19 June 1881
Malad Relief Society; Malad, Utah Territory
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St Eliza Snow then arose and showed the charictor of women, that are aspiring to carry out the lawes of the Lord, to be helpmates to our husbands, as we have a part to perform as well as them, showing that the charictor of a Women is great when lived up too refered to her first embracing the Gospel. Spoke of the Opposing influences that opposed her refered to the enerjectic feeling that ought to prevail in assisting to build tempels, to perform the work for the Dead related the good the sisters in the Society as accomplished in attending to the poor refered to the faithfull few quoted the passage: Behold many are called but few are chosen said she would not be Satisfied with no other Glory than a celestial one.
[. . .] [p. 137] [. . .] [p. 138]
Meeting held for the officers, Sunday Evening
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St Eliza Snow spoke upon the Principal of Love said She had no hard feelings with no one, wishing us to be humble and attend to our Prayers Related a dream of hers; off seeing all so happy together, those who had kept there covenants and the contrast, of those, who had nelegted there duties, showed the rusult [result] off haveing hard feelings but wished us to Seek for Wisdom and power to live our Religion; than spoke in an Unknown tongue Sister Zina [D. H. Young] gave the interpretation imploring the blessings of the Almighty to <rest> upon those who preside; that they would have power to descern the Opposing influences; that hangs around them; that the Lord is with his chosen few here, and would bring them off Victorious
[. . .] [p. 139]
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St Eliza then read the Prophets Josieps [Joseph Smith] last address to the Church [. . .] [p. 140]
Source Note
Malad Ward, Malad Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1874–1915), vol. 1 (1874–1908), pp. 137–140, CHL (LR 5191 14).