16 July 1880
Davis Stake Relief Society; East Bountiful Meetinghouse, Bountiful, Utah Territory
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There were present from Salt Lake City Sisters E. R. Snow, And Zina D. [H.] Young. [. . .] [p. 60]
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Sister Snow thought there is no more important office than that of Teacher. But unless they enjoy the blessing of the Holy Ghost, They are not qualified for Teachers. [p. 61]
Those who have a feeling against Plurality need not ask for this blessing. Jos. [Joseph] Smith hesitated before complying with the request from the Lord to practice this Principle; & an Angel with a drawn Sword threatened to destroy him & take from him his Priesthood, if he did not obey.
Our spirits were reserved to come forth in this age, to help establish righteousness & promote good. Young People should choose suitable companions to fulfill God’s purposes on earth. She had lived in Plurality 40 years, & is a strong advocate for the principle. There some of her friends were desirous that she should take upon herself the name of her first husband, which was Smith.1
Sister Zina Young Said that she had heard that Jos. Smith remarked, in his life, concerning those who never uttered one word again [against] this principle “I will see them safe into the Celestial City.” Sister Snow added “& those opposed will never get there.”
Prest. [Sarah I.] Holmes gave notice that Sisters Snow & Young would like to meet with the P. A. [Primary Association] at 5 pm urged mothers to fetch their children as much as practicable.
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Afternoon Session [. . .] [p. 62]
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Sister Snow Smith said she could know by the happy countenances of the congregation that they were Saints, for no other people look just as we do.
during her remarks she touched briefly upon various subjects as silk culture, Home Industries, Plurality etc. But said that our most important mission is to train up the little ones in the right way. It must be constant constant training. Teach them that dress is not Character. Instill into them the necessity to have faith sufficient to command Prison doors to unfold! To the waves, to say, Be still! She spoke of the Hymn book she had just completed for the children, containing 120 pages to be sold at 12½ cts [cents] each.
[. . .]
Sister Snow felt to bless the sisters with a new tongue, which she did in a mild & gentle manner Sister Young giving the interpretation by the spirit of God. Many were melted to tears by the softening influence of the spirit.
Sister Snow then Organized the Davis Stake P.A. [. . .]
[. . .] [p. 63] [. . .]
[. . .]
Pres. Holmes thought that our Conferences become more & more interesting each time, & that all would feel repaid for coming if only to have heard & felt the blessing of Sister Snow by the Gift of tongues. [. . .] [p. 64]
Source Note
Davis Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1878–1915), vol. 1 (1878–1887), pp. 60–64, CHL (LR 2160 14).
See also “R. S. Reports,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 7 (1 Sept. 1880): 55[53]–54.
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[1]See “Plural Marriage” in Historical Context.