17 November 1875
Harrisville Young Ladies; Harrisville Schoolhouse, Harrisville, Utah Territory
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Preses. [Presidentess] Eliza R. Snow Sister H. [Harriet C.] Brown Sister [Amelia M.] Frodsham of Ogden met with the Relief Society of Harrisville and organized the association [. . .]
Preses. E. R. Snow then presented the name of the association as the Young Ladies Retrenchment Association of Harrisville the name was accepted with a clear vote the Pres. [Leonora Rawson] made some remarks that was very instructive said if any good woman opens her mouth it will filled with words of wisdom sister trim your lamps which is the spirit of God and help others always be on hand make your selves important by being punctual to fill every duty [. . .] [p. 4]
Source Note
Harrisville Ward, Farr West Stake, Young Women’s Mutual Improvement Association Minutes and Records (1875–1971), vol. 1 (1875–1889), p. 4, CHL (LR 3668 17); Mary E. Taylor, Secretary.