15 October 1874
Eden Relief Society; Eden Schoolhouse, Eden, Utah Territory
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Sister E R Snow said she had felt A great interest for this society wished the young sisters to become as pollished stones in wished them all to rise and bare their testimonies wished the young women to be shining lights in zion and in their Fathers house that angles [angels] were wa[t]ching our actions. always observe truth and honesty and you will establish a character that will neve[r] be doubted and become noble women wished them to become refined in manners and not a shamed to meet princesses and princesses A home Education was the one to prepare us to meet angles [angels] not to concider [consider] coming to meeting a light thing concider we are borne for A noble purpose the lord was pleased to see us meet togeather for there he sent his angles we should keep the spirit of god burning in our bosomes we are the children of god our souls need feeding as well as our boddies we must keep the celestial law must never let work keep us from meeting for the spirit of god would be there and there would be a heavenly halo around us and our work would be tighter [lighter?] said she was pleased to see so many bright faces and god bless us she blesse us in her heart
Sister Jane [S.] Richards
addressed us saying Sister snow leaves her home for our benefit god blesse[s] us with her visits god is ever willing to harken to our prayrs
[. . .] [p. 28]