September 1903

1 September 1903 • Tuesday

Anniversary of little Eugene [H. Harris]’s birthday 59 years ago, I hoped to have had a little time to myself and some little token of love or some flowers or a letter from some one that would have made me happier but nothing came only depression. Letter from Lillian M. Hollister which was quite {p. 245}

2 September 1903 • Wednesday

At 3. p.m. today there was a business meeting of the Daughters of the Revolution in my office and the business of settling the Fac Simile’s of the Declaration of Independence was transacted a Committee appointed to act in the matter and Miss Catharine Wells sent in her resignation as Secretary and Mrs. Lucy W. [Woodruff] Smith was appointed to fill the place Miss Wells resignation was accepted and acted upon and the Regent with the approval of the members present appointed the members of the Council to fill vacancies– the Council stands Mary E. R. Webber, Sarah F. [Farr] Smith Clarissa H. Y. [Young] Spencer, Clarissa S. Williams Catharine Wells Eliza W. [Hill] Titcomb– meeting adjourned until the 16th. {p. 246}

3 September 1903 • Thursday

This morning Mr. Moore of the new Railroad came in to ask me if he could ascertain when our Conference would be held whether before or after the General Conference, and I promised to let him know Saturday morning {p. 247}

4 September 1903 • Friday

The day has been very warm and sultry; Ida Dusenberry was in the office when I came and writing I had to give her the money she wanted that had been used for Canada. She declared she had no money to go home with. I went to the News to see about my paper and then the sisters begun to come in to the meeting, Sister Smith Sister Lambert and Sister Caine and soon all who were so likely to come early were there {p. 248}

5 September 1903 • Saturday

Rose early and hurried off to attend the R.S. Stake Conference and had the opportunity of speaking twenty minutes or more. Annie Wells Cannon also spoke fifteen minutes her first speech in Conference. Sister M. Isabella Horne was presiding Sister Bathsheba W. Smith was also present and on the platform besides these sisters were Sister Sarah J. And Clara C. Counselors and Sister Maria W. Wilcox Cor. Sec. Julia A. Woolley Secretary & Julia C. Howe and aid1 and E. J. Stevenson & Annie W. Cannon of the General Board besides myself. At 2. p.m. went to the Board of Directors meeting of the State Federation of Clubs and it lasted until six p.m. came home weary, the clouds were threatening Miss Peterson went home on a visit to Bear River and I am here alone tonight. {p. 249}

6 September 1903 • Sunday

Rose very early and dressed for the Temple went up alone but many friends were there several of our family, and sat by Sister B. W. Smith she urged me to sit there and I felt honored by her invitation as she is so highly esteemed by the First Presidency and was by the Prophet himself. The hymns they sung were fine and Br. [James W.] Ure offered an excellent prayer, Testimonies were good especially Sister Freeze & Sister B. W. Smith’s and Miss Ellis Shipp, had a talk with Sister Harker after meeting. Came home and found notice of telegram went up for it and found it was from St. John’s Arizona, wrote to Clarissa S. Williams about it, and went over to Belle’s to dinner had roast beef– most of my time was passed in recording my Relief Society Record {p. 250}

7 September 1903 • Monday

This morning did not hurry as it was a holiday– Labor day, but found my revise at the office and read it took it to the Annex Seventh story,2 first time in the new building up that high– called on Sister B. W. Smith had some conversation about Society affairs. Annie came up to talk of St. George and what she should speak of the subjects– telephoned to Sister Thomas to see if she would go down to St. George with Annie, she seemed favorably inclined, will let me know tomorrow. Donnetta Smith Kesler and Miss Sholes came to Kindergarten Meeting, a girl came for a situation, I wrote some letters looked up on some matters that needed it and came home fairly in good time Annie told me today that George Q. had been chosen First Counselor in the Y.M.M.I.A.3 in Cannon Ward {p. 251}

8 September 1903 • Tuesday

Went up early and Annie came and also Sister Thomas drew the money and bought tickets and finished what was necessary I went and paid bills and took dinner at Vienna Cafe, then later went to the train to see Annie John Q. and Sister Thomas off for the trip. Ann [Carran] Cowley died in Farmington this morning, it seems very sad so lonely and without her son who was in Park City Isabel is going up in the morning and has to make an apron for her to be buried in4 because she had promised it. Had supper at Belle’s and came home weary, but commenced work on my minutes right off. It is very cold the wind is high and I am here alone but I have prayed that the Lord would help me banish fear. {p. 252}

9 September 1903 • Wednesday

This is a very cold day Belle went to Farmington this morning as she promised. I had my breakfast at home was very cold while going up in town. Br. [John T.] Caine came and brought the blanks all filled out ready to send away– very satisfactory. Sister Sarah Jenne Cannon came in also L. L. Greene Richards, Kate Wells, Tom Hull, R. [Richard] K. Thomas Mary Alice C. Lambert Margaret A. Caine Sister Joseph Horne then the Kindergarten meeting Donnetta Smith Kesler President Miss Mercy Baker and others. Have not done much work but have tried to get ready for mailing. Sister Stevenson and Sister Susan Grant were both in here to see me too. I have been very busy, {p. 253}

10 September 1903 • Thursday

<Mr. Cartwright of San Francisco was in again today.> This is the anniversary of my Emmie’s birth she would have been 50 years old were she living it is a pleasure to think of her sunny temperament and happy manners, yet she suffered very much and one cannot but acknowledge the hand of the Lord though our hearts were agonized on her account. We must submit to the dispensations of Providence however we may feel naturally. Sister Stevenson, Katie Hall, [blank] it has been a very quiet day not so cold as yesterday went out to lunch and in the evening to see Sister Smith and talk over the trip to Kanab. and other affairs. Sister Ann Cowley was buried to day funeral in Farmington Belle went up, stayed all day. she seemed satisfied with the funeral I came home about nine, called at Belle’s. {p. 254}

11 September 1903 • Friday

Sister S. J. Cannon’s birthday and there is a dinner at Zannie’s Angus [J. Cannon] & Miriam [Hawkins Cannon] are down and Frank [J. Cannon] & Mattie[,] Preston and Mabel [Harker Cannon]– I bought her a book– have not been well today Sister Dusenberry came up from Provo to the Officers meeting. Lucile [Sears] is sick and Belle is worried. I slept very little the wind was very high and the night was gloomy. I was up and reading much of the night. Margaret Caine got her Permit for Kanab– Missionary letter and Answers to Questions. Sister Nellie E. [Ellen Nash] Parkinson from Hyrum the new President of Hyrum Stake came to see me and also Sister Elizabeth [Poole] Moodey of Thatcher Arizona, and others, I went off to the meeting at Sister Smith’s and we took so much time to the Outlines of Work that I was very late getting home. Cold in my room, and did not make a fire. {p. 255}

12 September 1903 • Saturday

Slept rather late, hurried off then to Sister Stevenson’s to get her fixed for Kanab about which trip I feel anxious. Worked with a will. Belle came up also Louise Sister [Julia Morris] Golightly and one or two more– cold rainy windy day. Accomplished a little towards my mailing. Sister M. W. Wilcox came to see about the Reapers Club meeting for Monday next. I went with her to the News office to get a notice in the paper. Came home early for me and had supper and did some reading and recording. Sent off a few letters. {p. 256}

13 September 1903 • Sunday

Stayed in bed late Belle came over with breakfast and made my fire. went on with my recording and then went over to Belle’s to dinner, saw Dot, Will and the children a few minutes– did a few odds & ends tried to rest, it is John [K.] Whitney’s birthday 71. the last of the large family of boys 7‒ and girls 4. only one of each left– very strange. I do not often see Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] & John never except at some of the family funerals. Tonight Miss Lucinda Peterson came back from Bear River been away about nine days. {p. 257}

14 September 1903 • Monday

Went up much earlier than usual to work very cold indeed but did some work. some ladies came to Reaper’s club meeting Mrs. M. W. Wilcox Mrs. C. Trescott, Mrs. Eleanor [Oates] Long, Mrs M. Francis Miss Julia A. Druce finally decided to have notice given for the following Monday‒ Sister Francis took me to have tea Eugene Sears 21. today Belle has killed a turkey and we are to have a family dinner once more. Belle, Dot, Wills Sep Gertrude, Eugene, Brent Marian Lucile [Buchholz] & Herman myself eleven Lucile [Sears] 12. A fine dinner and all went off pleasantly. came home and went on with my copying and did some reading and thinking as well {p. 258}

15 September 1903 • Tuesday

This morning Annie and John Q. and Sister Thomas came back from St. George, and I feel very glad to know she is at home again Sister Frances [Booth] Hanson of Mill Creek and Sister Clara [Hanson] Healy her daughter called to see me, and we talked over some very serious matters {p. 259}

16 September 1903 • Wednesday

<Sir Thomas Lipton is seriously ill in Chicago> Today I hurried to get some mailing done and then went to the Temple to see Sister Smith. Sister Sarah Jane Cannon had called in the morning and one or two others. Sister Smith was not well enough to think of going to Belle’s to the Daughters of the Revolution. I hurried off so as to be in time there were present Maria <1> Mira <2> and Phebe <3> of the Youngs. Kate <4> Wells Annie <5>, Lucy W. <Woo> Smith. <6>. Mabelle Snow <7>, Ella Hyde <8>, Alice Horne <9>, Carol <10> Cannon myself 11, Belle 12, Florence S. Sears 13, afterwards Mrs. Evans 145 the subject was Abagail Adams and Mrs. Horne Mrs. Smith Mrs. Wells each read from her life and letters, two poems were given one by Carol Cannon and one by Mabelle Snow, I opened with prayer and Mrs. Dougall closed with prayer the decorations were lovely. {p. 260}

17 September 1903 • Thursday

Today is so full of work that one does not know how to manage, it is to be the wedding day of LaFayette Talbot Whitney and Minnie James at high noon and in the evening a Reception. {p. 261}

20 September 1903 • Sunday

I tried to get to the Tabernacle but the work of condensing Relief Society minutes was so absorbing that I gave up going. Had dinner over at Belle’s with herself and Lucile & Brent, afterwards Dot and three children came in to see me. The day is particularly fine and must be exhilarating to one who can take time to enjoy. Belle & Lucile went to call on Emily [Young] Clawson. and afterwards Belle went to see Dot and the children. Today a convention of yuooung men in Barratt Hall {p. 264}

21 September 1903 • Monday

This morning went up early had slept but little a very unpleasant night and I was weary and nervous. Several letters one from Lillian [Clark] Ramsey telling me of my Sister Pallas death, she had not suffered much but was patient and resigned. I have been diligently working at the mailing and have at last finished, I have not actually mailed alone before for a long time, Miss Peter [Peterson]– did only part of the folding. I have written every name and rolled up every paper. It is an undertaking for me besides going for paste and mailing sacks. Annie was up this morning but did not know about my letters then. Melissa [Burton] Kimball died today she is just my age. had supper over at Belle’s. {p. 265}

24 September 1903 • Thursday

Pioneer meeting at Belle’s a large gathering, Sister Elizabeth [Dilworth] Nebeker gave Joseph Smiths visit to the home of the Delworth’s [Dilworths] in Chester Co. Pennsylvania6 {p. 268}

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September 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 18, 2024


  1. [1]In her older years, Julia C. Howe came to events with an attendant or maid. (EBW, Diary, 29 Dec. 1903; 23 July 1909; 24 Apr. 1910.)

  2. [2]Deseret News Building. (See EBW, Diary, 1 July 1903.)

  3. [3]Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association.

  4. [4]This refers to part of the ritual clothing worn in Latter-day Saint temple ceremonies.

  5. [5]text: Partway through this list of the names of women who attended the meeting, EBW appears to have gone back to number the women; as she then finished the list, she evidently included the number as she wrote each name. (See “D. R. Society,” Woman’s Exponent, Sept. 1903, 32:29; “Annual Meeting D. R.,” Woman’s Exponent, Aug. 1903, 32:20.)

  6. [6]See “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, Sept. 1903, 32:28; and History, 1838–1856, vol. C-1, p. 1009, Joseph Smith Papers.