3 November 1880
Social Event; Permelia H. and David James Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
[. . .] a few friends by invitation met at the residence of Br, James [David James, Jr.] and his wife Minnie Horne James, who is the young hopeful mother of a promising three weeks old daughter [. . .] Sister E. R. Snow made the following remarks, “The gifts seem to be almost a thing of the past with this people there are many children, to say nothing of older people, who never even heard the gift of Tongues.
Joseph Smith said, nothing spoken in the gift of Tongues should be taken as doctrine. If there was any opposing spirit present it was not wisdom to speak in the gift of tongues, the spirit of God is here. It is acceptable to God for us to meet, and many things might be talked about that would be proffitable to us. My soul is full of blessings, Minnie (James) I bless you hold all <these> things sacred and with you I bless your little one. These are golden opportunities. Little by little we grow in righteosness, love and good works are counted for righteousness. Lightness grieves the spirit of God hold these Seasons Sacred.[”] She then said to Clara [E.] Horne. The gifts are for you even tongues and the interpretation of tongues, and prophesy Sister Elmira [Elmina S.] Taylor was blessed by Sister [Mary Isabella] Horne, in the gift of Tongues. S. [Sarah] M. Kimball was in like manner blessed by E. R. Snow. [. . .] [p. 21]
Source Note
General Relief Society, Record (1880–1892), p. 21, CHL (CR 11 175).