30 September 1868
Salt Lake City Third Ward Relief Society; Third Ward Schoolhouse, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
There were present at this meeting Sisters Eliza R. Snow Prescenda [Presendia L.] Kimball and Sarah [M.] Kimball
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Sister Eliza Snow then remarked that the sisters of this Society had to become members by vote
The following names were then voted in as members of the Society
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The report of the Society was then read.
Sister Eliza Snow remarked that it was a very good report
Remarks by Eliza R Snow
It is no ordinary thing, to meet in an organization of this nature, this organization, belongs to the organization of the Church of Christ, in all dispensations when it is in perfection, you can read it from the original record, the Sisters preside as the Presidency presides over the Church, the Sisters should teach and expound the Scripture, the Prophet Joseph [Smith] was very particular to have the Sisters transact their buisness in a buisness like manner, he attached great importance to this Society, the Society <deal> with members <as> the church deal with members, the duities are to numerous to be defined, all offices in this Society are important, you are to instruct, to comfort, and if you have enough of the Spirit of God, you are sometimes required to reprove, cultivate love for the humane family, saints should be happy, wickedness does not belong to saints, the mind can be happy while the body suffers. [p. 17] We must be tried to be refined, be patient, and rejoice in your labours, hold on to the rod of iron, be noble, and acknowledge the hand of God in all things, I have seen Sisters that was afraid of Poligamy I would not to day if I could eradicate Poligamy, those that operate against that operate against the purposes of the living God, the fear of Poligamy is one of the most miserable fears that I know of. I can see that the human family cannot be saved without it, we should rejoice in the principles, that endow us with the privilege, of enjoying eternal family associations, by honoring this institution we honor ourselvs, let us be helpmates indeed, we must become buisness woman, we must cultivate all the faculties that God has endowed us with, we are now placed in a position that will call forth faculties that have been laying dormant, do not neglect your duties at home but try to make home happy, seek wisdom to rear your children and the responsibilities they must meet teach your children to be polite impress upon their minds principles of nobility, it is good for young ladies to join this Society if they do right their names will be held in honorable rememberance there is every thing to stimulate [p. 18] us to do good, and to do good we are to be heirs of our Father in heaven but we must live worthy of the inheritance we should feel honored in being members of this Society.
Charity consists in furnishing labor for the poor to enable them to pay their way the sick must be cared for and not left to suffer in this Society when the Sisters go around to teach go with a kind Spirit so as to impart a good feeling and may God bless you in your labors
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Sister Eliza Snow then remarked I am pleased with your organization do not let any one suffer that is not able to work do not give where it is not needed be wise and faithful stuards [stewards] try to assist one another I bless you in the name of Jesus if we are faithful we shall become as Eve did stand at the head of a world my prayer is that we may all be faithful and be saved in the kingdom of God
[. . .] [p. 19]
Source Note
Third Ward, Liberty Stake, Relief Society Minutes and Records (1868–1967), vol. 1 (1868–1884), pp. 15–19, CHL (LR 9113 14); Zurviah G. Eardley, Secretary.