20 May 1887
Ogden First Ward Relief Society; Ogden, Utah Territory
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Sister Snow had met with the Sisters in the different Societies had felt the Spirit of God and knew that the spirit of Love and Unity was increasing with the Saints and we will yet have to become united so that Satan will have no power over us, spoke of doing the work for the dead, of helping the living [p. 188] and living up to our privileges in attending the primaries and young ladies meetings If the mothers could attend to those things it would be a great benefit to the rising generation. Made many interesting remarks and bore a faithful testimony. [. . .]
President [Jane S.] Richards [. . .] Spoke of the feeble condition of Sister Eliza R. Snow and asked the sisters to kindly remember her that she may be able to meet with us again [. . .]
Benediction by Sister Snow. [p. 189]
Source Note
Ogden First Ward, Mount Ogden Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1968), vol. 3 (1883–1888), pp. 188–189, CHL (LR 6391 14); Belinda Clark, Assistant Secretary.