4 February 1884
Anniversary Celebration; Charles W. Penrose Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
Birth-day Scrap,
Or Anniversary Tribute, to the Honorable Charles W. Penrose.
By Eliza R. Snow Smith.
All hail the day!—the day when mortal Birth,
C. W. Penrose introduced to Earth,
Whose purpose, heart, and brain, are all combined
To aid the upward progress of mankind.
He’s one of those, emergencies require,
When grand events are destined to transpire.
With inspiration from the Eternal Source,
In lucid eloquence’[s] magnetic force,
He pleads the rights of man and woman-kind
With judgment, reason, fact, and truth combined.
In the illustrious work of God and men
He plies the strong twin-agents, speech and pen.
Our friend and brother, may your useful life
Be full of years—your years, with blessings rife;
Long may you live the sword of Truth to wield,
Till Peace is crowned on Zion’s battle-field—
Live till the pure in heart are unoppressed—
Yes, live to share the Saints’ triumphant rest,
Long after Edmunds, Cullom—all their bilious crew
Have doff’d their hats, and made their bow to you.
Lion House, Salt Lake City, Feb. 4th, 1884.
[. . .] [p. 137] [. . .] [pp. 138–139]
[. . .]
Editorial Notes
On the evening of the 4th of February, a few of the friends of the Hon. C. W. Penrose, Editor Deseret News, Salt Lake City, gathered at his residence in the 9th Ward to join with his family in celebrating his birthday. There were about thirty guests, among them [. . .] Sister E. R. Snow Smith [. . .] Sister Eliza had written a few lines, which were read at the supper table by Bro. Penrose’s daughter Jessie [P. Jones]. During the evening speeches were made by [. . .] Sister Eliza [. . .] and others.
[. . .] [p. 140]
Source Note
Eliza R. Snow Smith, “Birth-day Scrap,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 18 (15 Feb. 1884): 137; “Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent 12, no. 18 (15 Feb. 1884): 140.