14 June 1884
Tooele Stake Primary; Grantsville, Utah Territory
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Sister Eliza Snow asked the children several questions. which were answered readily and correctly, and also the Bible questions, then came dialogues recitations and songs, by the children all very pleasing, and interesting
Miss Snow said I feel as though you were all my children, and am much gratified to hear your excercises, your peices have been recited so properly. you have been trained to speak your words correctly, and give the sense too, this is childrens oratory—after asking the children a great many questions sister Snow said she was astonished to see the many beautiful specimens of the childrens, and young ladies handwork. exhibited in the Fair and felt both pleased and proud of the energy and ability displayed
[. . .] [p. 54]
Source Note
Tooele Utah Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1880–1973), vol. 1 (1880–1909), p. 54, CHL (LR 9215 18); Emily Warburton, Secretary Pro Tem.