September 1892

1 September 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, September 1, 1892.

Fast day. I called all my family together this evening and read to them three of my son David’s letters. Although these letters were addressed to me privately, yet I felt that under the circumstances it was proper to read them to all my folks, so that they might see his condition and exercise faith in his behalf, as he expressed great anxiety that he should have the prayers of us all. Everyone was deeply interested in the reading of the letters, and a good spirit was felt by all.

2 September 1892 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 2, 1892.

Evan Stephens, the leader of the Tabernacle choir, called to see the First Presidency concerning getting the use of the Tabernacle one night during the Conference for a concert. He spoke of having Gilmore’s band and also some noted singers to add to the attractions. We showed him that we could not consent for Gilmore’s band to occupy the Tabernacle, because by so doing we endangered our property while it was in its present unsettled condition; but there was no objection to the Tabernacle choir using the Tabernacle, and they might, if there happened to be a singer or two passing, employ them in conjunction with themselves, but not to have any troupe or band participate in the proceedings.

At 10 the General Board of Education met. There not being a quorum present, some business was attended to informally.

Brother Stayner being still persistent concerning this mining property, the question was submitted by the First Presidency to President Snow, F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith and A. H. Cannon for them to consider. Another question was also submitted to the brethren that had been proposed by Sister Jane Richards: it was whether the sisters who were officers of relief societies should lay the cornerstones of the buildings which they erected for their societies. The feeling of the brethren, as expressed, was that this should not be done without the brethren’s co-operation, especially the Bishop’s. It was felt that there might be danger of them going from one step to another and assuming duties that did not belong to them.

At 2:30 there was a meeting of the Deseret News Company.

3 September 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 3, 1892.

This is the first day of the conference of this Stake.

Before going to the meeting I had a call from Mr. T. H. Wheeler and his wife, who was <were> brought in by Brother W. C. Spence. Mr. Wheeler is a member of the Standard Oil Co. He expressed great pleasure at meeting me, and also at the city. It is his <wife’s>first visit.

We had interesting meetings today in the conference. I was the only one of the First Presidency present in the morning, but in the afternoon President Smith was there, and he, among other speakers, addressed the congregation. The conference was held in the Assembly Hall; the attendance was not large.

I called this morning at the Knutsford Hotel to see Dr. Geo. L. Miller, he having expressed a desire, through the telephone, to meet me, but I did not succeed in finding him at the hotel. When I came in the office after the forenoon meeting, I found him awaiting my arrival and in conversation with Brothers Jos. F. Smith and H. B. Clawson. He desired to have a private interview with me. He spoke in the most complimentary manner to me when he met me, and when I introduced my son Abraham to him he told him that he ought to feel proud of resembling such a father as he had, etc. Our conversation lasted upwards of an hour, and was to the effect that he wanted our help to make Wyoming and Idaho Democratic states. He reasoned at some length on the advantages it would be to the country to have this done, and the duty also that we owed as patriots to our country to save it from falling into the hands of the Republican party. I was forcibly reminded of the prediction that the time would come when the elders of this Church would uphold the Constitution of the United States and save it from destruction. Dr. Miller’s picture of what the Republicans would do if they retained power would convey the idea that our votes would have this effect now. His reasoning with me was to this effect: that 3 electoral votes from Wyoming, 3 from Idaho and 3 from Montana would make 9 electoral votes. These added to 6 which were certain in Michigan, would make 15 that could be counted on. Nevada’s vote would not go to Harrison, so that could be counted out, and Nebraska would not be in the Republican column. If this were to be the condition, the Democrats could dispense with the vote of Indiana and West Virginia and elect Cleveland, if they should have New York, of which there was almost a moral certainty. He said that Harrison’s forces were divided, and he affirmed his unshaken belief that Cleveland would be elected. He said that this was the grand opportunity for us, and he pledged his honor that if we would do this we should receive the full benefit of it. He said that when he came out here to visit me before, when I was on the “underground” Cleveland stood behind me him in the offers which he made and in the requests and appeals that he made to me at that time, but he had not told me so. He said, however, he supposed that I would infer that. I told him that I did; I was satisfied that there was a power behind him. He said he regretted that we had not done then what we had since done when we issued the Manifesto, for we might have exercised his power to have done it. I did not say so to him, but I differed with him in this view. I do not think that in view of public opinion, or even his own party’s attitude, he would have felt justified in doing it, even if he had had the entire power, which he had not. The earnest appeal of the Doctor to me was that we should keep off our Republican brethren <from using influence> in Wyoming and Idaho. I told him that in Idaho at the present time our folks could not vote because of the test oath. He said, yes, but a case had been prepared which, if it should be successful, would bring things right. I told him we would consider the proposition. He wanted me to say something that he could carry as a message to some of our Democratic brethren. I told him that we would consider the matter, and as far as “hands off” were concerned, our hands were off. In this conversation I explained to him that we did not take any part active part in politics; that personally I had taken no stand as a politician; that I was disfranchised, and I thought it, therefore, bad taste for me to talk about politics. Besides, I was one of the First Presidency, and thought good taste would suggest that I should hold aloof under the circumstances. I said to him that I thought we ought to have a Republican party in this Territory. It startled him a little. He assented to it, however, but interjected the remark that it ought to be subordinate. I related to him confidentially the position that I had taken in this matter and my reasons for taking it and for pursuing the policy that we had adopted. I told him that I would do anything that an honorable man could do to gain liberty for my people. I would consent to be outlawed myself for the rest of my life, if by doing so the people could be free. We were in for liberty, and we intended to obtain it if it were possible, and to use every honorable means to obtain it. He informed me in the beginning of our conversation that he had come here purposely to see me, and that now having seen me he should return this evening. He said that the Democratic National Committee had desired him to work in New York, but he had said to them that he had done all he could in New York, but he would take charge of things in the West. He disclaimed all personal interest in the success of this campaign. He spoke highly of Cleveland, and yet he said he was under no obligations to Cleveland, for Cleveland had denied his friends that which they thought ought to have been granted, namely, to make him postmaster-general. He had been offered the position of First Assistant, but he would not accept that. Therefore what he said and his present action had in view the gratification of no personal ends.

4 September 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 4, 1892.

We met in the Tabernacle today. The forenoon was occupied by the reading of statistical and other reports, after which Brothers Geo. M. Cannon, Jos. L. McMurrin and H. H. Cluff spoke. Brother Penrose, after reading reports, also spoke. In the afternoon the Tabernacle was crowded. Brother Penrose presented the authorities of the Stake. The general authorities were voted for in bulk. The sacrament was administered, and I spoke about 60 minutes and felt considerable freedom.

After the meeting I was introduced to Alexander Smith and his son. Alexander is a son of the Prophet Joseph and a prominent elder in the Josephite organization. He was in company with his cousin, Brother Jos. F. Smith.

In the evening, conference convened at 7:30. Brother B. H. Roberts occupied about 40 minutes, Abraham H. Cannon about 25, and myself about 15. The meeting was an interesting one.

5 September 1892 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 5, 1892.

I spent the time with Presidents Woodruff and Smith in the office till about 3 o’clock, attending to various matters of business, the most important of which was listening to a statement from Prest. Albert Smith of the San Luis Stake concerning the condition of affairs in that Stake, which he reported as very unsatisfactory. There is a dissension between Silas S. Smith, the late Prest. of that Stake and Prest. John Morgan which is attended with very serious and, it may almost be said, ruinous results in that Stake. We decided that the letter which Brother Morgan had written to the First Presidency concerning Silas S. Smith, which was now missing, should be rewritten by him and a copy of it forwarded to Brother Smith, and then if he desired, he could make it the basis for a charge against Brother Morgan, which could be tried at Manassa, in the presence of any of the Apostles we might send there, or might be tried here if the parties would come to conference.

My son Lewis expects to leave for Boston on Wednesday, to enter the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in that city. I have been desirous to give Lewis the full advantage of education, because of the injury which he received when a child through getting his leg under the wheels of a carriage, which has shortened his leg and crippled him. He has been working in the office of the Architect of the Temple for some time, and has gained considerable skill and experience in that business; but I felt that he ought to have a better opportunity than could be obtained in our schools here. I submitted his case to Captain Willard Young and Dr. Talmage, and they both agreed that it would be better for him to go East, as he could not obtain that which he needed at the present time here. There are a number of our young men now at Harvard University, among whom is Brother J. M. Tanner, who with his wife is keeping house, and our young men live with them. I would not like to send Lewis, or any of my sons, to any institution where he would be alone, but in society such as they have there, I think I can send him with some degree of safety. I have written to Brother Tanner upon the subject. I thought that he had better study electrical engineering, and Brother Tanner suggests that instead of taking that course he take a course of architecture in the school of technology. This agrees with my view, and I am making arrangements for him to go. This evening, Carol, a daughter of my wife Carlie, made a party for him, to which a number of his young friends were invited.

6 September 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1892.

I wrote three letters of introduction for my son Lewis this morning to take with him, one to General Francis A. Walker, late President of the Institute to which he is going, another to Hon. Fred L. Haynes, one of the committee on architecture, and another to Hon. Henry L. Pierce, with whom I served in Congress, and who is one of the members of the corporation. President Woodruff and myself also laid hands on him and ordained him an Elder. I was mouth. His name ought to have been submitted to the meeting on Saturday, but I had not thought of having him ordained at that time.

7 September 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 1892.

We had a visit from Brother Winder this morning to bring to our attention a petition of the plasterers on the Temple wherein they ask for an increase of 50¢ per day wages. It was decided to examine the wages of all the workmen on the Temple and find out if there were any who were working at a lower price than similar workmen received outside, and if so to grant to all of them the same pay that they would receive if they were working for other parties, and not wait for them to ask for this to be done. Brother Don Carlos Young was sent for that we might converse with him in the presence of Brother Winder concerning the work on the inside of the Temple. Brother Young has had feelings which he expressed to us yesterday concerning the way matters were arranged. He seemed to think that the Supt. ought to be a more capable man, and that there was too much laid upon him, and then in some respects he seemed to think that he was not sufficiently honored in his position as Architect. The First Presidency had a full and free conversation with him upon these points, and explained to him that we considered his position one of honor and responsibility, and that he must bear with those who are around him. Brother Winder expressed himself very kindly and said that they had no disposition except to honor Brother Young, but there were some things that he had not done as promptly as the workmen desired. This was in the furnishing of details for the carpenters. Brother Young said that he had a great deal laid upon him. We told him that he had been authorized to call to his aid all that he needed, if he could find suitable persons. This conversation, I feel sure, will result in great good. We deeply impressed him with the importance of having the Temple ready for dedication by the 6th of next April, and that no pains should be spared to accomplish this.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank at 1 o’clock.

8 September 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 8, 1892.

The city was all excitement last night over the reception of the news from New Orleans concerning an encounter of the two pugilists, John L. Sullivan and James J. Corbett. To the surprise of a great many, Corbett proved himself to be a superior pugilist to Sullivan. The discussion over this expected fight has occupied the papers now for some weeks.

The First Presidency agreed yesterday with Brothers Winder and Young to visit the Temple this morning. We spent several hours going through the building, examining it and making suggestions concerning various matters. While we were there we selected a prayer room for the First Presidency, a prayer room for the Twelve, for the Seven Presidents of Seventies, for the Presidency of the Salt Lake Stake, the High Council, and the High Priests Quorum, also room for the Elders. After we left there it occurred to me that we had not selected a room for the Presiding Bishops, and I afterwards spoke to Brother Winder and told him to examine the matter and see whether a suitable room could be found for them. We also selected a room in the East tower for a general circle room. There is a room beneath this that is somewhat dark that can be used for a dressing room, and another beneath that that will answer for another prayer circle room, if two should be needed. We were much gratified with our visit to the Temple and with the progress of the work. Everything is being done in a most finished style, and our instructions have been to the brethren that whatever they do, have it done in first class manner; that we would prefer leaving some things undone, if time and means would not permit of their being done in the best style by the 6th of April. It is surprising what changes have occurred through inventions since the first plan of the Temple was drawn out. Brother Truman O. Angell provided holes for stove-pipes, and no provisions were made for closets or any conveniences of that character. Now the building is heated throughout with hot water, and any part of it can be heated separately from the whole. Instead of climbing stairs, elevators are being provided. Instead of depending on candles for light, as had to be done when the Temple was designed, we now have the place well supplied with wires for electricity, which will make the interior very brilliant when lighted up. The aim has been to furnish the building with all the modern improvements.

President Woodruff left early this afternoon. Before leaving, however, I desired him to spend a few minutes with us in the Deseret News meeting which we were holding, the object being to have him listen to a proposition that had been made by John Q. & Abraham H. Cannon to lease the Deseret News property. President Woodruff has manifested some anxiety that something should be done with the Deseret News, and that the paper should be conducted differently to what it had been. We were approached last week by John Q. upon this subject, and his proposition, when he mentioned it to the Presidency, met with approval from Presidents Woodruff and Smith. I said but little upon the subject, as it was a matter that I did not wish to speak about it, being the President of the Deseret News Co. and these being my sons. I had not suggested anything of this kind to them, and it seems to have been taken up by John Q. because of remarks that he had heard dropped by Geo. C. Lambert concerning the News and his desire to get out of it, etc. When the proposition was made to the Board, they received it very favorably. The meetings of the Deseret News Co. for a long period have been nearly always of a painful character, the business has been in a very miserable condition in some respects, and almost every meeting we have had to comply with the request for loans, until the institution is now $51,000 in debt. It has placed me in a delicate position because of these being my sons, and I have refrained from saying anything to favor the proposition, as I wanted the brethren to make all the decisions concerning it. I have been anxious myself for some time that something should be done with that property, because it seemed to be going worse and worse, and the buildings are really discreditable.

President Woodruff left for Granite, where he intends to spend a day or two with his family.

9 September 1892 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 9, 1892.

President Woodruff not here today. President Smith and myself met with the Deseret News Co. to further consider the proposition that had been made. The propositions had been drawn out in writing, and we went carefully over them. The company that decided to accept the draft that had been prepared, and I was instructed to have it drawn in legal shape in the form of a lease.

At the same time the meeting of the Deseret News Co. was being held there was a meeting of the Board of Education in the next room, and I was acting as President of both meetings, owing to President Woodruff’s absence, and I was therefore under the necessity of passing from one room to another and dividing myself between the two meetings as well as I could.

We had a call this afternoon from “Evangelist” Mr. Mills and Mr. Greenwood. We had an interesting conversation with them. They were introduced by Brother Penrose, who had also had a conversation with them in the morning. They both expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with what they had heard, and Mr. Mills remarked concerning some things that I told him that he was very much touched in his feelings with my recital. Mr. Mills is holding “revival” meetings here in a big tent, assisted by Mr. Greenwood.

10 September 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 10, 1892.

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor and also a number of letters, to Brother Winter.

A Mr. Penniman, who was introduced to Brother Jos. F. Smith by the editor of the Salt Lake Times, called upon us, and as Brother Smith was going away he asked me if I would not meet with him. This occupied about an hour and a half of my time.

11 September 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 11, 1892.

I had been requested by Dr. Ormsby, Supt. of Sunday schools in Cache Valley, to spend Saturday and Sunday with them in their jubilee. I had hoped that I would be able to go up, at any rate on Saturday afternoon; but this Deseret News business and other matters prevented my doing so, much to my regret.

At 2 o’clock I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brothers Walter J. Beatie and Eli H. Pierce occupied the time in speaking.

After the meeting, Professor Whiting, of the University, introduced his wife to me and a Mrs. White and her daughter. Mrs. White seemed to be a very intelligent woman and made a number of pertinent inquiries concerning our Church. Mr. Penniman also came to me and expressed the pleasure he had had in visiting the Sunday school of the 15th Ward that morning. He said he had been invited to address the scholars and had done so. He had been accompanied there, at my request, by Dr. James E. Talmage.

12 September 1892 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 12, 1892.

At 10 o’clock we had another meeting of the Deseret News Co. It was decided to inform the Manager by letter, which should be signed by the President and Secretary, that the Deseret News Co. had proposed to lease its property to another company, and therefore they would discontinue the business of publishing on and after the 1st of October next, and informing the hands that their services would be no longer needed after that date by the Deseret News Co. I regret exceedingly the necessity of this action. There are some men employed in the News to whom I am much attached, and who have been old servants in that place, and I have spoken about this as being the painful part of this business. The brethren, however, seemed to think it absolutely necessary that something of this kind should be done in order that there may be a change. The business has fallen into a rut, and it seems to require some heroic measures to lift it out of the rut, and it is thought that this will do so. The new company can employ such of the old employes as they need, and employ them on their own terms. One of the complaints that has been made in the past has been the shortness of the hours and a larger amount of wages being paid than necessary to conduct the business properly. I dread myself this course. I know there will be several who will perhaps feel aggrieved at this action of the company.

Brother John W. Taylor came in and took up the subject of the letter that we had addressed to him concerning the projects in which he was interested in Canada. His statement in brief was that if he was still to be responsible for the land transaction he desired the profits that should accrue therefrom. If, on the other hand, the Church were to have the profits, he desired the Church to take the responsibility of it, and he would do what he could to carry out the wishes of the First Presidency. President Woodruff called upon us as his counselors to express our views. President Smith said that he felt that the matter should be left entirely to Brother Taylor and he have the responsibility and the profits. In making my remarks I said I had not changed my views at all since writing the letter; that that letter contained my views feelings upon the subject; but as he had informed us that he had not disposed of all the land, the conditions were changed from what we supposed they were when we wrote, and as the Church had had no voice in the purchase of these lands, I thought it would be very imprudent for us to take the business in hand now, and therefore I was in favor of leaving the matter entirely with him, and the responsibility also; yet I could not vote for him to have the profits. President Woodruff decided in this way, which met President Smith’s feelings also.

13 September 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself at the office.

Frank J. Cannon called, in company with Abraham, to talk over the situation. His name had been brought up by many in connection with the Delegateship to Congress. The Republicans of his own county were very anxious that he should run as candidate before the Republican convention for the nomination of Delegate to Congress, and a good many other prominent non-Mormon Republicans had urged him in the same manner; but he had persistently declined. The pressure, however, had become so strong that he found himself compelled to do something in the matter. He then told them that he was in favor of Judge Zane, and if Judge Zane would run he would use all his influence for his nomination. The committee, after this conversation waited upon Judge Zane, and he told them that he could not possibly run, and that his decision on this was unalterable. When this result was reached, they said to Frank that he must run. But before consenting he desired Abraham to come and see the First Presidency upon the subject. He did not wish to come himself, as he did not want to commit us personally. After listening to all that was said, Presidents Woodruff and Smith both expressed themselves to the effect that they thought Frank had better accept the nomination if they wished to give it to him. President Woodruff coupled it with the hope that he would be elected, as he said he would like to see him the Delegate to Congress from this Territory. President Smith was of the feeling that he would like to see Frank run, but he hated to see him knocked down. President Woodruff wanted to know my views about it, and I told him that I preferred under the circumstances that they should decide, still I acquiesced with them in their view. Personally, I said, I did not want Frank to run. I would rather he was not put forward in that way. When Frank and Abraham called this morning, President Smith happened to be absent. Frank stated that there was a good deal of feeling manifested against his candidacy, and he wanted to explain his position, that we might see that he was in a position where he could not honorably retreat. After receiving word from us through his brother Abraham, he had consented to let these men who wanted him to run, use his name and make their preparations to have him succeed, and they had been encouraged to do so by his promise that he would stand. He could not possibly, in honor, retreat from that. He must stand by these men, and whatever the consequences might be personally, that was the only course that he could pursue. He said that the campaign would be a bitter one without doubt, there would be personal attacks made, and his character would be overhauled. He said they had told a good many falsehoods about him, and on one occasion he told his audience that he did not care for the lies that were told about him; but he was very sorry when they told any truth that was not creditable to him. He was sorry that he had ever done anything that was wrong; but if repentance and remorse for wrongdoing would be of any benefit, he had felt it, and he did not pretend to defend anything wrong. President Woodruff seemed to think, after hearing Frank’s explanations, that there was no chance for him to back out if they were determined to nominate him.

There was a meeting of the Co-op. Wagon & Machine Co. this afternoon.

14 September 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1892.

President Jos. F. Smith read a letter to President Woodruff and myself which he had received from Brother Silas S. Smith, of Manassa, in which he alluded to a High Council trial at which he had preferred a charge against Bishop Dalton of Manassa for the non-payment of a note. The decision of the President of the Council was in favor of Brother Smith, but it was only sustained by four of the High Council, the remaining eight voting against the decision. He wanted to know what he should do to save the notes, as there was danger of them being outlawed. It was decided by us that he ought to take proper measures to prevent the outlawry of the notes--that is, he could institute a suit against Brother Dalton and that would save the notes, and he then could have the case heard when the brethren of the Twelve should visit that Stake, which they may perhaps have to do to settle difficulties which seem to exist between him and Brother John Morgan.

There was a meeting of the Bullion-Beck Co. at 2 o’clock, which I attended.

A few minutes before 3 I started, in company with Brother Wilcken, to Westover, calling for my wife Carlie at her mother’s[.] We met her on the road, and took her and our little daughter Ann, whose health is not very good. We had a delightful trip, but it was dark before we reached home. I was much gratified at the abundance of some kinds of fruit that I found. The plums are particularly fine. We brought home with us quite a quantity of plums and some peaches and pears.

15 September 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 15, 1892.

Brother Budge was here and had quite a long conversation about Idaho affairs.

At 2 o’clock there was a meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I., after which we had our usual prayer meeting. There were present, besides the First Presidency, Brothers M. Thatcher, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. Brother Thatcher was mouth in prayer. At this meeting, on my motion, Brother Harvey H. Cluff was released from his position as Counselor in the Presidency of the Utah Stake and appointed to take charge of Josepa, the place where the Hawaiian saints are living.

The Territorial Republican Convention met today in the theatre[.] I find there is great feeling manifested concerning my son’s candidacy, and I have been approached a number of times by influential brethren who seemed to be opposed to Frank’s nomination[.] They tell me that it is the design of our enemies to attack him savagely and to expose him to opprobrium, and that it will reflect upon me. To all these remarks I have said I am not in a position to prevent this; but such talk has very little effect upon me, because I know it is one of the attendant evils of a political fight. Everyone who is prominent is liable to be attacked and to be besmirched. I think myself there is a good deal of unnecessary timidity on this question and a disposition to cater to the “Liberals”. There seems to be a feeling that something should be done to avert their anger. While I am not averse to this, I think it ought to be a secondary consideration with the Latter-day Saints. I have prayed most earnestly about this matter, for I did not want my son to be a candidate. I certainly never have suggested him myself, nor have I had, neither do I have, the least desire that he should be elected.

16 September 1892 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 16, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

I am told this morning that they have had a very stormy time in the Republican Convention. Geo. M. Cannon, one of the delegates and opposed to Frank, told me that he thought now Frank would be defeated, and that either Bennett or Sutherland would be nominated, and asked me which I preferred. I told him I had no preference and did not wish to say anything about it.

We had a meeting of the Deseret News and went over the lease with care, giving it two readings.

The First Presidency went down to Mr. Dallin’s studio, at his request, where we found Capt. Willard Young. Our purpose was to examine a statue of President Young which Mr. Dallin had nearly finished. It is 10 feet in height, and will stand on a pedestal 21 feet high. On one side of the pedestal will be an Indian, on another will be a trapper, on another will be an emigrant, and on another will be a beehive with an eagle upon it. These figures are to represent the condition of the Territory—first the Indian, next the trapper, next the settler. President Young stands with a cane in his right hand and his left hand extended. I criticized the eyes somewhat. Both appeared to me to turn in a little too much. The nose also was not as aquiline as the President’s nose in life. Otherwise the statue I think is very fine.

Had a visit from Brother John T. Caine, who brought a letter that he had received from Mark Smith, the present Delegate to Congress from Arizona, asking Brother Caine to use his influence in writing to different parties in Arizona to help his election. We gave him the names of the Presidents of Stakes and told him he had better write to them. Mr. Smith has been a steadfast friend of ours, so far as we know. He is a Democrat.

The Republican Convention closed its labors today, having adopted a platform of principles and nominated as Delegate for congress Frank J. Cannon. As I understand, Judge Bennett withdrew his name this morning and requested his friends to vote for George Sutherland, of Utah County; but it seems that instead of all his friends voting for Sutherland—which if they had done would have made him the nominee—a number voted for Cannon, and this gave Frank the majority and the nomination. He received 211 votes, 207 being necessary for a choice. The vote was then made unanimous, with considerable enthusiasm. After this business was through with, he was sent for, and went and made a speech of acceptance. Among the fears that have been expressed concerning Frank’s candidacy has been the charge that it would be charged that he was the nominee of the Church party, and that through my influence as one of the First Presidency he had been put forward; but fortunately perhaps, in view of this probable charge, the leading men of the convention who belong to our church were the opponents of Frank; among them, Brother John Henry Smith and Geo. M. Cannon actively working against him in the convention; Brother L. John Nuttall, one of the private secretaries of the First Presidency, and Brother Arthur Winter, the Church reporter, voting against him; and besides these, a number of brethren outside the convention, such as James Sharp and Heber M. Wells, doing all in their power apparently to secure the defeat of Frank and the nomination of either Bennett or Sutherland. It has been stated to me today by those who appear to be well informed, that there were more Gentiles voted for him than Latter-day Saints. While in some aspects I do not like this, for I do not care about any of our people being sustained by Gentiles, yet there may be a providence in this. It certainly takes away from our enemies any ground for alleging that church influence was used in his favor.

17 September 1892 • Saturday

Saturday Sept. 17, 1892.

I came to the office this morning and spent some time attending to business, before going to the special train which had been prepared to take a number of us to Saltair. There was quite a company of us, including the First Presidency. Sister N. W. Clayton had preceded us and had prepared, with the assistance of a cook, a very nice lunch for our party. I took my daughters Hester, Rosannah, Emily and Carol, and my wife Eliza. The directors of the Saltair Beach Co. went over all the ground, examining the property and some warm salt wells that are situated on the southeastern part of the land. We also went out to see the piledriver in the lake; but the water flooded into our carriages so much that we could not reach the piledriver, and as we were coming back through the deep water the tug of the carriage broke in which Brother Clayton, Presidents Woodruff and Smith and myself rode, and Brother Jerry Langford carried President Woodruff on his back from that carriage to another. After we returned, the ceremony of driving the last spike of the railroad was attended to. As President of the road, I was requested to drive the spike.

We had a very enjoyable time.

It is four years today since I went to the penitentiary.

18 September 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 18, 1892.

At 2 o’clock I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. President Jos. F. Smith was also there. I addressed the congregation, being the only speaker, and felt considerable freedom in doing so.

This is the anniversary of the departure of my father’s family from Liverpool for America. It has brought up many memories associated with the past and has evoked deep thankfulness to the Almighty for His goodness to me and to all my father’s house. When I look back and think of all that we have passed through, and our present position, it seems marvelous to me. The Lord’s hand has been over my father’s family in a remarkable manner. We were left orphans in a strange land, foreigners by birth, and in some respects almost friendless, and the property that my father had soon passed away through mobocracy, etc; yet the Lord has brought us forth and given us a name and a place among the people of God, that to me appears very wonderful. I cannot think that any family in this Church has been favored so highly as ours has in many directions.

19 September 1892 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 19, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

The case of a son of Brother Orson Hyde, Royal E. Hyde, was brought to our attention by his mother, and we voted to appropriate $100 to help support him and to also pay his tuition at the B.Y.Academy in Logan.

20 September 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 20, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brother Stayner came in this morning and again brought to our attention the mining property on which he had an option. He talked in his usual glowing style concerning the richness of the claim and the great advantages that would flow from its purchase. But we said to him that we were not in a position to do anything of this kind, and that he had better, if it was as good as he reported, get others to join with him.

President Smith went to the lake this afternoon.

21 September 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself were at the office this morning.

There was a meeting of the Sugar Co.

Sisters Zina D. Young, Isabella Horne, Bathsheba Smith, S. M. Kimball, Jane Richards and E. B. Wells called upon us, with Attorneys F. S. Richards and LeGrand Young. The latter had prepared articles of incorporation for the Relief Societies in such a manner that they could connect themselves with the National ladies society as a benevolent institution, and not have our relief societies appear as denominational. The question as to whether by doing this our relief societies would lose the character that was given to them by the Prophet Joseph came up and was fully discussed. Sisters Young and Horne seemed to have objections to this proposed incorporation, lest it would take from the relief societies the character which they had heretofore possessed. President Woodruff and myself did not look at it in that light, neither did Brother F. D. Richards, who was present. We thought that the end could be accomplished without in the least detracting from the character of the societies; at the same time by effecting the incorporation our sisters could have some voice in the national and international conventions.

After this meeting, President Woodruff and myself proceeded to Zion’s Savings Bank and met Senator Warren, of Wyoming, and Bishop H. B. Clawson. We had a long conversation on the situation of affairs. He is very friendly to our people.

22 September 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 22, 1892.

First Presidency at the office this morning.

Brother Reynolds read correspondence.

The Brigham Young Memorial Association held a meeting at the office this morning, also the Sugar Co. afterwards.

Brother Harvey H. Perkins called upon us concerning a divorce which his wife is seeking. He was accompanied by his brother and by Brother Duerdon. We had quite a free talk about this, and it was suggested to him that he get a mutual friend of friend to call upon his wife and see if she would not withdraw the claim for $35 alimony and for $3000 in cash, which her complaint alleged he had had of her money. He said that if this were granted to her it would take all he had.

23 September 1892 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 23, 1892.

First Presidency at the office this morning[.]

Sorrowful news reached President Woodruff by telegram from Silas S. Smith, of Manassa, that Sister Clara Lyman, the wife of Brother F. M. Lyman, had died, and that her son Don was dangerously sick. This is very startling news, for she is a comparatively young woman and has always been considered healthy. She was the daughter of Brother Thomas Callister and Caroline Smith, a sister of Brother Geo. A. Smith. Brother Lyman arrived this morning and through this telegram learned of her demise. He was very much shocked and is a very severe blow to them him. He thinks she died heartbroken, through grief for her darling boy.

A meeting of the Deseret News Co. was held and a resolution was adopted ratifying the lease of the property which had been made to the Deseret News Publishing Co.

While we were in meeting the following dispatch was received from Col. Isaac Trumbo:

“Geo. Q. Cannon and H. B. Clawson must come at once direct to Plaza Hotel. Lannan has been getting his work in and Clarkson and Carter say they must see you at once. Take first train. Have Judge Zane send me telegram showing that the Utah report on Polygamy is false, that no case of polygamy since the issuance of the Manifesto by the Mormon Church. Telegraph when starting.”

Presidents Woodruff and Smith both felt that Brother Clawson and myself ought to go and to start by the first train, which will be in the morning at 8 o’clock. This seems to be my usual fortune. I scarcely think there is any man in the Church who has had to go more suddenly and more frequently than I have. I started once on a two years’ mission and left my family by the roadside, and I had only about half an hour’s notice. This interferes with some of my plans. My daughter Amelia desired me to marry her to Brother Harry Chamberlain. They had hastened the wedding and had fixed upon next Wednesday as the day, thinking that if it was deferred till after conference I might not be here. I shall have to get my son Abraham to go in my stead, but it will be a dissapointment to her and the family.

Presidents Woodruff and Smith laid their hands upon me and set me apart. President Smith was mouth.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

24 September 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 24, 1892.

Left home at 7:20 this morning. Brother C. H. Wilcken took me to the train, where I met Brother H. B. Clawson, also Brother Spence. At Ogden met Brother F. D. Richards and my son John Q. The latter has been very sick; he is now better. We took sleepers to Chicago. Mrs. John Kimball (sister to Henry W. Lawrence) and daughter, and Geo. Lawrence, son of H. W. L., were on board the train.

Very dusty traveling.

25 September 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 25, 1892.

Very disagreeable day because of dust.

26 September 1892 • Monday

Monday, Sept. 26, 1892.

Reached Chicago at 9:30 a.m. Bought tickets over Pennsylvania R.R. to New York.

27 September 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1892.

Delightful traveling, being free from dust.

We were met at Jersey City by Colonel Trumbo. Went to Plaza Hotel, an elegant high-toned and high-priced place. Was introduced to General Clarkson.

28 September 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1892.

According to an arrangement last evening Bishop Clawson and myself breakfasted with Mr. Carter, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, and General J. S. Clarkson, Chairman of the Executive Committee. During the breakfast there was considerable talk on our affairs, and I spoke very freely to them on the situation in Utah. We were breakfasting together in a private room at the hotel, and as there were waiters present I did not talk with the freedom I would have done had we been alone. I requested Bishop Clawson to withdraw with Colonel Trumbo from the room at a certain time, for I wanted to talk with Messrs. Carter and Clarkson alone. Colonel Trumbo and all had withdrawn, excepting Brother Clawson, and I continued the conversation till I got to a point where I felt it would be better for me to be alone with them, and I then asked Brother Clawson if he would be so kind as to withdraw, apologizing to him for the necessity of it. He told me afterwards that he had become so interested in the conversation that he had forgotten. I think however it had a good effect, because it impressed the gentlemen with the idea that what I was about to communicate to them ought to be kept sacred. I said to them, in explanation of my request for Brother Clawson to withdraw, that I had never mentioned what I was about to communicate to either Colonel Trumbo or Bishop Clawson, and I would not mention it to them had it not been for the statements which they had informed me had been made to them concerning our attitude towards the Democratic party and the money help that we were crediting credited with having given that party. I understood that Mr. Lannan had told them that Messrs. Trumbo and Clawson were our monetary agents and had large sums of money at their control to use for us; that Colonel Trumbo was our paid attorney, and that the Pacific Bank in San Francisco was really controlled by Mormon money—all of which I said to them was utterly false; but that they might see our position I felt myself under the necessity of making a communication to them that I wished kept sacred. The information I had had been given to me, not under any pledge of secrecy, but with the understanding that always existed between gentlemen, at least on my part, that it was of a confidential character and was not to be talked about[.] I said that a few days before I left Utah a gentleman who stood high in Democratic counsels, and whose name had been proposed for a Cabinet position under President Cleveland, had come to Utah, as he told me, purposely to see me and to get my aid in securing to the Democratic party the State of Wyoming, of Idaho and Montana. He had told me that if these nine electoral votes could be secured, with six votes that the Democrats were sure of in Michigan, he thought they would be able to elect Mr. Cleveland; that they were very sure at present that they could keep Nevada and Nebraska out of the Republican column, and perhaps Colorado; that our votes controlled Wyoming and Idaho, and he appealed to me as a patriot and a lover of country to do all in my power to save the country from the dreadful consequences which would follow Republican success. I had listened to him and then I had told him that he had been very frank with me and I would be equally frank with him. I was in for the liberty of Utah, and I would be willing to obtain it from any quarter and by any means that an honorable man could adopt; that we had felt that it was important to our interest that there should be a Republican party in Utah, and we had endeavored to promote one. Yes, my friend said, but subordinate, of course, to the Democratic party. Well, I said, that would depend upon the disposition of the people. I related to him the bargain which had been made at the time of the Tilden and Hayes contest by Southern men with Hayes’ friends concerning the south, the carrying out of which was the means of relieving the South from the presence of the army, by which alone the carpet-bag government had been sustained. The South obtained its freedom at that time, and the governments of the several states fell into the hands of the white people. I quoted this to show that it was justifiable in any people to secure their liberty by any means in their power that was not dishonorable. This gentleman I said, had assured me that everything would be done for us by the Democratic party that we could ask. He was authorized to say this, and he pledged his honor that it would be carried out. That which he wished me to do was to restrain our people who were Republicans from going into these states and trying to have the Mormons vote the Republican ticket. He said that I would understand how to do it; he would not dictate how it should be done. I gave him, however, no assurances that I could do what he wished.

Now, I said, I mention this to you gentlemen (Messrs. Carter and Clarkson) to show you the influence that the Democrats are trying to bring upon us and the promises they are willing to make to us. I can assure you we have been loyal in our work to the Republican party. We have endeavored to restrain the spread of Democracy among our people and to give the Republicans every chance that could be asked among the people to advocate their doctrines, as we felt it was to the interests of the people that there should be Republicans in our country; in fact, I said, we had felt that we could obtain the ends that we had in view better through the Republican party than we could through the Democratic.

Our conversation lasted till 12 o’clock. I had a great deal of the Spirit of the Lord with me and talked with great plainness and directness to them, and they were evidently very much impressed by what I said, and their feelings were softened, and, as I learned afterwards, they said I had made very convincing and remarkable statements to them, and that I put forth my views with wonderful clearness and directness.

29 September 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Sept. 29, 1892.

I dined with Messrs. Carter and Clarkson today and had further conversation on our question. I impressed them with the importance of doing what they could for our people, because we were standing by them, and that they should not allow Mr. Lannan and men of that class to come to them and accomplish their nefarious plans through their aid. I said to them, all the importance that Mr. Lannan and men of his character have is that which they derive from fighting us. They have no following. We offer you substantial advantages. Our friendship is worth your consideration. They admitted it was, and that they were very desirous to secure it, and they said they were going to do all they could for us.

I had an interview in the evening with General and Mrs. Clarkson in their rooms.

I have been surprised since being here at meeting so many people who knew Frank, and who speak in the warmest terms of him. A gentleman by the name of A. M. Cannon, a banker of Spokane in the State of Washington, told me that he had made Frank’s acquaintance at Minneapolis and he was very much impressed with his ability and formed quite a friendship for him. He said that Governor McKinley, of Ohio, who presided over the convention, spoke very favorably of Frank as a brilliant young man; and General Clarkson and Mr. Carter were both acquainted with him, and he evidently had made a deep impression upon them by his conduct at Minneapolis. Mrs. Clarkson also expressed the pleasure she had had in meeting him.

30 September 1892 • Friday

Friday, Sept. 30, 1892.

We spent the day in visiting the Metropolitan Art Gallery and Central Park, and attending to little items of personal business.

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September 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 16, 2025