9 December 1884
Box Elder Stake Relief Society; Box Elder Stake Tabernacle, Brigham City, Utah Territory
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Mary Watkins
I feel well to meet my sisters I am pleased to see aunt Eliza with us. She is like a mother [. . .]
E R Snow
I am happy to be in your midst I see before me a congregation of Eves Mothers in Israel I believe it is our privolage [privilege] so that Father will not with[h]old any good thing We all have trials her[e]to look at Jesus am I better then He. We are to[o] apt to forget and not go to The Father the Great comforter Spoke of the great faith of little children [p. 135] Advised Mothers to look with great care to the moral character. honesty especialy The children of the Saints are bright. told mothers to ask the question[n]s after P A [Primary Association] meeti[n]g M[a]y this stake never be behind in any good thing Amen
[. . .]
E. R. Snow
I have been highly edified man & women will be elevated to principalities Jesus paved the way Why were we not born one hundred years ago. how high is our calli[n]g, and we wanto [want to] learn to do business R. S. is an education society we wanto be our own doctors [p. 136] I am proud of my sisters I feel to bless y[o]u I feel to ask God to bless you and give you every thi[n]g you need Ame[n]
P A. S. [Phoebe A. Snow]
I feel to bear my testimo[n]y to all E R S has said I know that these organizatio[n]s have and are doi[n]g much good. [. . .] [p. 137]
Source Note
Box Elder Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1857–1944), vol. 4 (1878–1890), pp. 135–137, CHL (LR 933 14).