February 1882

1 February 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 1/82. Went to where I supposed Gen. Kane was living — his house 1304 Walnut St.; but learned he was at the Continental Hotel with his family while the house was being fitted up. Saw his son Elisha K. Kane and learned his father had gone to new York at 9.a.m. and would probably be back at 6.30 p.m. I concluded to await his return. Had I known he was in the hotel I might have seen him before he started. The streets are covered with snow. Spent the afternoon in my room arranging headings for my chapters to the Life of Nephi. Had an interview with Gen. Kane in the evening. He evidently feels sore, I think, over the non-adoption of his Mexican project, which besides his trip to Mexico cost him considerably. He is absorbed in business of his own — Rail Roads building — and this engrosses his thoughts. He had nothing encouraging to say about our prospects, and as I felt somewhat oppressed with my affliction, our interview was not as cheerful as usual. He introduced me to his family — Mrs. Kane, Miss Harriet and Elisha, Evan and Willis. Elisha is a graduate of Princeton and is president of a Rail Road his father is building; Evan is studying medicine and surgery and gives promise of excelling and being brilliant in the latter branch; Willie is at a Commercial College and Harriet is also studying medicine and surgery. I spent over an hour very pleasantly in their society.

Before parting with Bro. Hooper yesterday, he said he was frightened at our prospects. He said he could not feel or view things as I did. He appears to have no hope of my success in getting my seat. When he first came to Washington he was quite sanguine <about my being seated immediately> and thought I was not enough so. He seems now to have gone to the other extreme. I have endeavored to keep as even as possible, not to be elated or depressed. I said I did not feel that my case would be sent back to the people; on the contrary, I felt that I would be sworn in. It was either going to be so, or the Lord was giving me this feeling to encourage and sustain me to struggle on.

I got on the Washington sleeper at about 10.30 p.m. and went to bed; the train started at 12.30 a.m.

2 February 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 1882. The car was in Washington at 7 a.m. when I dressed. Found two brief notes from my wife Sarah Jane, breathing affection and sympathy; one written before Elizabeth’s death, and one afterwards; in the latter she expressed her willingness and readiness to do any thing (for the children) I desired. President Woodruff wrote also an encouraging letter. It was written before Elizabeth’s departure, though he saw it was near. Wm H. Shearman, who at one time, was on the most friendly and brotherly terms with myself and wife, but who joined Godbe in his apostacy and lost his standing in the Church, wrote me a very kind letter of condolence. His feelings have been kind towards our people, I understand, for some time. The Herald and News contain notices of the death and the proposed time for the funeral. They are kindly and well-written and are quite full. The reading of these opened my grief anew, especially the descriptions of her farewell to and blessing of the children and Sylvester, her youngest, particularly. (Insert notices)


Thursday, . . Jan. 26, 1882.



The news of Mrs. Elizabeth Cannon’s demise will not occasion surprise, the fact of her being extremely feeble for nearly two weeks being well known. The intelligence will, however, be received with profound regret by the thousands of people who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance, and by whom she was held in universal esteem and affection. The sympathy felt also for the sorrowing husband and family and other relatives is necessarily deep and universal in the community.

The health of the respected deceased had been failing for over two years, and about that time since, while in Washington with her husband, Hon. George Q. Cannon, she became so feeble that her recovery, at one time, was al- most despaired of. The last attack, which carried her off, commenced on Saturday, the 14th inst. She was then stopping at the farm, a few miles south of the city, and in order to be closer to a wider range of facilities in case of an emergency, she was removed to the 14th Ward of this city, on the following Tuesday, the 17th.

Slight hopes were entertained of her recovery until yesterday (Wednesday) morning, when Mrs. Cannon herself gave up all thoughts of surviving. She requested her bro[t]her in-law, President Angus M. Cannon, to pray to the Lord to relieve her from suffering and take her to himself. She also desired to take leave of those of her children who were at home, which she did, so far as she had strength. Taking an affectionate farewell of her eldest daughter Mary Alice, she advised her to be good and true and to be a guide to the younger children. During this time Mary Alice had been heroically suppressing the powerful emotions by which she was moved, for fear of distressing her mother. When she got sufficiently far from the bedside, she broke down. When Mrs. Cannon bade adieu to her youngest child Sylvester, and blessed him, the scene was so strikingly pathetic that every person in the room was melted to tears of sympathy.

The deceased also took an affectionate farewell of her sister Emily and her brother John, and spoke of their unvarying kindness to her.

Speaking of her absent husband, whom she loved with the full strength of womanly devotion, she said she had no special message for him, as he understood her feelings, which were deeper than words could express. She also expressed herself to the effect that her two eldest sons, John Q., now on a mission in England, and Abram H., on a mission in Switzerland, would do well, and requested their uncle, Angus M. Cannon, to tell them not to falter in well-doing.

Although there was probably nothing on earth that Sister Cannon would have more desired than to have had her husband by her bedside during her last moments, she would not suffer her natural feelings to interfere with her strong sense of duty, and on Monday, the 23d inst., she dictated the following despatch to him:

“Remain at your post. God can raise me up, if it is his will, in answer to your prayers there, as well as if you were here. All is being done for me that can be done.”

Here was exhibited a heroic trait, that was a key to the noble character of the woman. Something of the devotion of Brother Cannon to the interests of the people he represents is exhibited in the same connection. Those who are in anyway acquainted with him know the intensity of his affection for his family —his great love for his departed wife. No personal consideration that could be named could have kept him away from the bedside of his dying wife. On the 24th he telegraphed to that effect to his brother Angus M., but stating that his duty to the people required his presence in the Capital.

Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon was the daughter of Abraham and Margaret Quick Hoagland, born Nov. 3, 1835, in the town of Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan, being aged 46 years, 2 months and 22 days. Her parents embraced the gospel in her childhood and went to Nauvoo, from which place they emigrated during the general exodus of the Church, in 1846. They passed the following winter at Winter Quarters, and reached the Salt Lake Valley with President John Taylor’s company in the month of October, 1847. Mrs. Cannon was married to the Hon. George Q. Cannon on the 11th of December, 1851, and in the Spring of the following year accompanied her husband on a mission to California. While there she buried her oldest child, George Q. Cannon —and passed through many hardships, returning to Utah in the Fall of 1857. She went south at the time of the move, and in the Fall of 1860 accompanied her husband on a mission to England, leaving her two sons, John Q. and Abram H. Cannon, at home. She remained away until the fall of 1863. On the way home, Mrs. Cannon lost her little daughter on the Plains, and brought the remains to this valley; and soon after was bereft of a little boy, these two children having been born during her absence in England. She returned from both the missions mentioned without the society of her husband, whose duties prevented him accompanying her. Mrs. Cannon has accompanied her husband to Washington three times during his delegateship. She has had eleven children, six of whom are now living. John Q. Cannon, her eldest, is now on a mission to England, and Abram H. on a mission in Germany. The latter has not seen his mother for nearly three years; the former left for his field of labor in August last.

The date when the funeral will take place has not yet been arranged.



She Breathed Her Last at 10.55 Last Night.

For several days past it has been been known that Mrs. Elizabeth H. Cannon, wife of Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon, now in Washington, was dangerously ill, and hopes for her recovery, seemed to diminish gradually. On Wednesday morning, those present seemed convinced the hour for dissolution had arrived, but she rallied, and appeared to be no better and no worse than she had been for a few days before. It was not until yesterday morning that Mrs. Cannon gave up hopes for recovery, but she then called her family—or those who were at home —about her, and took a most trying and affectionate farewell of them. Later in the day she again grew worse, and it became evident to those who had access to her bedside that the hour of her death could not be delayed much longer, and from that time until her release from pain, the only thing that could be done was to watch, wait and render her such assistance as it remained within the power of solicitous and grief-stricken friends to perform. The cause of the demise was consumption. She passed into a semi-somnolent condition some time before dying, but never lost her reason. When she would arouse from a stupor she would talk perfectly intelligibly, and recognize those who would address her. As the fatal hour grew nearer, her breath came with more difficulty, which rendered it impossible for her to speak more than a few words, and this seemed to have an exhausting effect. She must have suffered considerably, though she did not admit the fact to those who asked; but she did request her brother-in-law, President A. M. Cannon, on Wednesday morning, to pray that the Lord would release her from pain if it was his will that she should go. At the hour stated the wished for release came.

Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon was the daughter of Abraham and Margaret Quick Hoagland, born Nov. 2 [3], 1835, in the town of Royal Oak, Oakland county, Michigan, being aged 46 years, 2 months and 22 days. Her parents embraced the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in her childhood and went to Nauvoo, from which place they emigrated during the general exodus of the church, in 1846. They passed the following winter at Winter Quarters, and reached the Salt Lake Valley with President John Taylor’s company in the month of October, 1847. Mrs. Cannon was married to the Hon. George Q. Cannon on the 11th of December, 1854, and in the spring of the following year accompanied her husband on a mission to California. While there she buried her oldest child, George Q. Cannon—and passed through many hardships, returning to Utah in the fall of 1857. She went south at the time of the move, and in the fall of 1860 accompanied her husband on a mission to England, leaving her two sons, John Q. and Abram H. Cannon, at home. She remained away until the fall of 1863. On the way home Mrs. Cannon lost her little daughter on the plains, and brought the remains to this valley; and soon after was bereft of a little boy, these two children having been born during her absence in England. She returned from both the missions mentioned alone. Mrs. Cannon has accompanied her husband to Washington three times during his delegateship. She has had eleven children, six of whom are now living. John Q. Cannon, her eldest, is now upon a mission to England, and Abram H. is in Germany. The latter has not seen his mother for nearly three years; the former left for his feld [field] of labor in August last.

Her health has been failing for two years past, but has seemed somewhat better during the past fall and winter. She came to the city from her home at the farm on Friday, the 13th inst., returning the same day, and was taken ill on Saturday. Her illness being regarded as serious, she was brought to the city on Tuesday, the 17th, in order that she might be more accessible in case of emergency, and she has remained here ever since.

Mrs. Cannon was a woman of remarkable force of character. That which she esteemed her duty was the first thing she would perform. Her devotion to her husband and to the cause which she had espoused was characteristic of her nature in other respects. Through her illness, which she not infrequently imagined would terminate her earthly existence, she refused to have her husband summoned to her bedside, though she knew it would be his most ardent desire to be with her, and though it was her most ardent wish that he should. She persisted that he should remain at his post to work in the cause of the people, and sacrificed her own and her husband’s feelings to what she esteemed the general welfare of the people of the Territory. On Monday she dictated the following dispatch, which was transmitted to Mr. Cannon: “Remain at your post. God can raise me up, if it is his will, in answer to your prayers there, as well as if you were here. All is being done for me that can be done.” Mrs. Cannon is a woman who was widely known, and was widely loved and universally respected. She had traveled a great deal, and had met with the people of her faith in different parts of the world, and by her kindness, dignity, intelligence and benevolence, had won the hearts of all who became acquainted with her. She has been a true mother, as is attested by a respected family; a true wife, for whom her husband has ever felt unbounded love; and a consistent and active member of the faith espoused early in her youth, and adhered to through a long and useful career with unerring fidelity. Many a heart will be sad this morning at her untimely demise, as thoughts of her many womanly acts and noble deeds come back to the memories of the thousands who knew her and who had occasion to love her.

Mr. Cannon was telegraphed last night of his wife’s death. Until he is heard from no date for the funeral services can be announced.

[Salt Lake Daily Herald, 28 January 1882:]

Mrs Cannon’s Funeral.

It has been decided that Mrs Cannon’s funeral will take place on Sunday morning. The following dispatch was received from Hon. Geo. Q. Cannon on Friday, in response to the notification of his wife’s death:

Washington, D. C.,

January 26.

To Angus M. Cannon.

Keep the children constantly in company. They must not yield to grief. Have no gloomy trappings at the funeral; no black about the coffin. Make it of natural wood; mountain wood, if possible, varnished and comely. Bury next to the children in my lot. Cannot show too much respect to her worth, but avoid everything like a painful impression on the children. If she expressed wishes, execute them. Write them in full and send me a copy. Tell the children for my sake to bear up.

George Q. Cannon.

The necessary preparations for the funeral had been making since the lamented demise of the noble lady, in anticipation of the funeral, and on the receipt of the above dispatch, its requirements commenced to be complied with. It was decided to hold the funeral services in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms, commencing at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning next. The reason for choosing the Assembly Rooms is because of the large number of relatives and friends who will desire to attend and because of historical associations. The Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms were built while her father was bishop of the ward; her husband—Mr. Cannon—once owned the lot on which the building stands; Mrs. Cannon, herself, at one time taught school in it; and for other reasons.

At 9:30 o’clock a procession, consisting of the relatives of the family, will form at the place where the remains now lie, and accompany all that is left of the estimable lady to the Assembly Rooms, where the services will be held. All are invited to attend.

[Added, in ink:] Herald Jan. 28/82





Monday, . . Jan. 30, 1882.


The remains of Sister Elizabeth H. Cannon, wife of President Geo. Q. Cannon, were conveyed from the house where her demise occurred to the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Hall, on Sunday morning, escorted by a long procession of relatives. The following, all of whom are nephews of the deceased with the exception of the last named, acted as pall bearers:

“C. J. Lambert, George C. Lambert, Joseph A. West, Richard G. Lambert, Thomas K. Little, David H. Lambert, A. M. Cannon, Jr., John Hoagland, George M. Cannon, John Woodbury, Angus C. Lambert and Isaac M. Waddell.”

The escort with the body reached the building where services were to be held precisely at 10 o’clock, but long before that hour a crowd of people had congregated. The attendance was so great that probably not more than half were able to obtain admission.

Under the direction of President Angus M. Cannon, who had all through the trying scenes of the illness, as well as subsequently, represented the absent husband, the latter’s wishes regarding the funeral had been carried out. The coffin a comely casket, made specially by Sexton Taylor, of native mountain pine, nicely polished, and embellished with silver, was placed near the stand. On the lid were laid wreaths of flowers. Brother A. M. Cannon sat near the head of the coffin, and the relatives of the family on the seats adjacent to and surrounding it.

The organ and stand were draped with a delicate white fabric, and upon the latter were vases containing flowers.

The services were conducted by Bishop Thomas Taylor.

After the choir had sung the hymn commencing:

O Lord! responsive to thy call,

In life or death, whate’er befall.

Prayer was offered by Counselor D. H. Wells.

The choir sang:

Mourn not the dead who peaceful lay

Their wearied bodies down.

President Woodruff made the following remarks:

We are again called to pay our last respects to the dead. Upon this occasion it is one of the daughters of the Lord, a mother of Zion who has filled the measure of her creation. Sister Cannon was a noble woman, a noble mother in Israel who has raised a noble posterity; and she has now gone to rest after spending her life in upholding the principles of truth and making them honorable in the earth.

There are some things connected with this funeral that may be considered unpleasant, I refer to the absence of the husband of the deceased at Washington, where he is laboring for the interest and welfare of the people of this Territory, he, under the circumstances, not feeling to leave his post, but to leave the remains of his companion in the hands of his friends and to the mercy of God. And also in the absence of her two oldest sons, one of whom is in England, the other in Germany, preaching the gospel to the inhabitants of those respective countries, neither of whom, therefore, the sons nor the husband, can be present to pay their last respects to their noble mother and companion.

On such occasions when mourning the loss of our departed friends, I cannot help but think that in every death there is a birth: the spirit leaves the body dead to us, and passes to the other side of the vail alive to that great and noble company that are also working for the accomplishment of the purposes of God in the redemption and salvation of a fallen world. And the spirit of this our deceased Sister has gone to mingle with her little ones who have gone before her, and with her father and mother and her other family relations, and with her many friends who, like her, have wrestled with life and the struggles and troubles thereof, have overcome and gone home. All is well with Sister Cannon. She is satisfied with her condition to-day. I feel with regard to her as I have always felt with regard to faithful Latter-day Saints, when they have finished their work and gone behind the vail, that there are none of them that would return to their earthly bodies if they had the opportunity.

In making remarks at funerals, which I have often been called upon to do, I have taken the liberty of speaking plainly my feelings with regard to the dead. And I will say here, when I see a man or woman, a true and faithful Latter-day Saint pass away, I do not feel in my heart to mourn. Why should we mourn for the woman whose remains lie before us? She has been true and faithful to the sacred and holy covenants that she entered into with God her heavenly Father; she has received those ordinances in the house of God that will prepare her to go into the presence of the best men and women that have lived upon the earth; she has left a noble posterity to bear her name and to bear record of and to emulate her example; she is freed from pain and suffering and the anxieties of life, and is now beyond the power of the enemy of all righteousness; she has opened her eyes in the spirit world, among her relatives and friends and her own little ones, whose death caused her grief and pain; she has gone to enjoy the society of those who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, and to inherit the blessings and glory of eternal life. No, I cannot feel to mourn for her. It is hard, of course, to part with our friends; but after all it is with regard to them, as one of old said. It is better to go to the house of mourning than the house of feasting. It is natural for us to give expression to our feelings in tears in laying away the bodies of our beloved friends, and there is a degree to which we may go which is proper and right; but there are extremes which are often indulged in, which is neither proper nor right for Latter day Saints to copy after. Here, however, as I have said, we have nothing to mourn about as far as Sister Cannon is concerned.

When I say that I have never felt to mourn for any faithful man or woman who has died in this Church, I must make one exception; I did feel to mourn, and so did all Israel, the death of our martyred Prophet and Patriarch, Joseph and Hyrum Smith. but we did not mourn on account of them personally, for they had passed through all that any martyr ever did or could, but we felt to mourn their loss to the Church as our leaders to whom we had learned to look for counsel and advice in every hour of trouble and trial, although there is something very dreadful in the thought of assassinating men, whether they be Prophets or Apostles, or whether they be emperors or presidents. With that exception I have not felt to mourn for any faithful person who has gathered up his feet and gone to sleep with the fathers. I have felt rather, that they have gained a victory which but few of the human family have gained in their day and generation. For you will find, my brethren and sisters, there there are but a very few comparatively, either male or female, who have had independence of mind enough, as well as honesty of heart sufficient to receive the Gospel of Christ. It takes independence of mind, honesty of heart, faith in God and firmness of character to live the life of a Latter-day Saint, in the face of a frowning world, and in the midst of trials and troubles and persecution.

The spirit of Sister Cannon has left us; her body is here awaiting the purifying changes it must undergo in mother earth. But whether her spirit is present witnessing these funeral services, or whether she, on opening her eyes in the spirit world, would say, “I leave my body for my friends to bury, I must enter upon my mission,” that is something we are not able to speak definitely about. God not having revealed it unto us. But this we do know, she is all right, because she was thoroughly prepared for the change that awaited her; and she has gone to do all that she can for those of her kindred and friends that are to follow. And what more can you say? We are left, and we are doing for Sister Cannon what our friends, sooner or later, will be doing for us. It will not be very long before Brother Cannon and also the children and friends of the deceased who remain will join her in the spirit-world, if it is not until the coming of Christ. This admonition comes home forcibly to the living, “Be ye also ready.” And it applies to us all. And it is for us as parents and Elders of Israel to labor in the cause of God while we are permitted to tarry; living up to the light and knowledge that we have been blessed with. For there is a time appointed unto all men; and He takes away many according to the counsels of His own will. He takes whom He will take, and spares whom He will spare for a wise purpose in Himself. These things are according to the purposes and ordination of God to man. Some labor this side of the vail, others on the other side of the vail. If we tarry here we expect to labor in the cause of salvation, and if we go hence we expect to continue our work until the coming of the Son of Man. The only difference is while we are here we are subject to pain and sorrow, while they on the other side are free from affliction of every kind.

I pray God to comfort the heart of Brother Cannon in this his sad bereavement, and to sustain him by the power of His Spirit; and I pray that his wives and children may be blessed and preserved in the truth, that at last he and they, together with this his companion, whose voice is now hushed in death, may come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, and stand in their family organization clothed with glory, immortality and eternal lives, to join with the redeemed and sanctified in exclaiming:

“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

prest. jos. f. smith.

Being requested I arise to make a few remarks.

Occasions of this kind afford us opportunity, not so much for mourning the loss of our departed friends as to reflect upon our present condition and our future prospects and hopes. For, as has been remarked, “It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting; for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to his heart.”

Here we have occasion to reflect upon our own lives and the future that awaits us.

For there is one event which inevitably awaits every living soul, and it is only a question of a very little while when every one present, as well as elsewhere, will be placed in a position similar to that in which our beloved sister is placed, whose body now lies here in the cold embrace of death. We are born to die, it is the inevitable end of all flesh, it being a fixed, unalterable decree of the Almighty concerning the human family. We may therefore, as well now as at any other time, reflect upon what the result of our lives may be after we shall pass away from this stage of existence. If we do well, says the Lord, we are accepted unto Him; but if we do ill, sin lies at our door. It is a truth that should arrest the attention of every one, that we shall be required to render an account for the deeds we do in the body. And for my part I feel that we have no cause to shed a tear for the condition of Sister Cannon. For years she has been afflicted, and has been quite feeble at times. Now she has passed beyond suffering and debility; nothing but the lifeless, inanimate part of Sister Cannon remains, the life,—the intelligent and the immortal part has gone to God from whence it came. Not but what she might be present if she desires to be here, and her desire be consistent with the will and pleasure of our heavenly Father; for those who live here in the flesh have a claim upon this earth, and upon the bodies they have occupied while they sojourned here. This earth is their home, and will forever so remain—that is, they will possess an inheritance here inasmuch as they overcome and become the Saints of the Most High God. For it is written, that unto the Saints of the Most High the earth and the fullness thereof shall be given, and they shall possess it forever and ever. But notwithstanding the immortal part of this our deceased sister has returned to God, from whence it came, she possesses the privilege, or may possess the privilege, as I have said, if she so desire, and if it be in accordance with the will and pleasure of the Almighty, to be present on this occasion to witness the ceremonies in which we are now engaged. We are told by the Prophet Joseph Smith that, “there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.” Hence, when messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants. The ancient Prophets who died were those who came to visit their fellow-creatures upon the earth. They came to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob; it was such beings, holy beings if you please, that waited upon the Savior and administered to Him on the Mount. The angel that visited John when an exile, and unfolded to his vision future events in the history of man upon the earth, was one who had been here, who had toiled and suffered in common with the people of God; for you remember that John, after his eyes had beheld the glories of the great future, was about to fall down and worship him, but was peremptorily forbidden to do so. “See thou do it not; for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which kept the saying of this book. Worship God.” Jesus has visited the people of this earth from time to time. He visited and shewed himself in his spiritual body, to the brother of Jared, touching certain stones with His finger, that the brother of Jared had fashioned out of the rock, making them to give light to him and his people in the barges in which they crossed the waters of the great deep to come to this land. He visited others at various times before and after He tabernacled in the flesh. It was He who created this earth, it therefore, is His inheritance, and He had a perfect right to come and minister to the inhabitants of this earth. He came in the meridian of time and tabernacled in the flesh, some 33 years among men, introducing and teaching the fullness of the Gospel and calling upon all men to follow in His footsteps; to do the same things that He himself did that they might be worthy to inherit with Him the same glory. After He suffered the death of the body He appeared, not only to His disciples and others on the eastern continent, but to the inhabitants of this continent, and he ministered unto them as He did to the people in the land of Palestine. In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relations and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh. And so it is with Sister Cannon. She can return and visit her friends provided it be in accordance with the wisdom of the Almighty. There are laws to which they who are in the Paradise of God must be subject, as well as laws to which we are subject. It is our duty to make ourselves acquainted with those laws that we may know how to live in harmony with His will while we dwell in the flesh, that we may be entitled to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection, clothed with glory, immortality and eternal lives, and be permitted to sit down at the right hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, and except we become acquainted with those laws and live in harmony with them, we need not expect to enjoy these privileges. Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Jedediah M. Grant, David Patten, Joseph Smith, sen., and all those noble men who took an active part in the establishment of this work, and who died true and faithful to their trust, have the right and privilege and possess the keys and power to minister to the people of God in the flesh who live now, as much so and on the same principle that the ancient servants of God had the right to return to the earth and minister to the Saints of God in their day.

These are correct principles. There is no question about that in my mind. It is according to the Scriptures; it is according to the revelation of God to the Prophet Joseph Smith; and it is a subject upon which we may dwell with pleasure and perhaps profit to ourselves providing we have the Spirit of God to direct us.

But the thing for us to do is to live according to the light and intelligence that God has revealed to us in this dispensation, that we may be in harmony with the heavenly powers and with heavenly beings, and especially with our Lord Jesus Christ who stands at our head, who is our lawgiver, our exemplar, and the way of life and salvation to all the world; through whom we may enter into the celestial Kingdom of God, and without whom we can never enter that state of glory worlds without end. He is the way, the light and life of the world; and whosoever will obey the commandments He has given, and do the works which He has done, and commanded us to do, shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have in them the light of life.

The circumstances under which Sister Cannon has been taken away from us are in some degree melancholy. I regret that circumstances are such that Brother Cannon could not be here upon this occasion. But he is absent not upon his private business, but in the name and interest of the whole people of this Territory; and in the protection of our rights as citizens which are jeopardized by the craftiness of designing and corrupt men. If he were to leave his post, trickery would be resorted to by the worst enemies of the people to deprive us of our political and religious rights; therefore he is firm at his post of duty. Is there anything of a private character that would keep him away from home, on an occasion like this? There is not; nothing but the highest sense of duty could do it, and that too in the interest of the people of God, in defending their rights, and in laboring for their interests, as he has done from his youth to the present moment. His whole time, his ability and the wisdom that God has given him, and all that he possesses has been upon the altar of sacrifice since his early boyhood in behalf of this people; and now, under this sad and sorrowful affliction he remains, and that too, in compliance with the desire of her whose remains are about to be laid away, true to his post of honor and duty. Who can describe his feelings? But let us forbear, it would not be profitable to us; but in this, as well as every circumstance of life, we will join with him in acknowledging the hand of God. It, however, grieves me to think that he cannot be here, as it does his children and family who now surround the earthly remains of her whose spirit has gone home—a respected, a beloved, a true and noble woman.

This, however, cannot now be helped and therefore, it is all right. There is another view to take of this. What is life or death in comparison with the duty that we owe to God and each other? Should we shrink from duty, should we leave our post in time of danger because of the natural sympathies and affections which bind us to each other. No, it would be unjust, it would be condescending in us to even think of doing so. It is more noble to make the sacrifice of society, kindred and friends than to leave our post of duty, and thus endanger the rights and liberties of the whole community. If Brother Cannon were here he could only mourn with us and then again return to his post of duty. And what more could he do than has been done? Every attention has been paid, and every effort has been put forth to do all that could be done for Sister Cannon. But our prayers did not prevail; she was “appointed unto death.” God has taken her. She sleeps, but is not dead. She does not sleep the sleep of death, but of the righteous and the faithful; yes, one who has proven faithful to the latest breath. Sister Cannon is an example for her children and family, an example of patience, of faithful endurance, and of integrity that is unquestionable. This is a great deal to say of one of our fellow-creatures, but none too much to be said of her. My sympathy is drawn out to those who remain. May God bless and comfort them; and may they abide in the truth and follow the example of their noble mother and companion in life, remaining faithful to the end of their days, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

prest. john taylor.

In speaking a few words pertaining to the dead I, as my brethren have expressed themselves, feel to reconcile my feelings to the purposes of the Almighty, whether respecting the dead or the living.

This morning, however, I have experienced sorrowful feelings not on account of Sister Cannon; she is all right. Her body lies here in the cold embrace of death, but her spirit is peaceful and happy. She has fought the good fight, she has finished her course, she has accomplished the object of her creation, and she has gone to where sighing, sorrow and trouble cannot reach her; therefore, I cannot mourn on her account. It is all right and all well with her. Yet there are sympathies, feelings and associations connected with humanity that it is difficult at times to dispense with. I have been acquainted with Sister Cannon from her youth, since she was quite a little girl, and have watched her through all her life, comparatively. I have seen her in life, and—I was going to say, in death; nearly so, for I was with her on several successive days before she died.

As has been said, we desired that her life might be prolonged, at least until her husband should return; but it seems that God has ordered it otherwise, for some wise purpose which to us is not always manifest.

This reminds me of a circumstance which occurred in my life, being situated at the time pretty much as Brother Cannon is now.

When I was in Paris, France, about thirty years ago, I had a dream that troubled me very much, in which I saw my first wife—as the deceased here is his first wife—lying sick at the point of death. And it so affected me that I awoke, being troubled in my feelings. I fell asleep again, and again the same scene presented itself to me when I again awoke and experienced the same feelings of sorrow, and after some time slept again, and it was repeated a third time. I knew then that my wife was very sick, lying at the point of death.

I got up and fervently prayed the Lord to spare her life until, at least, I should have another opportunity of meeting her in the flesh. He heard my prayer. I took a note of the circumstance at the time and learned afterwards that such had been the case exactly as it had been shown to me. On the following morning I remember meeting a gentleman who was a Protestant minister, and he observed that my countenance looked sorrowful, and he enquired the cause. I told him that my wife was lying at the point of death, and he asked me if I had received a letter, I told him no; but related to him how it had been shown to me. But, I said, I got up and prayed the Lord to spare her life, and I feel consoled in knowing that she will be healed. When Sister Cannon was sick we prayed for her, exercising all the faith we possessed on her behalf; but God has seen fit to take her to Himself. Bro. Cannon, of course, would feel as I did, desirous to have another opportunity of seeing his wife in the flesh, and, if possible, to be at her side when she should pass hence, and had he been engaged in private instead of public business, he would most assuredly have been. But it was not to be. She has gone during his absence from home, and it is all right. So it would have been if my wife had gone under the same circumstances, I would have had the same feelings.

We are here for a short time only. Our spirits dwelt with our Father before we came to the earth. In coming here we took upon ourselves bodies according to the decree of the Almighty, and if our bodies are required, it would not be for me or for you to say when or how these things shall be. It is the Lord who directs in all these matters, both in regard to us individually and also in regard to the whole human family.

The present is only one stage of our existence. We existed before we came here; we exist here for a time, and when we depart from this mortal life we shall have a spiritual existence, an existence without the body, and then again with the body. And it is for those who manage and manipulate these matters to do as seemeth good in their sight, and it is for us to yield a willing and an obedient submission to the will of our heavenly Father, feeling always that whatever He does is perfectly right.

Every day such occurrences happen; the human family live, as did our fathers before us, for a short time, and then we, like them, pass away; and then again others are constantly coming to take the places of those who depart. And so it will continue until other dispensations shall be introduced, which will place things in another position.

There are one or two things which I wish to mention; they may seem small matters to some. I see in a telegram from Brother Cannon that he mentions certain things in regard to this funeral of his wife, one of which is, that he did not wish any show of mourning in connection with it. We know his feelings in this respect; they are the same as ours. It is customary for people to put on black apparel and to assume a melancholy appearance. That may be all very well, by way of paying respect to our dead friends; but the question is, whether this is the most appropriate way. Brother Cannon desired—I have talked with him also on the same subject—that the coffin in which the remains of his deceased wife should be laid, should be made of common mountain wood, and that everything about it be neat and plain, and that his family should not put on mourning apparel. His brother Angus has been desirous to carry out his instructions touching this matter, doing away entirely with those ostentatious appearances and all unnecessary parade of mourning so common now-a-days on such occasions.

It is proper to sorrow; it is proper to show respect for the departed. It is proper that our sympathies should be drawn out; it is proper that we should assemble together to attend to appropriate funeral services, as we are now doing, that we may reflect upon our lives and upon the uncertainty thereof, and upon death and the results that may follow after; and that we consider the gospel of the Son of God, and reflect upon our position, etc. But I have thought and indeed President Young thought and so did Brother George A. Smith and others with whom I have conversed upon this subject, that we pay too much attention to these outward forms. We, above all other people upon the face of the earth, ought to be free from outward show, and from the appearance of sorrow and mourning, having had planted within us the germs of immortality and eternal life; inasmuch as, when we get through with the affairs of this world we not only expect, but we know that we will inherit eternal lives in the celestial kingdom of God. And knowing this, it would not be for us to mourn as people without any hope.

When I see excessive sorrow on occasions of this kind among people professing to be Saints, I think they do not comprehend the position. It is proper to mourn; it is proper to sympathize, but I do not sympathize with Sister Cannon, I sympathize with her children, especially these little ones whom she has left; I sympathize with her friends who mourn her loss; I sympathize with Brother Cannon who is absent at Washington under the peculiar circumstances in which he is placed; but while we do this it is not proper for people who, perhaps are struggling hard to obtain a sub[s]istence to make a parade, to lay out a large amount on mourning, to hire a great many carriages, and expend a large amount of means to carry out the fashion that exists in the world. We want to feel that we are the sons and daughters of God; we want, when our friends leave us to show proper respect to them, which ought to be paid to all honorable men and women, and when we have done that we have performed our duty to them and our duty before God; it does not seem proper to place families or people in circumstances, through false ideas, that would embarrass them and place them in an unpleasant position by trying to do that which they are really not able to do.

If we have secured the favor of God, if we are the Saints of the Most High, if we have the Holy Ghost dwelling in us, if we are walking in the path of righteousness, if God is our God and we are His children, if we are carrying out all those duties and responsibilities devolving upon us that His children should attend to, here upon the earth, we should feel satisfied if we are laid away without much ostentation and show; and in thus attending to the obsequies of those who pass away, we fulfill the duties which God has placed upon us. And He will take care of them afterwards.

If it were not for the atonement of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice he made, all the human family would have to lie in the grave throughout eternities without any hope. But God having provided, through the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, the medium whereby we can be restored to the bosom and presence of the Father, to participate with Him among the Gods in the eternal worlds—he having provided for that has also provided for the resurrection. He proclaimed Himself the resurrection and the life. Said He, “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” By and by the tombs will be opened and the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and they shall come forth, they who have done good to the resurrection of the just, and they who have done evil to the resurrection of the unjust. There is one thing that gives me great satisfaction, that Sister Elizabeth, as she had been true in life to the principles which God had revealed pertaining to celestial marriage, was also true to them in death. Being the first wife, while in the heyday of life and youth having her husband to herself, in obedience to the law of God she sacrificed her own feelings at the shrine of duty, and in compliance with the laws of celestial marriage was willing that others should also share the affections of her husband. And during her last sickness, well understanding the animus that existed in the world and in Congress in regard to this principle, when the grim messenger was staring her in the face and the clammy drops of the sweat of death were oozing from her brow, well knowing that her husband would stand true to his principles as she had to hers, she indicted a telegram, telling him that if it was the will of God that she should be raised up, He could do it as well during his absence as if he were at home at her bedside; and in the conflict between affection and duty, while the springs of life were fast ebbing out, feeling the importance of his position, she indicted the following immortal words, “Remain at Your Post.” She has written during her last earthly moments words of evidence to all the world, that she at any rate was a believer in those eternal principles that God has revealed for the salvation of His people, and for their purification and exaltation. I feel proud of that. And I believe there are thousands of our sisters would do the same. If we have a religion that will stand by us after life, if we have a religion that will exalt us among the Gods in the eternal worlds, the world may howl, and the corrupt may expend their energies, but God will take care of His Saints; and it will be all well with us in time and eternity.

I pray God to bless these children who mourn the loss of their mother that they may be preserved in the truth and led in the paths of life; I pray God to bless the wives of Brother Cannon who are also here, together with all of his family and all that pertains to him. I pray God to lead them all in the paths of life; and that we may all be true to our God, and at last obtain a seat in the celestial kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

The choir sang:

Come to me.

And the closing prayer was offered by Bishop R. T. Burton.

At the conclusion of the services, the people were enabled to take a last view of the face of the deceased. Notwithstanding that between 40 and 50 passed the casket each minute, this proceeding occupied over half an hour, the people who had been standing outside pouring into the building in a steady stream. The body was followed by a very large cortege to the cemetery, where all that was earthly of one of the noble daughters of God was consigned to its resting place, there to remain until called forth by the trump of the resurrection to put on the bloom of immortality.

[End of article]

Received a letter from my son Abraham at Bremen, under date of Jan. 11th, 1882, my birth-day. He feels well and is laboring diligently in the ministry.

I learn from the papers that Elizabeth died at 10.55 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 25th, 1882, and not on Thursday as I was led by my dispatches from Angus to suppose. He sent these to prepare me, I suppose, that the blow would not fall upon me unprepared.

Received a note from Mr. Willits of Mich., informing me that if I wished to address the sub-Committee of the Com. on Judiciary, to which all Bills affecting us had been referred I could have the opportunity Wednesday (yesterday) morning. I learned the <sub->Com. had met and Shallenberger’s Bill making polygamy a disqualification for office had been adopted with an amendment by Culberson (Democrat) of Texas that it should not affect any already elected. This was to protect me. I do not want to make any argument to a sub-Com., I desire to address all. Saw Mr. Reed, Chairman of full Com., Mr. Robinson, Mr. Culberson, Mr. Manning, Mr. Converse and Mr. Willits to get this opportunity. They were all favorable, some very much so. Called at Gen. Paine’s. Spent the day at the House. Wrote fully to Capt. Hooper.

3 February 1882 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 3rd, 1882. Last evening it was so late when I got through and I was so wearied that for the first day since I have been in Washington this time I omitted attending to prayer according to the holy order. Called at Gen. Paine’s but found he was at the room of the Com. on Elections, where I found him arguing the case of Mr. Dibble in that of Mackay vs. O’Connor, the latter was D’s predecessor but died after his election. Had interview at room of Committee on Judiciary with Mr. Reed and Mr. Willits and Mr. Norcross respecting my having a hearing before the full Com. I afterwards received a note from the Clerk informing me that I would be heard at 10 a.m. on Wednesday next. A well-printed Circular, signed by two Delegates from the apostate organization presided over by Joseph, the son of the prophet Joseph, was laid on the desk of each Member to-day. In this they recite a lot of resolutions, and quote from the Books of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants to show that polygamy is not in accord with our Books and ought not to be a part, or rather we have no right to claim it as a part of our belief and practice.

[Newspaper clipping]

It asks Congress to provide by law as follows: “So that reputation of living together and co-habitation be received as evidence to prove the marriage relation; that avowed polygamists, or Mormons, who are by their endowments obligated to obey the priesthood (which means in fact a nullification of the laws) be not allowed to sit as jurors when one of their brethren is being tried for bigamy. Holding as we do, that if an individual was to be tried for robbery, that it is not in harmony with the rules of jurisprudence that the jury should be made up partly from his own gang; that the statute of limitations be so amended that all persons, male and female, may be punished for the crime of polygamy; that the homestead law be so amended that polygamous wives (concubines) be not recognized under the title of ‘heads of families,’ and thereby permitted through this medium to obtain support for the practice of their crimes. Holding that all men are equal under the law, and that the inhabitants of Utah cannot be indulged as exceptions thereto; also, that polygamy is a curse and a blotch upon the escutcheon of human progress and virtue, and opposed alike to the laws of God and man, we submit that in harmony with justice, it should by right be extirpated.”

[End of newspaper article]

The apostates flock like vultures to the feast which they hope will take place now over our destruction. They show their origin and the family to which they belong. There are but two churches, the prop[h]et Nephi says, the church of the devil and the church of the Lamb of God. This action, with previous action of a similar character when a similar excitement prevailed some years ago, shows where they belong. Like all who belong to the “great whore,” they clamor for our destruction. Wrote to President Taylor, to my brother Angus and to my wife Sarah Jane. At the request of Mrs. Virginia C. Thompson of Louisville, Ky., who is here seeking to be re-appointed <as> postmistress there, I called upon her at the Ebbitt House, and found Capt. Jewett, U. S. N., there. I had a long conversation with them. It seems she had been introduced to Mr. Campbell and she had mistaken the name and thought it was Mr. Cannon, and had proceeded to denounce Murray’s action. They had got the occurrence in the Kentucky papers. She is a daughter of Alex. Campbell, the founder of the Campbellite church.

4 February 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1882. A driving snow storm this morning from the north. At the House all day. Had a long conversation with Mr. McKenzie of Ky. Wrote a long letter to Alfred E. Giles, Esq., Hyde Park, Mass., in reply to several received from him. He is much interested in our having our rights and natural, individual liberty. Sent him two of my Reviews and a copy of “Answers to Questions.” Had interview with Mr. Manly, a newspaper man; also with Frank Morgan, a ditto, and ex-Member H. G. Worthington. The two latter borrowed money.

5 February 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 5, 1882. Received Herald, which contained a very nice, feeling notice of the funeral. Called upon Mrs. Ritchie in the evening and also spent some time in Mrs. Belford’s, the Judge was absent. A fine day overhead. Wrote to Pres’ts Taylor and Smith about ke kala [the money].


Herald, Jan. 31, 1882.

The funeral services over the remains of the lamented Mrs. Cannon took place on Sunday from the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms at the hour appointed. The relatives of the family met at the residence in the Fourteenth Ward and at 9:30 formed a procession and escorted the body to the place appointed for the holding of the services. The arrangements and draperies were unostentatious, yet evidenced the great esteem and the depth of love entertained for the deceased. That portion of the Hall nearest the stand was reserved for occupancy by relatives and, the remainder for the general public; and had the building been as large again it is unlikely that it would have afforded sufficient accommodations for the great number of persons who gathered to pay their last respects to the deceased, most of whom were unsuccessful in gaining admission.

The coffin, in compliance with the request of Mr. Cannon, had been made of native pine, and was appropriately embellished with silver mountings. It was placed near the stand, and the family of the deceased and near friends arranged suitably around. On the lid a wreath of beautiful flowers was laid. The stand and organ were delicately and suitably draped and adorned with fragrant flowers. The draperies were simple, as the request of Mr. Cannon desired, and as was characteristic of the deceased; yet they showed on all sides the work of full and loving hearts.

Bishop Thomas Taylor conducted the services; the choir opening by singing the hymn:

O Lord! responsive to thy call,

In life or death, whate’er befall.

Counselor D. H. Wells tendered up prayer and the choir sang:

Mourn not the dead, who peaceful lay

Their wearied bodies down.

Addresses were then made by President Wilford Woodruff, President Joseph F. Smith, and President John Taylor. All the speakers referred of the great worth of the deceased, to her works in the interest of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, her endurance, her force of character, her self-denial and her unbounded womanly and motherly characteristics; and offered such consolation and comfort as could be drawn from a reliance on a hereafter, and such hope and faith as the gospel instilled into the hearts of those that mourned.

At the conclusion of the services, after the choir had sung and prayer been offered by Bishop R. T. Burton, those in attendance were enabled to take a farewell look at the face of Mrs. Cannon, and it could be seen that this last look recalled to many deeds of kindness and charity which the lamented dead had performed in many lands, under most trying circumstances, and in simple, unostentatious ways, and which would live forever in the minds and hearts of those who had learned to love her.

The casket was then placed in the hearse, and a large cortege followed the remains to the cemetery, where, after a long life of usefulness laid to that rest which is unbroken until the dead are again quickened, and the just and the unjust stand in the presence of the Great Father.

[Pasted-in article]


emmeline b. wells, . . Editor.

Published semi-monthly, in Salt Lake City, Utah Terms: One copy one year, $2.00; one copy six months $1.00 Ten copies for the price of nine. Advertising rates: Each square, ten lines of nonparell space, one time, $2. 50: per month, $3. 00. A liberal discount to regular advertisers.

Exponent Office, Lower West Room of the Council House, South Temple Street. Business hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day except Sunday.

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Publisher Woman’s Exponent,

Salt Lake City Utah.




“Calm on the bosom of thy God,

Fair spirit, rest thee now!

E’en while with ours thy footsteps trod,

His seal was on thy brow.

Dust to its narrow house beneath,

Soul to its place on high!

They that have seen thy look in death

No more may fear to die.”

It is ever painful to record the death of a friend, and doubly so when the circumstances attending the demise, are of a harrowing and melancholy character. But yet, when we feel assured that the one that has passed away has been ushered into the realms of a higher and better life, where darkness or evil influences can never enter, and where there is no sorrow, nor sighing, nor pain forevermore, there is sweet consolation to the mourner, and a soothing balm for the aching and wounded heart, pierced with anguish at the loss of one beloved. In the instance we chronicle below, the lady was a loving and honored wife, a tender and devoted mother, a true and faithful friend.

Elizabeth Hoagland Cannon, wife of Prest. George Q. Cannon, now absent in Washington, as Delegate for Utah, departed this life on Tuesday evening, January 25, at five minutes to eleven o’clock. At the time when she breathed her last, she was surrounded by a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends, of whom she had previously taken a most affecting, final farewell, including each of her children who were at home, her sister Emily and her brother John. She enjoined upon Mary Alice, her eldest daughter, to be good and true and a guide to the younger children. It was a most affecting scene, especially pathetic when she blessed her little Sylvester, the youngest child; every one in the room was melted to tears.

Concerning her husband, whose presence during her illness would have given her the greatest joy, for she loved him with the intensity of a noble woman’s most ardent devotion, she said she had no special message, as he comprehended her feelings, which were too deep for words to express. She spoke of her two sons now away upon missions, her eldest, John Q. laboring in England, and Abram H. in Switzerland, desiring they might do well, and requested their uncle, Prest. Angus M. Cannon, to tell them not to falter in well doing.

The scene at the deathbed, and the telegram previously dictated to her husband—“Remain at your post. God can raise me up, if it is His will, in answer to your prayers there, as well as if you were here. All is being done for me that can be done”—were the true index to her magnanimity of soul, and the best expression that could be given of her integrity to the interests of the Latter-day Saints.

During her last illness, which included eleven days of the most intense suffering, she was deeply appreciative of all attentions bestowed upon her, and displayed uniform patience and fortitude and a firm and steadfast reliance upon the Lord, with implicit faith in the prayers of His servants that she would be restored to health if it was the will of her Father in heaven.

Sister Cannon’s health had been perceptibly declining for two years past, and at times she suffered seriously, although recently she had been somewhat better, until Saturday, January 13, when she was taken with the sickness that terminated fatally. She was a very estimable woman, and in many respects a remarkable one, particularly in womanly courage under trials where sublime heroism is needed, and she also possessed great strength of character.

Elizabeth Hoagland, afterwards wife of George Q. Cannon, was the daughter of Abram and Margaret Quick Hoagland. Her father was for many years Bishop of the Fourteenth Ward in this city, which position he filled with honor and credit to the day of his death. Their daughter Elizabeth was born in Royal Oak, Oakland Co., Michigan, Nov. 3, 1835. Her parents embraced the Gospel in an early day, and emigrated to Nauvoo when Elizabeth was but a child. They left that city at the time of the exodus, and spent the following winter at Winter Quarters. In the year 1847 they crossed the plains in Prest. John Taylor’s company, and, enduring the privations and hardships incident to pioneer life, reached the valley in the month of October. Subsequently their daughter Elizabeth was for some time employed in teaching school in the Fourteenth Ward. Miss Hoagland was united in marriage to Elder George Q. Cannon December 11, 1854. In the following May she accompanied her husband on a mission to California. While there her eldest child, George Q. was born, and also died there during his infancy. John Q., the eldest now living, was also born there. In 1869 Mrs. Cannon went with her husband on a mission to England, leaving her two little boys, John Q. and Abram H. Cannon, at home. While in England she had two children born, a daughter and son; returning home in the fall of 1863, her little daughter, Georgiana, a very interesting and attractive little girl, died on the plains, which was a terrible affliction to the fond and hopeful mother; and soon after her return the little boy was also taken away to that “better land.” She has been the mother of eleven children; six are now living to mourn the loss of a most judicious and tender mother, whose nobility in life and devotion in death has been an example to her children and to all Israel.

Mrs. Cannon has three times accompanied her husband to Washington during his delegateship, and while there has been universally respected by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She was a woman of great dignity of character, and by nature eminently fitted to adorn and elevate society, yet she loved domestic life and avoided public society, except when duty necessitated her mingling in it. She loved her friends sincerely, but her children and her home were ever and always her first consideration. She was very benevolent and sympathetic in her nature, and extremely kind to all those in her own and husband’s employment. She has at different times in her life, in the circumstances in which she has been placed, ministered great kindness and bestowed much needful attention and means upon missionaries, who will ever remember her with feelings of the deepest gratitude, and speak of her with greatest reverence.

The funeral of Mrs. Cannon was held in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms on Sunday, at 10 a.m., according to instructions received by telegram from Hon. George Q. Cannon, and none of his family wore any of the outward emblems or semblance of mourning, complying with his wishes in this particular. At the time appointed the coffin, which was covered with lovely flowers, was born into the hall, which was beautifully draped in white for the occasion, followed by Prest. A. M. Cannon and her own immediate family, after them a large number of the relatives of herself and husband, and many intimate friends. The large hall and both wings were crowded to their utmost capacity, hundreds standing, outside and in, during the whole time. The services were conducted by the Bishop of the Ward. Singing by ward choir, “O Lord, responsive to thy call.” Prayer by Coun. D. H. Wells. Singing, “Mourn not the dead who peaceful lay.” Remarks by Presidents W. Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith and John Taylor, each of the speakers bearing testimony to the excellent qualities and exemplary life of the deceased. Singing, “Come to me.” Prayer by Bishop Burton.

Sister Cannon was buried beside her children in the Salt Lake cemetery. The grave was dedicated by Coun. D. H. Wells. She has left a record that her husband and children may well be proud of, and all Israel cannot but admire

“Of all the thoughts of God that are

Borne inward unto souls afar,

Along the Psalmist’s music deep,

Now tell me if that any is,

For gifts or grace, surpassing this—

‘He giveth His beloved, sleep?’

“‘Sleep soft, beloved,’ we sometimes say,

But have no tune to charm away

Sad dreams that through the eyelids creep

But never doleful dream again

Shall break the happy slumber when

‘He giveth His beloved sleep.’

“And friends, dear friends,—when it shall be

That this low breath has gone from me,

And round my bier ye come to weep,

Let one, most loving of you all,

Say, ‘Not a tear must o’er her fall—

‘He giveth His beloved sleep.’”

[End of newspaper articles]

6 February 1882 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 6, 1882. Received a long letter from my brother Angus in which he gave me particulars of Elizabeth’s sickness and death; also a long, cheering and sympathetic letter from Pres. Taylor; also a short letter from my wife Martha, written in haste, concerning Willard’s sickness, which alarms <her>; this enclosed a nice letter from Hester, my daughter. Angus has been a true brother in this affliction. He was very sick himself, but risked his life to see Elizabeth attended to. I cannot gather that Elizabeth left any directions respecting the care of her children. She seemed to leave every thing to me. Perhaps she may have had conversation with Emily upon the subject. Pres’ts. Taylor and Smith and all the brethren have been very kind and sympathetic. The funeral was so largely attended that one-half the people could not get into the Assembly Hall of the 14th Ward. The Deseret News gives the remarks of Pres’t’s. Woodruff, Jos. F. Smith and Taylor in full. On Monday, the 30th, the day after the funeral, Pres’t. Taylor had my wives <including Aunt Emily> and <the> children of Elizabeth and my daughters-in-law, and <Uncle> Angus and wife Sarah and John Hoagland and wife, at dinner at the Gardo House. In reading these letters and the proceedings at the funeral my feelings overcome me. But I am thankful that the Lord is comforting and sustaining me. I feel more resigned and cheerful than I almost dared to hope I would. Burrows of Mich. after the call of the States and Territories introduced the following Bill under the suspension of the rules, and it passed without a dissenting vote. If I had been sworn in, and could have got the floor, I should have proposed an amendment by adding fornication and adultery to the disqualifications. Some of the Democrats appeared inattentive and said they did not know what the Bill was till the laughter of the House aroused them. The House, it is true, was not waked up by anything exciting after the call for Bills, &c, which is always a drowsy proceeding; but it was a good excuse at that time, for the Democrats are afraid of being stigmatized as favoring polygamy. The Republicans were wakeful enough and shouted aye; but not a sound was heard from the Democratic side. The most precious principles of the constitution and of our form of government are being stricken down, and many men acknowledge such action is all wrong, and yet the fear of losing popular favor makes them acquiesce. Alas for liberty in the keeping of such guardians! In this morning’s National Republican the following appeared: Had conversation in the evening with several newspaper men upon our affairs.

7 February 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 7th, 1882. In this morning’s National Republican the following appeared:

[Clipping attached at this point]


On the Resolution Which Passed the House Yesterday.

In regard to the passage of the bill in the House yesterday making ineligible to a seat Delegates of polygamous habits from the Territories Mr. Cannon, the Delegate from Utah, said last evening that if it became a law it would not affect him. He considered that he was elected to a seat in the House, and such a law would only apply to the future. He thought that the bill would not pass the Senate; but still he would not be surprised at anything that was done. He was told that such a bill would be introduced in the House, and he had asked one of the members why he did not offer an amendment including those guilty of adultery and fornication. The member at the time did not know who would offer the resolution, but said, with a laugh, “I would be afraid of striking the mover of the resolution with such an amendment.” Mr. Cannon said that they were not accustomed in his country to discuss the private affairs of people, but he thought that he might, when the time came, make a speech in which he could bring out the peculiar habits of the members of the House. A speech of that sort would show clearly that this bill was a species of class legislation which included a small minority and left out the large majority. He thought that an amendment should be offered, including adultery and fornication as well as polygamy. There would be a fairness about such a measure which this bill in its present state did not possess. The members of the present House would not object to such a bill as it would not effect them in law, even if it did in fact.

[End of clipping]

As a number of this kind of articles had appeared from time to time, and many actually believed we had agents mousing around to find out all they could respecting the wrong-doing of members, I thought this had gone as it should without contradiction so I wrote the following communication to that paper and had an interview with Mr. Clarence Barton, the Managing Editor, who promised to put it next the editorial matter.

[Second clipping attached at this point]


To the Editor of The Republican:

My attention has been called to an article in The National Republican of to-day’s date entitled “Mr. Cannon’s views,” in which, in an alleged interview, I am reported to have said that— “He (I) thought he (I) might, when the time came, make a speech in which he (I) could bring out the peculiar habits of the members of the House. A speech of that sort would show clearly that this bill was a species of class legislation which included a small minority and left out the large majority,” &c., &c.

These are not my views. At no time and under no circumstances and to no persons have I ever made such a remark or remarks as these attribute to me. On the contrary, when spoken to upon this subject, I have invariably said that the church to which I belonged had no written creed outside of the Scriptures but one, and that is “Mind your own business;” that, as a people, my constituents had prospered by the strict observance of this, and, as their Delegate to Congress, my own duties had always occupied my attention so closely that I had no time to meddle with the affairs of my neighbors. I have repeatedly said, when spoken to about the morality of others, that in all my congressional service I knew nothing beyond that which may have appeared in the public prints against the morality of any public man, and did not wish to know anything of that kind. By giving this space in your columns you will oblige, very respectfully,


Washington D. C. Feb. 7, 1882

[End of clipping]

Met Gen. Paine at the room of the Com. on Elections to arrange about having the argument. It was arranged that Gen. Paine should deliver his argument next Tuesday, the 14th. He presented my Certificate of Naturalization in evidence. As I did not know but that Mr. Burrows might arise to a personal explanation in the House in consequence of the article in the Republican above, I wrote a letter to Hon. Martin Maginnis, Chairman of the Com. of Territorial Delegates, of nearly the same tenor as the above, which I afterwards gave to the Republican, for him to have read to the House in my behalf, that it might appear in the <Congressional> Record. But he made no personal explanation. Received a dispatch from Bro. Jas. Jack that my folks were all well and the children (Elizabeth’s) going to school. This was a great relief, for I had just received a letter from my wife Martha, dated the 31st ult., in which she informed me she was concerned about the serious illness of Willard, who had mumps and other ailments. Wrote to my brother Angus and enclosed one to Emily.

8 February 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 1882. Wrote to my wife Eliza. Had a hearing before the House Judiciary Com. this morning at 10 o’clock. There were present, Mr. Reed of Maine, Chairman, Willits of Mich., Robinson of Mass., Payson of Ill., Humphries of Wis., Taylor and Converse of Ohio, Culberson of Texas, Hammond of Georgia, and Knott of K’y, at a little before the close of my remarks. Two <of the> apostates organization (called re-organized church) Gurley and Kelley were present; also McBride and Campbell. It was the Bill H. R. 1465 <Shallenberger’s)> to which I addressed myself. A great many questions were addressed to me, and I had considerable liberty; but the prejudice of some of the Com. was very strong and plain to be seen. I was on my feet, speaking and answering questions, about 1¼ hours. My remarks seem to have impressed Mr. Payson, for he came to me in the afternoon on the floor, and he asked me questions, and we conversed about an hour, and I felt that the conversation did good. After dinner, in the evening, called upon my friend Senator Teller, and had a conversation about amending the Bill which passed on Monday, when it <should> come before the Judiciary Com. of the Senate, of which he was <is> a member. He feels kind and friendly, and willing to do all he can. Called upon Crosby S. Noyes, editor of Evening Star, to get him to put a summary of my letter to the Republican in the Star. He said he would be pleased to do so. He found fault with me for not calling upon him oftener. I have shown him and his folks kindness in Utah, and he does not forget it. I received a letter from Capt. Hooper, dated yesterday at Philadelphia, in which, among other things, he says:. “Whilst Burrows’ bill is general and would not affect you were there nothing else in the way for the present session, still there is something beyond and you will find it. The enclosed notice of the action of the House gives views that I expressed to Bro. Irvine. (This is a clipping from the Washington correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune, and purports to give the views of Calkins of Ind., chairman of Com. on Elections, respecting my case — that polygamy is a bar to my getting my seat, &c.) Now, mark what I tell you, they never intend you shall be seated. I may be mistaken; I may take too gloomy a view; but time will determine, at all events we will hope for the best.” This letter annoyed me. I do not like to have my brethren prophesy evil. If they cannot speak encouragingly I would rather they said nothing. He and the folks will not be here till the 20th, he says, for which I am sorry, as now is the time he and Bro. Irvine could be of service.

9 February 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 9/82. Thinking Burrows’ Bill would be referred to the Com. on Judiciary of the Senate I called upon Senator Bayard to have inserted a provision to cover adultery and fornication and another to prevent it being retroactive in my case. Called upon Gen. Paine. Wrote a letter to my children Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, to my brother-in-law John Hoagland, to my sons Angus and Hugh, to my wife Martha and daughter Hester, to Bro. Jas. Jack and to others. Found Bro. Nephi Johnson waiting for me at the Hotel. He lives at Kanab and is a sub-mail contractor. He has been brought here as a witness in the Star Route cases. We had a long conversation.

10 February 1882 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 10/82. The Burrows’ Bill has been referred to the Com. on Ter. of the Senate. Saw Senators Kellogg and Saunders about it, the latter is the Chairman of the Com. He promised to do nothing about it at the meeting of the Com. to-day. Wrote letters to W. H. Shearman, Le Grand Young, Richd J. Taylor, Gen. Kane and Geo. Reynolds. Bro. Nephi Johnson called and spent the evening with me.

11 February 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 11th, 1882. I spent the day and evening, excepting while at the Capitol, calling upon and conversing with Senators concerning Bill S. 353 as amended and reported by Senator Edmunds from the Judiciary Com. and which he has given notice he will call up and try and get action upon on Tuesday next. I called upon Edmunds of Vt. who said he would meet me after noon on Monday in the Judiciary Com. room; also upon Hoar of Mass., Dawes of Mass., Jackson of Tenn., Beck of Ky., Hill of Col., <Hill of Georgia, Jones of Florida, Jones of Nev.,> Sherman of Ohio, Vest of Missouri, Van Wyek of Neb., Allison of Iowa, Ingalls of Kan. and Rollins of N. H. Upon some I called twice, not being able to see them the first visit. I had conversations with Hoar, Sherman, Hill of Col., Jones of Nev., Allison and Rollins and Beck. Those who did not like the Bill spoke of the clamor for legislation and how careful they would have to be. The fact is, as I told several of them, we are to be cut off from all human sympathy by these malignant falsehoods and misrepresentations and these brutal assaults upon us, and every man intimidated from doing the fair thing towards by threats of the withdrawal of confidence and the withholding of votes. This is precisely what our enemies wish to accomplish, to create a desperate public opinion against us and then coerce public men into the enactment of the most outrageous and destructive measures against us. I had free conversations with all these Senators named, and was treated with great courtesy, and in some instances friendly warmth, by them; but, as Senator Rollins said, Edmunds had such influence in New England that if he advocated a measure against us, with the state of feeling at present against us upon our question, it would ruin a Senator or Member to oppose him. It is plain they are all timid. Beck probably as little as any (he is a Democrat) but he is going on business to Kentucky. Mr. Converse of Ohio, of the House Judiciary Com., told me the Com. would report the amended Shelleberger Bill (H.R. 1465) to the House at the next call. He had made an amendment to the Bill after I had been heard upon the subject, that adultery be made a disqualification to office in the Territories and it had carried, but becoming frightened at their action, they had re-considered the vote and had stricken it out again. He said they were preparing further legislation and it looked as though they would pass some laws depriving us of our rights. Payson, he said, had intimated that he would vote for a retroactive law to keep me out of my seat. How little one can depend upon such men! The other day, after our conversation he professed to be much enlightened, and said he was intending to visit Utah next Summer and would call upon me, and he did not care what our enemies might say about his being friendly to me. Was very tired to-night with my running around interviewing Senators.

12 February 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 12/82. A. M. Soteldo, a journalist who made an attack on Thursday night with his brother upon the managing editor of the National Republican of this city, Clarence M. Barton, died last night from a pistol shot which, it is supposed, was fired by his brother. He had professed to be very friendly to me, and yet no Washington dispatches which I have seen were so vindictive, false and profuse upon my contest, as were his to the San Francisco Chronicle. Received a letter from my brother-in-law John Hoagland, in which, among other things, he said that Elizabeth had left no special word about who should have the care of the children. She had spoken to all about looking after them, but had left the matter to me. Wrote a long letter to Pres. Taylor, in which I thanked <him> and the brethren for the kind attentions and honor they had shown to my beloved wife. It was not expected by me. No woman, within my knowledge, in the Church has ever had so much respect and honor paid to her memory by the press, the presiding authorities, the press and the public generally as Elizabeth has had. Bro. Nephi Johnson called upon me in the evening. There was singing of hymns by a good choir of singers in the parlor of the Hotel this evening. I was present a part of the time and enjoyed it.

13 February 1882 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 13th, 1882. Arose early and after breakfast started out to call upon Senators. Jones of Florida was not at-home. I had a very satisfactory conversation with Ingalls of Kan. and also with Jackson of Tenn. At 12.30 met Edmunds of Vt. by appointment in the Judiciary Com. Room. We had a long and full discussion, but not, to me, satisfactory. He was not disposed to view any thing from our standpoint favorably; but was like a block of ice — polished, cold and hard. He acted to me as though he thought: “I have heard of your adroitness and ability, and know something of it, Mr. Cannon, and that you have succeeded in averting adverse legislation in the past; but I am determined you shall get no advantage of me.” Our conversation reminded me of a fencing match. He was wary and on the defence all the time, and tried to lead me into suggesting some legislation which I should prefer to this which I found fault with. He suggested some points of legislation, severe laws against all who took part in plural marriages in any capacity, and asked if I would like that any better. I parried all such remarks by stating that I had no legislation to suggest; I found fault with it all; and certainly as astute a gentleman and good a lawyer <as he> needed none of my suggestions to aid him in framing more honorable and just provisions than this Bill contained. In his heart he contemplates such legislation; but if I would express a word of preference for that over this now proposed he would use it and say it was my suggestion. This line of talk was in consequence of my urging upon him that his proposed legislation had only a semblance of fairness; it would prove to be a delusion and a snare; while it proposed to strike at polygamists, practically it would result in taking control of the Territory out of the hands of <the> majority and placing it in the hands of the minority and those innocent of violation of law would suffer with those who are guilty of its violation. I urged that legislation, if enacted at all, (which, however, I protested against) should be for the punishment of those who had broken the law of 1862 and not for those who had not. Towards the close of the conversation I alluded to the crimes committed under the nose of Congress in the District of Columbia, over which they had exclusive jurisdiction, and yet instead of doing something to check and correct the wrongs here they cast their eyes to Utah, 2400 miles distant, and seek to legislate for her. I said, I, who came from Utah, was disgusted with the vice and immorality which existed here, and yet I had kept aloof from all contact with it or from those who indulged in it and from talking about it, yet I had seen in one issue of a daily paper here the notices of as many as three children having been found on vacant lots, where they had been thrown out by the parents or by some one for them. This line of talk made him wince, and he said there were laws to punish such things, &c. He desired to get the last shot at me, and as we parted, he said, in reply to my thanks for the interview, that it had not been as satisfactory as it would have been had I suggested the legislation I would like to have in place of that proposed. It is evident to me from this man’s spirit that he is determined to <do> all in his power to strike down plural marriage and with it our supremacy in Utah — the theocratic features, as he calls them of our system. It is he and the Lord. Many others, in various ages, as well as our own, have sought to obstruct the work of God and to destroy it; but they destroyed themselves, and if he keeps on he will not prove an exception. Received a letter from Gen. Kane, which I copied and sent to Pres. Taylor (which see) and wrote to him about my interview with Senator Edmunds. In the evening wrote to Mr. Giles; called upon Senator Saunders of Neb., chairman of Com. on Judiciary Territories in the Senate, and had conversation with him respecting the Edmunds’ Bill and also the Burrows’ Bill passed by the House, which had been referred to his Com., and to which I suggested an amendment to prevent it having a retroactive effect. He asked me to write it out and send it to him to-morrow. Called upon Senator Garland, but he was out.

14 February 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 1882. Called upon Senator Garland and had conversation with him respecting the Edmunds and Burrows Bills. He thought an amendment ought to be made to the latter. At 10 met with Com. on Elections. Present: Calkins of Ind., Waite of Conn., Thompson of Iowa, Ranney of Mass., Ritchie of Ohio, Miller of Penn., Beltzhoover of Penn., Davis of Mo., Moulton of Ill., Jones of Texas, Atherton of Ohio, Pettibone of Tenn. and Jacobs of N. Y. Gen. Paine spoke on my case for an hour and a half. Com. adjourned till 7.30 p.m. He resumed his argument. It was strong and was listened to with interest. At the evening session of the above Beltzhoover, Atherton, Jones, Davis and Waite were absent. When Gen. Paine had finished McBride occupied an hour. He contended that I had lost my case by not taking testimony to show that I was elected, which Campbell had denied <in his answer,> and argued some time on that line. Com. adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. Thursday. This has been an exciting day. Edmunds failed to get his Bill up in the Senate, as he announced he intended to try to do.

15 February 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 1882. Nephi Johnson called upon me yesterday evening and desired to leave $10000/100 with me as he did not like to carry it with him, as he had enough without it, in his travels. I gave him my note for it payable whenever he should call for it at President Taylor’s office. I shall send a draft there for the amount. The point made by McBride last night he intended should be conclusive. To listen to him one would think there was nothing more for me to do but to take my hat and march off; in fact he said I was not in the case. The proposition as he put it and urged it, I saw, startled the committee. He urged it with force and plausibility. I had heard for some time back that he had a bomb which would create surprise and would burst my case. This is the bomb. Mr. Moulton of Ill., who is on the Com., and takes interest in me, is very uneasy about this point. He is a lawyer and thinks there is something in McBride’s point which those on the Com. who may want an excuse may seize to base a rejection of me upon. My constant habit is to go to the Lord when I need comfort. He lifts my burdens and gives me peace. How glorious it is to have Him to apply to! He has been my benefactor and savior from birth until now. He has never left me to my enemies, and I know He will not. I shall not be ashamed. Got a sweet letter from each of my daughters — Mary Alice and Emily — and also one of the same spirit from my wife Martha. My feelings overcame me and the floodgates were opened to relieve my overcharged heart. I felt depressed somewhat all day; but I continued to call upon the Lord. I wrote a letter to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester and one each to my wives Sarah Jane and Martha. I was notified that the Com. on Elections had changed the hour of meeting from to-morrow morning to ½ past 7 this evening. Gen. Paine very busy at his argument. McBride occupied one hour and thirty-five minutes. To listen to this man and to be in his company is most painful and disagreeable to me. This applies to all of his class. I would be content never to see them or feel their spirit again. But the Lord sees fit to have me pass through such ordeals, and I, with his aid, am determined to bear them. But to listen to his falsehoods, his sophistry and slanderous misrepresentations, is a kind of mental torture which I naturally shrink from as I would from undergoing a painful surgical operation. Other men may, through difference in temperament, not care about such contests; but with my organization they are as I describe. I can say, however, that I bear them now much better, I think, than formerly. So many of these scenes have taken place in this Com. room in years past, that I never come near it without having unpleasant associations revived. It is, in my mind, like a torture chamber. But I think about my Lord and what he suffered for me and for all; I think about his apostles, prophets and other servants, and what they have passed through; and shall not I endure all things if I would receive the same glory promised to them? McBride and Campbell had with three men to-night again that are of the same kidney with themselves. “Birds of a feather will flock together.” One of them, a drunken, dissipated-looking man, called himself the junior counsel in that side of the case. Another of them was a short-hand reporter, a young man; but whose looks were very bad. I have heard of men though becoming diseased through licentiousness and it sometimes settling in their eyes. His eyes are most suggestive of disease. The third one is a man who was in Utah as P. O. Agent — Col. Wickizer — a most bitter, maniacal anti-Mormon, who killed a man in Illinois and through charity was credited as being a maniac. On my side with the exception of my counsel I was alone. This has occurred thus at every meeting. Not one to accompany me as my open and avowed friend. Campbell has had a little crowd with him every time. But I feel that I have One with me mightier than they all, and I am comforted. Gen. Paine had 15 minutes to close. They became so interested, though it was only a few minutes of ten, that they urged him to keep on, agreeing to give McBride as much time. He spoke 19 minutes longer. I thought he brushed McBride’s sophistries out of the way concerning the position of the case, and showed that in Campbell’s reply admissions had been made which did not re- obviated the necessity of my taking any testimony during the first 40 days. I thought his argument impressive. If there was any thing wrong or defective in this, he said he was alone to blame, for he had advised the course which had been taken. McBride followed; but to me it was evident that some of his impudent assumption and confidence had departed. Some questions were asked Pro and Con, and we, at about ¼ past 10, left the Com. room. Gen. Paine was very tired. He had worked hard yesterday and to-day and had not slept much last night. I accompanied him home. Yesterday and to-day have been exciting days to me, and I have been under considerable mental strain. I feel greatly relieved to-night and very cheerful. Thus far I have done what I could to establish and vindicate my rights, and now I feel my case is in the hands of the Lord, as I feel, in fact, that it has been all the time.

Not having heard from Capt. Hooper for a week I telegraphed him this morning. Got a dispatch to-night that he will be here Saturday morning, and desiring me to secure him rooms at the Ebbitt.

16 February 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 16, 1882. Called upon <several> Senators, but they were out, excepting one — Salisbury of Del. Had some conversation with him; but a party of friends were with him and he had to go out with them. Wrote out some points for Gen. Paine to incorporate in his brief and called upon him with them. We looked over S. 353, Edmunds’ amended Bill, which they were discussing in the Senate and he urged me to get an amendment inserted which would prevent the possibility of it applying to my case. Saw Senators Teller, Bayard, Ingalls and Edmunds — all Members of the Com. on Judiciary — about it. The first-named did all he could about it. Bayard brought it to Edmunds’ attention; but he would not consent to it. The insertion of the word “hereafter” in one place would have the effect I asked for. I saw Edmunds myself. But he said if it applied to me I would be no worse than the others to whom he intended it to apply — all the polygamists who now held office in the Territory. His aim was to have them put out even though their terms of office had not expired. I said to him, by a fraud Gov. Murray has kept me out of my seat, and now you propose that Congress by its action shall supplement that fraud, crystallize it and make it permanent. I asked him if that was fair or right. By such action you say “Murray, you did right! You had the power and you did right in exercising it, even though it was not legal.” I talked patiently and reasoned kindly and in a good spirit with him; but he was inflexible. He is ready to trample upon all law, upon every principle of justice and right to accomplish his object. He has laid himself out to strike us down. I view this man as one of the most, if not the most, dangerous in the government. He is a man of ability, of inflexible will, an adroit and well-read lawyer, and utterly unscrupulous as to the means he uses, so long as he can give them legal form, to reach a desired end. Withal he is very cunning, and has such ineffable self-conceit that I think it doubtful if in the recesses of his heart a doubt as to the correctness of any view he may entertain has every penetrated; at least, if there was a time when this was the case, it must be long ago. He is a lawyer, but very far from being a statesman. I say <this> about his general legislation and without reference to legislation he proposes for us. He was the chief agent, and in fact the proposer of the Electoral Commission by which Tilden was cheated out of the Presidency and Hayes was seated. He has captured Bayard and Garland, the Democrats on his Com., and he is letting the Democrats stultify themselves by advocating this legislation. And they are doing it. Bayard, Garland, Jones of Florida, and others are denouncing us ferociously, and claiming power for Congress over the Territories and justifying and urging this legislation by arguments utterly fallacious so far as Democratic doctrine is concerned and utterly false so far as they make statements of our condition. I confess to some disappointment in this action of Bayard’s, for he has plead eloquently for us at former times. I conclude he is a weak man and subject to surrounding influences. In former days he had Senator Thurman of Ohio, a sturdy, strong man for a leader; now Edmunds, though a Republican, is the stronger nature, and he has captured him. Such men are to be pitied. And these are the men who have the power of this government in their hands! Senator Joseph Brown of Georgia made a good speech, pleading against persecution for religious belief. (See to-day’s proceedings in the scrap book.) My conversation with Edmunds stirred me up; I left him with an incensed feeling towards him; but I walked out to one side alone and soon became calm. I asked the Lord to judge him and deal with him and I left him in his hands. I had conversation with Senators Morgan <Ala.> and Brown of Ga. The Senate kept up the discussion on the Bill until nearly seven o’clock, when it was passed amid the applause of the occupants of the galleries. There is one thing very evident, without believing or intending it, these men (the U. S. Senate) are doing what they can to make us a Power in the earth. Truth cannot die while the people who have it live and are true to it. Many may have to suffer before it becomes triumphant, but it will spread and the time will come when it will be universal. Babylon has declared war upon us. It makes it relentlessly. It proposes no halfway measures, and is determined to give no quarter. It draws the line sharply and makes the division between itself and Zion clear and well-defined. There is no neutral ground <to be left> for Latter-day Saints <to stand upon.> They must be for Zion or for Babylon. By these measures we must stand <together> by and maintain and give practical effect to our system of marriage, revealed and commanded by God. Every man’s courage, every woman’s fidelity and every child’s <parental> obedience and family pride and honor are appealed to by this action. In this way persecution accomplishes an important purpose. It reveals and brings to the light of day those who are hypocrites, it intensifies the zeal of the true believers, <and unites and bands them together,> and it repels the impure and corrupt who might be tempted to join us for improper purposes. I cannot feel that we are likely to be injured. Our faith may be tested. We may have considerable trouble and perhaps suffering; but these things are essential in their place. No people can become that which we look forward to without such experience as we are gaining. It is essential to our growth and development. The blessings to be sought for are grace and strength to endure. This work will roll on. I fasted to-day.

17 February 1882 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 17th, 1882. Received by telegraph a Memorial to the Senate and House of Rep’s. from the Council and House of Representatives of Utah Ter., signed by Speaker F. M. Lyman of the House and President Jos. F. Smith of the Council. Wrote to my wives Sarah Jane and Eliza. The former wrote me a very kind and sympathetic letter which I received enclosing notes from my sons Angus and Hugh. I wrote a long letter to President Taylor. The Evening Star contained the following dispatch:

The War Against Polygamy.


Salt Lake, Utah, February 17.—At a meeting of prominent Gentiles of Utah last night the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:— Whereas, the legislature of Utah, now in session in this city, to-day adopted a concurrent resolution protesting against the passage by Congress of any bills disfranchising polygamists, and praying Congress to send a committee to investigate the condition of things in Utah; Resolved, That said action is merely a polygamous bluff—a trick to gain time—and that if it wins these very men will claim it is a Divine interposition in favor of polygamy and use it to excite the masses of the Mormon people against the just authority of the national government; that the fact that three-fourths of the legislature are themselves practical polygamists exposes the condition of things in Utah without the intervention of an investigating committee; that their action in this case betrays the fear that the disfranchising of polygamists will break up polygamy, and therefore indicates precisely what Congress ought to do: that we most respectfully urge Congress not to be deterred from perfecting the good work on which it is engaged by the protests of men who are acknowledged polygamists themselves, and who adopt this differential attitude only because their ordinary attitude of defiance will not apparently serve them in a mortal emergency; that there need be no fear of convulsion or disturbance if Congress now adopts effective measures to settle Utah affairs, but that if it does not the simplest duties of statesmanship will have been disregarded, as they have too long been, and the chance of peacefully settling Utah affairs will by this much have been placed in jeopardy.

18 February 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 18th, 1882. Received Mss. of pamphlet from Mr. Giles Part I. Its title is, and it is ably written: Marriage. Monogamy and Polygamy, on the basis of Divine law, of Natural law and Constitutional Law. An Open letter to the Massachusetts Members of Congress, by one of their Constituents, With observations on the Opinion of the Supreme Court in Reynolds vs. United States by Alfred E. Giles, Hyde Park, Mass. Religious Freedom, not Persecution solves the Mormon Problem, Justice vs. Intolerance. “And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church which was in Jerusalem.” Acts VIII. 1. “The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the church.” Tertullian. I also received the Mss. of a lecture upon Utah and our people by Dyer D. Lum of New York, a very able paper. I wrote to Mr. Giles and sug<gested> that he had better not put his name to his pamphlet, as society would hound him to death and ruin him. I described what we had to suffer for our advocacy for <of> the truth; but we were an organized society, independent to a great extent of the world and therefore able to withstand the fierce persecution which reformers who declare the truth receive. He was alone and living in the midst of a society that would seek his ruin with unreasoning hate. Wrote to Mr. Lum and asked him what he would furnish one or two thousand copies of his lecture in pamphlet form for. Called at the Ebbitt House twice to inquire if Capt. Hooper and folks had come; but learned by dispatch afterwards that he would not be here till Monday morning. Busy getting out pamphlets containing Gen. Paine’s argument on my case. Telegraphed to Bro. Hooper.

19 February 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 19/82. Had an interview with Col. Shaughnessy, U. S. Marshal of Utah. Raining heavily all forenoon. Received a letter from Geo. C. Lambert, enclosing a draft for $500 00/100; one from A. J. Boyer, a journalist, expressing indignation at the passage of the Edmunds’ Bill; and one from Bro. Geo. Reynolds containing the regular and independent tickets for City officers. Did not go out of the hotel all day. Wrote a letter to Mr. Giles. Read in Book of Doctrine and Covenants. I never took greater interest in reading the word of the Lord and his predictions concerning Zion than now.

20 February 1882 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 20, 1882. Bro. Hooper and his daughters and Bro. Irvine arrived and put up at the Ebbitt House this morning. Had quite a lengthy conversation with them; read Mr. Lum’s lecture and counseled with Bro. Hooper about having L. publish it and also Mr. Giles publish his. The desks of the Members are covered with two documents, published by the “Reorganized” apostates. (See Scrap Book for copies) These people are determined to do what they can to compass our destruction. Bro. Hooper is outspoken in his expression that I will not get the seat. I do not like to h a Latter-day Saint to prophesy evil. He takes a gloomy view of affairs. At the House the greater part of the session. Wrote to Bro. Jas. Jack in relation to refusing Sister Irvine a ton of coal, which she wrote to her husband he had done. Spent the evening at the Ebbitt with the folks.

21 February 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 1882. Called at the Ebbitt, also upon Gen. Paine and paid him $500 00/100, being in full for his services in my behalf. At the House. I learn that the Com. on Elections talked over my case., but deferred voting till Friday. Mr. Converse had learned, he told me, that the majority were against seating me. Mr. Waite told me that there was only one present who did not think my naturalization full and complete (I suspect that is Thompson of Iowa) and it was conceded that my vote was conclusive. He showed me a letter from a leading man in his county, in which he spoke of a petition which had been signed asking for legislation against us, and said that not a person to whom it had been shown had refused to sign it and the signature of every one in the county could be obtained, so unanimous was the feeling upon this subject. This is in Conn. Received a letter from my son John Q. in reply to mine, announcing to him his Mother’s sickness (the 23rd ult.) and her death (letter dated the 26th ult.)[.] It touched me deeply and <I was> overcome by it. After dinner spent evening at the Ebbitt. Received more Mss. from Mr. Giles. He gladly approves of my suggestion to not publish his name to this Argument, and appears relieved (his wife being opposed to what he is doing) at the thought.

22 February 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1882. A national holiday <here,> being Washington’s birthday. House not in session. Received dispatch in cipher from Bro. Nuttall as follows: “J. H. Smith and M. Thatcher start to-morrow morning for Washington. All well.” Called at the Ebbitt. I was shown by Wm P. Copeland, newspaper correspondent, a copy of the decision of the Com. on Elections reached at its meeting to-day on the Utah case. It was as follows: First, that minorities never can elect; second, that Campbell is not entitled to the seat; third, that Cannon, having received the majority of the whole vote cast, should be given the seat, unless disqualified by some constitutional objection: fourth, that Cannon, admitting that he lives in polygamous relations, thus violating the laws, and not being a constitutional officer of the Government like a member of Congress, but simply a Delegate from a Territory, holds his seat at the will of Congress; fifth, that the committee intending to notify the citizens of Utah (in spite of the admitted citizenship of Cannon) that polygamy will not be recognized in a Territory of the United States report that Cannon shall be excluded from his seat in the House:

[End of article]

While in some respects I may say this decision is not altogether as I expected it would be, I am not surprised at it. The Com. has not the courage to face public opinion upon this question and do what is clearly right, and that which they privately acknowledge to be right, in the case. I had hoped Members of that Com. would take high ground, and while according me the seat under one clause of the Constitution (that pertaining to the qualification of Members) would, perhaps, to vindicate themselves, vote to expel me afterwards, under the clause of the Constitution relating to expulsion. The decision does not disturb me. I feel calm about it and in some respects relieved. Certainly no one ever could leave the society of the House with greater feelings of relief than I shall, for I have ever felt that it was nothing but the knowledge that it has been the Lord’s will could ever have induced me to occupy the position I have done. In contemplating that which I have done to maintain and obtain my rights since I have been here this time, there is nothing that I can reproach myself with as neglect on my part. With my knowledge I have done the best I could. Col. Shawnessy, U. S. Marshal for Utah, called upon me and communicated what he had heard about the decision of the Com. He expressed the hope that our people would not attempt to resist any law which might be put in operation. He had been asked if it would not be necessary to strengthen the garrison there. He had replied that while there might be many young men who would feel like fighting, the older and wiser men would restrain them. Spent the evening at the Ebbitt and sent the following telegram, partly in cipher to Pres. Taylor, per L. John Nuttall: “Feeling on polygamy intense. Harsh legislation apparently inevitable. Monogamists must now protest against sacrifice (of) their rights. They will be heard. Ears closed to polygamists.” I dictated a short letter to Pres. Taylor, thro’ Bro. Irvine, explaining in part my views respecting the telegram. Bro. Hooper sent a dispatch in cipher to Bro. Jennings suggesting names of the kind of men who ought to come here to endeavor to soften legislation. Now is a good time for Bro. Hooper and men of his class to protest against enactment of any legislation which would be likely to deprive them of their political rights. They have broken no law and they have the right to denounce vigorously any attempt to discriminate against them because of their belief. The object is to exclude all Mormons and to get control of the Territory and rob us and treat us as a proscribed people, and I think a few men who are business men, and not so much known as Church men, can do good here now if they will. Bro. Hooper desired me to telegraph Pres. Taylor to recall Bro’s. Thatcher and Smith; but I could not think of doing that. I feel now about this whirlwind of passion, as I have done when caught in a violent storm which I could not face. Then I would turn my back to it, pull up my coat collar to protect my neck and ears, and stand and take it till it had exhausted its violence. Reason is dethroned and madness rules. Words and arguments appear utterly wasted. The Senate and the House, with the exception of a few Members, feel themselves driven before a tornado of popular prejudice and they yield to it, are carried away by it and make no attempt to resist it. Appeals to them, I find, powerless. They will acknowledge, many of them at least, that this <is> all wrong; but they dare not oppose the legislative measures based upon it.

23 February 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Feb. 23/82. Called at the Ebbit, also at Gen. Paine’s. He was sick abed. Met Mr. Calkins, chairman of Com. on Elections, and informed him I had seen what purported to be a decision of the Com. in the Utah case, and I now took the liberty of asking him questions concerning it which I would not otherwise do. He admitted the correctness in part of what I described to him as having seen; but the Com. had not voted upon it. He had been authorized to draw up a report; he did not know how the Com. would stand upon the question; but it was clear he thought they would, without doubt, be in favor of his report. He expressed the kindest feelings to me personally; but this was not a personal matter, &c. &c. We had a very pleasant talk. I perceived that the case was not so much settled in the Com. as I had been led by reports yesterday to suppose, and I had interviews with Atherton, Beltzhoover, Moulton of the Com., and having (providentially as it seemed to me) met Judge H. H. Harrison of Tenn., a Republican, who had made the Report on my case in the 43rd Congress on which I was confirmed in my seat, I got him to talk to Ranney of Mass., Moulton and Beltzhoover. He told me afterwards that they viewed the case as he did. He is a good lawyer and a brave man and is broad on our question. <I had a conversation with Thompson of Penn., an ex-Member of my acquaintance, who promised to talk with his brother, Judge Thompson of Iowa, who is on the Com. on Elections[.]> I kept busy all day talking to all the Republicans I could upon the injustice of refusing to seat me, and felt well in doing so. There is nothing which gives such relief to my feelings as energetic work. I feel that I am far from being defeated yet. Until the House has acted, there is room for work and hope. After the wonderful deliverances I have seen here, when to all human appearances our enemies had us captured, I ought never to yield a point, even in my feelings, until it is past all action and crystalized into a law or a decision beyond appeal. So, I still hope and pray, at the same time am quite easy in my feelings as to the result. It is the Lord’s contest, let him do with me as seemeth good in his sight. If by refusing me my seat feelings of anger towards Zion can be allayed, and I can be made a scape-goat, all right with me. I am the Lord’s. I desire always to feel entirely passive in his hands, for him to do with me as he pleases. I came here in the first place by his direction; every time since I have done the same; this last time my mind was very clear upon the subject. After all the brethren had expressed their feelings with entire unanimity upon the subject, I then told mine that I felt that it was right I should run again for Delegate. Now, this being the case, I am just as willing, if it be the Lord’s will, to go home as I was to come. He knows that which is best for his work and for me, and I desire to be always like a piece of clay, or a tallowed rag (as Bro. Heber C. Kimball frequently expressed it) in his hands. I desired Bro. Hooper to see Mr. Calkins and have a conversation with him. I said if he <(C.)> wished to distinguish himself as a statesman, now was his opportunity. Instead of sacrificing principle and yielding to this gust of passion which was running through the country, he should take high ground, stand by the right and his courage would be rewarded; and after the sober second thought should come upon this question, as come it undoubtedly will, he could then contemplate with satisfaction and pride what he had done when other men had lost their judgment and courage under the pressure of popular clamor. The Captain spent nearly three hours with him talking over our affairs, old scenes with which Captain H. was familiar in Congress, the details of his trip to his birth place, &c. But Calkins could not vary from the decision in my case quoted by me yesterday. He said, however, that he meant to do me full justice in his report. Myself and friends would be satisfied with that. This recalled to my mind a similar remark made by one occupying the same position in the 43 Congress, <H. Boardman Smith of N. Y.> The Com. had agreed to a resolution to expel me for polygamy. I had several interviews with Smith upon the subject before he got ready to report to the House; but he was inflexible as to reporting. As a salve to my feelings, however, he assured me that in his report he intended to bear testimony to my character, and to hold up my practice in marrying wives and being true to them, and my life, so moral and free from reproach, in contrast with the lives of many in Congress and who demanded action against me. I thanked him for his kind intentions, but said it was not fine words that I needed, not testimonials to character; it was fair dealing and my rights under the Constitution. Smith never got the opportunity to expel me, and, of course, never had the opportunity, while dealing me a deadly wound <with one hand,> to daub me over with disgusting praise with the other. I sincerely hope that this, too, will be the case with his successor <(not immediate)> in the chairmanship of the Com. of Elections in the present Congress (Wm H. Calkins of Ind.) Wrote to Pres. Taylor and to my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, about calling upon Bro. Jas. Jack (to whom I also wrote) and obtaining means with which to pay my men.

24 February 1882 • Friday

Friday, Feb. 24/82. Last night a number of telegrams describing mass meetings held in various places, <urging legislation against polygamy,> were published in the Star. One meeting of 15,000 persons was said to have been held in Minn. In this way the public mind is being inflamed. An attack of diarrhea in the night compelled me to get up. I do not feel well this morning. At the House. The Com. on Elections in session till after one o’clock; they met at 10. They had a warm time. Ten voted against my getting my seat and five for it. The ten are: Calkins, Hazleton, Wait, Thompson, Ritchie, Jacobs, Miller, Pettibone, all Republicans, and Beltzhoover, Democrat, and Paul, Readjuster. The five are Ranney, Republican, and Atherton, Moulton, Davis, Democrats, and Jones, Greenbacker. Received a dispatch from Bro. John W. Young at Chicago. He was on his way to Boston and asked where Capt. Hooper is. I replied by letter to the American House, Boston. Received a dispatch from Bishop John Sharp informing me he would be here in the morning. Gen. Kane called while I was out and left his card. I called upon him at Willard’s. We had conversation for ¾ of an hour upon our affairs. He thinks the rich men of our community should spend money upon the press and in defeating measures proposed against us, as they are the ones who have prevented our being in better shape to meet adversity. He believes if it had not been for them we should have had the Order of Enoch established among us. He gave me a very humorous description of an interview he had with Ke Kanaka i Kohoia e noho i Ke ahaolels mamua of o Ko’u Kohoi’ana [the person who was chosen to sit in the legislature before I was elected], <and his remarks> upon the subject of polygamy.

25 February 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Feb. 25, 1882. He evidently had a poor opinion of his faith as he judged of it by his expressions concerning this doctrine. Had and interview last evening with Col. Shaugnessy. He urged the employment of a Mr. Rice, a lobbyist. Bro. Sharp arrived this morning. Saw Mr. Rice at Col. S’s request; but told him what I had told others of his class. I got Bishop Sharp and Col. S. into conversation and the latter introduced him to Mr. Rice. When Bro. Sharp told Bro. Hooper and myself the result of the interview - $5,000 retainer and $10,000 if every thing should be successful — I laughed. So far as I am concerned, I said, I did not desire would not pay a dollar to any such people, and I would rather my friends would not do so. I have been here now a good many years, and in the midst of all the dangers with which we have been threatened I have done nothing that will not stand the light of day and that would cause me to blush; and at this late day I certainly did not, even to save my seat in Congress, propose to do anything that will not bear close scrutiny. After I returned from the House, and while at the Hotel, Col. Shaugnessy said to me that I ought to make this fight and win, there was nothing to prevent my winning if I would go to work in the right way. He told me that as he understood I was short of funds, he would give $5,000 to me himself with which to make the fight and he felt confident I would win. This was a very unexpected offer to me, and I thanked him for it. After dinner went to the Ebbitt with Bro. Sharp, and while there, about three hours after the conversation above alluded to I received from President Taylor the following dispatch in cipher: “Maintain your principles. Make no compromise with apostates or corrupt men.”

26 February 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 26/82. I arose this morning and sent the following dispatch and letter to President Taylor: “Dismiss doubts, if any exist, of my fidelity.” (Insert letter)

27 February 1882 • Monday

(Copy) [circled] Washington D. C. 1882

Pres’t. John Taylor,

Dear Bro.

I received your telegram “Maintain &c” last evening, and this morning I send reply: “Dismiss doubts, if any exist, of my fidelity.” When I received it I could not think that it was meant to apply to me personally. But my night thoughts suggest that I had better send this despatch and write you lest there may be doubts entertained respecting my course. I recall the painful fact that in the 43rd Congress when I was doing all I thought any human being with my capacity could do to maintain our principles in truth and loyalty the lies of my enemies concerning my action found lodgment in the breasts of Latter-day-Saints, and I suffered in reputation and perhaps suffer still in some quarters from cruel misunderstandings which I felt too hurt at the time to repel. This experience warns one to meet suspicion at the threshold, and even if it does not exist it is a duty I owe myself and my office and calling to prevent it if possible.

To begin with, then, I wish to say most emphatically, that I have not, even in thought, and much less in word or in action, before the Lord and my fellow men, wavered in maintaining our principles inviolate, or in any manner hedged or shrank from any or all of the consequences which such maintenance involves; neither have I made nor proposed to make any compromise with apostates or corrupt men. I wish this denial to be understood in the broadest and most unequivocal sense; and to stand against all inferences which may have been drawn from any letter or dispatch received from me, and especially so till I can make explanations which I do not wish to make now. Had I thought, however, that anything I had sent had needed such explanation it would not have been written. But I wish it understood that I am only responsible for that which I sign myself. There are many explanations which I might have written which I have not. I have not thought it wisdom to do so. A dispatch was sent under date of the 22nd inst., about the same time that my last to you was, which in tone, character and suggestion was the emanation of the sender. I disclaim all responsibility for it. Sentiments are constantly uttered in which I do not have the least share and which I do not believe. It was only yesterday that I was told a fragment of a conversation in which Mr Reed, chairman of Comtee on Judiciary, was one of the parties. He remarked: “You talk very different to Mr. Cannon. We should draw very different conclusions from what he says,” The reply was: “Mr Cannon and I see through different eyes. He is a man of strong faith & zeal, &c &c.” Now I have been willing, rather than not have anything said by Bro. Hooper that he should talk as he pleases. He has been sure that by making statements from his stand point he could have done good, and allayed, in great part at least, if not entirely, this excitement. Had I consented he would have published in New York an interview which would have injured him at home, but which injury he was willing to receive if he could save the people. He now sees it would have been useless. In my contests here I have never known any difference between classes among us. Monogamists, polygamists who have not violated the law of ’62 and polygamists who have are all alike to me. Their rights are my rights. But I do not think that all of our people take the same view of these classes. Upon this, however, I need not dwell. Having done, up to the present, all I can do to preserve the rights of all, I am quite willing that Monogamists who have business interests and have wealth should now try how much they can do in their way, if not for the whole people, at least for the preservation of their own rights, which are likely to be sacrificed with the rest. And while I would not select such men as have been suggested to do this, yet if any men choose to come in their own behalf I have no objections. The fact is, the more our affairs are agitated and talked about, and the more the various parties are represented, the better it is for us, and the less likely, if legislation be enacted at all, that it will be proscriptive. As far as I am concerned, business Mormons, friendly Gentiles, or even friendly apostates — if there be any such — can come here if they wish and do what they can to frustrate or modify legislation, or to divide the opinions of legislators upon what is the best measures to adopt to deal with Utah. As I wrote you, delay is what I always have fought for. Time is what we want, and anything which is not dishonorable that will gain this I am in favor of.

Bro. John Sharp arrived here yesterday morning. He talks from his standpoint —. He says he comes to represent himself, and as he is the representative of a class why should he not? It is liberty that we want for all including every class; but my willingness to have them heard does not, according to my view, commit me to their views. I am anxious that the Union Pacific people and all others who have any interests in our country should [take] some part, if they feel inclined to, in this discussion. With love to yourself, Bro. Jos F.[,] Bro. Woodruff and every one of the council & with constant prayers for your preservation & happiness, I am, Your Brother

(Signed) Geo. Q. Cannon.

Bro’s, John W. Young, Robt Watson and Brigham S. Young arrived. Spent the day in conversation with the brethren, and had extended talk with Bro. John W. Young. He is East on R. R. business, to effect a settlement. His object in coming to Washington was to see me. Bro’s. Hooper and Sharp had an interview with Mr. Reed of Maine, Chairman of Com. on Judiciary. They found him impenetrable. Bro. Sharp stated his case eloquently. He had been married since ‘54 to his plural wife, had grown up children, must he drive her and her children out of his house or be punished <by being fined> and sent to prison and deprived of the rights of citizenship, and this, too, when he had violated no law, having married before the passage of that of ‘62? Reed said polygamy had to be broken up. If law would not do it, and he seemed to think that legislation would not do it, then harsher measures must be enacted — hinting plainly at the use of the army. The brethren by such an interview are learning something of the spirit there is here and how determined these people are upon destroying us. The constitution, the Bills of Rights, laws, precedents, equity and everything else, are to be ruthlessly trampled under foot, if necessary, to reach us. And it is not polygamy alone that is to be struck, it is theocracy, as they call it — in other words, the priesthood. These people are just as full of the spirit of mobocracy as those were who banded themselves together to drive and kill the Saints in former days. They desire to give it expression in the forms of law if they can. That is merely to use the power of the government most effectively; but when law fails, they will be ready to resort to violence through armies.

27 February 1882 • Monday

Monday, Feb. 27/82. Received a letter from my nephew, Geo. M. Cannon, respecting Mary Alice and the other children being desirous to stay in town rather than at their home on the farm. Dictated a letter, through Bro. Irvine, to them. Called at Gen. Paine’s and had conversation with him about my case. In afternoon called again upon him with Bro. Irvine and he dictated a line of argument from a legal stand-point which I could use if I had to speak upon my case in the House. Bro. John W. Young called upon me in the morning. We had some conversation. At the House. A grand gathering of the dignatries of the Republic and the Diplomatic corps to listen to Hon. J. G. Blaine’s oration on the life and services of the late President Jas. A. Garfield. It was carefully prepared, <was> well delivered and gave general satisfaction. In the evening was urged by Bro. Hooper and his daughters to accompany them to see the Opera of Carman — Minnie Houk as Carman, Campanini <as Don Jose> and Fuente as the Toreador, fine singers all. Capt. Codman had promised to go with them and B. S. Young had bought four tickets, but Capt. C. declined at the last minute to go and Capt. H. would not let them go without there being two gentlemen with them. The performance was very fine — though I did not like the plot. Bro. John W. Young went to Boston and Bro. R. S. Watson to N. Y. this afternoon.

[Newspaper clipping glued at this point]

The Utah Election Case.

Chairman Calkins submitted to the House yesterday afternoon the majority report in the Utah contested case, together with two minority reports, which were ordered to be printed conjointly. The majority report, as heretofore published, holds that neither Cannon nor Campbell are entitled to the seat, and therefore declares the seat vacant. The principal minority report, signed by Representatives Moulton, Atherton, Davis, and Jones, after an exhaustive review of the case concludes as follows: “That Mr. Cannon had a clear majority of the legal votes for Delegate; that he possesses the necessary qualifications under the Constitution, and that he is entitled to the seat.” It recommends the adoption of a resolution to that effect. Representative Beltzhoover submits an independent report, in which he agrees in the main with the views of the majority, but maintains that Congress itself has the inherent power to embrace in the oath required of its members a provision which will exclude any persons who have been guilty of the practice of polygamy.

[End of article]

28 February 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Feb. 28/82. The Com. on Elections reported the Utah case to-day (see Reports)[.] The Reports were ordered printed. Had conversations with Members. Wrote to Pres. Taylor, Bro. Sharp and spent the evening at the Ebbitt.

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February 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1882/02-1882