News.) Annies boys Abram & Teddy came up & Annie went out with them to get Teddy a suit. Bud came in to se me Jno. Q. Will Buchholz Dot & Lucile and Mrs Ed [Edward E.] Jenkins [Elizabeth Cutler Jenkins] who is staying in the hotel also Margaret Lyman. Belle stayed at night [p. 64] {p. 68}

4 March 1917 • Sunday

Mach [March] 4. At 11.30 last night I was very ill and had Dr Middleton called. however in the morning Belle and I went to the fast meeting in the temple. I spoke and bore my testimony of the divine mission of the prophet. To day is inaugeration day & Pres [Woodrow] Wilson was sworn in though tomorrow the ceremonies will take place. rather M. a quiet day for me no callers at all.

5 March 1917 • Monday

March 5. Clarissa & Amy quite early we went over arrangements about our conf. Sister Janette A. Hyde came in & bro’t [p. 65] {p. 69} some peach preserves, she has been more than thoughtful. A Mrs Cobbley of the 30th Ward came. She spoke of Sister Cutler’s talk Sunday night on my life. Dr Middleton came also Sister Thomas Brent, Marba, Annie, Jno. Q. Katharine and David W. Cannon.

6 March 1917 • Tuesday

March 6. Bro Wm Wright of Centerville came and read me a poem which he had written for me. Sister Crismon & Hyde came also the Dr. In the evening Dr & Mrs Middleton came in for an hour before going to the party of Senator [Frank] Evans. Amy also came in from the party. She looked quite charming.

7 March 1917 • Wednesday

March 7. Louise, Rich, Jno. Q. & Amy were the only visitors. Annie went to the theatre & Belle stayed at night. [p. 66] {p. 70}

8 March 1917 • Thursday

To day is board meeting. I went over to the building about 2.35 but went with Lillian Cameron and had her swo[r]n in as a legal member of the board. Sister Crismon came home with me from the meeting. To day is the birth day of Sister Charlotte [Fox] Richards. I sent her some roses. She is 91 years old. It is also the anniversary of my son in law S. W. Sears. My visitors were Lillian Cameron, Mrs. Crismon Jno. Q. Ruby & Shirley [Cannon]. [p. 67] {p. 71}

9 March 1917 • Friday

Inez [Earl] Godbe’s boy Earl [T. Godbe] came to see me He is a splendid looking fellow. Rachel W. [Woolley] Simmons & her sister Mary [Woolley] Clark came to see me and bro’t me a box of fresh dough nuts. Em cam[e] up and bro’t her baby to see me. Jean is growing fine. Ellen Harrison bro’t me a bottle of port win[e] Every one is so very kind and thoughtful. Annie came up to a meeting of the woman’s Republican Committee. Jennie Hyde was here in the eve. Belle stayed at night because such a storm came up that she could not go home, so Annie went back. [p. 68] {p. 72}

10 March 1917 • Saturday

This morning Belle & I went over to the office and while there we had a very nice lunch which Sister Hyde bro’t up for me. stewed Chicken and other things. Miss [Maud May] Babcock and her cousin Mrs [Laura Babcock] Vrooman called also. Miss Babcock bro’t me a begonia covered with blossoms. Bro Jos Hyde came in He is always quite cheering. Dot & her daughter Lucile and Sep were here Annie came in for about an hour she had a meeting with the stake authorities about a reunion and later a meeting with the Womens Republican Committee <Jno Q. and Annie> went down to <Daniels it was his birth day.> Belle stayed at night. Louise & the twins2 were also here [p. 69] {p. 73}

11 March 1917 • Sunday

Belle & I went to the tabernacle in the afternoon. Jos. [Joseph E.] Cardon of Logan was the speaker. In the eve. Miss Babcock came and read a story to me. While she was here Ann came and when the story was finished we all had supper here in the room. Miss Babcock stayed until ten o’clock. Dot and Will came in the afternoo[n] Belle went home about five o’clock. Annie stayed. [p. 70] {p. 74}

12 March 1917 • Monday

The first thing this morning I heard that Mrs [Emma Smith] DeVoe of Tacoma, Wash [Washington]. was at the office and desired to meet me. She came over about 10.30 and stayed until one o’clock. Annie ordered tea sent up and we had a very pleasant morning going over matters pertaining to the suffrage work. Clarissa came and discussed our co-op. matters and about Miss [Edna H.] Coray our organist. Sister Rhoda [Taylor] Lyman died this morning. at 8 o’clock. There was a lunch for Mrs DeVoe in the hotel today Annie went down there were about ten there. Mrs E. W. Jenkins Amelia Wardroup [Woolley Wardrop] Amy & Jenny called on me. Annie stayed at night. [p. 71] {p. 75}

13 March 1917 • Tuesday

A beautiful morning! Amy came & read a splendid article in the Journal of Education about the Relief Society.3 Jennie Hyde leaves at noon to join Sister Nibley in California. After lunch Annie & I went over to the new administration building4 and Bro David A. Smith helped me up the steps and had Harold James take us over the building. He took us to the 3rd 4th & 5th floors then Bro David took us ove[r] the 1st & 2nd. It is most beautiful throughout. We were about 2 ho[u]rs going over the different floors. The rugs are elegant and the different church officials are certainly beautifully housed. Kate bro’t me orange marmalade Emma Empey came from Cal. today. Jno Q. Mrs Crismon & Em with her baby were my visitors. [p. 72] {p. 76}

14 March 1917 • Wednesday

This morning there is another dreadful snow storm. I was to go for a ride but on account of the storm could not. We had a pretty good night. I feel pretty well but disappointed on account of the weather. After dinner Annie finished ans. the birthday letters. Sister Rutherford bro’t a Scotch scone and made me quite a visit. Belle came over from the temple and we three had dinner together Annie was going to the Orpheum but on account of the storm went home before dark. Belle stayed. [p. 73] {p. 77}

15 March 1917 • Thursday

I went over to the building for the board meeting.. A Miss Katharine Brown Kolmetz bro’t me a bunch of violets Louis [E.] Granger sent me a bunch of carnations. Lyde [Eliza Wells] & Miss Thompson came but did not wait for mother, David came to meet his mother and they went out together. A storm came up and Annie went over to the office to bring me over Amy & Sarah E. [Eddington] came along. Brent came in morning and staid until Dot came. Dot read to mother until she went to the meeting. Mrs Marie Young called Ida had supper here. We ordered it sent up. Belle stayed at night [p. 74] {p. 78}

16 March 1917 • Friday

There was a terrible storm today & the cars are not running very well David came up with Louise who came to stay with me while her Aunt Belle was at the Temple. Annie went to the meeting of the R.S. in the 30th Ward They bought 3 of my books for presents to their new officers. Lyde came & bro’t a Miss Thompson an artist from New Jersey Mrs [Lily Clayton] Wolstenholm Dr Middleton Amy and Daniel Spencer called. Annie stayed at night [p. 75] {p. 79}

17 March 1917 • Saturday

Not many visitors to day. Sep & Brent and Miss Kimball, Mable Hall & Amy were my visitors. Annie came up & she & I went to the 18 Ward Chapel to the R.S. Annual meeting. They held an Aunt Em’s day and Edna W. Sloan read two of my poems Annie gave a sketch of my life. They served refreshments. Katie [Young] Kraft had charge of the program & made a very pretty opening address. There were a number of our girls present. Maille Whitney sent her auto to get us and bring us home Sister Jennings came for awhile. Belle stayed at night. [p. 76] {p. 80}

18 March 1917 • Sunday

Belle and I went to the Tabernacle in the afternoon. It was the Liberty <Salt Lake> stake conf. Stephen L. Richards and Rulon S. Wells were the speakers. I had a card from Jennie[;] Rea Nibley came down & brot me some dinner a bottle of wine her little son Horace [N. Whitney] was with her. Daniel came up to see me also Dr and Mrs Middleton and Amy. Brent and Dot’s Lucile came. Belle stayed at night [p. 77] {p. 81}

19 March 1917 • Monday

I went over to the rooms and looked around a little then came back & laid down awhile in the afternoon went down to Daniel’s to dinner It’s the baby’s5 first birthday & they had the two grandma’s & the 2 great grandmas. Aunt Talitha Free [Telitha Free Smith] & daughter6 & Annie & I. We came home in taxi and Annie stayed with me all night. Winifreds dinner was very nice and the baby was delighted with his cake which was the centerpiece with one candle set in a pink rose. Louise came & bro’t Jack & Betty to see me. Mrs Crismon, Mrs Empey Mrs Olsen and Sep were the callers [p. 78] {p. 82}

20 March 1917 • Tuesday

Mother I am quite restless today and don’t feel quite as well as yesterday. Annie & I went over to the Bishop’s Building. Much is going on. The girls have moved my things over to the new rooms. and Amy is to have the middle room and the typewriter is in my old office. I suppose I shall like it when it is all fixed. Clarissa came this morning She and Amy had been out to buy new carpets & rugs & furniture for the offices. Julina came home to day. she made me quite a visit. Amy, Teddy and Brent came. also Beth. Belle stayed at night. Julina came in & made a fine visit. [p. 79] {p. 83}

21 March 1917 • Wednesday

Dr. Middleton brot in a young woman who is a nurse and wanted me to talk to her of Pioneer days The house keeper Mima Aryle [Argyle] Mickle was also in here. I had lunch on third floor the guest of Mrs Ed. Jenkins. Mrs Roelf [Anna Johnston Relf] & Maria Y. Dougall were also there. I came up to my room later and found there Ann M. Cannon Ida Mitchell & Laura M. [Mitchell] Mc’Master. Jno Q. came in evening He & Annie went to the Orpheum. [p. 80] {p. 84}

22 March 1917 • Thursday

This is the day of the meeting of the Board but owing to the repairs and cleaning over in the building we could not hold it. Amy & Clarissa came over to see me also Ida & Sister Thomas Bud came in for awhile and Kate Thomas came about her poem “Little Gray Mother.” Sep & Brent came to see their mother. Annie had a meeting and came in for awhile. Late in the evening Pres. Jos F. Smith and Julina and Senator Smoot came to call on me. They had ben at dinner together in the hotel. The[y] were very effusive in their greetings. Belle stayed at night [p. 81] {p. 85}

23 March 1917 • Friday

Ida came in quite early and had lunch with me. Annie came up but went right over to the Bishops Building where she is making the punch for the Pioneer Stake reunion. She later dressed here and went from here over to the auditorium Belle has been with me all the week. The three of us had dinner here together. Ida stayed all the afternoon. Mrs Kolmetz in room 615 called also Louise & Rich, Katharine, Kate Nett, Susa, Amy, Sarah Eddington Dot’s Lucile Em & Lyman and baby and Sep. [p. 82] {p. 86}

24 March 1917 • Saturday

Had a nice day about two o’clock went over to the Bishop’s building to attend meeting of Daughters of Pioneers. Levi E. Young was the speaker subject Furnishings old & new. Maria Y. Dougall & daughters came in also Eva Williams bro’t me a dish of baked apples. In the evening Golden Kimball came for about an hour We had a most interesting visit. Abram came in the evening. I was quite weary at bed time. Annie stayed at night. We met a little girl who was lost and bro’t her in the hotel where we met Mrs. Bamberger.7 who took the Child home in her Auto. [p. 83] {p. 87}

25 March 1917 • Sunday

A rather pretty day and I had a good night. Mrs Jennings has invited me to come up to her home to tea tomorrow at four. It is her birthday. Annie read the 85 Psalm and 14 chapter of Ecclesiastes. After lunch we went to the tabernacle. Joseph F. Jr & Stephen L. Richards were the speakers. Pres Smith dismissed. It was the conf. of the Ensign Stake. After reading to moth[er] Lockeley Hall & Immemoriam we went down to the lobby where we visited with Sister Maria Y. Dougall and her grandaughter Marie [Dougall] and Bro Mark Austin Bishop Nibley & daugh[ter] Florence [Nibley] & Horace Whitney, Sister Dougall, Lizzie Crismon & Margaret [Crismon] Spencer were our visitors [p. 84] {p. 88}

26 March 1917 • Monday

Had a dreadful night last night. A sharp acute pain in the thigh and scarcely slept at all. Sister Eliza Barton of the 21st ward made me a nice visit and Sister Dougall came in. Annie read In Memoriam and the Bible all the fore noon We called Dr Middleton about 6 o’clock. and he came at 8. Later mother was quite relieved and after a short sleep dressed and went up to Sister Jennings to her birthday reception. Mother took her a beautiful book of poems for every day Sister Eliza Barton of the 21st ward made a pleasant call and Mrs Lyman came in Annie stayed at night. [p. 85] {p. 89}

27 March 1917 • Tuesday

In the afternoon Mrs Elizabeth Jenkins came in with an invitation for me to have lunch with Mrs Relf tomorrow. Mrs Crismon and Maria Dougall were the only other visitors. The day is very stormy and gray Annie read a great deal to day. Belle came up at night to stay [p. 86] {p. 90}

28 March 1917 • Wednesday

At one o’clock I went by invitation down to Mrs Relf’s room to luncheon Maria Dougall & Mrs Ed Jenkins were also there. Mrs Relf gave me a beautiful bunch of flowers. My rooms in the Bishops building are now ready and Annie is putting my things in, and getting them in order. Brent & Dot Mrs Jenkins and <Maria> Dougall Amy and Jno. Q. were the visitors. Belle came after temple work & stayed all night. [p. 87] {p. 91}

29 March 1917 • Thursday

We held a meeting of the Gen’l Board in my new rooms because the big room is being renovated. There is a great deal of business to attend to preparatory to the conference next week. Ida & Susa had quite a discussion about a resolution.8 Brent & Sep. Ida, Maria Dougall and Mima Angel came to see me. In the even[in]g Belle & I went to the Relief Society reunion in the 20th ward. It was very enjoyable and great honor was paid me. We went and returned in Sister [blank] car. Belle stayed at night. [p. 88] {p. 92}

30 March 1917 • Friday

This morning we held a meeting about Better baby week and Dr Skolfield was appointed chairman9 After the meeting she sent me a beautiful Easter lily. I went over to the office but the smell of paint maid me quite faint and I did not stay long. Annie came up after her officers meeting and Belle went home. She had had a very hard day in the temple Brent, June, Amy, Dot, Kate Wells and Mrs Dougall were the callers In the eve[n]ing Rea N Whitney bro’t me a plate of fruit cake nuts & raisins [p. 89] {p. 93}

31 March 1917 • Saturday

Amy came in quite early but did not stay long. Bud came over to invite me and Belle to the Sunday night meeting in the 18th ward. Mrs Crismon, Clarissa, Maria Dougall Dr Middleton Jno. Q. June & Sep were the visitors Miss Ina Johnson a kindergarten teacher came for information about aunt Carrie [Camilla Mieth] Cobb’s first kindergarten and Annie took her over to the office to go through some bound Exponents to find the article. June has a scheme which he thinks will bring him great credit. Belle stayed at night. [p. 90] {p. 94}

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March 1917, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 18, 2024


  1. [1]Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association.

  2. [2]Richard C. Andrew and Denton C. Andrew.

  3. [3]“Women’s Notable Work for Women,” Journal of Education 85, no. 9 (1 Mar. 1917): 238–239, reported in Relief Society General Board Minutes, 12 Apr. 1917, 101, 120.

  4. [4]The Church Administration Building, located on South Temple Street between the Hotel Utah and the Lion House, was first occupied by general officers of the church in 1917. (R. Scott Lloyd, “See Inside Church Administration Bui[l]ding, Now in Its Centennial Year,” 30 Sept. 2017, Church News, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,; Richardson, “A House for the Presidency,” in Salt Lake City, 231–257.)

  5. [5]Squire W. Cannon. (EBW, Diary, 20 Mar. 1916; 1920 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 234B.)

  6. [6]Annie Roberts Smith was Telitha Free Smith’s daughter-in-law. (Joseph Alma Smith and Annie M. Roberts, Marriage Certificate, 21 Mar. 1888; Joseph Alma Smith, Death Certificate, 15 May 1919.)

  7. [7]Likely Bertha Greenewald Bamberger, who also lived at the Hotel Utah. (See EBW, Diary, 20 Oct. 1917.)

  8. [8]“Resolutions concerning Birth Control or Race Suicide Presented to the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. in Conference Assembled April 5, 1917 Salt Lake City, Utah,” read into General Board Minutes, 22 Mar. 1917, p. 43.

  9. [9]Better Baby Week appears to have been a national program designed to decrease infant and child mortality. (“Eyes of Nation Rivet on ‘Our Greatest Crop,’ Beginning Tuesday,” Salt Lake Telegram, 29 Apr. 1917, second section, 2.)