July 1885

1 July 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 1st, 1885. Busily engaged at the Office all day. In evening returned with Bro. C. H. Wilcken.

2 July 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, July 2nd/85. Monthly fast day. We met and all spoke — Bro. L. J. Nuttall, C. H. Wilcken, Geo. Q. Cannon, H. C. Barrell, Sister Carlisle and daughter Haidee and President Taylor — and had a good measure of the Spirit. I felt the necessity of something being done by us on the Fourth to show that we did not consider a day of rejoicing and a day to be made much of or celebrated for liberties enjoyed by us. I thought every flag should be at half mast and at the Ogden celebration some good speaker or speakers should give a description of the situation of affairs in this Territory and the wrongs which we <are> enduring. It is not a day of liberty but a day of bondage for some of us and the Latter-day Saints have no cause to celebrate this coming Fourth with rejoicings. Pres. Taylor and myself talked upon these subjects and he thought I ought to go right in and arrange for our views to be carried out. <Wrote a letter to Wahine hou [my new wife] respecting place of retreat for her, no ka mea, ua hapai oia [because she is pregnant].> Bro. Wilcken took me into the City. Sister Haidee Carlisle and Bro. Barrell also went in.

I saw Bro. Rossiter and Bishop Preston and others and arranged about flags being raised only half mast on Saturday. I telegraphed for Bro. Shurtliff to come from Ogden; but he replied he was too late for train to-night, but would come in morning. My son Abraham accompanied me to my wife Emily’s.

3 July 1885 • Friday

Friday, July 3rd, 1885. Arose at 3.30 a.m. and walked to the Office. Held council with Bro’s F. D. Richards, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, L. W. Shurtliff, N. C. Flygare and L. Farr respecting the address we wish delivered at Ogden to-morrow. Bro. Ben. Rich we all thought would be the man <of the Ogden men> for the occasion; but he is absent. I telegraphed to Elder M. Thatcher to know if he could come and he replied Yes. I instructed the brethren as to the line of thought we desired presented. Dictated Topics &c for Juvenile Instructor and letter for President Taylor and myself to Elder Lorenzo Snow respecting a mission to Shoshones, Bannocks, &c. Arranged with Elder F. M. Lyman to visit us tomorrow evening.

4 July 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, July 4th, 1885. Various matters of business attended to. Wrote my journal. A very quiet day. In the evening Bro. C. H. Wilcken brought out Elder F. M. Lyman from the City. He starts in the morning to Chihuahua, Mexico, to meet Señor Campo, the Agent for the sale of Government lands, to look at lands suitable for us to purchase. We talked fully with him and gave him full instructions respecting the course to be pursued by him. Bro. Wilcken took him back to the City, leaving me also at my house.

5 July 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, July 5th, 1885. I spent the day delightfully. I had my children together in the forenoon and taught them many principles and asked each of them a number of questions; and in the afternoon I held a meeting of all my family, administered the sacrament, read the tenth chapter of Matthew and spoke to them upon the principles therein contained. I feel that the day, besides being very agreeably spent, has been profitable to us all. I remained here till about 3.30 a.m. when Bro. Wilcken called for me.

6 July 1885 • Monday

Monday, July 6, 1885. The placing of the flags at half mast in the City had raised great excitement and a mob of <apostates and> gentiles had formed who had threatened to hoist it on the City Hall, Court House and the Store of Z. C. M. I. and the Theatre. To pacify them the flags were hoisted at these places mentioned. The people appeared to be divided, and many condemned the placing of the flags at half mast, and appeared to be willing to accept the construction <placed> upon this action by our enemies, who are always ready to torture every action, however innocent, into something very evil. I felt indignant at this disposition to apologize for our conduct and to act as though we had <been> caught doing something wrong. The placing of our flags at half mast was most appropriate under the circumstances; some of our best men are in prison, others are in exile, others are in jeopardy, all of us are threatened and attacked. What is there for us to rejoice over? Shall we laud the liberty we enjoy? No; we should be hypocrites to do so. Mourn for the liberty of which we are deprived is most appropriate for us. The placing of the flag at half mast is no disrespect to the flag, it is the symbol of our sorrow for liberties departed. If I were in Congress I would not be afraid to defend such an action on the floor of Congress. For fear that wrong steps might be taken in this matter President Taylor felt very urgent that I should go in to the City. I started in with Bro. Wilcken at about 10 a.m. The day has been a very busy one for me and my labors have been exacting. I had an interview with Bros. John Nicholson <and my nephew Geo. C. Lambert> of the News and instructed them as to the tone of the articles to be written on this subject, no apologies, no regrets, no explanations to soften opposition; but a high stand upon the subject, the placing of the flags at half mast was right, the marshal and police who did this had done their duty and would be sustained by the great majority of the people. I proferred to dictate some articles for the News, which I did, making over a column and a half. I also dictated and prepared two articles for the Juvenile Instructor. Bro. W. A. Rossiter desired my help in preparing a card for the News, being a denial of certain statements which appeared in the Tribune concerning him; I dictated this for him. I had a long interview with <Bro. Orson F. Whitney and> the City Council, or rather six members of it — Rob’t. Patrick, A. N. Macfarlane, I. M. Waddell, Geo. Pyper, Junius F. Wells and Joseph Dean upon the subject of their proposed action. I think without doubt the Council would have censured the Marshal had they not been made to see how improper it would be, as by so doing they would play into the hands of our enemies and make it appear that the action of placing the flag at half mast was wrong. I suggested the line of action; they requested me to write for them the kind of report which I had suggested. This I promised and the interview ended. I was fatigued; but I dictated a report, which with a few <slight> changes they adopted, though at the Mayor’s request, the final adoption was postponed to a special meeting to be held at noon to-morrow. I waited till midnight to hear this result. In the meantime I had an interview with my wife Caroline, and conversed upon the best move for her to make e huna i kona hapai ana [so as to keep hidden that she was pregnant]. A residence of a month at a place in a cañon belonging to ke kane o kona kaikaina [the husband of her younger sister] is thought to be best, if feasible at present. I feel much gratified with my day’s work. <Returned with Bro. Wilcken, reached at 2 o’clock.>

7 July 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 7, 1885. Wearied and indifferent about labor to-day. I forgot to mention that last evening Bro. Moses Thatcher called in the Office and reported the proceedings at Ogden on Saturday, the Fourth. He had been called upon to speak and did so, greatly to the annoyance, as it appeared, of Judge Powers, Mayor D. H. Peery who was Chairman of the celebration and many others. They wanted no unpleasant remarks to disturb the enjoyment of the day. They were not in prison; they were not under bonds, nor were they indicted; why, then, should these affairs be mentioned when they had met to enjoy themselves? Let the manacles be covered with flowers, the fetters with rags that the clanking be not heard! Let no skeleton be seen at the feast to disturb the joy and revelry of the feasters. Peery turned his back upon Bro. Thatcher when he had finished and would not speak to him; Powers the same. The people were divided. Some thought the speech impolitic. But how any Latter-day Saints could enjoy celebrating the Fourth, in our present circumstances, with feasting and mirth I cannot understand. I felt greatly pleased at Bro. Thatcher’s address.

8 July 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 8th, 1885. Engaged with usual business. President Taylor and myself decided upon sending to the leading men of the nation and Members of Congress a made-up copy of articles which have appeared in the News. With the help of Bro’s. Wilcken and Nuttall I cut out and made up a page of the News, and wrote a letter to Bro. T. E. Taylor, Sup’t of the Deseret News Co. instructing him to have 500 copies of it struck off and mailed under direction of Bro’s. Geo. Reynolds and F. D. Richards; also to send off in the same manner the address of Bro. F. A. Brown to the Court at Ogden; this letter Pres. Taylor and myself signed.

After dinner President Taylor, Bro. C. H. Wilcken and myself drove to Bro. Wm Taylor’s. Not finding any one at home we drove to Pres. T’s sister’s — Sister Boyes’. His daughter of Ida was there, but her mother and Aunt had gone to the City. They returned, and Wm Taylor also came in, and we had supper and drove back.

9 July 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, July 9th, 1885. Attended to the usual business. Bishop W. B. Preston, Richd J. Taylor (Pres. T’s son) and my son John Q. called upon us. Business connected with the Temple and the procuring of lumber for it was conversed upon; also the impropriety of employing apostates or Gentiles, or giving them the opportunity of competing with our brethren for our work was dwelt upon. John Q’s health gives me concern. He is far from well.

10 July 1885 • Friday

Friday, July 10th, 1885. Usual business attended to. Writing up my journal. Wrote to my wife Caroline. Studying Spanish.

11 July 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, July 11th, 1885. After attending to usual business, was taken in company with Bro. L. John Nuttall, who is the President of the Bullion, Beck & Champion Mining Co., to meet at Bro. Peter Hansen’s with the Officers of that Company. There were: President, L J. Nuttall; Vice-President, John Beck; Sec. & Treas., Geo. Reynolds; Directors: John Q. Cannon and Moses W. Taylor. Bro. Moses Thatcher, who had been requested by Pres. Taylor and myself, to examine into the condition of this property was also present. We spent about 3½ hours in meeting and every thing possible was said to have Bro. Beck realize the importance of taking every precaution to preserve this property, also to make every effort to get his accounts with the Company properly made out. It was decided that if possible to secure the services of Bro. W. E. Bassett for the next week to help Bro. Beck get up his accounts for the next meeting to be held at the beginning of next week but one. The brethren all left for their various places, and as we designed to move away from Bro. Carlisle’s and Pres. Taylor intended to spend a day or two with a part of his family, it was arranged for me to visit my family and remain there till notified where to go. I sent Nephi Hansen to tell my son Hugh to come for me with a covered carriage. I reached my home on the Jordan river about 10 o’clock p.m. Found Bro. Jos. E. Taylor and three of the police — Bro. B. Y. Hampton, Wm Salmon and Sam. Bateman — waiting for me. Bro. Taylor and I conversed about the kind of men we ought to get for legislators. Pres. Taylor and myself desire the High Council to select a list of names of men <from> whom they think the necessary number might be selected.

12 July 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, July 12th, 1885. My children went to the rehearsal at the Tabernacle of the programme for the celebration of the 24th. In the afternoon had a very delightful meeting and administered the sacrament. I gave them many incidents from my personal history in my boyhood and youth to illustrate to them the manner in which the Spirit of the Lord operates upon the mind of young people.

13 July 1885 • Monday

Monday, July 13th, 1885. Spent the day reading. Expected word as to where to move. Late in evening Bro. Wilcken called and notified me that there would be a meeting of Pres. Taylor, myself, <Bishop Preston,> and the Church architects at Bro. John R. Winder’s farm to-morrow evening. [10 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

14 July 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 14th, 1885. I visited the houses of my wives Sarah Jane and Eliza and spent about two hours in each. This is the first time I have been in these houses since Jan. 19 and 20 — a few days lacking of six months. <The 20th is the day I went into hiding.> I afterwards spent the remainder of the afternoon at my wife Martha’s. She had company — Mrs. Lizzie F. Young, wife of Brigham, and my wife Caroline. Had a fine visit, which I enjoyed the more because of it being such a rare privilege and being so unexpected. Hugh and David, my sons, took me to Bro. Winder’s. There were present President Taylor, Bishop Preston, T. O Angell, Sen., T. O. Angell, Jr., W. H. Folsom, L. J. Nuttall and myself. We were together about 2½ hours and examined plans for the internal arrangement of the Temple at Salt Lake City and listened to remarks thereon. Bro. Winder served up for our gratification, peaches, grapes, cherries and currants and cake and cream and milk. We returned to Bro. Carlisle’s.

15 July 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 15th, 1885. Attended to usual business. We moved to-day to Bro. Ferdinand Hintze’s on the East bench, quite a retired place. The old gentleman is here, but the young man, whose house we occupied and whose three wives wait upon us is in Norway on a mission. This place is quite secluded, has trees around it and is open to the cañon breeze, which keeps it cool, especially at night.

16 July 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, July 16th, 1885. President Taylor and I looked through and selected names for the Members of the Legislature and attended to other business. Several incidents made us feel that we were not entirely safe in our present place. The family are all very nice people and do all in their power to make us comfortable; but there are apostates around, one of whom, an old lady and a relative by marriage of the family, evidently suspects something and has been out and in all day.

17 July 1885 • Friday

Friday, July 17th, 1885. Bro. Wilcken arrived here early this morning. After taking the mail into town last night he took Caroline and children to Hardy’s station in the cañon. He had a serious time, it was so dark in the cañon and was so unfortunate as to upset the carriage, though, he says, he went over so easily that no one was hurt. After breakfast Bro. Wilcken drove the carriage with President Taylor and myself to Bro. Peter Hansen’s in the Sugar House Ward. Sent messenger with names of candidates whom we thought suitable for Members of the Legislature to Bishop John Sharp, Chairman of the Territorial Central Committee. They are for the Council: James Sharp, John W. Taylor and Elias A. Smith. For the House: Don Carolos Young, Wm W. Riter, Orson A. Woolley, and John Q. Cannon and John Clark. My son’s name was put down as one by President Taylor. The Twelve Apostles had furnished a list of names from which to select; also the High Council; the name of John Q. was on both lists. When the names were selected I remarked to President Taylor not to select him if there was any one whom he thought better fitted or more suitable. In the evening borrowed a horse and light wagon of Bro. Hansen and drove home for a bedstead and bedding for my use. Found my wives Sarah Jane and Eliza had retired; but they got up and the latter furnished me the articles I needed.

18 July 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, July 18th, 1885. Arose a little before 3 o’clock. Hugh had my team all ready and Angus accompanied me <on> the way for as company. Busy hearing and answering letters and signing Elders’ certificates. In the evening Bro. Wilcken took me to my house on the river.

19 July 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, July 19th, 1885. Held two meetings to-day — one in the afternoon and one in the evening. I feel greatly drawn out to impart instructions to my family. I am very anxious that my children should be instructed in the principles of righteousness. My son John Q. and wife Annie and their children were present in the evening. John Q. has been desirous of having some memento of his Mother, so this evening I divided a few articles among the children. To John Q. I gave a gold locket which contained his Mother’s portrait and mine, <also a gold pencil, and a small ruby ring, and> a silver spoon that came down from his grandmother Hoagland’s family and for his daughter Louise, a tea-spoon with the initials M. Q. on it that had belonged to my Mother’s Aunt Molly (Mary Quayle) the sister of John Quayle, my grandfather. To Abraham, who was not present, I gave a pair of sleeve buttons (Moss agate mounted in gold), <a gold ring,> a small silver perfume box, a silver spoon, the mate to the one given to John Q., and for his daughter, named Elizabeth after her grandmother, a tortoise-shell buckle for the waist. To Mary Alice a brooch much worn by her Mother (she already had her Mother’s gold watch and chain which I had given her.) To David a gold mounted pencil case, some gold studs and sleeve buttons, <and a small ring> and a common brooch worn by his Mother. To Emily a valuable gold brooch, containing my hair and her Mother’s and the hair of several of the children, also a pair of gold earrings with a pearl in them. To Sylvester [one and three-fourths blank lines]

In the evening Bro. Wilcken, who had Willie Hansen and his daughter Bertha in the carriage with him, called for me.

20 July 1885 • Monday

Monday, July 20th, 1885. I felt so sick at the stomach to-day that, after attending to business and hearing letters read, I had to lay down. The news from Mexico is encouraging. Bro. John W. Taylor, in describing an interview Elders E. Snow, B. Young and he had with President Diaz, reports that the latter said that we were not only welcome to Mexico, but they would be glad to have us settle there. Our enemies have led Cleveland to think there is danger of an outbreak here on the 24th. Gov. Murray and Gen O. O. Howard have been active (the former particularly) in this. Howard is ordered (so the telegraphic dispatches say) to have all the troops between here and Omaha in readiness to march at a moment’s notice to quell any outbreak which may occur here. Gen. Mc Cook at Fort Douglas has had similar orders. In order that the children’s Sunday School Jubilee might be properly arranged and other matters be attended to President Taylor desired I should go into town. I sent word for Bro. Geo. Goddard and the officers of the Sunday School Union and Bishop Preston to be at the City Hall at 9.30 this evening. Bro. Wilcken took me there and I met with them in Sister Andrew Burt’s parlor. I instructed Bishop Preston to take the oversight of the proceedings and Bro. Goddard and the other brethren concerning the character of the proceedings. I sent for Bro. J. T. Caine and advised with him about sending a telegram to President Cleveland contradicting the lies which had prompted his action and informing <him> that informants were putting his administration in a false position. It was arranged for him and Bishop John Sharp (Chairman of the Territorial Central Committee) and James Sharp (Mayor of the City) to seek an interview with the Governor, and learn from him, if possible, the cause of this movement concerning the troops. Returned to our place of abode about one o’clock.

21 July 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 21, 1885. Busy attending to usual business and in examining accounts, rendered by John Beck, of expenditures for Champion, Beck and Bullion Mine. Wrote to Caroline. In evening I and Bro. Moses Thatcher met at the house of my son John Q. with the directors of the above-named mine. They are: L. John Nuttall, Pres.; John Beck, Vice-Pres.; Geo. Reynolds Sec. & Treas.; and John Q. Cannon and Moses W. Taylor, Directors. A long time was spent in examining into and discussing the condition and affairs of the property. I am shocked at finding that Bro. Beck’s accounts bring the Company about $15,000 in debt to him. When our business closed John Q. and Annie served us with ice cream and cake. Bro. Wilcken drove me in the carriage to my home, and Angus and Lewis then took me to town.

22 July 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 22, 1885. Reached the office at 4 a.m. I then laid down and had some sleep. I have been impressed for some time to write letters to leading Democratic politicians in the East concerning affairs in these Territories. I wrote lengthy communications to-day (using Bro’s. Irvine and Winters as short-hand reporters and dictating to them) to Dr. Geo. L. Miller, Editor Omaha Herald, to Speaker Carlisle, to Hon. Abram S. Hewitt of New York, to Hon. Mr. Barnum of Conn. and to Senators Joe. Brown of Georgia and Kenna of West Virginia. They will copy them and send them out to me for correction. I also dictated “Topics of the times” for the Juvenile Instructor. I attended to considerable other business and spent a busy day. Bro. Wilcken called for me in evening.

23 July 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, July 23/85. President Taylor had a severe attack of bowel complaint yesterday. He is feeble but better this morning. We attended to usual business and Bro. Wilcken took him out to visit his wife Maggie across the river. I feel fagged somewhat to-day with the labor of yesterday and want of sleep. I had the proposition of Bro. Thatcher read to Pres. Taylor and Nuttall concerning the Beck mine. This proposition is the result of interviews held yesterday between Bro’s. T. and Beck. The news came out this evening that Gen. U. S. Grant died this morning, and as a consequence the children will not sing to-morrow. The Governor has issued a proclamation for flags to be draped and hung at half-mast to-morrow. Thus he asks the people to do that which the troops were <asked> to be ready to prevent us from doing. I rode to my place and back this evening <with Bro. Wilcken. My family had all gone to bed.>

24 July 1885 • Friday

Friday, July 24/85. President Taylor and myself prepared “an Address to the Latter-day Saints in the Rocky Mountain region and throughout the world.”

25 July 1885 • Saturday

Saturday, July 25, 1885. Finished work on the Address and prepared it for press. It was sent in for publication to-day. I read mythe letters I had written to my political friends in the East to President Taylor. He expressed much pleasure and satisfaction and thought they would do good. I dictated some additions to one of them to Bro. Nuttall. Dictated a letter for Pres. Taylor and myself to sign to Bro. L. H. Hatch. In the evening Bro. Wilcken took me to my residence, but after I laid down I felt very uneasy. My wife Martha and her children returned in the carriage from the Theatre (it was then after 12 o’clock) and the noise of the wheels in the distance made me spring out of bed and open the window to listen. As all the folks were in bed when I arrived, and I had gone to bed without seeing any one, I did not know that any were away at the Theatre. I concluded to return to Bro. Hansen’s, I felt so uneasy, and Martha and her son Lewis accompanied me in the carriage a part of the way. It was a magnificent moonlight night. They have been making bets in town, with heavy odds, that they will capture Pres. Taylor and myself within two weeks. At no time <since we commenced hiding> have I felt such a sense of insecurity as I did to-night.

26 July 1885 • Sunday

Sunday, July 26/85. President Taylor expressed pleasure at seeing me this morning, for he said his feelings were as I described mine to be. We spent the day in reading and conversation, with the exception of the meeting in the afternoon when we had the Lord’s supper and Bro’s. Nuttall, Barrell, Wilcken, <Willie Hansen,> myself, Pres. Taylor and Bro. Peter Hansen spoke. The two addresses of the prophet Joseph, which he had sent to the Saints when he was in concealment from his enemies, were read. The baptism of the dead was the subject principally treated upon.

27 July 1885 • Monday

Monday, July 26, 1885. Attended to usual business and wrote up my journal. I wrote to John Q. to learn when he thought I could have a meeting of the <my> family and be with them in safety; also when I could see Bishop Preston. President Taylor and myself have talked about visiting Logan for awhile, if we can do so in safety; and it is to converse upon this that I am to see Bishop Preston. I also wrote in to learn if Bro. F. S. Richards is in town, as I desire to see him to talk over the possibility of his finding out from Judge Harkness, who is of the firm that are attorneys to the “Eureka Co.” who have commenced suit against the “Bullion, Beck & Champion Co.,” whether there is any chance for a reasonable compromise. We stand no more chance of justice in the present courts of this Territory than we would among pirates.

28 July 1885 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 28th, 1885. Bro. F. S. Richards has left the city for Soda Springs, Bishop Preston is to leave in the morning. John Q. expresses fears for my safety if I move around much. He says our enemies are very active. Busy writing up my old Spanish lessons.

29 July 1885 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 29th, 1885. Writing up (President Taylor and myself) Mexican affairs. Signed my letters to political friends. In evening went into City with Bro. Wilcken. Stopped at Emily’s.

30 July 1885 • Thursday

Thursday, July 30, 1885. Reached the Office at 4.20 a.m. Dictated a letter to Bro. Joseph F. Smith on the Sandwich Islands; one to Bro. Brigham Young at City of Mexico and one to Bro’s. Wm Budge and C. W. Nibley respecting affairs in Idaho. Had interviews with a number of persons and attended to various business. Returned to Bro. Hansen’s with Bro. Wilcken <Sudbury> in the evening, having to walk consid<erable distance to prevent Bro. S. from having a clue to where we are stopping.>

31 July 1885 • Friday

Friday, July 31/85. Attended to usual business. Bro. F. A. Hammond was brought out by Bro. Hansen and remained till evening. He gave us full descriptions of the San Juan country, concerning which he felt quite hopeful. Wrote to Caroline. Re<ceived a letter from her.>

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July 1885, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1885/07-1885