May 1908

1 May 1908 • Friday

Not so pleasant as one likes May-day to be many are going to California to see the fleet sail1 cadets from High School five hundred of them. I am getting ready for meeting have had my revise left it last night to be corrected. Sister Smith’s reception tomorrow at her own home which has been renovated from top to bottom outside & in very thoroughly new curtains new carpet in living room, all complete. Alice has been managing. Sisters came early to consider the present from the Board. Decided on a book Com. E. B. Wells, A. T. Hyde, J. P. M. Farnsworth. Annie went off to Oneida Stake Sister Susan Grant with her. Conference at Preston [Idaho], Meeting harmonious settled not to go to San Juan, although I was really much in favor of sending. We three Committee went and bought the book for the Board Love Songs Old & beautiful pictures, have been up every night {p. 155}

2 May 1908 • Saturday

This morning the wind is very high otherwise the day is not so bad and I am copying the poem came up early on purpose, it does not suit me very well but I cannot revise it any more at present, so I must read it as it is, Sister Nibley will not be at the reception she has gone to Ogden to see Sister Martha [Anderson] Brown who is sick, and therefore could not be at the Reception, Of the Board there were Julina L. Smith, Annie T. Hyde, Julia P. M. Farnsworth, Clarissa S. Williams, Alice M. Horne, Minnie H. James, Emily S. Richards Emma S. Woodruff Priscilla P. Jennings Carrie S. Thomas, The hostess in her home-made white silk and soft laces, looked very chaste and beautiful and poems were read by me and Ruth Fox & Susie Y. Gates {p. 156}

3 May 1908 • Sunday

<Jos. F. Smith A. H. Lund G. F. Richards & [blank] went to Logan.> This is Sister Smiths real birthday and she is 86 years old today she was at the Temple and I sat by her Ort came and sat by me a part of the time, then moved over to the seat of the Apostles. President J. R. Winder presided, the choir sung Guide us O thou great Jehovah & prayer was offered by B. [Brigham] F. Grant, sund [sung] O say what is truth, Some very interesting things were said about the salvation for the dead. It was a very sweet spirit that pervaded the house Heber J. Grant & Bishop O. F. Whitney also John Henry Smith, Junius F. Wells, Samuel W. Richards Angus M. Cannon all spoke and some sisters. Sister Maeser went with me to the Office and I wrote in a book to give Susan Wells on her 78th. birthday went to the 18th. Ward meeting and spoke there, H. J. Grant & O. F. Whitney spoke. Went to Netts and had dinner, O. F. Whitney Louis [R. Wells]. Charles [H. Wells] & Steve [Stephen F.] Wells, Frank [T.] Roberts, Eva [Evelyn Young] Davis, Susie [Riter] Wells Susan Wells Lydia Ann Wells Nett Culmer Inger [Hansen] Wells, Kate Wells {p. 157} <Mary [Wells] Whitney, Bolivar Roberts E. B. Wells>

4 May 1908 • Monday

This morning was gloomy had a miserably nervous night, telephone man came 7.30 to fix the telephone so was disturbed, and could not eat any breakfast scarcely a morsel, but finally went off to the office and ascertained Belle was very sick, telephoned to Annie and she came up afterwards and went up to see her, Mrs. Webber came about by-laws of the D.R. Jane came to see me and finally the ladies of the Reaper’s Social, Sister Farnsworth wanted to talk to me about giving up the Arizona trip and told me she expects to go to Europe and be gone six months at least. Br. & Sister Riter, Sisters Little and [Elizabeth Cain] Crismon have started to day for Washington and cities East Sharon Vermont Quebec Montreal St. Lawrence river and thousand isles. Went to Amelia’s had supper and blessed her in prayer Louise and Mrs. [Mary Croxall] Andrew came to see me. Emily [Cannon] Willey had a little girl2 5.30 tonight. Margaret [Cannon] was there alone Dr. had not come {p. 158}

5 May 1908 • Tuesday

Last night wrote to May Wright Sewall appointment to serve on Anthony Memorial Com. She is Chairman had many letters and wrote several replies had lots of callers, worked very hard. Clarissa is going to Beaver and Parowan and Minnie James with her I have been much distressed about Belle and her affairs, shall be glad if once all is settled may be she will have more peace of mind Mr. Alfred Lambourne presented me with four copies of his new book of verses.3 exquisitely gotten up and I gave one to Belle and one to Annie. very generous indeed {p. 159}

6 May 1908 • Wednesday

Today went up very early and have worked very hard. Mrs. Salisbury called me over the telephone, first time since she came home from California. It seemed nice to hear her voice once more, said they did not let her know about Julia. This morning heard of John Clark’s death, then of Frances [Carrington] Jacobs both quite sudden. Louise has been up. Dot and Hermann [Buchholz] and Belle, they all went down to the house at Waterloo, letter from Parowan answered off hand very long letter from Mell, one from Milwaukee [Wisconsin] to Sister B. W. Smith telling her a Relief Society had been organized there asking for instructions, Annie went to see Martha & Emily today. Sister Caroline Partridge Lyman died yesterday in Oak City 82 years of age wife at Amasa Lyman daughter of Bishop Edward Partridge. President Joseph F. Smith went down to the funeral Br. [Francis M.] Lyman was there {p. 160} <he had been attending Conference>

7 May 1908 • Thursday

Tried to get on with mailing but many interruptions, Republican Convention met to day in the theatre, two ladies nominated to go to Presidential election Convention in Chicago in June however only as alternates but that is really something they are Lucy A. Clark & Susa Y. Gates, there is a letter from [B. H.] Roberts in the paper which is very pronounced against Senator Smoot very unwise4 I gave Dr. M. C. Roberts a book today A Woman’s Confessions very many truths in it Answered Sister Smith’s letter from Milwaukee today have been to see the Presiding Bishops5 about the flour sent to China6 had quite a talk over affairs with them {p. 161}

8 May 1908 • Friday

Went early to the office, had callers Lula Green Richards and Kate Brockbank, then Annie T. Hyde and Lucy A. Clarke [Clark] and others, calls over the telephone hindered my work greatly, Belle is not so well, which troubles me, John Clarke [Clark]’s funeral today also Frances Jacobs, Sister Jennie [Jane Miller] Campbell is thought to be dying of pneumonia. Had a peculiar dream last night about finding a staff rough stick full of knots, going through a woods, it seemed to me for a defense or protection as I thought in my dream, I can find no interpretations for it, a black cloud came up this afternoon and rain poured in torrents & wind blew furiously. {p. 162}

9 May 1908 • Saturday

Worked hard all day miserably wet, no letters of consequence felt dull and tried hard to get mailing off, city papers all gone, letter from Mell, and several callers unimportant, Junius Wells says his mother is better, she has been very ill indeed. I really do hope the sale of the home of Belle may prove safe and that she may be able to live comfortable the rest of her life and not so much anxiety and hard work. I pray earnestly for her that things may change and she may be able to do work in the Temple in redeeming the dead who have gone without the Gospel, a Savior upon Mount Zion. Came home late from the office in pouring rain feet wet. Wrote some letters to the sisters at a distance about missionary visitors {p. 163}

10 May 1908 • Sunday

Stayed in bed late and did not get much done, felt too weak and wanted rest did not do what I intended Went to Belle’s to dinner, Will [Buchholz] was at home, but suffering with headache. John Q. has to read a paper before the Sunday School Convention at Granite Stake Tabernacle. Annie did not go nor any of the family except Richard Andrew Louise went down to see her mother. After dinner at Belle’s I went to see Sister Julia P. M. Farnsworth and tried to get her to go to Emery Stake she felt She could not do it and I could not get any one soon enough, so wrote to Sister [Mary Gould] Sorenson the President and also the President of the Ferron Ward telling them & I really felt if it had not been meeting week and mailing I would have gone alone {p. 164}

11 May 1908 • Monday

A very dismal morning and I felt depressed, soon after getting up town Louis Wells came to tell me Martha Wells had a paralytic stroke and was unconscious. I went up there and saw Emily and the girls Heber J. came and I stayed and had dinner, Heber J. had prayers and seemed to exercise much faith for Martha and Emily both. After dinner I started home and Heber and the girls Dessie [Martha Deseret Grant] and Grace [Grant] came on to go to the theatre– we all came on together. I realized Martha was in a stupor and it seemed she was not conscious at all though some of the folks thought differently. I saw her and knew almost she could not recover. Doctors said they could tell in 48 hours. I succeeded in getting some mail off. I am hindered so much in this way. {p. 165}

12 May 1908 • Tuesday

This morning off for permits to get missionary tickets rain pouring down in torrents went off to Br. Williams to get checks to draw money, came back dripping wet and cold, Heber J. Grant telephoned me, Aunt Martha had breathed her last at five minutes after 3. I started immediately in the rain Grace Grant and Alice [Frances] Wells coming from school were on the same car I saw they did not know and told them. I found on arriving that I could see her as the sexton had not yet come, she looked placid & beautiful, Alas that she the youngest of us all should go first. Many sad reflections come at such times; wrote to Mell and told her of the demise {p. 166}

13 May 1908 • Wednesday

<dreamed last night of a very long ladder that I was mounting> This morning went up heavy-hearted but knew the mailing must be done, Dot came down to help me, Ben Harker came to get his mother’s tickets &c. to go to Monticello, Annie Hyde came and talked and telephoned and bothered me about Sister Smith’s present that it was not satisfactory. I begged her to wait as I was feeling too sorrowful, Ella Hyde came for D.R. paper meantime. Annie Junius Kate met here to talk over flowers from the family, finally decided and went to order a blanket of flowers for their Aunt Martha, Sister Smith came and signed certificates for Dr. Ellis R. Shipps class, I also had to sign Sister Merrill her daughter came and waited and went home with her. She looked pale and unhappy. Sister Thomas came and a lady writer from the coast and I wrote notes to sisters away Went up to Belle’s to dinner. Anniversary of John Q. & Annie {p. 167}

14 May 1908 • Thursday

Today I hurried up and it was also Dr. Shipps graduating exercises for the nurse class. Belle was ill in bed and could not get up at all. So I must go on alone. Annie came from the Cannon farm alone. Went to Cal. [Clara Wells] Hedges & had lunch then Sanford [Sandford W. Hedges] took me in the auto. to the Grant home, sat by Susan Wells. Martha looked beautiful in her robes of white and elegant coffin, with flowers of the sweetest variety, and delicate fragrance singing young men’s quartette, Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson presided speakers were O. F. Whitney & Jos. F. Smith prayer R. [Richard] W. Young & S. [Seymour] B. Young. Annie and myself rode in the carriage with Charlie Read & Junius. Annie came with me to the office and I did some telephoning to Bountiful and places in the City. Belle is no better tonight very sick at her stomach. [last name redacted] committed suicide today no news special {p. 168}

15 May 1908 • Friday

Katharine’s birthday bought her a dress new kind of silk blue and went down to Annie’s to dinner Rich. and Louise were there and went from there to a party at Thomas [H.] Woodbury’s at Waterloo. I stayed until Nine car got home all right. It was not a very nice day, but Katharine seemed happy, had Annie T. Hyde here talking of Arizona trip and planning, it was the Meeting of the Relief Society and we were first at the Office of the Presidency on business relating to our incorporation. And the changes wanted in real estate to be held by the Bishop in trust for the Relief Society and so on. There were present Jos. F. Smith, John R. Winder, Anthon H. Lund, Bishops C. [Charles] W. Nibley, O. P. Miller, David Smith and B. W. Smith A. T. Hyde, E. B. Wells C. S. Williams, S. J. Cannon, E. S. Woodruff E. S. Richards J. L. Smith J. P. M. Farnsworth A. W. Cannon A. M. Horne, M. H. James L. S. Wilcox {p. 169} Rebecca Nibley Priscilla Jennings Susan Grant, we came back to the office and held our regular meeting

16 May 1908 • Saturday

<Anniversary of Louie [Louise Wells Cannon] 21 years.> Saturday I copied the poem I had written for Br & Sister John [T.] McDonald [Amelia Crossland McDonald] and had to do many things besides, and had lots of hindrances Betsy came up and I went out to make purchases while she swept the office for the meeting of the D.R. I dressed meantime and went off to the party, was in good time had a warm welcome, and enjoyed the coming in of those who were the invited guests. Talking shaking hands and meeting old friends and new people lasted some time and then the call to go up stairs to the banquet came five tables were set in the hall up stairs and in the center at the head was President Jos. F. Smith and the guests of honor the bridal party, At the head of our table was John Henry [Smith] & H. J. Grant, and Anthony Ivins was to have been but he had gone on business to Mexico {p. 170} Junius Wells and George Pyper and Benjamin Goddard. There were also Josephine Groesbeck Smith & Augusta W. Grant, Helena [Fobes] Wells, And a young lady, Mrs. Benjamin Goddard [Martha Nield Goddard] and Emma [Nield] Goddard and Mrs. Em. Whitney Pyper and myself with five or six empty places. After the banquet there was a program of Music and speeches and a poem by me, some dancing and other amusements interspersed. Party broke up late.

17 May 1908 • Sunday

<Angus M. Cannon 74 today>

Sunday morning I tried to rest after being up. Sister Woodruff came and spent three or four hours talking all the time. Mostly about her grievances but also of some other things. I did some letter writing afterwards and some reading. The day was pleasant rather and a Peace meeting of all denominations was held in the Congregational Church– and Tabernacle services were of the same nature Orson F. Whitney preached. {p. 171}

18 May 1908 • Monday

<Emily Grant is very low cannot last long–> Monday morning went to dressmaker to have my dress fitted then to the office and had callers. Mrs. Grant mother-in-law of [Henry] Coryden Granger my grand-nephew, she is a newspaper woman Reaper’s Social did not meet only Sister [Lizzie Stevenson] Wilcox and Sister [Christina Johnson] Trescott came and they stayed and talked with me. Louise came and stayed a few minutes Coryden Granger’s little girl came with her grandmother her name is Gwendolyn Marian Granger a very beautiful child with long curls very heavy head of hair. Came home usual time and could not work only to read Had a fine letter from Mell she spoke lovely of Aunt Martha and told me some of her plans for the summer. We are all in great anxiety over Emily Grant who is in such a very serious condition and seems worse since her Mother’s death. {p. 172}

19 May 1908 • Tuesday

This morning was early: wind furious. Annie T. Hyde again and other callers. Felt intensely miserable but went on with usual work. [first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] committed suicide this forenoon made quite a sensation extra papers and so forth. Went up to Emily Grants had supper there Heber J. was there; Heber [M.] Wells and wife7 were there <also> and Tom Sloan8 and Edna, Dr. Richards came, there is no hope of recovery. 9|Annie, Margaret and Emmeline have gone to a party in the Stake house, Rich & Louise are also gone there and Daniel. going. I hope they will have a nice time, <Had supper at Emily’s> {p. 173}

20 May 1908 • Wednesday

<When I left Emily Grants last night Tom Sloan went to the car with me> We have had a dreadful night of storm wind snow and sleet the mornings are dark and gloomy when these heavy clouds are over the Eastern Mountains. Outside the trees and shrubs are bending under the heavy wet snow and many limbs are broken off, the prospect is dreary, but I must go out in it to see to Relief Society business. Went to the Temple saw Sister B. W. Smith our President and then to Clarissa who gave me lunch and back to bank etc. Willard Young made me accept from him a pair of rubbers which I am sure I shall not be able to wear. Have been busy all day and not accomplished much but wrote one important letter to Mrs. Emma L. Olds, Elyria, Ohio telling her Annie Wells Cannon had been appointed on the Resolution Committee of the National Council of Women of which she is Chairman hope she will be pleased with her. {p. 174}

21 May 1908 • Thursday

<Wrote to Emma Olds Elyria Ohio. Sent book to Col. Willard Young & <wife10>> This morning was not so gloomy but it is always sad when I recall what transpired 21 years ago today.11 I wonder how I ever lived through the trying ordeal, but the Lord was merciful and if there were enemies12 there were also friends whose words were gentle and kind and who were influential, my husband was in Europe and could not help me It was terrible the scenes of that day coming home with my dead, and almost alone in my grief, the scenes are riveted on my brain. 13|Today I have had a disagreeable episode someone had taken the key to the wardrobe and when I succeeded in opening it my money was gone I shall not dare to leave my office door open again Annie & Sarah Jame [Jenne] Cannon went to Tooele today to attend Conference came home all right, Margaret came back from Emily Cannon [Willey]’s to day she is a fine young woman, I have had a talk with Bishop Nibley today about public affairs. <he came to my office to see me & we talked for hours.> {p. 175}

22 May 1908 • Friday

<Wrote to Isabella E. [Pratt] Robison last night a very important letter indeed> This morning Sister Eliza C. [Clegg] Hale President of Bannock Stake Relief Society came to see me. We had some talk on Relief Society affairs Sister Phebe [Phoebe Neslen] Ottinger and her daughter called early in the day. Emmeline Margaret John Q. & Annie Dot and several more finally Anni came back to tell me of Emily Grant and Lydia D. Alder came and we had a talk Phebe Woodruff Snow was here for hours, we talked of the Snows and the Woodruffs and of large families and of parties. After all had gone I went over to Sister Williams with letters and money and the form of blank made out by the Bishop’s and then I went with it to Sister Bathsheba Smith for her approval, it was easy to get her opinion and now I must see to getting it returned to the Bishop’s office. Emily Richards and husband14 are going to Europe, start Tuesday next for New York and sail soon after arriving– {p. 176}

23 May 1908 • Saturday

There is not much change in Emily Grants condition, I went over to the Presiding Bishop’s office and took the agreement or legal paper and they gave me a copy to keep as Secretary, of the General Society. I presented Bishop Nibley with a book title “Compensation” a pale green cover. The book is very unique. I looked at many before deciding. I am not very well and my work is behind on account of so much anxiety over the sickness in the family. I seem wholly unfit for writing and I must. I am interested in writing of the women I have known in the past, and really feel I can keep their memory before the women of today, and in doing so leave a record of them for the coming generation {p. 177}

24 May 1908 • Sunday

I stayed at home all day It is the birthday anniversary of Queen Victoria and will be kept by festivities tomorrow in the British dominions. I have been searching through volumes of the Woman’s Exponent for Mrs. Mary Ann Angell Young’s obituary notice of her death or the closing Chapter of her biography written by me in her life time, and I find so much that is valuable that I seem more & more impressed with the idea that my life-work in collecting and publishing, little as it may appeal to the sisters in whose interest I have labored is after all valuable and it somewhat consoles me for my toil and fatigue. Word from Emily Grant very sad, several Elders her husband and brothers went to administer to her today, she is very much lower than before. I think all hope is given up– {p. 178}

25 May 1908 • Monday

This morning after a miserable night I went off early determined to go to Emily Grants and did so as soon as I could, Heber J. Heber M. Wells, Jos. S. [Wells] and Jun[i]us all there Josta [Josephine Beatie] Wells and Emily Wells Hebe’s wife all were waiting Emily [Harris] Bullock her Aunt had come from Pleasant Grove and they were only waiting anxiously the last parting. I had a bite to eat out in the kitchen, Grace was kind of sick Dessie waited on me her sweetheart young [Ashby D.] Boyle from Ogden was amusing the children and it was a great relief, I came away very sad, but it seemed superfluous to stay and not be doing any good Emily had been unconscious for some time, before I went up no one could see her. Soon after I left she passed away, Annie went up on the 3 car and staid until ten at night, doing what she could {p. 179}

26 May 1908 • Tuesday

<Elizabeth [Wood] Moyle died this morning, suddenly.> This morning Annie went up and stayed all day bought the material for the clothes along with Emily Katz Wells & Jote [Josephine Beatie] Burton, everything the finest quality, there was quite a little friction over the affair with the sisters and sisters-in-law & daughters etc. but Annie managed the matter so as to get the affair as satisfactory as it could possibly be. Everything dainty and expensive, lace ribbon all materials costly the very finest, she will be buried by Daniel her little boy who died in Heber J. Grants lot where Lucy and her boy Heber J. are buried. Flowers are ordered a large spray for the girls in which my three girls are included, Annie helped the sexton Sam. [M.] Taylor she stayed until very late. I went home sad it seems so terrible for the children of course they have a tender father– {p. 180}

27 May 1908 • Wednesday

<Lettrs from Verona & Dr. Penrose> Today is the funeral Annie went up at 8 this morning and has been very helpful I am sure. Belle could not leave Hermann he was so sick and Dot away, but everything was in order and perfect I was in good time, singing Thou dost not weep to weep alone– male Quartette, prayer President Anthon H. Lund. singing O, my Father Geo. D. Pyper Orson F. Whitney talked of the Wasatch Literary Society and then Rudger Clawson also spoke of the Wasatch & his own trials. Geo. D. Pyper sung Resting hymn by Emily H. Woodmansee the floral offerings were more beautiful than I had ever seen Mrs. O. [Orange] J. Salisbury [Margaret Walker Salisbury] sent a spray I rode with Annie June’s wife15 and daughter16 and Georgie [Georgiana Snow] Thatcher Came home exhausted went to supper at Royal[.] Hattie [Jennings] Shepherd had a baby girl17 born this morning Tom [Thomas W.] Jennings very ill Sister Moyle dead {p. 181}

28 May 1908 • Thursday

I am so very busy with writing and missionaries and my heart is sad too– I have tried so hard to write about Martha Wells and it seems so difficult to get just what one wants to say. I have selected a book for Jode but it does not please me I shall have to change it, Dr. Shipp came and talked about the Press Club meeting this evening. [8 lines blank] Press Club met not many present but had a good meeting reached home at 10.45. and the telephone would not work and nearly drove me frantic at last gave up and went to my writing {p. 182}

29 May 1908 • Friday

<Annie Louise Abram David Jack & Theodore called on me today> This is a busy day went up to the Presidents office to Br. W. [William] C. Spence saw George Gibbs who was very complimentary to me for the book I had presented him “Blue Mondays,” he had written me a fine letter and I never could get the time to reply so gave him a remembrance Aunt Bathsheba came over and we had some talk, and I had to go up again to the President’s office and she went with me and to the Bee Hive house Annie came and when Sister B. W. Smith came back to my office we had some serious talk about Relief Society affairs all three of us, Sister C. S. Thomas came and Annie went off to June’s she stayed there late and June came down with her to the office I went up to Jode’s and had dinner and talked over family affairs Minnie James came and got ticket etc. {p. 183}

30 May 1908 • Saturday

Decoration day I came up at eleven, wrote to Pocatello sent special delivery stamp letter– wrote more of the items for the Exponent worked very steadily felt very uncomfortable indeed, and finally went off to Belle’s had supper and came home 10.30. and read this and that till 12.30 The day has been chilly, and I have felt dreary, writing of those that are dead is not very cheerful, however I wrote also of Lambourne’s New book a notice for the paper I had no letters yesterday and no visitors. Lucile is getting ready to go to California and there is some idea of moving into another house. Cannon Ward meeting house is to be dedicated tomorrow Sunday {p. 184}

31 May 1908 • Sunday

This morning dull and heavy telephoned to Annie, she is coming over– Maria Young Dougall called me and invited me to her home on Thursday next to her wedding anniversary celebration forty years married I am not well and am worried Betsy the girl who is with me has had a call to nurse and goes tomorrow, I must write some letters but do not feel in the mood to write to anyone just now– Started out and met Annie, went up town together and I took car for the Grant home found them all at Edna Sloan’s and having dinner, so I had dinner with them and stayed a few hours came home about nine fifteen. Betsy the girl goes tomorrow to a place to nurse. {p. 185}

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May 1908, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 18, 2024


  1. [1]Theodore Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet, a fleet of sixteen battleships, with auxiliary vessels, circled the globe between December 1907 and February 1909. The fleet spent time in Monterey Bay, California, from 1 to 4 May 1908 and moved on to San Francisco on 6 May 1908. After the second leg of the voyage to Puget Sound, the fleet returned to San Francisco before beginning the third leg to Asia on 7 July 1908. (Reckner, Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet; “Are on Way Here,” Monterey Daily Cypress, 1 May 1908, [1]; EBW, Diary, 1 June 1908.)

  2. [2]Alice Willey. (Alice Willey, Birth Certificate, 4 May 1908.)

  3. [3]Alfred Lambourne, A Book of Verse.

  4. [4]B. H. Roberts was a member of the First Council of the Seventy and also a Democrat; Reed Smoot was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and also a Republican U.S. senator. In a letter published in Utah newspapers, Roberts argued that no man could adequately fulfill the responsibilities of both of the significant positions held by Smoot. As a member of the opposing political party, Roberts outlined other reasons why Smoot’s bid for reappointment to the U.S. Senate was faulty. (“War on Smoot Will Be Waged in Convention,” Salt Lake Herald, 7 May 1908, 3.)

  5. [5]Presiding Bishop Charles W. Nibley, Orrin P. Miller (first counselor), and David A. Smith (second counselor). (2013 Church Almanac, 121, 154–156.)

  6. [6]See EBW, Diary, 21 Apr. 1908.

  7. [7]Emily Katz Wells. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 176B.)

  8. [8]text: The “l” in Sloan is crossed like a “t”.

  9. [9]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  10. [10]Harriet Hooper Young. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 205A.)

  11. [11]The funeral for EBW’s youngest daughter, Louisa (Louie) Wells Cannon, was held on 21 May 1887. (See EBW, Diary, 21 May 1887.)

  12. [12]Members of EBW’s family were offended by the remarks made by stake president Angus M. Cannon at Louie’s funeral. Later Melvina Whitney Woods met Angus M. Cannon on the street and struck him; he struck her back and threatened to publish details of the relationship between John Q. Cannon and Louie. (See EBW, Diary, 14 Sept. 1887; Cannon, “The Tragic Matter of Louie Wells and John Q. Cannon,” 186; and Walker, Qualities That Count, 202–205.)

  13. [13]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  14. [14]Franklin S. Richards. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 178B.)

  15. [15]Helena Fobes Wells.

  16. [16]Abbie Hannah Wells. (1910 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 202B.)

  17. [17]Mary Ann Shepherd. (Mary Ann Shepherd, Birth Certificate, 27 May 1908.)