November 1898

1 November 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 1, 1898

The First Presidency had considerable conversation with Colonel Clayton and Brother Jack concerning the salt business.

I went to a French class this afternoon. The professor teaches French in a manner that pleases me; instead of teaching with books he teaches the class to pronounce and to speak, and has been very successful, I understand.

2 November 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 2, 1898

There was a meeting of the executive committee of the Union Light & Power Co. at 10 o’clock. I afterwards had a meeting with Judge Le Grand Young, President Jos. F. Smith, John R. Winder and R. S. Campbell concerning the coal properties in Emery County.

There was a meeting of Zion’s Savings bank at 1 o’clock, and a meeting of the Deseret News Co. at 3 o’clock. We are trying to arrange the affairs of the Deseret News Co. in order to settle matters, which are in a very bad shape.

3 November 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, November 3, 1898

Dictated correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter this morning.

Colonel Isaac Trumbo called and paid his respects to President Snow.

At 11 o’clock we met at the temple, and after transacting some business, Brother F. D. Richards prayed. There were present, beside the First Presidency, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, F. M. Lyman, Geo. Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, M. F. Cowley, A. O. Woodruff and Rudger Clawson.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency, Brothers Jack and Clayton and my son John Q. went out to the salt works.

4 November 1898 • Friday

Friday, November 4, 1898

I attended a meeting of the Grand Central Mining Co. at Provo, after which I returned to the city.

At 2 o’clock we had a meeting of the Deseret News Co. and held session till nearly 4. We are progressing in the settlement of its affairs with the Publishing Co.

5 November 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, November 5, 1898

This morning I attended the French class for two hours.

There was a meeting of the Grass Creek Coal Co. to-day.

6 November 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, November 6, 1898

To-day is fast day. I met with the brethren and sisters in the temple at 10 o’clock, and we had a most delightful meeting.

In the afternoon I met with the saints in the ward.

Frank’s wife came down to the house, accompanied by her brother and brother-in-law, and informed me that Colonel Trumbo had made certain statements in the Ogden Opera House, at a large meeting on Saturday evening, concerning myself and Frank which they felt called upon to bring to my notice. After hearing from Brother Charles Brown, who was present at the meeting, what had been said, and it was in accordance with the report that I understood was in the Herald, I instructed John Q. to write a card for me to sign, which he did, to be published in the Herald and in the Tribune. Following is the Card:-

“Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 6, 1898. Editor Tribune:-

I am informed by reputable gentlemen who were present at a political meeting held in the Opera House at Ogden on Saturday evening, the 5th inst., that Col. Isaac Trumbo, one of the speakers, delivered himself of a statement to the effect that on returning once from the East he called on President Woodruff, asking that three young Mormons be sent back to Washington to show Senator Edmunds that in character and intelligence the young men of this community were at least up to the average and were quite fitted for the duties of Statehood; that Heber M. Wells, Elias A. Smith and a young man from Ogden were chosen for this mission; that he, Colonel Trumbo, personally requested that instead of the unnamed young man from Ogden, Frank J. Cannon be selected – which was done; and that at the close of the interview (at which I had been present) I followed him, Col. Trumbo, out of the office, thanked him for his request for and interest in Frank, but expressed the fear that he had made a mistake, inasmuch as he, Frank, was untrustworthy, unreliable, etc.

Silence on my part when my own honor and that of my family is assailed will hardly be deemed a virtue. Averse as I am and have been to entering into or saying anything which could be construed as likely to have an effect upon the political campaign, this astonishing statement forces me to declare that the entire incident above narrated is a myth and a fiction so far as my connection with it is concerned. I know of no such interview with President Woodruff; I know of no such selection of men to go to Washington as specimens of young Utah; I was present at no meeting where Col. Trumbo offered such a proposition and made such a request; and I accordingly had no such conversation with him as he quotes with reference to the untrustworthiness or unreliability of my son. Simple justice to the latter and my own self-respect compel me to say that I cannot recall a single circumstance which would furnish even the slightest foundation for such a story, and that in so far as Colonel Trumbo associates me with the incident, his statement is altogether untrue.

George Q. Cannon.”

7 November 1898 • Monday

Monday, November 7th, 1898

Dictated my journal and some correspondence to Brother Arthur Winter.

8 November 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 8, 1898

To-day is election day. I shall be glad when this is over. I have been very much displeased with election affairs before in this state, but never have been so thoroughly disgusted with them as I have this time. I have not read all that has taken place between Governor Wells and B. H. Roberts. On

Sunday, the Tribune reporter, in his attempt to interview me, read what Brother Roberts had said in relation to the Governor’s speech in the theatre on Friday night. I was exceedingly grieved to hear it, and thought it very unbecoming for a man in his position to indulge in such remarks. It is the worst attack I ever read made by one Latter-day Saint upon another. I suppose he considered the provocation very great, but I have felt in my heart that I could not fellowship a man in his position who indulged in such language, if he did not repent of it. This feeling was strengthened to-day by hearing from a son of one of our deceased leading Apostles that which the son of another Apostle, he said, heard Brother Roberts say – that Governor Wells was a damned son of a bitch. I could scarcely credit that anyone occupying such a position as Brother Roberts could indulge in such an expression; but I was assured it was true. It was J. Golden Kimball that heard the remark. It is a terrible expression for even a man of the world to use against another; but for a Latter-day Saint to use it seems dreadful. I shall not speak about Governor Wells’ writings; for I do not know what they are; but if he has indulged in any such language it is very unworthy of him as a Latter-day Saint and as a man occupying so exalted a station in civil life.

At one o’clock the funeral of Sister Harriett Cook Young was held at the 18th ward meeting house. The body of the house was well filled. The speakers were Brother Patrick, Bishop H. B. Clawson, Bishop O. F. Whitney, myself and Brother Barton. I was greatly pleased to hear what was said concerning Sister Harriett. She has passed as a very eccentric woman in many respects, and has been rather a queer character; but the testimony borne by the brethren of the Bishopric was most creditable to her benevolence and her punctuality in paying tithing. There is no doubt that she has been a very kindhearted, sympathetic woman, and no one doubted her integrity. In my remarks I dwelt on the fact that she was one of the first to enter into plural marriage, at a time when it was exceedingly trying.

9 November 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 9, 1898

The Democrats have carried the State by a large majority. Brother Roberts’ majority is said to be about 6000. Of course, they feel very jubilant.

President Snow spoke to me to-day about the Deseret News. His mind has rested upon Brother Penrose to be the editor of the paper, and he was in doubt as to who to entrust the management of the business to – to Brother Summerhays or to Brother H. G. Whitney. I told him that Brother Penrose would make a very excellent editor, but he ought to be cautioned about his partisanship, for he is an intense Democrat. He said he intended to talk to him upon the subject. I saw that his mind leaned to Brother Whitney as the business manager.

At 10 o’clock met with the committee of the Union Light & Power Company, and was occupied some time there, and afterwards in signing vouchers.

I went to the temple and performed the sealing ordinance for a grandniece of mine, a granddaughter of my sister Mary Alice and a daughter of Thomas Woodbury and Mary Alice Lambert. Her husband’s name is Edward J. Liddle. They seem a very nice couple.

10 November 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, November 10, 1898

Did some business at the Juvenile Office this morning.

At 11 o’clock had meeting in the temple. There was considerable talk concerning the proper manner of managing the Deseret News. Brother John Henry Smith was mouth in prayer.

11 November 1898 • Friday

Friday, November 11, 1898

The First Presidency had an appointment with the Bank Examiner, R. R. Anderson, this morning, and the executive committee of Zion’s Savings Bank. We went very carefully through the accounts, which were explained by the Cashier, and I was greatly pleased that his explanations were as satisfactory as they were. One of the great objections against the bank was that a large amount of interest was uncollected; but since the examination was made in April last the Cashier had collected $57,000 of back interest, which made an excellent showing. Other things, too, had been paid that were considered questionable, and the Cashier stated that he had endeavored to avail himself of all the points that had been made by the Bank Examiner in his objections to the securities and endeavor to correct them. I said but very little during the talk; but the Examiner, in speaking about the security on one note which was secured by Brigham Young Trust Co. stock, declared it was only worth $10. This, I said, was not correct. The property, at least, was worth half a million, and there was only a debt of $250,000 on it, which reliable companies had been contending with us to obtain – in other words, to give us a loan at 5%; and I said it was preposterous to suppose that they would contend for the loan if there was only $10 margin on the stock. The stock, of course, was non-dividend paying, but its actual value was nearly 50¢ on the dollar. This statement seemed to anger Anderson, and one word led to another, until he became quite abusive, and I lost my temper also. We had a wrangle there for a few minutes which was very unpleasant. I afterwards asked the brethren’s pardon for losing my temper, a thing I rarely did; and I should not have lost it then had it been an affair of my own, but this touched me on a very tender point. Anderson afterwards manifested a disposition to make a report that would not be so damaging to the bank as he had intended. After this interchange of words between us I sat very quietly till the thing was completed. The other brethren spoke a good deal, and as I said nothing President Snow asked me what my views were about matters. I told him this matter could be fixed up very easily if Robert Anderson was disposed to do so. The Cashier and the members of the executive committee were accustomed to making reports, and they could arrange this matter so that it would be satisfactory to all concerned, and yet be a correct report. We separated with this understanding.

12 November 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, November 12, 1898

I was at the office but very little to-day; busy with my affairs.

13 November 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, November 13, 1898

I made preparations to go to California with Frank on this evening’s train; but I had been solicited by Brother Ballantyne’s family to attend his funeral at Ogden to-day at 1 o’clock. Brother Ballantyne had made a dying request that I should be the principal speaker at his funeral. A number of brethren belonging to the Sunday School Board were appointed to attend the funeral also, and we were divided among the different wards. Brother Goddard and myself went to the 2nd ward, and had a very interesting time. I was very much pleased with their building, it was so commodious and so admirably adapted for Sunday school work. Brother Boyle is the superintendent.

I partook of lunch at Brother John Watson’s.

The funeral services were held in the Tabernacle, which was crowded. The first speaker was Brother Geo. Goddard. He was followed by Brother Franklin D. Richards, and then I spoke. I had most excellent liberty. We formed a procession and went to the graveyard.

I went to my son Frank’s and spent the evening. They had provided me a bed at Sister Brown’s, the widow of Mattie’s father.

14 November 1898 • Monday

Monday, November 14, 1898

Frank awakened me this morning at 1:30, and we repaired to the station, where we obtained a sleeper which he had engaged. We occupied the drawing room. We went to bed and had a good sleep.

15 November 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 15, 1898

We reached San Francisco this morning at 10 o’clock and put up at the Palace Hotel. I did not register, thinking to conceal myself from the public; but it seems that the knowledge that I was on the train had been forwarded by telegraph, and the reporters swarmed to the hotel to see what the occasion of our visit to San Francisco was. Frank explained to them that he had come to San Francisco on a little business, and that I had come along for a little relaxation.

About 11 o’clock we proceeded to the German Savings and Loan Society. It was this bank that was so desirous to obtain a renewal of the loan to Brigham Young Trust Co., and as they failed to obtain it, it suggested itself to me that perhaps some terms might be made with them for a loan to Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co., and to the Church also perhaps. Mr. Tourney is the Secretary, and I am acquainted with him. Frank and I had over an hour’s conversation with him, and found that the reason they were able to loan the Brigham Young Trust Co. at so low a rate as 5% was due to the fact that the papers under which the old loan was made could still be used in the new loan, and the tax thereby be avoided. The tax on bonds and loans in this State amounts to $1.80 on the $100 – nearly 2% – which is a frightful tax. After going over the whole subject with him very thoroughly we found that it was out of the question for us to secure a loan there on suitable terms; we were therefore ready to turn round and leave San Francisco by the next train; but I told Frank I preferred staying one night and having the rest.

16 November 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 16, 1898

At 6 o’clock this evening we left San Francisco on our homeward journey.

17 November 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, November 17, 1898

The day passed without any incident, and when we reached Wells, Frank separated from me to go to Cherry Creek, where he has some interests in mines. He was joined at Wells by my brother Angus and Jesse W. Fox.

18 November 1898 • Friday

Friday, November 18, 1898.

I reached home this morning, and found the family all well.

I was busy at the office a good deal of the day.

The First Presidency had a long interview with Brother Brigham Y. Hampton, whose case appealed to us very strongly for relief.

I wrote a private letter this evening to Willard and Carol, in answer to the communications which they sent to me, and which I received this morning.

19 November 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, November 19, 1898

Dictated some letters to John Q., and my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

20 November 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, November 20, 1898

At 10 o’clock this morning I drove to the city and met with the Sunday school missionaries belonging to this Stake, and with some members of the Sunday School Union Board. After the reports of the missionaries were made, which were very interesting, we had arrangements then made for the holding of the Sunday School Convention, which will commence

Monday, November 28th. It is the design to have the visiting brethren taken around to the various wards by our Sunday school people on Sunday morning, to witness our Sunday schools, and in the evening to visit the various ward meetings and preach in the interest of Sunday schools.

I went to my sister Mary Alice’s to lunch.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle, where there was a conference of the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association. It was a very interesting meeting. I was greatly pleased with the spirit of the speakers, and they are an admirable body of young men. The President of the Stake Association is R. R. Lyman, and Brother Iverson, one of his counselors, was with him. His other counselor, Brother Merrill, is at school at Baltimore. I occupied a few minutes at the close.

It stormed all day, and I am suffering from a cold; I therefore did not go out to meeting this evening. Two of my sisters called and took dinner and spent the evening with us – Mary Alice and Leonora. Had a very interesting visit with them.

21 November 1898 • Monday

Monday, November 21, 1898

Received letters from Reed and Lewis, my sons in Germany, and dictated letters to John Q. for them, and also a letter to Brother Nye, the President of the California Mission, and to my brother David.

22 November 1898 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 22, 1898

Held a Deseret News meeting to get an authorization for drawing two notes to meet the indebtedness at Zion’s Savings Bank, as the Examiner is not willing to report it in its present condition, the indebtedness being too high for one party to contract at the bank. John A. Evans was requested to allow his name to be used for part of the sum, and a note of the News Company to be given him, endorsed by the Trustee-in-Trust. He did this with the understanding that when it should prove in any manner embarrassing to him he should be relieved from it.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

23 November 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 23, 1898

Met with the Utah Sugar Company at 9 o’clock this morning and attended to considerable business. The affairs of the Company are in a very satisfactory condition, and the output of sugar is likely to reach ten million pounds this season. This really is the banner year for sugar making from beets. I am greatly gratified at the success of this enterprise. As an instance of the change that has taken place in men’s minds in relation to the sugar industry, I might state that we tried to sell the bonds of the Sugar Company to members of the Deseret National Bank and others at eighty – a discount of 20%, but could not do so. We had to send east, and Frank succeeded in disposing of them to Mr. Banigan. Now the Deseret National Bank has been eager to get a lot of them and pay the face value for them. The same with the stock: it went begging; nobody wanted it; and no confidence in it. Now it sells at a premium. I am very thankful for this change, because it tends to show that financiers are not always the most reliable of men in their judgment as to enterprises.

I met with the executive committe of the Union Light & Power Company this morning.

President Snow submitted to me yesterday the idea of the Trustee-in-Trust issuing bonds and trying to sell them to our people. I favored it very much; thought it was an excellent thing, if it could be done; for I have a horror of being in debt to the Gentiles. To-day the First Presidency, Brothers Richards, Lyman, Smith, Grant and Cowley, of the Twelve, the Presiding Bishops and Attorneys Young and Richards met to consider this question. It was fully discussed, and upon my motion, seconded by President Joseph F. Smith, it was decided that we issue $500,000 in bonds, running ten years, with the privilege of redemption at the expiration of five years, and drawing 6% interest. My motion in the first place was for a 5% bond; but after hearing the different views of the brethren, and the idea being thrown forward about the right of redemption at the expiration of five years, I changed my motion to 6%. It was decided to issue these without any mortgage, but to have them go on the strength of the name of the Trustee-in-Trust. I feel very much pleased with this action. I think it will result in good. The attorneys were instructed to draw up a bond of this kind.

24 November 1898 • Thursday

Thursday, November 24, 1898

To-day is Thanksgiving Day.

At the temple this morning I performed the marriage ceremony for my nephew George C. Lambert’s daughter, Mary Alice Lambert, who was married to John G. Peart. A great many of the relatives were present.

I ate my Thanksgiving dinner with my wife Sarah Jane and her children and grandchildren, all of whom were present. 18 sat down to the table. Frank and I had a good deal of conversation over different affairs.

Before dinner I held a meeting with all the members of my family that could be got together, and laid before them my views concerning our operations as a family. I have had for some years now very clear views concerning family organization. I am desirous to form such a union of my household as will result in a closer connection than usually exists after the first generation in families. It has been a painful sight to me to see grandchildren of men who have been somewhat prominent and had means, reduced to penury. I have felt that there was something wrong for people to be struggling for self all the time. It has been a painful thought to me to think of my children and grandchildren and other descendants becoming indifferent to each other’s interest, and I have thought that I would like, with the blessing of the Lord, to try and arrange my family affairs so as to obviate this. The great difficulty of carrying out anything of this kind successfully is selfishness. A man that has ability to manage affairs and to accumulate means naturally feels that he ought to have the full benefit of that ability and his industry, and his family feels the same way. Especially is this feeling likely to arise if anyone is going to receive the benefit of such labors who is improvident, negligent and unthrifty. I have talked to my children upon this point, and have set before them that it would be necessary for them to conquer this feeling entirely in order to carry out successfully the views that I entertained. I have tried to show them that no matter if there should be some member of the family that was negligent and unthrifty, he or she should not be allowed to suffer on that account. They should not be cast off, but every pains should be taken to try and teach them and have them do better. I cited the kindness and mercy of the Lord to all of us, and how dependent we are upon Him; yet He cares for us. I do not want, however, any descendant of mine to be fostered in idleness or in extravagance. I would like to see them relieved from suffering. To this end I would like, as I said, to have them form an organization, in which they would all have equal interests, and those that could manage best have control, as they should be elected by the other members who would recognize their ability. Already, I said, I have raised about 500 bushels of grain, which I intend them to have. This will be divided, if divided at all, into 34 shares. If it should be sold, each one of the 34 will have an equal share in it. I do not propose that that shall be divided, however, at the present time. I want my son Angus to be the treasurer. I have put in this season about 450 acres of dry farm. I hope this will produce a good crop, and I wish it to be theirs, for them to divide among them, after it has accumulated sufficiently to make it worth while. I have invested about $2000 in sheep, and I wish them to have the sheep after I have been paid for the feeding this winter. I have got about 400 acres of land plowed at Deseret, (which my son Brigham has been managing,) which I hope to have put in grain in the spring, and the benefit of which I wish them to have also. I am willing to develop this land and get it in a productive shape, and then turn it over to them to manage. At the present time there are 34 whom I recognize as my heirs. Two of them are deceased – Abraham and David; but I wish their rights preserved. My idea, as I set it forth to the children, is that as the grandchildren prove worthy and the property increases in value so as to admit of enlarging the circle, they shall be admitted the same as the first generation. At the first probably they might be considered worthy of holding one-eighth of a share, or a quarter, or a half, and eventually a full share. In this way I would like all my descendants, as time progresses and this property increases, to have certain rights in the organization. I dwelt on this at some length, explaining my views; and they all seemed to receive it with good feeling and expressed a willingness to carry out my wishes. I warned them that the thing to be feared was that if one or more of them should be gifted with wisdom and thrift, his family might raise objections after awhile to others sharing in the benefits of his labor; but if they could overcome this feeling of selfishness and live for the whole, I could promise them that they would be greatly blessed, and if my views were carried out and the Spirit of the Lord sought by them, means would accumulate very fast in their hands. I felt that I owed it to the Church to set an example, and I had been for years endeavoring to prepare myself for a time when the Lord’s plan concerning the organization of society would be introduced and carried out. I wished, if possible, to have my family to be one to set an example. Of course, I cannot here give all the views I entertain on this point. They will naturally develop with clearness as we progress in our labor. But this is a sketch of the views I entertain, which I laid before my family, and which I hope to make practical.

My son Frank heartily seconded my views, and expressed the great pleasure he had in listening to what I had to say. He thought the plan a very grand one, if it were lived up to, and expressed his willingness to do all in his power towards it.

I shall as soon as possible lay this whole business on to the shoulders of the older members of the family, so that I may be relieved from all care connected with it. I have for years been doing all in my power to prepare myself for the day to come when our surplus property will be used for the good of others as well as ourselves. We have no storehouse, in the sense that is mentioned in the revelation, where the surplus property of the Lord’s people should be placed; but I have paid mine in as tithing. I came home from my mission to Europe, where I had been presiding for four years, (part of the time in company with Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich) in a very poor condition. I had been away so much on missions that my family was in very reduced circumstances. They had sustained themselves during my absence by their own labor. I have always felt, however, the importance of paying tithing, and I commenced paying as freely as I could at that time. A statement of my tithing from 1864 (I having returned from Europe in October of that year) to 1880 shows that I paid during those 15 years $5190.04 in sundries and $11877.69 in cash, making a total of $17067.73. In addition to that I donated to the Defense Fund $620.25, and Temple Donation (St. George Temple) $500. From 1881 inclusive to 1897 I have paid in tithing $62,140.12. I have paid also as a donation to the Salt Lake Temple, to aid in its completion, $4046.00. I have thus paid into the Church many more thousands of dollars than I have drawn from it, although I have worked continuously in its service. When I look at this amount of tithing I wonder myself how I have been able to pay it, and I am exceedingly thankful that the Lord put it in my heart to exert myself to pay all the money I could possibly spare. I have endeavored to carry out the counsel which has been given in his revelations concerning the surplus property. I might have spent more means on my family than I have; but I have endeavored to teach them economy, and have kept their expenditures down as low as possible. I have spent a great deal of means in hiring the poor and employing men. I preferred to do this than to have it spent either in decorating my houses or allowing it to my wives or children. It is a pleasant reflection now, in looking back, to think that I have done so; for I have tried to follow this out in the midst of poverty in the early years and embarrassments and debt and numerous calls later on. I feel that I would like to have my children partake of the disposition to use their means liberally in building up the work of the Lord and in benefiting their fellow creatures, so that they will not have lived in vain. I earnestly desire to see a better state of things ushered in, that we may be prepared for the coming of the Lord, which I feel is nigh at hand.

25 November 1898 • Friday

Friday, November 25, 1898

A meeting was held in the office this morning with the attorneys, to decide on the form of the bond. Several of the brethren dropped in and listened.

There was a meeting of the Sunday School Union Board to-day at 3 o’clock, and considerable business was done in preparation for the approaching Sunday School Convention.

26 November 1898 • Saturday

Saturday, November 26, 1898

I was busy to-day engaged in various matters. [In ink:] <** Meeting of Union Light & Power Co.>

[The next 6 pages appear to have been removed from another source—all pages have a two-hole punch at the top for a prong and are bound into the journal. The first 5 pages are on tissue paper and the last page is blank and on pale blue cardstock.]

** Meeting No. 42.

Salt Lake City, Utah, November 26th, ‘98

Minutes of an informal meeting of the Board of Directors of THE UNION LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, held at the company’s principal office, in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday November 26th, 1898, at 10 o’clock A.M.

Upon roll call the following directors answered present: George Q. Cannon, President, John R. Winder, Thomas G. Webber, L. S. Hills, Joseph F. Smith, W. S. McCornick and C. M. Bannister. Also present Attorney LeGrand Young and Manager Campbell.

REVENUE AND DISBURSEMENTS: [Hand-written double underline is in red]

The following memorandum statement of facts was presented by the Secretary:

The Prior Lien bonds of The Union Light and Power Company amount to


The Pioneer Electric Power Company’s 6% bonds (Mortgage assumed by The Union Light and Power Company), amount to


(The annual interest on these two issues amounts to $127,500.)

Besides these bonds is an issue of 6% Consolidated Bonds of The Union Light and Power Co., amounting in the aggregate to


Total bonded debt


(The total authorized issue of Consolidated Bonds is in the sum of $4,500.000, of which $2,250.000 are held to replace the above mentioned Prior Lien Bond issue of $750,000, and The Pioneer Electric Power Company’s bond issue of $1,500.000.)

The Consolidated Bond issue is held as follows:

By representatives of the Salt Lake and Ogden Gas and Electric Light Company bond holders


By the Pioneer Electric Power Co. (Interest a/c)


In Treasury


Total, as above


Note:- 43 of the above mentioned bonds controlled by The Pioneer Electric Power Co. were, by supplemental agreement, surrendered in exchange for 41 Prior Lien bonds. And of the 41 Prior Lien bonds thus received by the P.E.P. Co. they surrendered two of the same to The Big Cottonwood Power Company to enable them to make final liquidation. Of the 43 Consolidated Bonds received by The Union Light and Power Co. as above, 19 were delivered to the Big Cottonwood Power Co. on account of interest due them on their indebtedness Jan. 1st, 1897 to July 1st, 1897, and also in liquidation of other approved credit items, thus leaving 24 of said 43

Meeting #42, pp, 2.

Consolidated Bonds now in the Treasury.

The $750,000. Prior Lien Bond issue was distributed, by authority, as follows:

To the Big Cottonwood Power Co.


″ ″ ″ (Gas Trust)


″ ″ ″ (Supplimental Agreement)



To representatives of the Salt Lake and Ogden Gas and Electric Light Co. as of July 1st, 1897


Interest on Consolidated Bonds paid by Prior Lien Bonds, to Jan.1st, 1899, (Salt Lake & Ogden Co. and the Citizens Electric Light Co.)


Originally in Treasury


Total as above


Of the 42 Prior Lien bonds above recited,41 were given to The Pioneer Electric Power Company by supplemental agreement, in exchange for the 43 Consolidated Bonds, thus leaving in the Treasury at present writing, One prior Lien Bond.

The following excerpt from the books of the Company, of its operations from November 1st, 1897 to November 1st, 1898, was presented:

Revenue for period of 12 months, to October 31st, 1898, to-wit:

Canal fees to October 31st, 1898


Arc-Commercial, Nov. 1, 1897 to Oct. 31, 1898






Incandescent lighting















Gas installation






Meeting #42, pp, 3.

Expenses for period of 12 months, November 31st, 1897 to Oct. 31st, 1898:


General operating expenses, labor, supplies &c. to October 31st, 1898




Executive & Legal


Insurance-casualty and accident



Proportion of taxes 1897, (Two months, November & December)


Proportion of taxes, 10 months to October 31st, 1898



Total operating expenses


Construction Equipment, &c.:

Construction, new equipment and betterments




Incorporation expenses, State fee, printing bonds &c.




Property and Water titles (Special)



ESTIMATES FOR 1899: [Hand-written double underline is in red]

From the above twelve months statement of the operations of the company the following estimates for the conducting of the affairs of the company for the year 1899 was made, present conditions as to competition &c. existing during said period, to-wit:

Gross revenue, electrical, gas and by-products for 1899, estimated


Operating expenses, exclusive of construction, new equipment, betterments and interest on funded debt, estimated




Interest on Prior Lien Bond issue, and The Pioneer Electric Power Company’s Bonds, for one year


Net surplus, exclusive of Consolidated Bond interest, construction, new equipment and betterment accounts


Under favorable conditions and rigid economy in operation, the Manager stated this surplus could, in all probability, be increased to, say- $20,000 or $25,000.

Meeting #42, pp. 4.

The general opinion of the Board as expressed at the meeting was that the above report would furnish a good basis for correspondence with holders of the Consolidated Bonds with a view to changing that bond into an income bond. The following resolution offered by director L. S. Hills was, therefore, adopted:

Be it resolved, that the Attorney be requested to make an effort to have the company’s $1,000. thirty year, six per cent, Consolidated Mortgage Gold Bond changed to an income bond, drawing not more than 6% per annum, and being none-cumulative.

It is expected that Attorney Young will visit with Messrs Sullivan and Cromwell in New York, with a view to bringing to their attention the propriety of substituting an income bond for the present Consolidated Bond.

CONSTRUCTION OF LARGE DAM DISCUSSED: [Hand-written double underline is in red]

A proposition was made by Mr. Bannister concerning the construction of the dam in the Ogden River. This led to many inquiries, and he made explanations as to the manner in which the dam might be built. As no bed rock had been found the plan that suggests itself, at present, is to endeavor to inject cement into the existing material, which is of natural concrete formation, and form a foundation in that manner.

Mr. Bannister stated unqualifiedly that 5000 additional horse power could be obtained by building the dam. The directors estimated that it would cost probably $300,000. to build the dam. This would furnish 5000 horse power at a cost of $60.00 per horse power.

No Power can be obtained in this country at so cheap a rate, because all of our machinery at present is adapted to generate and distribute that amount of horse power, our pipe will carry the water, and our other machinery will do the work.

Another advantage in erecting the dam would be the water that it would furnish in excess of our needs, for power purposes, by which land that we now own, and land also which is adjacent to Ogden City can be irrigated.

The feeling, after listening to these statements, was very hopeful concerning the future of our property, in case we can find funds to erect the dam.

Upon motion of Director John R. Winder, meeting adjourned.

Judge Young, in reply to a query made by Prest. Cannon, stated that in case the holders of the Consolidated Bonds refused to accept the substitution proposed, they might proceed against The Union Light and Power Co. as follows:

First: They may institute proceedings to foreclose upon the Consolidated Bond Mortgage, and sell out the property of The Union Light and Power Co. They would buy the property in subject to the two issues of outstanding Prior Lien Bonds, which are the $750,000 of The Union Light and Power Co. and the $1,500,000 of The Pioneer Electric Power Co. They may then form a corporation (to buy the property in) and operate it just as The Union Light and Power Co. is now doing and do one of two things, viz: Either raise the money and pay off the two issues above mentioned, at par, or such other terms as they can procure the bonds upon, or proceed to operate the plant and pay the interest on the bonds until they become due, then pay them off.

Second: The holders of the outstanding consolidated bonds may entirely ignore their interest and loose [lose] the whole investment, i.e. they may refuse to take any action at all.

[End of two-hole punched pages inserted into journal]

27 November 1898 • Sunday

Sunday, November 27, 1898

Attended Sunday school at the Ward meeting house. Brother Orson Smith, Brother Willis Robison, and Brother Jensen from Mantua were there. We had a very interesting session.

In the afternoon I attended meeting. A pipe being burst in the Tabernacle, no meeting could be held there, so it was held in the Assembly Hall. A number of returned missionaries spoke: Brother Kinsman, A. E. Hyde, Jr., Nephi Y. Taylor and George Maycock. Brother F. M. Lyman followed and spoke about 40 mins., and I occupied a few minutes. We had an excellent meeting. I enjoyed it.

28–29 November 1898 • Monday to Tuesday

Monday, November 28, 1898

Tuesday, ″ 29, ″

The Sunday School Convention was held these days in the Assembly Hall. Following is a programme of the exercises:

[Attached program:]



Singing Practice under direction of………………...

George D. Pyper


J. J. McClellan


John Held


Opening Prayer…………………………………......

Address of Welcome…………………………….....

Gen. Supt. George Q. Cannon


Objects of the Convention…………….....................

George Reynolds


The Sunday School Treatise and its effects………...

Second Asst. Gen. Supt. Karl G. Maeser


How to best maintain order in the Sunday School…

Seymour B. Young

Song “Hold the Fort”…………………………….....

First Asst. Gen. Supt. George Goddard


How to secure the attendance of delinquent pupils...

James W. Ure





Singing Practice…………………………………..


Opening Prayer…………………………………...

The Nickel Fund………………………………….

Hugh J. Cannon


Sunday School Teachers’ Meetings and their objects.....................................................................

Second Asst. Gen. Supt. Karl G. Maeser


How to use the Leaflets…………………………..

James E. Talmage

Song, “The Holy City”…………………………...

George D. Pyper


Home Reading in connection with the Sunday School……………………………………………..

J.M. Tanner





Singing Practice…………………………………...


Opening Prayer……………………………………

How to Grade the Sunday School…………………

George H. Brimhall


The Relation of the Sunday School to the Church......................................................................

Heber J. Grant


Miss Mabel Cooper


The Sunday School as an Auxiliary to the Home....

Nathan T. Porter


The Home as an Auxiliary to the Sunday School....

Joseph W. Summerhays





Singing Practice…………………………………….


Opening Prayer……………………………………

Kindergarten and Infant Classes in the Sunday School……………………………………………..

Miss Donnetta Smith


Punctuality, How best secured……………………

Lars E. Eggertsen

Song, “In Our Lovely Deseret”……………………

George Goddard


The Sunday School Superintendent……………….

George A. Smith


The Sunday School Teacher……………………….

Louis F. Moench





Singing Practice…………………………………….


Opening Prayer…………………………………....

Sunday School Choirs and their relationship to Congregational Singing……………………………

Thomas C. Griggs


Lesson on Presentation of the Authorities…………

John W. Tate

Song, “Hosanna”…………………………………..

Heber S. Goddard


How to conduct Sunday School Conferences……..

Karl G. Maeser


Suggestive program for Sunday School Conferences to be held in 1899……………………

George Reynolds


Our approaching Semi-Centennial Celebration……

Joseph W. Summerhays





Singing Practice…………………………………….


Opening Prayer……………………………………..

How to prepare a Sunday School Lesson…………..

Newton E. Noyes


The Bible in the Sunday School……………………

George Teasdale


The Book of Mormon in the Sunday School……….

John M. Mills


Nellie Druce-Pugsley


The Administration of the Sacrament in the Sunday School………………………………………………

Francis M. Lyman



Each meeting to be closed by remarks from General Superintendent George Q. Cannon, or his assistants, as they may wish.

[End of Sunday School Covention program]

I made remarks at different times, as occasion seemed to require. We had a most glorious time. The Assembly Hall was filled at each session, and a most excellent spirit prevailed. All the brethren of the Twelve who were present joined in saying that they had never seen such a gathering; thought it was the most notable they had ever participated in. Every Stake of Zion was represented. The interest was sustained throughout all the meetings, and everyone’s face was bright and intelligent. There were singing exercises at each meeting, led by Brother Geo. D. Pyper. It was the finest congregational singing we have had, and in some respects was better than the choir; not that the singing was superior, but the heartiness with which the singing was done was very impressive. I felt excellently, and was greatly gratified at the success of this Convention. We all feel that it will be of great benefit to the Sunday school work.

Between the meetings on Monday I met with the First Presidency and Geo. M. Cannon and talked over the Sterling Mining Co. business.

Between meetings on Tuesday, the First Presidency talked over the Union Light & Power Co’s business.

30 November 1898 • Wednesday

Wednesday, November 30, 1898

Attended a meeting of the executive committee of the Union Light & Power Co. and did considerable business.

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November 1898, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed March 29, 2025