14 September 1882
Moroni Relief Society; Moroni City Hall, Moroni, Utah Territory
[. . .] sister Bailey made a few remarks & give way to sister to Eliza R Snow. Sister Snow was much pleased to see such an aud[i]ence, she said it was a great privalge [privilege] for mothers to be organized into a relief Society & evry woman should have her name enrold [enrolled] in it. she said Joship [Joseph] Smith it was not <only> to reli[e]ve the Poor but to save souls, & if we ever expect <to be s[a]ved> we will have to save our selves, it is our duty relive the poor & it requir[e]s the best of women for teachers to care for thier spirits. if ther[e] are any old women that dont belong to the Society, I tremble for them. we have had a time of peace & we have turnd to follow the fashions of the world. thier is a time coming that will try us. Let us exhamin [examine] our selves & see if we are liveing up to dutys in the society as faithfull sisters. we promised to forget our former existenc[e] and come and fill a mission hear on Earth. how will we feel when we go home & have not done our duty. it is not expited [expected] your President will do all the work if they do th[e]y get all the reward. when I am on my death bed can I feel that I been faithful. if I have neglected any duty. we shall get no reward for looking after fine clothes. it takes strong will to be a saint among saints we want our religion at home in our evry day life when we are doing our hous[e] work. if we are fild [filled] with the spirit of God we will have no time to be dickering [bickering] & backbiteing with the sisters. I cant see how one sister can have heard [hard] feelings against another if any one injures one of the sisters they will have to pay for it. she said she was proud of the sisters of Sanpete & she held them up as an exhapmle [example] when she was speaking in other places. she said if we was not faithful in discharge our duty & keeping the commandments of of God we could not in to the Celestial Kingdom & meet our little ones we should so that could be organized & reunited to our familys she spoke on being puntial [punctual] at our meetings
[. . .] [p. 51]
Source Note
Moroni Ward, North Sanpete Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1871–1920), vol. 3 (1881–1890), p. 51, CHL (LR 5786 14); Mary H. Draper, Secretary.