8 July 1879

Hyde Park Relief Society; Hyde Park, Utah Territory

On account of a visit from Sisters Snow [Sarah M.] Kimball [Serepta M.] Heywood and [Mary Isabella] Horne a meeting was called. [. . .] Pres. [Mary Ann A. Woolf] thanked the sisters for their visit after which Sister Snow expressed her thankfulness for so many being present and so many of the brethren as their interests are identical with ours we should work to gether tho’ our interests are the same our duties lie in different directions. Womans first duty is at home. Each one must work out their own salvation. Our labors must cansist [consist] of ac[t]ual work not wishes and prayers. Until Zion is redeemed it is not consistent to sing Zion is free. Zion will never be free until we make what we need. The brethren should assist the sisters to obtain and plant out mulberry-trees. Although this has been before us for twenty-years we have not advanced far. It has been proven that we can dress cheaper in silk than in cotton or wool. Unless we relize our positions we shall not accomplish much good we are very apt to deceive our selves. If we spend all our time in obtaining riches we cannot take them with us. When we were babtized we covenanted to be wholly the Lords. By being organized we can accomplish much more good than individually. When this Society was first organized it was predicted that it would be a most glorious institution. The Lord has given us faculties and he wants us to use them for our own advancement we have done well in storing grain but must be careful that none is wasted. Another duty was to establish a hospital but the most important was to put our children in positions to keep their hearts pure. In earlier days the spiritual culture was neglected In Zion young people have grown up and did not know the gosple. Was anxious to see all the children organized into primary institutions. It could not be a success unless the mothers were interested must say to the dilatory that only those that work will receive the reward. remember we are the daughters of the Most High. If the children would [p. 82] be present the following day at 1 P M. would organize them. [. . .] [p. 83]

Source Note

Hyde Park Ward, Cache North Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1973), vol. 1 (1868–1883), pp. 82–83, CHL (LR 3991 14).

See also “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 8, no. 8 (15 Sept. 1879): 61.

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8 July 1879, Hyde Park Relief Society; Hyde Park, Utah Territory, The Discourses of Eliza R. Snow, accessed February 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/eliza-r-snow/1870s/1879/07/1879-07-08-b