October 1900

1 October 1900 • Monday

Monday, October 1, 1900

At the office. Attended to different matters.

2 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 2, 1900

Attended meeting of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co.

At 2 o’clock, in company with Presidents Snow and Smith, went to the opening of the State Fair in the Exposition Building. After listening to the opening exercises I had my carriage and rode around and examined the stock. I was greatly pleased with the exhibit. The display of fruit was, I think, as fine as I ever saw anywhere. The stock also were excellent. I had my horse “Corsair” on exhibition. I took some pleasure in having him led out for some of the brethren to see, and he was greatly admired.

At 6 o’clock I left home for the office, where Mr. Whittemore was to meet us and take us to the Alta Club to take part in a banquet given by Mr. Thomas Kearns in honor of W. A. Clark, the Montana multi-millionaire, who has received some notice of late because of his alleged desire to build a railroad between this city and Los Angeles. Twenty-three persons were present at the round table. Mr. Clark sat at the right hand of Mr. Kearns and Governor Wells at his left hand. Next to Governor Wells sat President Snow, myself and President Smith. At the table also were Mr. Clark’s brother and Mr. Gibbon, parties interested with him in the road; Messrs. Penrose, Goodwin and Iglehart, representatives of the three City papers; Mr. Clay, of the Union Pacific; Mr. Welby and Mr. Babcock, of the Rio Grande Western; Mr. Dooly, Mr. McCornick and Mr. McCornick’s son, bankers; and Mr. Whittemore, of the lawyers. We sat down to table about 7 o’clock, and broke up about 10:30. Mr. Kearns toasted Mr. Clark, and the company responded to the toast standing. Mr. Clark then made an address, which occupied about half an hour, in which he committed himself fully to the building of the railroad. After he finished, Mr. Kearns arose and gave a toast for me, in which all arose and joined. He introduced me as a pioneer of ‘47 and as one well known to all. I spoke for about 20 mins. Mr. Goodwin, of the Tribune, followed, and Mr. Gibbon followed him. President Snow afterwards made some remarks, which were very well received. On the whole, the dinner was a very elaborate affair, and the company all seemed to enjoy themselves.

3 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 3, 1900

The funeral of Dr. John R. Park was held in the Assembly Hall to-day, which was very well filled. The speakers were Dr. Joseph T. Kingsbury, Senator Rawlins, James Sharp, Governor Wells, Bishop Whitney and myself. I had been invited to make the closing remarks. Dr. Park was spoken very warmly of by all who spoke. Brother Heber J. Grant made the opening prayer and J. Z. Stewart the closing prayer. The schools had a holiday in consequence of this funeral, Dr. Park being the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

4 October 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, October 4, 1900

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met at the Temple. Myself and President Smith had been subpoenaed as witnesses in a trial where John Beck is the plaintiff, and I was not with the Council in the beginning. There were present, President Snow and myself and Apostles Young, Lyman, Smith, Teasdale, Grant, Taylor, Merrill, Lund, Cowley, Woodruff, Clawson and Smoot.

The question of round-dancing came up, in consequence of a letter received from Prest. Jesse N. Smith and Counselors of the Snowflake Stake, and was freely discussed. My feeling was for the Council not to take any formal action upon this subject, but to instruct the presiding officers to endeavor to meet the wishes of the people as far as they could and still not violate any of the rules of propriety. There has been a great deal of feeling upon this subject in various places, and I felt averse to our setting stakes or giving positive counsel.

Brother Rudger Clawson read a very interesting report of the amounts and kinds of Church property seized by the government, and the amount of expenses and losses in handling the property, also the amount returned to the Church.

The Twelve have met for a day or two in council and to-day was set apart for sacrament meeting. Brother Brigham Young offered the prayer, and we all partook of the sacrament. President Snow made brief remarks at the table. Mentioning the union of the brethren, he said that we witnessed to-day that which has been seldom seen in the world, viz., the perfect union of fifteen men – the First Presidency and Twelve. He was sure that the Lord was pleased with our union, and he expressed a desire to have the First Seven Presidents of Seventies and the Presiding Bishopric and Patriarch meet with us at our next sacrament meeting. At President Snow’s request, I followed him and expressed my gratitude for the union which prevailed in our midst. I told the brethren there was one thing near my heart which had occupied my mind of late, and that was the opening up of foreign missions. When I thought of the lands unvisited and the work yet to be done in preaching the Gospel before the coming of the Lord, it opened up to view a mighty field which meant work and perhaps much sacrifice. I stated that in the English-speaking lands and in Scandinavia our Elders had found people who had been praying for the Lord to send them the truth. I believed there were many peoples in the same condition in foreign lands, and it was our duty to carry the Gospel unto all nations. I said if I were a member of the quorum of the Twelve I could not rest without breaking through the routine labor now being done and striking out into new lands. I had quite a flow of the Spirit in speaking upon this subject. President Snow endorsed every word of my remarks. He stated as a reason for not having been led to reflect in the same direction, that his mind had been occupied with the financial condition of the Church, which he spoke of at some length. Brother John Henry Smith suggested that some of our young men be set to work studying the languages of the countries which it might be determined to send the Gospel to. Brother John W. Taylor said he was on hand, and President Snow remarked that it would be a proper thing for Brother Taylor and perhaps two or three of the brethren to study the language of some country to which we might send them.

5 October 1900 • Friday

Friday, October 5, 1900

Our General Conference opened this morning. The First Presidency and Twelve were in their places. At President Snow’s request I announced the hymns. President Snow spoke and was followed by Brothers Reed Smoot and Rudger Clawson.

At 2 o’clock we again met, and Brothers Woodruff and Cowley addressed the congregation. Brother Cowley spoke with great force and almost vehemence at times.

This evening myself and several of the Twelve met with the superintendents of Sunday schools and attended to a good deal of business. Our meeting occupied upwards of two hours. A proposition was made by Brother Langley W. Bailey for the Sunday School Union to purchase the Juvenile Instructor. This drew forth quite a discussion, and it gave me the opportunity of making explanations concerning my business affairs which I thought very opportune. I explained what I had done in disposing of the printing and bookselling business and my reasons for doing so. I said I had heard it remarked that I was in debt to the Church and therefore was under the necessity of disposing of this property. I told them that I did not owe one dollar to the Church. There was a very good feeling in the meeting and I was pleased at the spirit which was shown towards the periodical, and I expressed myself to the effect that I felt it would be better to be published by the Sunday School Union than by myself.

6 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, October 6, 1900

The Tabernacle was crowded both this morning and this afternoon, and excellent instruction were given. In the forenoon the speakers were Brothers Lund, Merrill and Taylor, and in the afternoon Brothers Grant, Teasdale, J. H. Smith, of the Twelve, and Brother B. F. Johnson.

General Priesthood meeting was held in the evening. Bishop
Preston, myself, President Snow and Brother Lyman occupied the time.

7 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, October 7, 1900

Conference convened at ten o’clock this morning. The Tabernacle was very much crowded. President Snow decided to have the authorities presented this morning, and at his request I submitted them to the people and they were all sustained. Brother Brigham Young and President Joseph F. Smith occupied the remainder of the time. Brother Brigham’s remarks were made with a great deal of force, but there were some things that I wish he had not said.

Met again at two o’clock; the Tabernacle was crowded to excess. There was an overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall. At the Tabernacle President Snow occupied about half an hour, and then gave me the rest of the afternoon. I do not know that I ever felt a greater fear before a congregation than I did this afternoon. The brethren had spoken so well and so many good things had been said that it seemed as though I could not add a word that would be of profit. I felt this very forcibly, but the Lord blessed me and I spoke for about an hour, enjoying a good flow of the Spirit. The meeting was then closed and the Conference adjourned.

In the evening we had our usual Sunday School meeting, at which the Tabernacle was well filled, and the meeting was very interesting.

8 October 1900 • Monday

Monday, October 8, 1900

Meeting in the Assembly Hall of the First Presidency, Twelve, Seven Presidents of Seventies, Presiding Bishops, Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, Bishops and Counselors, and Presidents of Temples. Had an interesting time.

9 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 9, 1900

Busy all forenoon at the Utah Light & Power Co’s office. In the afternoon at the office of the Presidency. We had a number of callers – brethren who had attended Conference.

10 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 10, 1900

Six months ago the First Presidency and Twelve and the Presiding Bishops ate dinner at my house, and an invitation was extended to them at that time to dine again with myself and family six months from that date, and this is the day. I went to the office and stayed till midday and then returned home to make preparations for the company. The greater number came down by three o’clock. We sat down to dinner a little after four, having waited some time for a few of the brethren. Brothers Lund and Cowley and their wives came in just as we were about to sit down, and Brother Reed Smoot and wife reached there when we were about quarter through the dinner. Five of those invited were absent – President Joseph F. Smith (who was detained at the Temple), Bro. John Henry Smith (who had gone to Bear Lake), Brother John W. Taylor, Brother Merrill and Brother Teasdale. Brother Winder was detained at the Temple until late and he did not get there until just as the company was dispersing. We had a very interesting visit, and all appeared to enjoy themselves very much.

11 October 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, October 11, 1900

First Presidency and Twelve met as usual in the Temple at 11 o’clock. There were present all of the First Presidency and all of the Twelve with the exception of Brothers John Henry Smith and M. W. Merrill. President Snow desired me to take charge of the prayer circle.

At 3 o’clock I met with the Sunday School Union Board.

This evening we held our usual family meeting and had an enjoyable time.

12 October 1900 • Friday

Friday, October 12, 1900

Went to Provo this morning, taking my little daughter Ann with me. Attended a meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. We took dinner at Brother Holbrook’s.

At 1 o’clock went to the Brigham Young Academy, and Brother Brigham Young and myself addressed the pupils. After this we met with the Board of Directors, and as there had been no appointment of President since our election, I was appointed President, Brother David John Vice President, and Brother Dusenberry Secretary and Treasurer. We did considerable business. I found some fault with the arranging of a programme for Founder’s Day, next

Tuesday, without my having received any notice of it whatever, and Brother Brigham Young was in the same condition. I said that in the future, when anything of this kind were done, I thought it would be only proper for the Board to be consulted. I was told afterwards by Brother Partridge and others that they were very glad I had spoken about this, as they have been completely ignored in the past.

After returning to the city, I went to the house of my son Abraham’s wife Mina and took dinner with her and family and my brothers and their wives and my sisters Mary Alice and Anne.

I reached home very tired.

13 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, October 13, 1900

Nothing special.

14 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, October 14, 1900

I felt quite unwell this morning and debated whether or not I had better go to meeting, but I thought that it would be refreshing to go, and I was afterwards glad that I went, for I was much strengthened physically and mentally by the spirit that prevailed and the remarks of the brethren. The speakers were Brother L. A. Kelsch, Brother A. H. Lund and Brother Rudger Clawson.

15 October 1900 • Monday

Monday, October 15, 1900

At the office.

At 12 o’clock President Smith and myself, and Brother Le Grande Young, rode in a vehicle to the funeral of Bishop Joseph S. Rawlins, who recently died. He was Bishop of South Cottonwood, and a sturdy, excellent man, greatly esteemed by the people, as was plain to be seen by the very large attendance at the funeral; the house could not hold one-third of the people. The speakers were, Brother Wheeler (one of his Counselors), Bp. M. S. Woolley, (a fellow County Commissioner) Bishop John R. Winder, Prest. Angus M. Cannon, Prest. Frank Y. Taylor, Elder Brigham Young and myself. President Jos. F. Smith preferred not to talk. I occupied about 15 mins., and I enjoyed an unusual amount of freedom and power, for which I felt thankful.

16 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 16, 1900

Had a meeting of the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. and transacted considerable business.

17 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 17, 1900

This morning, after coming to the office, I overheard Brother Gibbs telling President Snow that his oldest son was down with the smallpox and had gone to the pesthouse. I had not heard that there had been anything the matter with his family till this, but it seems that he knew about it yesterday. President Snow told him he ought to leave immediately, as he had been exposed and was in fact in quarantine.

We had meetings of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Ry. and the Saltair Beach Cos. to-day.

18 October 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, October 18, 1900

Temple meeting at 11 o’clock. The First Presidency and Elders Teasdale, Grant, Lund, Woodruff and Smoot, of the Twelve, were present. President Snow requested me to take charge of the circle. Brother Grant offered the opening prayer, and Brother Joseph F. Smith prayed in the circle.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of Directors of Z.C.M.I.

I got a note from Mr. E. T. Galt, informing me that he was at the Knutsford hotel and would like to meet me; if I would mention a time that would be convenient he would come up in a carriage, as he had snapped a tendon in his leg. I thought it better to visit him, and did so, and spent half an hour with him. We made an appointment to meet at our office to-morrow morning and have Judge Le Grand Young meet with us.

At 7 o’clock this evening I had a family meeting, the largest I have had, and I had a most delightful time. I gave my unmarried children a very plain talk in relation to their duty about marrying – that it was a duty imposed on them by the Lord, a command having been given to that effect. Of course, the girls had not the same opportunities of marriage as the boys, but there was no excuse for young men. I hope what I said will do good.

19 October 1900 • Friday

Friday, October 19, 1900

Mr. Galt met with us this morning at ten o’clock, and we accepted the form of irrigation bond which the Government of Canada prescribes. The form that we had drawn up they did not wish to record, and they did not want to have two forms, so it was thought better, after some discussion, that we should accept their form, though we considered ours the better one.

I dictated correspondence to my daughter Grace, and my journal to Brother Winter.

20 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, October 20, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

Bishops Preston and Burton and Elders Evan Stephens and J. J. McClellan called and presented an approximate estimate for putting the Tabernacle organ in proper condition. This proposition was made by a stranger who was passing through here, and who is said to be skillful; he has done some work already on the organ. I inquired how he came to be selected, and was told that he had good certificates. It seemed to me an improper thing to let a stranger do any work on our Tabernacle organ, especially if what is said about him is true. There is no doubt in my mind from what I have heard that he has been tampering with the organ and trying to throw the blame on Brother Daynes, our former organist. After considerable conversation it was decided that letters should be written to well-established, reputable organ-builders in the East and obtain from them the cost of making such improvements as we propose. This suited my feelings exactly, because I think we can afford to pay a higher price and have some reputable house take hold of this who would guarantee their work than to have some traveling workman attempt to do it.

Bishop Preston submitted some new scrip to be issued in place of the present scrip and to have it confined to certain offices. President Snow and myself favored the plan.

A proposition has been made by the Oregon Short Line people to employ a number of our people as contractors on work that they wish done–new lines built and old ones repaired. Our people give more satisfaction to them than anyone else. We favored the proposition.

A committee was appointed, consisting of Elders Seymour B. Young, Joseph E. Taylor and J. M. Sjodahl, to take charge of and see after the bodies of deceased Elders when they are sent home from the fields in which they have died.

21 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, October 21, 1900

I had to arise at half past four this morning so as to take the 6:15 train to Ogden, to attend the Weber Stake Conference. President Smith and myself went together. The house was pretty well filled in the morning. Reports were made by Prest. Shurtliff, Counselor Middleton and two of the Bishops; after which I called upon President Smith and he delivered an excellent discourse, speaking about an hour and a quarter.

We were entertained by Prest. Shurtliff with breakfast and dinner.

In the afternoon the authorities were presented, after which I spoke to the people, occupying a little over an hour.

I returned to the city in the evening.

22 October 1900 • Monday

Monday, October 22, 1900

It has been arranged that to-day there should be an excursion of the Directors and invited guests of the Utah Sugar Co. to the works at Lehi, Springville and Bingham Junction. I took my wife Martha and my daughters Grace and Anne with me, and we had a pleasant day. We took lunch at Lehi, where Bishop Cutler, the Manager, and myself made remarks.

23 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 23, 1900

Held a meeting this morning with the executive committee of the Utah Light & Power Co. and transacted quite an amount of business.

A dispatch was received from Prest. E. H. Snow, of the Eastern States Mission, advising us of the death of Brother Solomon H. Hale, who died at Great Falls, Maryland, of typhoid fever.

24 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 24, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

I spent some time with my sons John Q.& Hugh and Brother John A. Evans on business connected with the transfer of the property of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. to the Deseret News.

I also talked over with John Q. and Brother Evans the questions of the type and paper to be used for the Church History. I am now in a position to turn my attention to this work, and I want to get it out in as creditable a manner as possible. To-day I spoke to Presidents Snow and Smith about the title of the work. It is really the history of Joseph Smith, and is called such, but it is all that we have that can be accepted as Church history, and after some conversation on the subject we decided to call it the History of the Church. I proposed that in the introduction or preface we should state why it was changed from the Prophet’s personal history to the history of the Church. I have conversed with my son John Q. as to his ability to assist me in getting the History out, and he has placed himself at my disposal. He is very capable of doing the work that I want, and if he will pay attention to it I shall feel that I have got a good assistant. I wish, however, to be very particular in the supervision of the work, as it is the feeling of all the brethren that they would like me to do so, because they seem to have confidence in my judgment and in my familiarity with history to do the work something like justice.

25 October 1900 • Thursday

Thursday, October 25, 1900

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the Temple and met with the brethren of the Twelve. President Snow was not able to clothe and wished me to take charge of the prayer circle.

I suffered very much from an attack of diarrhea last night, which kept me up most of the night, and I did not feel well to-day. It has been my usual practice to fast on Thursdays, and this caused me to feel the weakening effect of my sickness. President Snow insisted on my going home, and I had the Church carriage take me.

16 October 1900 • Friday

Friday, October 26, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

I was busy with John Q. on Church History. We commenced the comparison of the version of the Prophet’s Journal as published in the Millennial Star with the original as published in the Times and Seasons.

27 October 1900 • Saturday

Saturday, October 27, 1900

President Smith and myself were at the office to-day. President Snow went to Brigham City.

I was engaged most of the time with the History. I dictated correspondence to my daughter Grace, and my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

In the afternoon went to the theatre, accompanied by Brother Winter, and saw a matinee performance of “Oliver Goldsmith” by Stuart Robson and company. The performance was a very finished one.

28 October 1900 • Sunday

Sunday, October 28, 1900

I attended meeting in the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. Elder Garrett, a returned missionary, addressed the congregation; he spoke exceedingly well for a young man. He was followed by Brother J. H. Paul.

29 October 1900 • Monday

Monday, October 29, 1900

It was storming violently this morning, but I had made an appointment to accompany my brother Angus to a meeting at West Jordan of the South Jordan Canal Co., of which he is President and I am a stockholder. Brother Joseph F. Smith is also a stockholder and he was induced to go also. We occupied several hours in meeting, and considering that it was a meeting for the management of water we got along very well. I advocated the securing of all the water we could get; that it was the best thing in which money could be invested by us as a people to secure our water rights. An election for officers was held and my brother Angus was again chosen one of the Directors. I was able to go and come very comfortably in the storm by riding in my covered carriage. In my condition of health I would not have dared to venture out in an open vehicle.

30 October 1900 • Tuesday

Tuesday, October 30, 1900

I met this morning as usual with the Utah Light & Power Co. and attended to some business.

A circular was read to the First Presidency to-day by Bishop Preston, to which changes had been made from last year's circular on the same subject - tithing. One of the changes was that cash could be sent to the Trustee-in-Trust or to the Presiding Bishop. I said nothing for a while respecting this, but as soon as the matter was opened a little I objected to it. I said I could not permit that to go by without remark. (In fact, I could not sign a circular of this character unless President Snow requested me to do so after hearing my views.) The Bishop was rather tenacious about it. He said that people did come to his office to pay their tithing. They could not get waited upon at the President's Office as they should be, and it was convenient for them, and that if they did not pay it there probably some of them might not pay it at all. I said I would think it most unfortunate for the tithing not to be taken at the office; but I did not feel that his office and the Trustee-in-Trust were on the same footing. The Trustee-in-Trust was the man whom the Church held responsible for all the tithing. I said, "Bishop, you are his agent, acting under his direction, subordinate to him; and it is not proper that the Bishops and others should get the idea that you have the same authority to receive cash and other tithing that he has. He is the Trustee-in-Trust of the Church, held up and voted for by the people in general conference for the purpose of handling their tithes and offerings, and you and all the Bishops in the Church are his agents, and that is the relationship which you sustain to him, not as a principal side by side with him." After expressing my views the clause was stricken out. I have felt very strenuous on this point in my feelings, because I have thought that there has been a disposition on the part of the Presiding Bishop to encroach on the prerogatives and powers of the Trustee-in-Trust; in fact, I might almost say that I have seen a disposition to usurp his functions. The Aaronic Priesthood is not equal to the Melchisedek Priesthood, and I do not want to contribute in the least degree to forming a precedent which may be quoted hereafter to uphold a wrong action. I spoke to President Snow afterwards and told him that I did not know but he thought I was too strenuous on the subject. He said he did not think so; I expressed his views exactly, and he was glad that I did so.

Busy all my spare time on Church History.

31 October 1900 • Wednesday

Wednesday, October 31, 1900

First Presidency at the office.

I dictated considerable correspondence to my daughter Grace to-day.

A communication was received from D. E. Burley, of the Oregon Short Line, giving a statement as to the work to be done on the Oregon Short Line track, for which they wish to employ our people. The rates of wages, transportation, and different items were mentioned. We thought it a very good offer.

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October 1900, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1900s/1900/10-1900