15 September 1870
Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Relief Society; Abraham O. Smoot Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
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Sis Eliza R. Snow addresst [p. 190] the meeting with regard to the <duties of the> sisters in their organized capacity—said it was a source of astonishment to her that many of the sisters treet the organization lightly—but on reflection she realized that it was the few—the honist in heart who lisend to the teachings of Jesus—The Gospil of Christ is designed to call out the honist in heart and the noble and the few are to save the many. With regard to teachers she said it was not for them to pry into domestic matters, it is for them to counsel admonish instruct and comfort to administer to the sick the ordinances in the Lord’s House—such as washing and anointing and laying on of hands—if the sick desire it &c—
Spoke of the young ladies organization in acordance with Pres [Brigham] Young’s—felt the necessity of our united efforts in this derection that the young might be taught and their faculties developed—above all that they may realize their position as saints—that they may be more thoughtfull—get the spirit of God become wise and dicreet [discrete], they will have a good influence over our young men and a general improvement will be the result
She exorted all to be alive to this important subject—what are mothers living for if not for the welfare of their children Why should so much time be spent in adorning the persons of our children—ruffling embrordering letting && [etc.]—while the mind and manners are so much neglected we profess to be saints and why should we care to immtate [imitate] the follies of the gentile[s] [p. 191]
Even gentiles who visit us have express surprize that we who profess to be a peculiar people should manifest a silly vanity in dress—spoke of the pleasure she felt in meeting with the sisters—beholding their cheerful countinances—their fases [faces] beeming with the spirit of God How sweet how refreshing—exhorted the sisters not to be discouraged—to realize that the blessings of the Lord were not bestowed in proportion to nomber but in proportion to faithfulness—refured [referred] to the scriptuial pact that God would not destroy Sodom if five righteous men could be found in it && [etc.]—With God on our side there are enough faithful ones to establish the kingdom of God and carry out His purposes
Speaking of the F R Society she said where can we find so much love uneion [union] and confidence as in this association? Did these my sisters feel so much love for each other before this organization? it is good for us to meet and cultivate uneion—Spoke of the Album Quilt her satisfaction in feeling that she was represented in it, in connection with her sisters—although much time and labor had been extended on it she did not think it lost labor for it will be preserved as a memento of love and union. There are many labors to be preformed and the duties and labors of the saints are increasing—they will continue to do so, for the Government will [p. 192] pass into the <hands of the> Saints—it is better for us to have trials to encounter and diffaculties to grapple with that we may gain experience and prove our integrity, If we are so blessed as to have attained to the celestial fullness we shall then have nothing to corode or annoy. I feel like renewing my diligance that through faithfulness I may over come and attain to the celestial exaltation—may this be all one happy lot & [etc.]—
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Benediction by E R Snow [. . .] [p. 193]
Source Note
Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1877), pp. 188–193, CHL (LR 9455 14); Eliza S. Dunford, Secretary.