19 April 1881
Salt Lake City Twentieth Ward Primary; Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
[Editorial Note: This discourse was reported in several sources. Two versions are transcribed below. For more information, see the source note following each transcript.]
I. From the Primary Minutes
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Sister Snow was delighted with the good order she had not been with so many children and had never seen any keep such good order. said she was astonished to see the progress the children had made since she organized this meeting said there was but a few when we started said she hoped the parent would see that every child had a hymn-book for she wanted them all to learn to sing and to continue to be better said she would recomend the boys to practice singing for they might be called on a mission and it was always an advantage to know how to sing. [. . .] [p. 108]
Source Note
Twentieth Ward, Ensign Stake, Primary Association Minutes and Records (1879–1971), vol. 1 (1879–1881), p. 108, CHL (LR 9455 18); F. Laura Mitchell, Secretary.
II. From the Woman’s Exponent
[. . .]
TUESDAY, April 19, we attended the second anniversary of the Primary Association of the 20th Ward in this city. A baz[a]ar was fitted up at one end of the hall with a variety of articles, ornamental and useful, all made by the little [p. 180] folks. It was quite an artistic affair. The exercises of the meeting were conducted by Mrs. Emma Toone in an efficient and dignified manner, and although there were one hundred and fifty children in the room, the most perfect order was preserved throughout the entire meeting. There were recitations, essays, songs, organ solos, dialogues, and speeches by the visitors, among whom we will make honorable mention of Sisters Eliza R. Snow Smith and Presendia L. Kimball, also T. [Theodore] B. Lewis, Superintendent of schools, and C. [Charles] R. Savage, Esq. [. . .] [p. 181]
Source Note
“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 9, no. 23 (1 May 1881): 180–181.