29 January 1874
Mound Fort Relief Society; Mound Fort Schoolhouse, Ogden, Utah Territory
According to privious appointment Sister Elzia R Snow Zina [D. H.] Young and Jain [Jane S.] Richards met with the Sisters of the Ninth District In the Mound Fourt School House for the purpose of giving instruction and organising a Relief Society.
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Sister Eliza R Snow Adressed the Mee[t]ing on the importance of having organised in ever[y] Settlement a Relief Society not merely to adminster to the wants of the poor in Temporal matters, but to councal [counsel], instruct and minster words of comfort and Salvation. That none should be admitted to membership who were of doubtfull character A good Reccomend should be maid [made on?] the basis of membership. She wish to mention this becouse [because] it might be, in the future nesessary to act upon it in Order to keep out of the Society those who are not worthy to belong to it
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[. . .] Sister Snow again adressed the meeting she said I can now adress a Relief Society as soon as convenent [convenient] it will be nesessery to elect an asistant secretary all officers must be voted in as the first were app[o]inted If you have any Important thing to Accomplish let it be laid before the meeting that Confidence may be established we shall want some members I want to tell you how to make your salvs [selves] very Important to the Society so that thay will not [know?] to do with out you Allways be on hand and ready to do your duty. We want to the Sister who wish to be come [become] members to come farward and give in thire [their] names the following give in thire names and were accepted
[. . .] [p. 2]
[. . .] all were accepted by unanimous vote Sister Snow aske[d] the Society if it was Consistent with thire feelings to have Sister Richards appointed President of all the Societies in Weaber [Weber] County but not unfringe [infringe] upon the rights of the Local pres[i]dents
Sister Young moti[o]ned that Sister Richards be appointed presidant of the Relief Societies of Weber County
[. . .] [p. 3]